Gray says Agricultural guides could quash dump NatiRgiiml h. v Actaiý segi oa sant n stuctin for pil ca. -brui' at FUN AT J.M. DENYES: Students at J.M. Denyes Schot had lots f in- terestlng proets lia kecp them happy and busy as lhcy tearned îew things tast weck. In top photo. resource lechnician Ed Ritey gives a demonsratioi in sound bo Grade Oie chldren Jennifer Hawkes, Marion Gitieî and Glenn Zimmerman. aI thcetclmentary schaol ocre gîven [he opportunity [o feF sound by louching the inside of [he sereno mue as they listened to taped music. Meanochite, the combined Grade 4 and 5 clases had a speciat art session i mask- makuog as part of îtudy unit on Afrîca. Giviog some pointers lu Mike Baker (betoocl is leacher Andrea Duncan. Decared May 7 as Girl IGuaide Cookie liaY and gaie f appeoatl forGGudes aid s BrouîtesM tallab es Milton Council brie belwe ýé n - Receved a comptanti fromt Isabel Thompson. (Cantiued frram page 2) -Asked the Parks aid Maptewood Cresc- about te -Learaed lFunk Seeds Iecrcato i Grcltoto lok condiion ot Thomas St. Iternational plarst el no i dedcated park in the Curncil decded tao rite Mes. minte t ease on the~ former C ampelîl egts subdvsisonl Thîmpson and notify er the Nasagatsrya T oonship 11lampbettsdtle.tîttîo'iîg a road wtîl bereconstructed Municipal Biltdigat 'r k requeit rontJohn G, Purdy thus sean ville. efective Mav Il NMs Pudy nted tere ar 33 bAgreed ta pocausimtebue s cipled and [bren Agreed to peoclaim teeb ot Aprl .24 I ta sa ay bcclose tio5 cbuol aged Canada iieek Jnr25 to jatt Dental 1itealth 'ectin cbttldeithe develtpment. t -Receved a letter troi: ATNGMATC Bran T'.Aiins, tbe archteci ATNGMATC wbo desgned the Mitony, Mmora Arena. akig tat hîi$im be oconsiidrnd ifa ~DANCE ne rn s contructrd - at HOLY ROSARV PARISH HALL - -Appinerd Gary Smth otf: 139 MARTIN ST. MILTON tbr Wrn ad Fotuldi tient, Tornto toreresnt he MARCH 12, 8:30 p.m. lwina court appeal oser ENTETutNMENT rEAURIuNu 000uD Ais MSItC the Gtario Municipal $10 PER COUPLE BUFFET - eFOESHMENTS Boards jurtsdcin i tbeMuioanu - Sprîngbank Gratet case.- TICKETS idiOM MauaORAJOiN LETR OOD a878734 -Aceptrd aninvitatton trBRAAORLSE -)8867 a GOTransit presrtatinin-- Misissauga Marchilt. abr Toronto Transt ltperatig Athority tutît discuss GO )' 1h ProsMont and BannI of [Dvctar trainiexpanson andservices. s o __U1DNGO The Children's AiSait E4UILDîNG O f teReffionM M ucpabiy Of -E X PAN;.N _______- Halton cidally tnvte yîu aid yiai Irends Ou. to attend the ANNUAL MEETING J~ > ~ on Tuaday. M"rch151h. 197n, t &WIp.;Z Planrina aomexîti aorrct eairw l0 htHv 2100..oh a.rburtuairttcn SPECIAL GU S SP A E pio. arnro iimmunttiaontiOw E TS EA E Yaaraldtttlba" **iMR. JOHN G. ANDERSON"R teati nind itaeti niaw ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER 1r rOqIrmoyFbrtocures iiOaniSOCIAL RESOURCES comrd marrinfrai rieaird w MINISTRY 0F COMMUNITV te SOCIAL SERVICES e phor l-416-87-BM VEYOEWLwM DHbLMETALBUILDING 40w V. 6. LOfflMmM.A.PmW.s SY8TEMSINC wONP~. 30 S .Ma tMloi ot .5SS5IS566S65666S6U "terrific prabemi" neraitag 240 acres if prime farmtaîd fan use as a regianal taidfitt site accardig ta Provinciat Cinservative candidate in Hattia artingtor Gerge Gray. Gray tld a meeting aI tise Mittan Area PC. Assciati tat the pvices recet1 ainaunecemeit f taagk iresi gideiies ta proecnt agricat- tarat tands maatd make it difficaltifan thc regici ta re-1 zanthe laids at the crnier fi Tremalîr aid Sitannia tidi.j M. Gray ackiomtedged that a demnocratin vte adl beci taken alciaicit aid a motion to go ta Site F carried tt-1t. l tob a position a tong ime ago ibal faconed ml- tipe sites. My psitoiasi't ckaiged aid t pedict thatnii ira ut the nets gides fan agrîcltarat laid, tie regiar witt aie terrifie prabtems trying to reone the laids. They ae ctasi ane laids muiart. îbey arc a long ay framt grltisg ilt," M. Gray iaid, drectiîg is camment ta Stuaart McFaddei, presi- dent if the citinens' gnnap igtîng the dump Mr. Gray noued ikat lie irst threees il regiat gavenmeai meec iiarked wit te feling otiat il bappen iext" Ne suggesied ikat the tact [triillas îou ctected ils wncarmai wîuld give souicîilloni tire reasnotr workîag sîden is direction aid tittk cacb otber. le paîîted lu the Bll 151 Oesew Commttee as ai efforsta remise dupicaton aid improse 1he rates il regtioat goerîmetin Itatton. e ctuîmed 65 pr cent of 1he papulaini Ointarioa s aider regîoîat gîvernmenl and tikenat promss ta dsbaid regiiat gvermct wiudienrbe carrietitut. Thn tact Ibat regîonnucai botots fods ai oie pr cent cms ihan unden tbe otd casîly system stands as ai advaî- Lage oftegioîal goerimeit. Ne cammended thc coanicit on it îoiag ouards tbe establishment ot an idustetat desetopaceni ranch. Mn. Gray seoed on the urban trast issue asa chance to rap the ederat Lîbenats for breakîîg anîectîon promise GOI Train service 10 Milton s o)eo the pogams aîgîîg ib e balance, te explaieti. G;ray reparted on efots ta base the costractti oo senierctizen aparmeils in Wr Il $ho" yoa hot. Sui00 regSel $3.00 omr=lg CatI Fre 1-800-261-0573 S. Paul Unied Charah Main Stree & Jane Mlton Maidap: 7:30 Durnu he eetng Contory CIab March 9. Phetps as preideit, Sto MtFaddn ice-presidersi, Kay Mittiai as seaond vice- presidrit aid Maria Reis as secretary-treasarer. Federat Riding Asaociation Presidet Bah laies an- iaaicrd a taaidiig meeting if the rew ssoaaciation wifl ho beld in Aprit ith Johm Crmsbie af NewfotOdlaid speakiig aitishe meting. 10ie iew attaiRidiog include. Gabîtîte, Mltan aid Actai aad enclades Erii aid Gergetawn. Rtirng presideit George Kee said the Miltan Aasoacia- tion kad plaiied a "Gerge Gray Week'in Mittan tire eeck af Aprit 4 aid a meeting At Mountsberg id GEORGE GRAY Farmiand proterîrd *Maple syrup time again! Ose af the lrsi sigis af spring [e Ontario is the appearaice aI trcsb maple syrup Aid startiif tbe eeerd ut Mancb t2, Oe NRCAs anoaal Maple Syrup Demamitratiai milI gel aidermay ai Maunt- sberg Wildlifn Cetre, lacated west af Campbeltville an Tao Lice. The maple synup pragram mli cantinue every Satarday aid Sunday ram 10 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. antit Aprîl 17- iicluddmg Gaad Friday, Easter Maiday and thc week ut March 21-25 lwter break tan the schlatchildreal. Admisian aI $2.50 par car entittes viottars ta tbeie chauce af a hose drawn steigh r wagai ride ("The Sagar Bush Es- press) au mdll as free admisiionta stides aid mavtes umuide the iterpretsceCentre aid demamstratiim n makiag mapte synsp. Tree methads af making Oie saeet synap mlI 0e ibami: the ancieît lîdian metbad: the iran bettle aid fai pan meibad; aid tbe evaparating mettiad. Pancahes mîii0e srved aid syrup pridactsanad recîpes mlI 0e ffered tan sale. Fan mre inomation, phonr thn NRCA office n Miton ai 878-4131. - 878-3272 878-3208 MILTON wed. 9 Thu.O0 P, il 1se. 12 2îM.r~~ c~ah. ies.inq f '4::z s ,. 1 3 a .. 1 4 tà.. i PTM - M I mioGME wq. 16 Th.l7 1 . St19 SAT MATINEE 2PM. MAR. 16 -19 JAWS SORRY - SILVERI STREAK POSTPONEOI TO APRIL 20 Show Times: Sun. ta Thues. 8 p. Friand at. 7 p.m. & 9p.m. Yo;uth Network expansion Halon Yaatl Service Net NaaltnYauth Services Net- aid ibare cmmanity mark hetd a socceaofulaauaI mark is'dedcated ta hepîg rsaarccs. meeting Thanoday in avîtte yaurg peape illthir reeds and eterted ai eaecatine ta carry o the wrk in the reit year. Mais aim aof the rgasna- tiar thi. year is oaexpand the mrk inoaNrthattai, aidG toalcocmmittees are keig fsrmed sn Mitoai by Bill Tam and in atta iits ky Eric Balkind. Rai Caaptaîd, Directar f Naaon Cidee's Aid M'" & acey mas garsispeaker L w u T mrd id gave senerat prapesats fan the graap's camsideratiai. Orgaizrs repart 63 ai- teided the meeting, ictading O 26 peopeainder theage of 25. N G #f I Chairmai fan 1977 l s.n AND> £VUfIVWEDN!SDAY NIGKT Carat Gaidiig, as DabvitteH Ll caurcittar. Vieepresideita ie H are Jahi Gitteis, eîecative Lo i L directar af abvitte YM -~9 YWCA; Mrs. eatherMITNM MA £ -MU MRD Galdn, attaiCAS; aid Bitl U? US ~ -- Tam ofMiltoan, wmon s a higk WUT MM &M Mi7:» pOU. seboat principal in George- Mrs. Penny IACKPOT GAMI r3O tary. Gary Bnttan, comman- JACKPOT CONSOLATION $75 ty services directar at Sheridan Cattege, waltI bad c mRGLEGM ap the cammaîtcatians conm ni5 RIuFORv. AiKRGLRCM mitie _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Kaloi Ithj 1'a Smiftg? Because we're opening our new greenhouse an SaturdaY, March 5. Corne and see aur friendly house plants and indoor gardon supplies and breathe a bit of spring! Country Gardens Five Sideroad - 878-0223 Mardi Hours: Weekdays and Saturdays 9 - 6 Suîday 10 5 Closed Tuesdayn 'I YOIJA 110 OATN Sot. March 19/77 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. et Thompson Rond Mamerial Arana * ktg," 0music & Dancing e Spaghetti Supper Tickets availeble et Eli's Feuil>' Fetwoar 221 Main St. Milton EATTHE FOOOS YOU LOVE AHDSTILL LOSEWEIGHT la[ 1 1 counterweight - à PEOPLE WHO CARE -1 1