8The Canadian Champion, Wednesdoy, Match9, 1977 Harvey Mellon heads Milton Downtown Group Harvey Metton, omner ut Milton Deparinseni Store mas nansed chairman ot Milon Dnmntomn Group tor 1977 ni the grnsp's genereai meeting Sunday, P'eh 20. Vice- chairman is Paul Soeiand, ai SnrtandPhoiograpbic, and Zela tannin ot Harets Siatinnery and Cathy Haines ot The Pine Tree are on the PROUD WINNERS of the Kinsmen Heritage Day essay content pose with Mayor Don Gordon aftcr receiving their awards in Town Council chambers. Mairi Besi of Brookville Public School, in the Mayors chair won first prize and Heritage Month essay winners 'What Canada During the month ut FeLruaey, whîch the Tous ut Mlton uttîciatiy pocaimed Heritage Month. the Kînsmen Cuh ut Miton and District îssited the grade six studroenLsi he local schioss luparticipaitein an rsuy cuntesi lu belpi themn celeheate the anniversaey out he Canadian iag. The theme ut tise essays oas'«What Canada Means Tu Me, Eues though unly threen district schools participaird. amely Seouhiilte, Rohert Baldmin. and Spryside. the resposewas gret as over IN sudensuentered the com petilîo The essaysweealtmweiiucritten and it tomasy huursuof rradîng anderereadinghbythe judgeslIneventualiy comcup sit threer i noes. Il s untortunate that there couud oty he tirer as ail teessayn ere veey gond, judges repured The judges. Kîns Tom Logie, Jîm Rue, arney Hendesos and Sucrr Tonner extended heartiesi congratulations, oui usiy lu the theerminsees. hut tuiait ut the graderois studens whu etered the competitios Judgîog rom hat Canada meanssto them, Canada bas a geat future. they suid, The Hallon Shuol Sord, the chool principals and the grade sx teachers nf Brooilie, Roert Saîdmwin, and Spey- sîde Suhoois ee thanbed foe their assistance in peumtîng ibis 177 Heritage Mnh Essay Connest Winners ere, iet, Miri Sesi. Seuooille lchnoi.a rophy ad a'Proudoh le Canadiaopiand$75,to tihe schuni. Second place, Andreas Thi, Speyside Sehout. a truphy and a 'Poud iohle anadian' pin and $50iothe school Thrd place. Donalys Hand, Rohert Sldis chon, a tophy and a'Peudioh le aCanadia' pinsand $25. tthe schot ece are t he ining ssuys: WIIAT CANADA MEANS TOME In the speîng Canada means lu me, atchîsg tue the iet dattudils lu poie their heads up rons their loup uîster seep. A glacier tangiog lîe a criais user the meltîsg turquoise ce ut Lake Luise or the tient hiles lu iIy user the skies ut Torono. lu the sommer Canada means lu me cumîng in10 a col sione aemhouse un a hot summers day. or eing rates alice hy itachîies and mosquituen or ecen lumpng is 15te reezing cld aers ut the lahe ut the Oanagan Valley in the heat othte sommercsonsTttlso means themide open spaees acosthe prairies ilh prairie aes sîngîg and themwalee ens'nests lihe casiies ith muilu In the ait Canada means lu me, cumog ach 10 Srookville P S ,rcakngleaes andhbueosg them, putlîonnthe storm wido s dgeuing readytorihe cold harshmwioiee tucome' Ad in the witeCanada means tome, my nose freezing as il itowîli taIt uff, myhbrothers partsuleezingmhen he spills a piat ut ater ohle eedng ue horses or Mountîns ai the Roya Winte Fair itighbya roaig lie tomeit my iogers and tes aller slatîcg, and the Clîcadees os a sot agý Sut Canada ait terc round means lu me. almot perier- dcuar ouds un tie Cahot Trailtihat are almsi orse than radu on the Rcis or havîsg the talesit reestanding structureinithemuctld, otakiguoffeaeiyluogelthomein gond orather tcum the Maitoba lorder. and the peuple are tieodluy. heiptut and itereting. Due esampie foe that uate- met is Mr, Seens rustîinN.S ho iuanamanîng schooner uldr and auvus w en i torîo Expo msud koof tim and his shoner hie uit thece But Canada iss many things lu me ts ard lu say them al, but Caada imy homead andthat is reallymwhy 1mrote ttisiessay andthbis esayIlhupe shoshy'mnprudite a ('anadian. By Mairi Set, grade 6, Seookvilie Public Schnsl Deltu'ery " HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLa WANCE " LOW COST TRANSPORTATION " NO DOWN PAYMENT " BANK PLAN FINANCING " UP TO 48 MOS. $75 for her school, Andreas Thiel, Jet t of Speyslde was second and won $50 for the school, and Donalyn Hand of Robert Baldwin won third spot ai t$25. Means to Me' l'or many, maoy yeaes me, the Canadians haue bren sîngiog a soog. Ths sog has bren susg ietore clauses staried at scisout. at ands or concertlu, and hockey ganses. Ths sogsuof dîgoty, asosgînobeuecy proud of. ltis asong dedîcaied lu euery Casadias, hut musi ut ait tl n dedicaird to Canada ' A mst specai pace totîueîin Yes, itîis ose eryuwn natioaathemi1am tathing about. If t urre lu aub peuple arouud, about th is îtoey ot oe national anthern or hum the Canadas flia gsas ceated, sonse peoplemwuudotisom a single thîng.Thatsmhyi1bave learned a lit more about iis maruetiouscouuntry, and the eytfat ofhsuming srnsethîng aboutmwheremwe iue excites me, and many ther people may lent thesamemay. Il is easy lu tahe eseryihing toc granted, but reaiiy, me shoutd att taise a minute unce in a hle to appeecate tisgs mre. Wcshouad thînis atut the great espenss puttfortb to hase prodoce us tise supermarbet eveey day for us. Wenhonid alun thînb ufthtie rîesdty rrtatiunship me have mtb other coustines. And ere su iuchy to have insurance potîcies tor tust aboutcu'erythîsî We are ail sutortunate tohave these grrai uppruitiîes ail arouud os, hcsomecountries do'î res ishave tupe ftue Canada! A grat place toive, and t hpe everyhudy feets as peuud ansdiappy as t do' By Andreas Thie. grade 6, Speysîde bol. WSHAT (ANADA MEANS TO ME Canada meansu tisrmost ieautiuulcountry io the mueid. Canada cas't iscp but ie eautitul mth ier large tret, thousadsoflaises and rîoers, tsh. irds, masy dttereent wîtd animais. tatautiu mounitains, tatis, and sume very iuurtymtild ltuuers. Caada asuhaumasyeresources intheo'ay otnminerais. Therer s oi, utat. zinc, gas, copper, nckel, uranium and etec- trîcîty. Canada siares ait ut er resoueces ith other Canada lu me meiios te Suensme, ld Quehec Cty, Peggys Cosete Stanley Cup, St. Lawrence Seamay, the C.N. Toer. Grev Cup, Ontario Place, Assiiboise Park, EaionsuSlanta Clous Parade, Deebaker Dan, Cagary Stampede, Victoria Day. Staley Parkbandon andn. Mostioftai Canada as peuple, the richest esorce o il! Canada bas mnuy diterent peuple. Casadians cume rom att user tie uurtd Tisey iaue hought ail ther eneegies. talent and traditions mhisci ennis ait our ives. We aisu have native peuple miouontriuste greatly lu our iertage. Canada means peuple woui hîg, living, and costatiy cntebuiîgtte fturseeofCanada. Whlotaotnaturai resorces coservtion clau r and ail peuple woriîig together fte tc aiseutfour unsiey, Canada means 'foresier' By Donay Hand, grade 6, Robert Baldmin Sehooi adrertining and promotion coneiter. A "nem idean grosp" mas aino namrd, inctsding Huby McCready ot Stedmans, Frank Hamb ut Setecta Shuen. Mary Coas of The Mngginn and Barbara Haines ut The Pine Trer. Val Grîmsham mas eeap- poinird esecutine serretary Permit issued for restaurant Largeni single building and Carpet Shacb stores. permit ssued in Mitonnin A commercial renouatios Febeaary mas a $202,080 permit mas inurd lu the Mr. permit tor a nem restaurant Ssbmarîne iens tue ai 324 St-etenAve , Mitions renunations 10 the tormer Building Inupector Riay Frosier Freeze store on Main Weido repsrerd ibis weeb 10 St. and. three snge tamiy Miton Coancît. permîts mere issurd. lotatiing $111,400. The permît mas issurd 10 Total persils issurd in Hans Saller, mho plans a Feheuaey, $323.880, rîngs the restaneant on tbe properiy, toms s total toc the ieuttwIo located hehfind Syres Carpet mothu uftihe urar lu $028,140, Mrs. Sansali hostess to Nassagaweya W.A. Mes 'Jean Sassait m&,therotterîng and apleasaot liosicslu lie WAumeit otea lîuuc floiurd. Association ut Nasnagameya Preenyteetan Cuech on March 1 ilh the vice presi- dent, Mes. Mottes. in the chair IiUIIuU meeingmwith a reading: "To- are 7 dayis mintea gifti lcuiiGod. The hymnnWhat atriendmwe g saur in Jesus' as sung. O PL ED N tuiioed by payrc mth Mes. Fraser and lite Dredge87 - especialty mnriîused. The Wortd's Day ut Prayer 15M i t- to bcheld a Euenezer Church mas announsed and also a pst-iucb napper at Nassaga- meya Chuech toc Apeit i7. A lettereas ead hy lits. Pattersonsrons tisedirecior ut the Theotogîcal Insttute Lîhary inrespssse lu a K donation lu ihat mission in I . ' Huanaco. Pers. The conuesor, Mrs. Sas- sait. tankbas er esson rons St. Mattheu, the stocy ut Mary Magdatenr oho mas gises an hbor tha coutid soi he taben auaî. Hersc e mas "Wonsen ufthtie ihie" by ý H.V. Morion. Sary liagdaenr. ose ut the mosl tathtut and tîautîtut uharacterus i he Sbie, has bers terrible nssrepeesested by * egesd She cteaet '%oc- usprd a position ot grai prumisenur amog tise wonen disciples. Hersnant' e cnnestfirstiamng thertist ut wmnenuisumîltnessed the crcs SnsaIbm eread tise HARRIS STA poens -1tiGi. dotuglue me 182 Man St., whentu miîe,il'nshtessedîin- derd, the tsrid s mise"87- Mrs, Furmeey dedîcaird 1and publie relations con- Membees approved sponsoring an antique show and sale durîng Steans-Era weehend. Named lu the commitinee osere the secreary, Lia Duigsan ut Mill Pond Antiques and Andre St. John ni Andre's Antiques. Discussion mas held on moviog the Farmers Marhet tu Main St.and ciosing offta portion ut the steelt s Oc- comisodale it. Mayor D)on Gourdon pointed oui ihis wouid he difiicuit sînc e ac wouid he hioched for lire deparimeni and emergency vrhictes A summertîme mati us Main St. mus a discussrd. Memisers aisu dehaied the propsi tohuîid a Safescay food storeus Miside Dr. A voie mas posipooed ishen tl was irarsed puhic meetings are scheduird tue May or Juse il thr Sateuay proposai passes couneit. tGus Goutoushi mestîîîsrd the ,uccess meechantu have had sn Franhenmuih. Michigan. There. 157 stores sponsor promotions handird hy o puhlic ireltions peuple and thousands sisit the toms luuhup is the unique stores.I %ssuggested somne tiDG memheeo s sihe own. JURETSERICNS j-Miln.on -696 --2 _ - a. Mestlty retarded peuple are vtes capable ut much groater deortopmevt thutu had yreuuuosly been tisuoght possibte. Attougi t tey learn ai a stumer rate tuen titers, the dnuelupmecîtallu handicapped cas trequently devetup shîlis and abislities tai mablir hem toise intnqrated insu tisei.oriiiiiiy 's ai holf, T he plan iv aciîi-iiiev l, -i i , owi a- Cîo[iIIo ity Ling,. s admînistert'O i y tht MMiiStry 'Of Curisis' ,,îty and Social Services and S socted in partnersip ilS local Associationfo tueteMentally Retarded and otiter concernd cvmmunsty agenclnu Hasicatiy, it catis foc: " cînation anA tundîsg uf gop loumes and otiter bînds ut community accummodativn " increased sambers ol mursitops and life silis programs n eartp infant stmulution pcugrams, parent relief and deoetopmest prutectu " accesfnr deoelopmentally itondcapped peuple tuaa fli range ut commsnlty services. Att of titese actîvties atm at ochising a itetier qsaltt uftflie for Ontaros devetupmnntatty itanducapped, and at mableS teir roperionces s surmol as possibte. Downtown signs wording Conilr m Wato nliss igpsitig t ,Mitions domotomo "business ara s dscriminalory, as there is mure than une husiness aresainitheltomnHe tried , unsuccessfuliy Monday es'ening tugel Miton Conseil lu change a cesointion irons ast meeb authuiing cnuncil io spend $834.50 un ise signs okayed hat are slaed oe say doms omo businss area" 'y dropping the tanttwio moeds. N-ose monld second bis motion, so il died. "Wr are adnertining tor a specal group and the renl can psy for il," he cbarged an the discussion ended. The Halton Dairy Princess wiII h. at MH1,]TON Saturday Afternoon Mardi 12 Cheese samples courtesy of Dairy GoId Products Ltd. 5o%~ OFF ON *UNIFORMS *MAJERNITY DRESSES - TOPS - PANT SUITS SALES Regt7-9C Ns 11 .00 SPECIAL SLACKS Reg. 11m C Nons8.00 N GREAT BUYS! »i~~ 78-7370 Thte appruacis a new orie A guud une. A iteoithy une. Your support and underutavding can isetp il uucceed. For moue inturmation, os iv receîue te free isoullet Secuîog the Mental,1 Retarded,-contact pour local Minsutry ot Comuvity ind Social Services office, or Mentailitardtot iii,niinitv Servic.es DuueluPmevt Brarici 3rd Fivur, Hepburn Btock, QuoenfluParis, Turonto, DOntario M7A t E9 Keith Norton, William Davis, Minister of Premier Communîty and V ' Social Services (5 Province of Ontario BAZ ... . R LTD. _______ 'Comînunity Living' presents a new future for the developmentally handicapped. ~iThis is what Ontario is doing about it. m a