BS The Canadien Champion, Wed. MarcS 30,1977 Barry Coe, broadcaster He likes to serve the public Bt Nesan iaeCa(menrnîgni. hoý 'hamplin atfic nliimniti cantirai challenge îheapieionfana>hndidal siltreuned frtm sotceed un lite tanîrd Lu PLAY But wSen a persan ecarnen a sacrent, toasehtil, and Ba lacS as ltile ta do wmhil i Is the deler rtadustig ou munation Iha cutst ai She sationsBa ohee îeeran look buckand reflecl onnsheer stihuaiongLait- deeailitalon in hisnltruggletniuted. i wsareading Barry. a Miltn esidet i t munic direclor te moening, ani ut ('ltWl Rad io i Oiitakilr lie Mickey Mo Wiltîrgromîsng tp itManieaI. Barry chen,nsilllngne wondererd titiS, tiSler worhed ail day "i eauldn'i stop1 and (ietallndediiight cSool.BoiShe Barry decldri mtiheil s ather mate ront the stockI ond a joSfore lii Sto erame a director ot is ceir- i.KiX alaylua pats- Stiaerfs Barrstonosrealited he lerspentt'o yea Said learsed the ey la sucreti- clash gro elot motivation' drecor and bc g Aleilorpletisg hîghscirool Barr'y hs aoiher. mho enrolird in Humbser college ai Torontot ut îîorach cancer f commuicotatioan îd ornalttm e Sud 1970 tareS Loti isins ofberoiin a serions writer. antil gongiadde.Sbu Se saoue choltliradia rotas.St ut mhen dealh ilîrn WSrs Barri saîd "Le me tria il- and ie says e hS, sprt ifîesettsht Hodol '.gSis deaithand tug stîrpltrarat le irnshed 100 ears iof the mîadle Barry real lOre e eriourse ut lei the ime Sud an rnd, and smo rîîmeltorLinm10ganssomte nededetx- l[seealoerdone perienreil lie e mas fiilîs l: iS-le libtrlaning rame ai sauga, o wrk l'KiX iRadîi in tlaiidsloch ahere. durîtg a tailler, aSt mal 14 manh slintlOeleartedthr pracîîcaî smonlhsltheie tîsls oilte radr and learord fi "Se station, t'HW in Noitselnthtiiteair"e teierlopedhlssîrtt mdmîîoritgb asuacead ilotilioatrhong his Saludai morti do]t ttattlee rimkite,'oils leiti in addition Il hi hRock Scene ~ ~ By Nessa Gaeus In ny opnonn, there can e nt dnubt! The asm imprtantti rcgeasptaeserernere frontmCaadaisthe GuestWho. 1t Ifuanyhdy can lay claim tohave given onecountryuatname i in the recordiig idiitry,ti ude thi grup frrn Win- t npeg They mere respnnsihte for gisîng ther Cnadian F, talent a chance In e erd oulide ni Canada. Beire te ri Gamas Wht made eserything happen uny Canadian enter ainer woaSd uittty quîckty crsseil aser tithe U.S.und T lrgt rhere tSey carne rn r sotme unespiaited reusani aur country itI cknamtedge onty ISse Cnadian pr- Inrners aho maire il big omewhereelse les1i In 1962, andy Bacaut.CSud Allen Jim a Raund Gary S Pelerson forrned a rmck band, caird Cad Allen and the Expressioas.They neser arnaunird in unythîng big, ut t(Sm geaup Sud one St record: "Shaitun' Att Oer". under a nem turrne the Guest Who. Allen decided 10 ease the band and Ss repacernent muas a dynaric singer, Sp the turne ai Burton Curnrnngt Curmnrn aSd heen milS unother struggting band: the Dead Ruas. The Gumn Who wte gîsen ntional etpasaree. y te CBC, s in a ta year serins calited: Where Itis At. TrasgS ho iset-a panture, thep egan aingtauccestitoSurs arant Canada r a n ir records iere etig meti. SucS sangs as -"dock anP the Wal," and a"Heygaage Hardy- Ctearty dernstrated teptentiat Broring Canadu's estkhona nd as imîprtant! Or ma ti 'he GuesWho aîtird 10 prosr to aCnadias geaap casid maare il big and stilIt Itep their Canadiat dentîty. The f stng "These Eyes"_ made thal dream. a reatty. RCA signed thern taa cantructi n 1969. Twos sngs iornnwd, ilS baIn becomingilltiontselninltges: LaugSlng" and 'Undun". In 1970, te Ganta Who rade the big ime Thny ere ane ai the graupsrnahag rockrmusic. Intact, the Guess Who std more recrd thanany oOir group ine rdTheir net satg"-Ameicu Woan"aput danafthe U.S. ecue onie ai Oe yea't est sangs. Thny loarnd NarOi Arericu, mth grmaI succens and esen played aithSeWhiteBouse. Randy Bchratnl eegraup Oat er, ecaute emwas trdaofthenstreeuous ttourng and ther ieattiîn i(li 1973, Se and hSm Bchman Turner Oerdrise group hegan gainîtg recognition and are Oe mst paputr Canudian band, sînce te Guets Who). He as repiucnd y Ima Wnipeg gitar payers,lturt W inter and GregLeskiw. The "nnm" uest Who taanded jusi lite and the snges that Oey recarded sotd ani. hrne sf hse sangs ere: 'Share Oe La nd, " "Hand Mn Domn Woed-"R"ang an la oure.-dn"AthnýrtFt ather"uand "Raindance. ta 1972, Leshim and Jirn Rate ornl their oma muyn Thny eerepacdby Don McDouaguand BilltWallacebath ram Winnipeg. The rergatizd groap stl tlanedaoutuanumher of Sits: "Bus Rider,"_ "Guas, Guns. Gus," "Basting BacS ta Sakatoa." Dat Trania reptaced McDatgutt and Wllace, heforetheGuesWhainatyruttledilitiln 1975 When a hislaey nf Oe Canadiat rotS scene is ctmpited, pan cas e asurnd that the Guets Whoamîil]e remembereed-us the group tha madeil, hppes'l meser, lSe t auîd hSmself ed. His directar Sad tusi atiday in Staridu and y a practîcat jueonoi Barry SuppenedIlbe in the aiSh mhnn Smhastbssrrisnd Brry recuits "Se mutSed ta yeýMause suil nu crs and aît, spcnd igSloui!"1 g the news, uact ork in id Sere's this guy dressed up Uouse. eatitg a pîrce ai mait 10 me," recatis Barry ptaughing"- tis tç ease Woodsiack and r $IN a meS is5oser hSm t CFCO Radio in Chatham. eart there Sut a peesonutity aeenhimnanddthe progran ta w niostr aie.Then i. Sud Sera Sedridden mîtti t or some limie, died Juty t2, )it Surd. ltehnew sitet'01 >uti stil crmes as a shoS îttly Suppens. hd alay w ndered about ugStit ilas norneting thut teesl But tosîng hîs mother calme tSat lite dots camte 10 onror lter eseryotrtil 'ed again il mas 10 Mlissis- m itS cJ MB and lSe tar his as lîiig ta Brampton Aller r Se movrd lt ithe mot her t in ahsîtte.Toduy, lSe the Sont and operales the ng -Milton ttîrnîtgî how hs fulilfimie dultisas natte Drumquifl Bstuirs. eil 'aterson The meehty cachre parly ai -tarnhy Centre tus hrtd îaiurdas tlarch 26, milS eighi tahîes in play Prîae- oîn tnersmrrre Etten [irhorest. Mes. Muriha Riîchardson,rs.tFlorence Partons, WttSert lits , ( teathesto and E Browm- ridge Birihday greelingt la Andy Trschtrîî, JackSiSmpson and lteg Eies, conîgratultions and good 10 is o re andrs, itattîri ýMay as theit wordding anisiersar>thlis oeSk Heari Fond gîfîs hase speeded rîrluuity esery adsunce in curdioascutar rnedicine n n cenl peurs, prnlatging tSausundt ai tises Reduce pour rushx of heurt ailacS and steake, Cuit Sîur Otaurio Hertoundation for free infarmation ,ELECTRI CITY' 4la Our Butines$ 5tDn'i Se a TînkereealtO 0OHeatînt t e *Wrnq 0*NewCiruts 0 Itîdtoneai Outints 0OuGldani IuSit SFEATHERSTONE î ELECTRIC 8i8-6378 1taeey hais nd a ouininisiltiiiiand he tatis the huIs 'a tili).ýpc e- r' ir dîesist tiasi N'ihonlittiiiiuugroiittleh and tse the sinail t 1110aimispliiei' il suiit pitîesses ,mihinst lir gîîîîîiifîî'î,'SOîîs toit turing te 'vrtuiart i iii"sIurm ihat par.ltrcuiMilittn aitu iot tue ia Barir u egeSi rietigtlir uig ot Ss 'Set oýý(reesiiuingti iii uuttthanksta thceiif tlt Bre>t% lts aStle logel lui sork. liarr% îîî'îîî ic tsparlicuu iaeteld nit esdeau'uîu as-il"a ectponiuili . .a ,rveu Os' publut ti ot t i lu' St Bruce Apts hiiare Sp. indu ntlias hOs ii r,,iurli Ill utl m u sic an lu>tIniaeStiPtrickiisrrPa.Ltudsît .1 Nagenrti andilF lisJolieitl Seing te hast ai Milton Mnening ffert hias an ppotunty u fcus on a ar as and friendly ton 'and hopest lIt, by doîng lus pariheco muSe the ton en ttfllOr place to ive le hoetly y res wstihappent in Nol an egoisi. lfarry s nmore a privte persan, le ould aîher Se ftnhng on tome quiet laket Ian eing the focal point tf attention.lits ideaOta perleci evening is "stllitg bSrtSe fileplace. drinkîng corne fi er and eaing chips ohîle t atch the fhockry gamcý Whn e's nti orS ing. iBarry paints or reads boofks ilshittite les soatv o ilStirhe iimsi(luO iMlot and as an i pimistisrespanibleltir poblicily for Ihe tiptimisi oponsored Air c adet Squadrîts le alto dors tome orîlîng. in hît pare C'hrismast t Se lappiesi ime iof Year, Se sais, SowthtulSebat a non, Ryas. Christ ta ilt mean eset more.ffarry is married tolus hîgh school seittrarl. satan Canpelai Brampton, Ait inditîdui'ls future is likr atasploiird cus lcas inly speculaleons ua'tlîîngs tîl lare ot. Barry it a highl% isotiraîrd person.t.ottSgoalsSrS astyeituorach lIs ,îi i tuinistttiiectrnea prograrndirrttoe and ilreams ca etrrbcSealiaetf. Se tittd loverto operate lsiown radw ttionia *Stîtter aotiiltls me io a certain citent. li ai l irealîr m.oivties Itis added 1espîtsibilitiy. 1latItrtlBarr> Cor onfinalquestionila hertial atr inteirewro' fl*titere gîtes te pititre. oSaI oould tiiiîdoiofluni tiinil inîtîtr SîugShi' lîttalîssaîd: lîItiiofinglureecotulil ticiltstetyitg canada iiIaou t Serti Canada lîgehr' A siarl atiar irom'a iilua litaiton i s 'iolders. hold social i ptitiît ii îieit ied i i nnmiterut id liliire ilas iii Iih tutg song wli()[ive Nilv al su pan..l 1lîtîcri iaItingrui î'gi the 1'i111111g luia'jstue auth e ilp Cassed Iilih Oive mal > ttes l p.iii HAI\IROP 878-816 Betty Kennedy & friends Esery wer'tday'3:0(it t Ii ii' .î di ' CcCtCi ., 1 l' , ui . i' 4:.W)pm, Betty Kriei i îîtttu ahi , l 'i brig tals thealys re stio î i l î , iî' ý,iî' h il il u,' lull l ý,' i 'îl "en au iiy and provor ti v si ce t l lle ,(fN rit tat Naîy, Betty interviews iirBisiSif sth"nc, i bon i hi7n19i11 t B The people people isten to SHERIDAN COLLEGE i mefenilwi THE ERNEST C. DRURY SCHDOL - MILTON offrs GYM &t SWIM FOR WOMEN Keep fit and trim wîvth an i rmai grOPI'ap ii asii 9,tH' n, Iicii fotow it wth a reaxing, rfreshing swim. Let yctel5sel frI, simmer classes Seid at the Ernest C. Drury School, Hwy. 25 111 Milon beginnng March 31 at 7:00 p.m. and continuing for 8 Thursday nights for 2 hours each night. TOTAL FEE $1200 Rogistratiofl takes place et the school et 6:30 that firsi nght. Sa. Va, T/w.! PS. I sOU he nt yet îaoaiunithe nShieridain Clage 5rîrgSîiîiîser '77 Cominaiy Staii t brohure,. sut the Cllae ai8459430 Att f, comint Services,