the gifle were S san Mar- Omagh shall, anice uea an Jinny Carson. Pat ishe only daugbîer of Mr. and Mms. Shower Pat Ford before marriage Rbrord jst ine h CeeuPaltrnon gaierei le ono an prilOieter ai Montcalm Higb By Mrs.Cei atro ahrdLhora plte groom-to-be, George School and sladied for three A piranant ime e-an spent bride-le-be Mina Patricia Michael Hall of Burlinglon. yearn ai Carleton Unversity, ai, anyne Centre on Wed- Ford, wilb a misehianenan Mes. C. Marshal wan Gttana, and presenlly is a nenday evening Mareb 23, hewer. Paltean asisled in emcee for tie evening and journalint -ih the Ourlingios wben neighbers and friendo oproing the prelly parceln by yoang pepl e anining wilh Gazelle. Michael is employed ëktnmpion el tIf eiihhie fPlanning Board io Itorlingion. Pal ibanheif ber fins for the looeiy gifis toc their e home aod tbe evening legeiber. A sociatlLime w enoyed oer, offre aod goodies. Pal and Michael wiI exebange e-edding coe-si acOiel Chrch, Aprîl 2 ai 4 p.m. We join io tiîohîog 101 youngrcoupie mîîrh 0ap- pîneon. aîrîbday greetîogs aod good wsosto bMrs, Forncr Jeffeoil. Donald Prac,,cb, Jefi RdgeuNay Anre tipoicen, Paul Rtsac, Cristine Opsieco and Mrs, George Morley. -Eta Phi Chapier, Milton s mabîog plans for "Art in tbe Mal" OSaturday, May 20, Local art itee-ii dispiay baod made arts and craflo ait ibai day.t lesthas one tird et Caoadiaos wthtb ighblbond pressure rcei-le propre Thecseof ut boan beari vave t replace damaged valvcoes au pioneerrd in Canada. $46,700. FORE RT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (Across from Mail) 9jouQ vp fo a One 01 D WJtwAh % /on~ue t K, $41 ,900. ~b $41 ,900. Gary Thomas, Mgr. Billf Carie Joan Johnston Rob Cobeck 877-8888 878-4944 877-7210 878-2365 OPEN 9 'TILL 9 WE HAVE MANY OTHERS FOR MORE DETAILS CAL 878-2365 Tor. une 826-1030 MurilDubtcu Gail Puliru Sancli Kirtoalu Billie Kesseti FOBERT 878-2365 $431300. $43,900. $431500. 878-0110 877 6281 878_2874 878 _8943 w MILTON BRANCH of the Canadian Legion presenfed wine glasses and silverware to residents of the Bruce Court Senior Citizen Apartments Friday. Aurelin Mattiussi and Max Black of the Legion made the present- alion to Frank Jones, president of the senior citizen association at the apartment. The Legion representatives also presented tables to residents of Harmony Court Senior Citizen Apartments. JLegion Notes J bv'dNI. reenfield PublicR elions ofifler on rrdav the PoppN Chair- chat Ceccmes utthe a- e mariMaxlilak adommîni lecied ilie'îtpp> Boxes, tee Mlember Auretto tMat ihiisuheepartl iltsent A [tussitmade- tt,'tprseta ttluedttetîison st alsohas tion tItie il, ato theBr c en gven(ieeran Cuurt Sentir Ciirc, ttîngat SunnybrookHospitial, AssctionLîtThev te genandour oui, teas r a suspîtof lut,,es,.dtoserr itcr tîtretteit Tht- Ptpt turks, pic turkt,. tinoe obtcts Fundtîttadiiinstcictt Ct the and plua'vngcardttor theruse 'otpv (hatetut an,,d t,, oftthrtttlk livinsg i the Bruce C(,tiittte ad btiise isv aparimenlo tfor their actit î-tcsent tCir ,%av.hbut thct %ites uhen (0ev aiher tta- aterv hartlttîrktng and geter intelîtccltssuntlIed itetgra partttfcîcr La-gtttn commo roo. Brnchal acrou,,Canada TheIfolk in Iarmor Cousrt Nt totttttchto hat Pppv hpartments wccc not ftr- Ftndtdors ,co hi-pubttthed. gottcnscthe'tytcrc pressrddam lien- an,,occasion such as uith four card tablesfor thetr teprcuccitttîsoftast I-c cono or.Frank fot-- lai ttppen ss ceIlt t cccîtcd the gftt tn hhalf ,l ccttckntttî thei BruceCot.'sresîdeni, and Bob Reicd uobhaiîuofihe I,,Maxand h assiants, FlarntovCourt residens tak foiîtguud job. mcIi Il yuuhaveevy ,,ndered t,,,,, STANDARD SHIFT OR AUITUMATIC @NO DOWN PAYMFNT *BANK PLAN FINANCING .LJP TO 48 MOS. Il. TOS ID Sîor ot thce-e-bers arc î-ktguhe aoolher piture rameruit thc"As You %l ccc " picturcu oiltube ready, ut,,, e hohave submied phtotts uf thcmsets'es as 10ev ,rinuoîform. please be ts-,urcd toue photos are salle anttt aiiitg toc more mem- btrs- ttt pacitripate hy' uay ut thctv peltures. Su please gel ,,u the mentiboand send t uuv cotribuio lu me, or pot icinan eouîopr andithe sti-ad wiltmae sureilis t ucuardcd Soceti' yuu iould tOc tto lie prescrurd for postetv,ttuludn't Noul Apctt 24,, thc datc ut our t-st generat meeting. Wbat u'îCO Enoe tinie betidays. and thenthe istirct Conven- tio cumtng op. lis date e-as the lime tîsed Oy the Execu tv fthc hcaoch. Wrdo rced a good tarnoat ait to lite sniark yuur cateodar anod tiake ait, extra eftci t attend. ) uuuilttîc noited by umail ver*v slorttvttttîciatty of te-cm. place and date, and tht-oit s upto eachand evecy -rdtuar c ineoîhrrof Branch t tht,,o Itiecup lo thcubigatiton tliet'v oodcrt,,,îl, emjoîsng hc Lei.u Dticctl'uni eotioo is A prit 16 17 at Brantuord and tbrce exculoivc mebers ofouc Itraorhe-ili bc atîrndîog, The i'rîî,îciaI Cunentoninu is terc is ai Lodoo. and the oae il tein Mhay. When yau find the right house cailithe right mover! BLAKELOCK CARTAGE Local and ouf nI- loue- moutn. Yna wit llOt sur cdean wenIl equîpped trucks, ex- pert, coacinoas sec- vicr and mony saiqrates. Pianos are, a specvîalti Lcenscd and Inuored CALL US TODAY BLAKELOCK CARTAGE [TD. 5423 Britannia Rd. 878-5222 $43,250. $40,900. $44,300. $48,500. M $42,900. MUTIPLE LISTING SERVc il 0F FE RS A COMPLUE VEHICLE PROTECTION SERVICE CIUALITV RUSTPROOFING &THE NEW 1111111I E 1S9A IGUARANTEES YOUR NEW CAR'S FINISH FOR 3 YEARS AGAINST... I Watheî ,rdîced htppt-ît, ccg iavtftvlrti, theri Ihan Stone bru iesn d collisionst. 2. Guaauîcd agatîiîîdtîcotuîatun,tfadittg, tntthatk 3 Gutaran i, tlagaîrît LOSC 0F GLCSSC YOU NEVER HAVE TO WAX YOUR CARI We AlsS UPPIY & Install Body Sida Mouldings 583 MAIN ST. E. e CALL US 0 878-7978 BORN Milton