8 Tie Canadien Champon, Wed. Marris 3017 Review committee sees More power ai' region ilautin iegianai Coonicil hoctd have taurr conteo ai osraaunaosiaand sest- aatninsarvds and con-r misosin he regîono nI cording ta nmbsers ai thert caucit*s Bilt tht Revies Committer Regionai Chairman Rtc I M rran tati1 the commutter ai I a meeting Criday that he i vanird the commuiter ta invscitgale lite prospect of J nîahîng te 'hitdcens Aitis Sociîety a iepocimeni of thep iligiottot toancit and the avionioivaus i.hidrcn's Aid Board ofi titervors secs to heF headrd toc a conronation( avec lie proposrd CAS hud- gel 'The hudget catis oc a 60 per cent ices %te oceo ai e vass divivriscd in terc that thet CAS wavoirS ii hier iv own ticounta t îl el heve vasc dvpicationv eing crealcd r (bahloî'i tc iscerary i tht' CAS u0v coscdered a tîprirtiet id tie regiant tatead of as indepeodent1 hodi 'ie i veevo angeed ("AS diteevtiri, andomeesaien hi ovni the CAS annuaa meetintg as a tiras ta scld theSociti foivs popsed!h6 per ent isudgtintarease, ciaî appeves t Se tie tst in t seris ofcnfotain Si'- tegoi id the' C'S wiii liaie 'The itigitti 's i,)l u i. o il istit t spialintecamera ilitttif tttIiatl ttper'son- ne] proiviris ai the CAS and tise prîptsci budget %%isli' theiCA 15is e rgon- ietiîne'- tisee days. the lom iee revîco og Bill t5i ditsn*t liîîat ils plans for greaerv'onrvoltlitai body. Tise ont mître agrerd tiai egsiatîo sioad ie viangcd îiivtip tiseiioardiof Iicaitisot As Il tandv, thece are w prosincial îppifftecs and cci ea t regiona I vctarvo on tie Biord id Peaitis Wite lie poilerna as nese pre vefe tsci. vtis possîibe tisai tie Boarda ofeaishcoatd pasis a prgram v shot tie matantsv sapport of tie coan- cil. whle the oard sesher- ship h; seighsed heanîtly ta lasor ai tise corcit. il docs epresen a mtnocitY O.M.B. approves severance Tise Otnario Mtuncipal Board hv approved an np- picatintvoral[andisrsccance lac Normas and Ruts Nwmani sortis vi Speycîde. Tie ses ecasce' application iad isen appros cd iy tise itegîos Land Division contmatce isut tppoccd Py tise Regîtînal Plannng Iepartmuent i ,report ioltheregiosai Planninfgitmmitier Pinner rias ideip id -lni ,ieiving ai isisdecistan. C G, FCiers il lie t 'li naird tiai tise intent ofi thetOfiîcia] Plan ,a viart disoaciagi' vattered iotaid deseiap- metItîwvr tise scisete landvererasitahie Pic titrenuiv rier wnevsie case t ratrocil. evertit otiser tle aotîr [bta lie iBoard ,ia.,n ivte satisied tisai the inirni ni TPe Panning An1 o'ul b osvrved in tie ionisc Frter. Ste S.srvvatrui tiai tise Board lv tie vimimivtt as a \%ol Si indebted iii a amiy o hieS bas arCaod land otr gcnrralionv tsd tiai tie loal rcmvntaoeev ai tie sil val o tc et isoaso SP tise Land Diîvîiîio Cas 'Tierrîore, vutsorne evtatîono tie Poard dsmîsseit tie Regions ap pra. pisrid tie decîsion ai the Land Divso m ite anivlvvueîithesvveraoec ' DRUMQUIN FUELS GASOLINE yIIIGEASES sM~TOP ils Son FUEI ANS [ATiNO r rA a Rd. 011 Brner Suav. 870-3591 Sottise tise planning, pubici norks or adminiraioanvontý maters si daev not have lv 'eportîuîocv'd isdoes so tva as a eavrtesy Rat irgatis theccorcdlcocid noiverrcir i decisian of tise teaitis board Ste stvroaad tISai legîcltson shaaid he igisîcord vp toRtive ennel more contrai avec tise Board tf Ilcaiti Mîltion Coancîior inti Watson ecisved Snrow's sentimentevnceeaing tise pttsvsiits ai the regînaS 'spandîne raie. lcie avared tise proposat (htis'ioctd maise tise Hoard ai iceaitit responsiisii'(ovtise cooanetiland vrai eves tan- tiser thav tisai Fie svggested tiset'AS. Pîolice Deprisent and Con- sersation Aviharitl socid ai isevndeetthecdirectlconievol o the regîn -"ivan scevseer oneîsilaison nand the oti ret, sot,- Se said. thisarman Storrov saidthPv itrottnve ovd eteoisalsy uroser iv ecsponsiPilty lit regîo [lie saîd le toakcd iesard iii thecday aisen here saaid e noin tirfrence oniiplana- ing maters ras the province. "Litentcontralis oShai or vont ond ltaa ooto S wai se are ge- îng," Se saîd WiSe tie prospect ai marc powe in panning ai tie rgiona1 irvet obisact plrased Ste.Stîtrno. camne ai tie ievirti Commutter tacoibers ocren't iitioat haSt le toascîior i.arie 'ltaaneii vondererd vietiseror soi panning soild Se ai the aeaitivicipalitys cet las opposed ii tie regîons He maîtcd iv taise tise ccc ponsîibiit: one sicp etaer ta tise peopr tison tie praincer svauggesvng. i'onetSscisiison saidisc m a, apsrt Scacce tise paosrrv l tie egion ad ocitonefinr01commSentcao irrîtiing a titsiome sais- itisisîo ta Stittn tiatci ca tit inot u Pl hm i "asan op n tG(oda ncontry ihcp scate omthing rqiotalent ta the Nes Teta- sent.' Dan Grdon, Chairsan ai the Reses Cossitec aid he ws ananoaped fros ise ta litschy the Regianai Plann- ing Deprîsent. 'What right do thep hase ta dictae" Chien Admintrtative ofiiicrErenie Reid 'deiended the ploones. "They arc not diciating. They are pro- iesianaic and arc staiing peaieccianat optntons bai the opinions arentL etchcd in iane," he saad. "TisaI c the nice tisng ahautil, se con the regtan. îhcy dont.' SteMrras caîd. referrîne la the ctatI. Oavistie Adstnictraloc Ken Needham satd Ue montý cîpalities have aisaya heen nahîecel iv hase cris ai vasmenis yod changes, bai antil nos ihey have case ras the prvncrshere loai gac'rnmcnt assnonanteol. tic saggestcd ihat sith the tiatitniegionalT 'reavarci' mendng itncrasrsvofPi1per ventin tPr tatcervaiefrs people in tise Avion vehan Sevce ot fnieerotisose inereases vwon tisceneoagh fi) clve i ftisevo vistiais bieng donc and nrrds vIlSe doe tnIise\Stolvalvaer sseiros Stv'acnieetitlda press vontevence 'ondat Tishe val evcales lavset'i iseen invrecsetisite 1964,a peniol v)jifil eavv 'lMst mvîîtvipalitirs isave I ravrd tiei'rates cevs I-s or tisvvv>ar Sic C. armer noird tisai wtrrates vootd Pr ta rerased b it 10per centin iieovgetvv n and iii pet, cent it Porlîngton Wiletis'aairaies Ocrenti iradti5 iv aiaiie Ste Carnîe dîd sas thtis'evev tisoogi il isas bSea 13yeorccinne use Antan vairs ocrers ised. tisey ave cvovet s siti iîgisertisas tise itocingios 'atise aar lvrcasinîelaie rtnieaSse , Mlitoit orc aSt ltinPs veae htintdîvaird Stîtin vairs vi avye [li issinceasil ovotîcear 'soscidthesrates Sa% 'seSers otiaiet inc vegionat govsrîmcst tvik n ,tOto egiona staff rrssumnîrvddi vsîivmvter ,tes as'vîvsilv'rgin Tise reevointeiidttiit vas iet- d 1)i i ' gîîoat cocit isîvautse v'îîvîv'l lit il vanird tavit t vitrovpas Pin s vs n Nioro tîîvaiol(lit esed foe vvititastt incrases mîgisi ie grvonss oi reonsîder cori arlisrveieuon t Site cviarca pot tac ils 1 h . saiS tisrear on tiiii igevavin'litea avvd ivr i uttise ismps isai an voue airea old ex ,isehelon ssecnas a lot ofi at and Ureqaîres a lut iii msintenance. Tisre arc îepvîvvv edisdnit even ko s iltise 60 per ent ta- ce se ri197-1 vavo*t ad (-ovugirSte Crse satd i tOTO8v1111 tc eqtrerd iv v-i avili on sung drlisco Ilidt il territuas absout i psgess or-abouitiS e ýiv oenil te Ystves.Tsve tiit's iv tr 1e (ils ilreasi ies' i etc oc tise 50v 30% in Georgetowfl Acton water rates up stuationo s a "drastie 110e' "Tise basc pivot iv taadequaaie. hitionitheeiseap anS prts oaiiO need repacement. Ties odfcon- dtions ta Selon are diiîcit iv %voris siSTh oc have a nomier o srihes agaînsi sac i yoa are in Anttn and onIY limied recerses iv dram iras. As long as ranis area pays is asn say anc ai tise adsantages of regîoat goveroimenit (epreading tie vovt do eni exss."MSt Corser satd Ste M arma aîd tise onty reîiefini store ifeoSa natoud le equalisvd vatev rates, l aoicd tiai tisre vaid Se non provincial assstaceifor tise praisirs vntcss Ration dîd go iv tise voîors noter rates. p poser ai the egint hece ilata tract the opporianily fac mare locai control and hnosiedse f shat ia eîng dose. Tiserengionsasai pyet tahen ocre the eitra planning posera ras, the province and daecn't sant l, aîtii the offociat plan is iniahed. Regianal Planning Diector Ed Ccssing han aid that he tateada ta chift hia staff that are correntlp vorhing an ptan peaitatnhandîr ihe nes Plrcaociiiiis once the pan is cospieted andthe nes ena- poniiities are tahen avec. The Bill t5t Reies Cas- sittee ic enamîning Bill t5i, ihe Bill spierncnting regional nooncit in Haton and cs ecpected ta report Sarkint coanci this csser. Up ta siddle age, hearl attacha are fîve tises mare cossun in mea thon la raies situation even anrar i tise tact that S976 vas a set sasser and ereascd tise revenues tierergivi voald odîarty recro c and tise inier sas rvvrptiînatly ecaoce ai tise esîd inier ihere wsac n esceptînnai namiser nifi orescervices aod isohen niains tiai adi casitishe regian an additînnal Broaien doso iv tise varions aian sernice treas Actons vhar ofthet$1500t aold he absout $Gi10o; Georgetwns siarc sacid ie tiS$13,3 Sitions's sace v sut e aboct $11,100,Sceingians sare saaid Secabont $43200 and iakisite's sat' vacid e about $38,0i0 MEETING 0F INTEREST TO COUNTRY DWELLERS Regarding Agriculture Code of Practice AT THE Hornby Community Centre (WEST 0F TRAFALGAR Oc STEELEnI Wodnosduy. April 6 t 8 p.m. Presentatiot bp Rnpresvstatives of MINtSTRY of AGRICULTURE aoU FOOD -OQULS11N AND ANS WL S' tIJOD* CARPIITSRACK Impossible to pay more! CAH CRY FACTOOY CLEAROUT5OM IL ENDSREMNANTGOFIPST QUALI TV A H & A LONG POLISSHOPT POLLSPSIGMT IMPEPFECTIONSPWE HAVE WE HAVE NO T AIL .INCLUDINO EVEPYTHINO YOU NEES TO GOIT OUSEIFPON A N S E A L I S A V E .P H N OU IaET RCE. - Cmmrau UNOILAT 9,L ICq 320 STEELES AVE. MULTON [RHT NXT TO8VERSCACR P! WDAuIY6 HRS &âUISKhip *LIONS S8N., TONIGHT I AND EVERY WEONESDAV NIONT -1LIONS HALL' MILTON MEMORIAL ARENA-THOMPSON RE) AILT R110 GAMIS AT 7:30 p. JACPT GAME $3OO JA*CKPOT CONSOLATION lis $25 PlUt 1FOR EAU I EGULAI GAMI PLATS FRI.-SAT.-SUN. APRIL 1, 2, 3 lss srVIXKEN' wuso'tmu nuuh... lt miss Moyen aOk-ý so much for any woman... tooa much fbmost men! * PLUS * "WE ARE NO VIRGINS" and "THE CHEERLEADERS" Boa Officv OPENS 7-00 P.M. Shoom STARTS ot 7:30 Mean vandals Menai vandais af tar yeae have ta Se ihase reaposaihie for brekng senerai siadawsaSaiseday night aitfthe iiihrldr home of a 97-year-oid wmans ho lina alose. Mca. Aima Cacaons nid "haodioss" ace ceapanihie and shte sansa the in carne bock aand repaire isesidos, oashr sutl find thesnand takesthern tacourt. Stases May have heen aaed baiGone haie in eoaad and looks ite a hllal haie, ahec aïd. It bhoe oth the aines siados and isideswiadas. ___________ PLUM BING Dîspiap tb. Nadalin electric announces the formation cf a new plumbing division f0 undertake * Residential *0 Commercial *0 Industrial CONTRACT & SERVICE NORK This ecens addition iii compliment one Electrîcai, Heaing and Air Condîtînning, and orPcmpinq Spsems Divisions. NADALIN 878-4111 FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE 3153 STEELES AVE., WEST, MILTON 8612 Coun#y Gardens Halton Road 9S 878-70223 Milton -1