Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1977, p. 3

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ExpIoratory meeting Historical Society attracts over 60 Wial promises to e te ieginning of a iisirinai noiety for te on ef Mi lise gel off lu a gond siari Tisursday nigitl mien ovre60i attended an enptrafury meeting aI Milton Cenral Liirary. Organizers ere pleased ils te numiser of people ns- preing inleresi anden tuiasm in te formaisenf a hitnorinat Society. Duing te meting an il- pereon steeing remmillen was appinled to conider te objetives and lise srucare of teSonity. Tise appinled sctade Spring brings grass f ires Thne ieginning of spring onater reiced an old preilem lueMiltien Fine iepanlmeni mtliree alîs lu grass ires on Seeday. None utfte tren ires as nerious and Assietant Dnpoiy Chiel Jins Couason cm mented tai muni mere ouitity lise ime te fine depanimeni Th istn grass ire icas ai 2 lis e te ihome of Adrienne Clarisson, co-hitelof te ('Btýs Fiflt Esiale progra m. on "ouetLier Tise second grass ire aiso ocurred on te Fourlt Lier on loi 15 around i p.mý Tise final grass lire was locaird on Hgitway 401 ai abonut 7 pm. The assistant depoly chisef steclaled tai lbise lire was rauserd iy a cigarette bull(liroon frum a passing car. on Tisrsday jusol iefore midnigiti Milton Fine iseparimens oas calîrd 10 6566 Fanion S.in Klbinde along witite Bsrlingion FireeDeparimeel lu put oula isrning san ielongeg lu Franit PeloTise 1977 llodge osensas dsmnaged mainty around lise engine ares soiere te lire orsgsnsied. Bill Rowney appointed to provincial body Billifussees, chiarman of te Milon ilydro Elecîr Commission bas ieen sp- pinied o lise Finance tom- aiteeliste fOntarîi Muni- ripaI Eleclrîc Asociation iOSEAIý Tise annooincemeel Oas madelaodas isy H.1).lamil- Ion, presîdeni uoflise OMEA. Mn. owney wll oe ili feloss commîsefunero front across Otnario frtue lteneol year. dealsngwisus lie fin- ancsal operation of lise as- Tise fOntariao Municipal Eleciri Asoaîni. i> odise spuitesman fon more lisse 340 municipalutisliîes trougisosi Ontario, lise commissioners and counicillors oflssiinitere elecird lu operate a special- ied muniipl servcecrand tuserepreseel mure tan 100 million resîdenial, com- merial sud seduolnsal eusslmers seeoed sy fie municipal dîisibution sysiros. and u'isuconsume lwoosiirds of te elecîrir power infOntario. Bill Cook, George Jackson, Elca Neoton, Hidi Knoait, Rose Feisbosrg, Len MeNeil, Jins Di li, Lyne Gonnas Panmets MnLean, Ted Sover and Brad Cîements. Tise meeting oas arrangnd by Jita Dilin, Len McNeil and Sieagit Conway. Dlls said Ibere oneemany oays in ohinli the sociely cmuid servn lise on and lisled fie rerording o islery, the recognition of itai whîcb surroonde s," and the deignasion o binleninaily signifinant buildings an goals Ihal couid innsel. He eoled te nid family cosur tiding on Brome SI. and the old arena on Brown St. oneesmong the many ie- formcai buildings tai msghl no betfarnfrnm replacement. He soggesled te possibiliiy nI input 10 te regînnal and Milon officiai plans ie fermes ot denîgnalieg hiteoinal boildings. Publish town 's history A hinslory of Mlton wrillen by Bill CooktoflMMltoe and 10 ise pubissied Av Boston Milîs Press osîl inn rrleasedin te middle ot May. In an interviewslasloweeit Mn Cooteaidlthe bookt iselta hissory in te rue sense, bul raliser hislnory roos a geo- grapie's poinio ciew '*lllooksalbhe peaisgrowsli persods in tl100. tein- dusiry tai resolîrd and lise .stimulus fan grosst. Mn. Cooit saîd lise book deals prîmaînly ouAite period beisseen 1021 and 1920. 'Bv nos means lis la complele bissory. Il's isssony fromta geograpiers poins f iew. Il deaislilislbees and trends as apposed ta a the people oho are paritaofIII. (own' s isiors' ThAns.Cooin concedes isoonraliheedown- als ite bok. Mn, Coois orts Iful l ime ion lise Peel Board of Edaca- lon 55aiansîdoons leaciser. As a boy bAoas fasrinaledisy loonssand as fie grec older iîecamr inînîgord o'isoun rassllîog lthr pasi I oi wsý Tise bsok os Mltlon is is bhird botîoblssepsbisssed. He says lie does i as a hobbiy, Buis liste Dille and Librarian Sitetagit Conway epaite outhlis nitage ut renurded hinfelry outhlie 100e Bushis ieued a ptes lu suce old documents, lelers, boonks or articles tai eouud e 8f bis- loricat signitinanne. Me. Gis noled tere wosea semi-nenlennial bookisand cenlennisi iboukson Milton, sume information in Ballon Pagsofute PasI, as istnlry on Brune St. Scitusi and a hitsry ut noveraI of te citurnines se pinled form. -We base many peuple coe nd askoit tuetient a informastion. Wr itaoepeospe orîling us frum lise Unitled States snd or go searninn bnut obalOr base is prar- linslty zilci," Mrs.Conosy. Chiet Lîbearian fotd te meeting. Bill Cooit, an aultor wo itas just i tnised oiling a hitory ut Mlton, empinsnized te ned ton sumeone lu record fieeperiencen o some oifte etderly peopls woo oll lise iii Milton. "AIt easel 100peuple tai isad inoledge othlie ioon's islory haveor d4sînre 'oc item brr.Wien you lose usai yoo fse a isif pari ai Milton." inn ssd. Bis bouok. lisse psblisnhnd 1il* Boston Mlîs Press and e leasrd titis May, deals ouAh te istnory othietoont'rom abot1821îeoî19130. Mlon Mayor Dos Grdon oas se ailendsece ai[te meeting He ottered te group any legilalice assistance or belp in gelling informstion cuncernief granis tas mîgit ite needed. fie noîrd sial 10e ball in a hisisorically sigoîficani build- sng. -Visiorsltell meittits somehitnglt e pruud ostand yo s siould itnnp il as5oga you cao. Leo McNrîl presenled an houe long stide prenenisiion enlitird Oue Herilage. Tise presenlalsun alienipie lu race te onsistsory iacis sorne 200 years. Tise slsde prenentalîn se coupird ufis sa orbial pre- sesisison tai traces hitory sack as tar as 17813 osee peaple irol came 10 Ballon. Il commeels on te for sosion oftetoon andisev sfeolopmenls along te oay As wil as commenlîng onlise ieginnng of sciools and ces drolsal drorlipmrls lise pre- scoision dealso'iitltecon- struction of somne of lise buildingsi o wn.100 'lAc sieering cîsmosilen wi elt agaîn in Aprîl iii c'iss risproponeil course loe thessscit ' Y wicisssll bepre- sentei oa aypublie' meet- ing. Ontario plans for Queený's 25th S'user medalîsoos for ail celirrlison plansfo ir saionchisadren and grsnlsaofi aomunsiies. 1030110f no aci to 0encosucage Ossîlarso granits isilise monaicapalalars 10 itold specasi il silie for tise spersal evnsare 00008 folarisis llA eelts ithia signitîcsni plans ton cleisraasng îise 2016 ri-s orie Araagesam parent. snacerears' ai Quoeno 'Ar 50,imiOO5 per lasieii's accession t l Ar 11issaîapaliî o . 9v liseone. îýaasliig lise ons cased Premiern Wiiasm DSica.,Ass isasls annouoa.ed liht acst udcnl lPremslir Dlis saad heandi ni riassili receivir hIs lis lamishope lis attend special1 aedallion moisîriseirýrsl i temn pc la is te alasasl sl s'ec cariaIs fing pîsoord in Jobien emisirnnoan aise oh-l)ntario ail snlebtinail lAe ver sed lise Province aif"silsa'c Jolilee Ontlario i otaiIf-Ans on lise Amassng (lise many specîal reere,.iuiliculorols already Proiductiono f, thlie scissîlleal arroa i its'r toiile madu liouns his o sready DliaiiuroPac n)n iegun 5 * ia u 'csîoncirl 'liafli TAeFrmier saisI ie ovilgi.ang Service 51 lise wles e lis ail manirapal o- af 'aledrai l'isarchls aif i ficials advissngtliera lial i oosran isos'12. a speci olne iof lise as tlie Dominion DavsiFestivoslon ssovernmenîa'ossOnaros lis1i sif saOiiisrîN.Psgeaoi %toiscs lai recoiao the Ar 11w lac adias inalns hissonasinaportiate iiiliii iCAh 01s, s eplisnrIl. Suver Jasisler s iaî in aorgng niunicipaliliiassd ,ilages 1 lrui AUTHOR BILL COOK chats with Len MeNei foltowing the exploratory meeingifor a historical society. The meeting ocas at Mitton Library. Mr. .ok itory of Milton is due to be released in the middle of next month. Mr. MeNeit ohowed a nlide prenentation "Our Heritage," based on the history and development of Milton. Sewage plant tenders $167,543 over budget 'Pisctsmiitrnder fur lise lion iasiril plantl s $167,543i sicr esinaol, acorsiîogfi) a report gascg blorr lise lRegionsl i'oliic Wosks l'aies milice Isday 'hlAc istender amas sb mîitd 1liv Varsosi' Issu srcinai $997,9W1 lnclud- îng an alloo'snccil $169,543 fi engtineerng asol o [inge'sies the orkisl] st $1s,6.431 'he rocaîri fad bl, s'c si s, rd o osi( Oi,îaî f isaI Milnii lAcf l'IlEnvi'on mens snd lOlili' isoancsng woufd 'cr $369i.725 anid $6835,33f3iossisiAs'sirscoumed iirrause oaihllirdersiim- i080 in isec bas .1ilicipslcd lise amaol sas(sic /cisentored oilAr 0114.485, giscc Ina rporlts is ci he tuioîlîr OOcs,C saiitte11c isectrlssc,,Pulicirs Boblusi Mioosre coplai'sl lthe pasitlisai andilthe mpactsssonson. -The rebcarges reqsrcl Ioi reps A hes' saisi i îisy olnscea'spcsiscpraias report ai, l l p rr p red îin isr ler uture sclllngout01tlie ilpacirlalif thsis dohr css o lihr ostsare soain Lis niltheAs' 5a'at er areai [li Buadgretand lise llfaraîîog Buadget lsor lisî-sî'aîî 1977 Il Ippilars saIni'sasai w Ilaî'rvisoprlled losreaao îsîrod o16r linaisciof as sa ogens o la a,*ns a sais satîlon poion, aof ai cres se lFI Jala naoOn MITNMf for hydro 1'le lam ieo oflicrnili lsndsapisii lieu f îîssîed iiiils i lisjslacis ia,îsniaari sarilis, jiss snt i n l î , r'ls,'aîîs 'landas scmaiis,0hsilwlaandalaisein land Aydr, eproprito Al iisrr.11r6'il Anclarosof operais1llsais lh isevsor isa iiialeith îaîa'u.'ssa1 ils iXl i nsii, hail ' trriets iii ;rade14 ,oneiieighaise la in c' listriigilo i,' r iares il 011d or te m ji plwrsialird Tise Canadian Champion, Wed., March 30,1977 3 -Classes are back in April is Cancer Month session again allere theone- and the local Cancer Society lseeitsillr schalhbreak, s ,taging ilsannuaî cam. .Marris 2125 iiltfor fonds WORSHIP NeTesaentwoshcssmle rctsad sincereTsen mlsenogaur sn etyeo f woshp smatl s piaso.ou God are qaide b seffc NewTesta ent tea-s,,is Thens lhnomay bn assaed thr hearenosl,,p,sg ispirit aad io ru John 423 24 VWe sho a,.,, n andaca-o 11 dong hehrl5s nl5al0cHeabasssr,saraca Vion4aally iî paort ass50o aasasaf,,,r,,IheS,,etaai osld mke worshpp-nMalhro 15 9 Asihnchuheo,C5safhhs.ll lla eaaNewsTestament laan tiey engages vaodist icta.s of os i Oc,l, 1) ThecLondasSacres ' annd p ot,,bisua Pay ln-k ., sraoaashna ,.ls 207 The ns.qal Grek n,ssthe fiSi saf Ie neso conanued seada4slP A-s 2 42 Aaa .12)snachrg, I3l f.lIooshp and 4 prisas Se, A,n, 2 42 -OS,.g,sg Ia3nihe, sslh he p:sa,,lý, l,acesîa,aoq alkog he,l5E cessan 5 59.Cas, 3 16 Woedo o, aceand do das,à , Ia,, tel45iennsct IV Gortafor, acaîha c, ,h0,Vas liI,! 'rî sa, be 1,0V ,algs Church of Christ 878-3272 878-3208 SSAi MAriNEr E M W.3,dJPJ fisans. 1 s2 Su se 3 Mon. 4 Tues. 5 Wed.6 Thul 7 Fni.8 sot. 9 Sot. 9th Matinee 2 p.m. WALT DISNEY nom i Also 2 Cartoons SisowsTmes: SSaa, o Tsars, 8r ns Fs, and Sai, _7ascm &t9hp.a *,SALE SALE -SALE -SALE -SALE -SALE SALE* 4j Mc#,m cA> * ith 4Jj 4j j Mi - Fa# &iie Shi 4.j Suis t îa ad woutrveoto an SaiSisdreso and sportl styles, J - .J e he /a!cst f/annelai.woocdo and se/ect feom permanent pressa and * teeds. cnos- usri pracs and oaiis 1 Re.S135-$2510 s.eReg. $10$24. S Sale * idep , Sale $5001 Cose feous ehe /atest otyles, us Inluadisg imports fraim Britaîn In hig> AugAQatpsmported and domeo ' and$domeoî,s Wastee aro * tic fabeuco, cordai, wsnter wools woai assdosetland, some seitA Ui. andisopoacis r1ecRg 7 51 ýj Reg. 285-$185 ehr.Rg 1 5 * Sale *5000' Sale $500. SWitCos C"lsuite * wa /stsliiagitasaOelyastyled ..Sirtand A wsde range of oeiected styles saaî/kI idaSst/o . insalit léeisn id fis l is Polyestercando and tws./ - cr/oas engtAs. Reg. $85$215 , Reg. $59952$135 * S Sale $4250dp Sale $3000 loi * A guod or/oct/on co cisaooe rous Fycr/siceaeossai aisd fabics. In bot/s plain shades 4and n . Oui cossplete se/ra'onfSu IkSa/a, r- 1V5115 Req /$19 595$42 9.5 .l1iI/,hV5 I dJ Sale 1 i0'~ Sale $11... MutnMember oSf MitnDometome Grosp '*NO0tXCHANGES ORRElFUNDS ~?-~'~'c< ~.ALTE RATIONS AT COST 248'MAIN ST. *OPEN FR. &SAT. TILL 9 r MILTON *PARKING REAP4 0F STORE * 878-3302 *DOWNTOWN G ROUF MEMBER SALE SALE * SLE *SALE *SALE * SLE * SLE*n Propose "swap f URGENT - Missing Girl - ~Anyone ikonsoiee - eisaof 15 ys old Valnsne Johnson egit 5',hais - bromnenynssîse 01040eas contact C.S.Rowlnya 253. 878-6727 MNuID N WI A DINNER FOR BALLOTS MAY BE FILLED OUT IN OUR STORE C1OIHI1G FR lui BIIU FlIR DE ~TMENT STORE Thum rs . MIMOIROF OR IiiMILTON DOWNTOWN GROUP t1119 200 Main St., Milton 878-9261 c ,'ONh:END S ii.iA ~ ON BASICS I~1 FORAND FASHIONS SA V IN SFORTOUR FAMILY NEEDS GIRLS' NIOHIIES and 2 PC. SETS s>9$9 Rg. $5. to $6. NOW ONLY ... 2-9$39 MEN'S T-SHIRTS by STANFIELD Reg. $375 Wiite or Coloor NOW ON . .. 2 9 MEN'S POLY-COTTON PYJAMAS s 0 Reg. $1200 Sizes S-L-XL NIOW ONLY .. 6 0 'ON" IST I -M.LLOFR U ETR SOKO iNESTOES BAES- SHES N P ,OW AES iALECOTS Lom, 10w pions is tise Kny to moing tis mnrchandioe and pos are tise Iocity 000. Planters, iangers, dîneerware and mucis mocis more are ail ou sale. Pottery seconds" are coming 0out ot son ears; we'rn trippieg oser thon mercisandine and w0e-vegoste omoca it. /> We'ill is open ail day, Satorday too. So islp yaiarsl, ieip os and gos in Oc some Horry in soAln 0wiofo elctione s boss. ýI1SI -Ei i S *AVN i JOHN VM. SECOHI) i I NISt(4 1 fi)878-51833 1 1

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