Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 1977, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 9.1977 !IruipOfl Editori4 JPage One more spring? Fromlise vuntage point f RutIle- anake Point lookout the weary days of winter seem 10 be meltisg. The fields are shedding their snow cover, the farmlando ure awiting the warming cycle thul will muke fhem productive, and Use valley with ils criss-croýssof couds, neatly organized fieldsaund patches of bush is a pleasant view. Contrat thut pastoral view witis the tesseneas in the ciambers of the Regional Council us members debate wiere your garbage will go ix the years uhead. Perhaps the electricity in the air cun best be re- flected in the tact that after boucs of debule und discussion backed by weeks of the same und $250,000 in consultante' work and reporte, tise final vote went Il lx 10 in fuvor of Site F. Suddenly, with a little imuginution, the view f rom Rattle- snake Point lookout takes on a differetîl perspective. The 240 acres of the regiosul dump site stand out as a blot an the formerly pleasant pastoral scene. We'ce 5000 burying tons of garbage each week fcom thcoughout the region. The winds are distibuting some of the lightec material fac and wnde. The scavenging birds are in louds and tise effect of the blot is spreading. There isn'I much coscers now in the chambers of the Regîonnl Council. Il's a few years since the site was oponed and counillors are pretty iappy il wsn't located in their ourds or even ix their muncipality. Tise talk of resouece rocovery isn'I pcomiflent in many discussions because the technology really hant advanced 100 fac and tise coste are prohibitive. A few more acres t Site F seema 10 be the easiest solution wien officials are remisded tise area ia filling capidly. Perisaps hefore the imaginative scene above is enucted there may still ho ime. Certainly Regional Couscil approved Site F in a demo- cratic, but vecy sarrow, vote. Bol juat us certaisly tisose who opposed tisaI decisios istelligently and per- sistently wll continue lx figit il. Tisat cas meus delays of mosths or years ohile aIl the iearingsanad ap- provals aire sought. Tiose mastisa or years may yet force a more equitable solution through the utili- zation of smaller dump sites more strategicully located tisoughout tise cegios. The moiti-site approach 10 dumps hafot been politically pal- stable. of course. Il is uccpeted that nu ose ounts a dump feur them. Certainly Haltos Hilîs didn't wast a dump t Ashgcove and thul oas hnund 10 influence tise thiskisg of those cousillors oho usas- imously fuvored Site F. ix Milton. We'ro uiways pieased to meet readera and me meet some ix places oflea removed fror tie local acese. Os tise weekend wO ex- cianged greelinga witis Ontarios ombudman Artisur Malosey oison ise addressed tise Ontario Weekly Noospapor Associaiosa con- vention. Ho bas a farm ix Milan and il oas a privilego lu ho able ta express lise Asociatuons appro- cialion for a tisougisîful address t breakfast Friday. If you Iiink tise farmer bas a simple taak, you porisapossould lers. as we dîd. frum tise l)tbuds- max tiaItiere are 53 statutes n lise Mînistry of Agriculture Ibat ce- laIe lu farm-orionted problems and counllesx hords, agescies and commissions tisaI are making de cisions whicis affect tise farmer. Thts wisy tise Ombudsan has a directorute of rural agricultural and muncipal services 10 assist lise frmer ix is dealings with Ue Ontario bureaucracy. Tise delivery of Use wenkly issue of Tise Champion 1e, Usse oulside Use Milon ares is difficult 10 antici- pals. Chatting wiUs a reader in Toronto recently, he was reparting Oakville and Burlington repre- senlalives oere splil, but op- position fromn those muncipalilies is bound to be similarly motivated. Parochial bias hpx to show. Similsrly MiltUn dont want the dtimp near ils hospilal, within view of Rattlesnake Point, next to homes or on good farm land. Milton wss, however prepared la consider a quarried ares ut Milton Bick. We're flot aware of any other municipality suggeting any site within their limits as an alter- nolive. The subject is a difficult one for regional counillors. Thats ose of the muasons consultants get called in and pid os well. Subconsciously the politicians hope someone else will solve the difficulty. But alas, consultaints merely ouline alternatives, submit their bill and leave the difficult part 10 the politiciaflo ugain. The bIt gimmick is s public participation program in which professionals tuke the pulse of the community and provide that kind of input. Un- frtunalely the communitys blood pressure doesn't change, until ils wuy of life is threutened with s cancer on the doorstep. Many in the urban centres dont recognize the pcoblem either. A suggestion h01 residente be usked la limait their disposable garbage to ose bag a week drew gales of pro- test. Some wondered whut kind of nonsense that cegional counillor was proposing. But the mounting volume of gurbuge ha a direct re- lutioship 10 the acres of land required for disposai, acres of lusd taken out of agricultural pro- duction. The regisasl dump int s reality yet. But t bas moved from the speculutive stage lu the statua of s confirmed location. There are more thousasds of dollars lu be spent on testisg thse site and Iis could yet aller ils uppeal, but tisat should hardly be counted on. There are hearingsahaied, poesibly ap- pels and more iearings, before the scuvenging birds owoop in os two or three hundced acres of land- filling sporulions thul are really the regionul dump. We're still hopeful that reuxon muy prevuil and omaller loctions muy ho considered in lighl of heuvy opposition tu the choice of Site F, and the nucrowness of the Regionul Council vote. f t's sot a ime for beisg com- placent tisough. There ia currently a relenîlesa murch toscrd Ue entrencisment of Site F as tise regional dump. lndeed there may be osly one more spring wisen we cas lookout f rom Rattlessuke Point 10 see tise fields shedding winler without a large blot on the farmlund. isootise delivery had improvrd. But back os my desk oas ishandful of complainte about lenglisy delsys in getting tise paper lu tise Bulisg- ton ares. We're sorry about those delasn d we really dont knoo ohat to do. Our local office is loyal in cieckisg lise complainte but il seema difficull lu guaranîe con- sistescy. We keep ioping. Il's budget lime for musicipalilies and hourds of educulios and some ofthtie statistics sound a litîle figitening. Tise Board of Edration ha working on a budget up more tIsa 12 per cent front isat year aithougis Ieres a doclîse in pupils antîcîpated. Il's internating lu ses UaI Use esculation ixlise cosl of lise 110 Hulasn Regional Hesdquarters bas already sel in. Whal oas lwsyx 10 bave been a $2000000 building has 110w been increased by $220.000 50 lise Heslis Unit cas ho includgd. Al lise pressure an tise Halton Region Conservation Authority tu move ite ieadqurters int the building cas now ho seens b bavesa motive toc- anoUser opprtunily lu increase lise cet of Ue original building. Al these figures are juI estimates aI Uis limetIna. NINTER HANGS ON and a fresh ayer of snow descended Monduy lx smind us il wonnI officially end inil Murch 21. I poîd a chaah ito the Canada Pensionî Plan. Theaanly way t can gel il hach ia gel aid. UarmploymeOltnarance cool me $172 and Ive neyer bren out ut a jb0 in oy lfe. The union cool me $325, which is pro. hably sed tor a Iand toc a stiîe, anuheh 1 wili not porlîcipote. Inoaddition,.lhey lesied Me $1.750 tossrd a pension plan. By the ime t gel around la collectiîg froos il, oaeroaIwiosuthags wmut hase huppened Eilhe V lil Ore dead (and t heur there arr nu pensions anOeuvra , or My axoual pension wou ieO ocrt Irer loves o read and acan ofteanswlth inflation. And the mhole thîag eopaads doivamard. The provincial maltanaulis me for hard-lue couds tto collage country ultra 1 doalt bave a cottage. scerd ruilers, gruiogisis. fishiagîinspeciors. OalO cre for carry hypochondriac in the provinco'. homes toc tOc aged and homes lac tOecinaneo and homs for foster childre; and ahundred tther lhings i do 001 nerd, TOm Ithe rouniy tubes ils sot. t Olp puy for reses Lnogo and gel druob ai thecGood Roadu Conventioîn. for CoutlHeallO Units, Caunly Assesoors. Counly educa- tional empires. And lînuily, 10e municipal malta pts thr geacsltome, for araus t dont skate i, swmmng poolsî1dont smîm ta. eailly salaries toc the lîremrenanad coîps and esery ther bird hOsco gel os 10e puy- But mheo t say ' Do't vrutdowa my irees. peuse." bhey tel ie 1 amstadtng tn the u'ai ofprtigres Nor dors il ead therr. uatoriunaaeiy, IL comes rigbltala y ouron homne and ils doua Osidr yau au yur oisahrarth. TOe old lady munis a gourmet coohhooh. 020. tOc daugter maIts $.50 for tees lac a aotaersily course. 10e so tiuld base a uitIle donation ia Paraguay la heep im [rom sarving. 10e graodhoys nerd e shoes al12 bachs araltle 1donîtneed a singe one othese thags, yt 1athe one mhOuas the lambouee coastatly shakîog ander my oe Theres sîîmethtflg ruag mth the ecanumues srtuy ai uur auciety. This conclusion oaa the anc i came lu aller cbrckiîug sarimy 'TO orm theotr ubday t tunedwht and then red when tsam mbot cvery'0ady iv clippuog out of my puy cheque. Thc licou.ad mrai drduction s foc on lon as TOc Irds gai me foc more ic taxes tan nmo ard-aarbuttg tather ev madeuinlthettobestSers of isfile Put together TOril I sarîrd oderuog abat t gri romOt ltawaorla my tbumpuug cotri butuan. 1îsasa'tcaxactiy impresedmwhu1 oued it opy tdon't gri aril.ire or uer piaymetuaaueaancearorteoid age pensionu or tOc baby bonus t get 10e Trans Canada higituay. mOîch t useeey 12 years.ti1can fifld aspoltutn the nrsrr eoditîg lne ai Amrrran hauling traitera or campera 1 gel 10e ('BC, wOtch s anc o the cauoîry 'agret losera. fin- aacaly andcuituraiiy. 1 gel tOc lî,uuuules. Wlî neds 10cm ? t gru protecltin from aur galluol armed] tarses. u'o o stiîd proabbly urestir etoelnd i(o a droi th01100db1 wuaud'i braon il. tgel the prta'ulege ofi cotriuag lu Ibose biutsiimc pnîsions ofMPs andcivilservantts muh tberrcosy, ulti n eacaiatuoI1haise tOc pris îtsge ai kivbuag i tha Ottio Lanig saty ai unud lube Henry Kistongu 1 hep pick up the tub lue ihose ictirai- provincial meertingcsilthee ast oflhisti vo OUR READERS WRIT No tes other neec Therfoloiug leter la tOceNMayoriand plritaut Courrs ttors tous ilrd oulO Iis nuraspaper clubs toc publicatin Eduw TOc Mayr ad Cditiiotrs luegotU 'or a ltI agr e % MuiltioOt.i' ta cutl l3cae Counicilrs, nMuvu Nom tOt tOc drciauo hua t) -rioade tla ayor negutate for a 15 acre str adjaccnti tiitOc Miiltun Distarict Hugh choul lac another iem arena, 1 would iîheto exrpersssonne.'sttaîern un bebaîf oftufelOou-skating esdrîtu' ut Milton. Mre pope tuday are rraluaung tOut phyacai actiuaîy and guud iuruth arc relard, Hoseser. u nuttere.mas iii o readrats must icari ouI ot tuan tii play tennis, squash, lue and smum. Wr ase a '5Y IItýCA sîragglîng tiii atsses in Yoga. erp ftI.dansead rafla i daty churccbhulsanad oher unsuilable loctiona. Olur Miflon HugO choolsi mmtram tuods il dîfcuit 10 compoîr ilhothalOsifittu choolshrecusrprcie timr aibheE C. Dcuey pool ia lumled Young aduils and ___ sentior rtuccas havr noasuitaie mes-tng place foc aocial actiirs IL sermsu outir that itutncîdli,itid ml?, deîde inîuserdrsgOotrd parbiatt It tii 'iti t-rt- ault he tiysuheîîtîtt dionations lac a coiplrl te-ut î.îîîd rccraluuaul entre r em hos iiiu., oho uouidaotasupport aaother aeoa. ILaîuld L etters we/come TOc Champion beliees anespopor must brua csmmunlty fortIm and trua I T be uccomplisbed bet through Lellccs t1010e Editor. 0e ixvite reudera lu expresheur opinons thrsugh the nrunpaper Leterra I Q munI br igned. sbould br an concise as possible. and meach The Champion office befreasals ox Monday. Sing ormailiyour i letteen ta Thc Canadian Champion.,19loi Main St. E., Milton, Onario, L9T 1767 w Sugar and Spice aîî yaih pb îîi pemier er hard ito thrsauocehat lmound opin a verbal doîîayheoub 1 alaît receive thc prîvlege o beiping lu puy toc Sbyshop bribes ta Quehee, anddnas sieur bribes an Argralîaa aad lord bxows t have the addiluoaal pieauue of helpixg ta puy toc a mildly poiîeatisg civil ser- vice tOt otteen me sucb nessetials us riaupomera. aids teling mec 0011asmohe or drtnk 100 mach, andd st quantîtues ut pro. poganda chu rd out by the hucha otOy- toua oa 1e Rideau. 1am peemtîrd taorhlp puy toc thr aa- nuai deticits il thr Puat office. 1e CNR, Or, CBC. and practicaily aay other "busneass" cuby 10e Iedn. la addition. ithe'l et mec in lu beip puy oui native Canaduaos milions ut dollars for a lot aI muusr psture and tundru tOt msait worth a piugged nickelountil somenen deci.ded ta rua a pipeline heaugb il. As 1said, aamebudy ha guIthings Oucb- isard The govercamrat fcrs meuh alsris ,tbugsdo'want or need. an alis to oirme aay outhtOcthîngu i do nerd. Anta Ous uaiy 1he Orgiaaîag. Imsurance compnes are iabufg nito the ceaxerst lice, lite rcm. OallO. automobile, And thetifflit ooy1caa gelcven islaa et fieo th osstutali up 10e car, conîcaci a dsabiîg dsasc. ordie. tldorsn't aerm fair. MORE LETTERS ON PAGE BI l idea great projci for nue sersicer ouhingtreohaoutit.aditheaaisraetr- itaaedcpothsrtelie prise involvdin the cansdrraly amaiiai Villforarda cpy f ths Jtte othe usrd fiy varuios parties ta sepacale ais' or Cauaduan Champion. It ather foleury snict1earo. irae mrmhrrs of our cammosity isuwth ibis sentimenl.tm the uIab them on tOc aher haad. mot-Or l'm lucby tOut ib is ler utoth1e poper. add their I doa'îsed ansingeletmtlron h nl ýand addrass ad formard il la Thcaemtcenîs e, Troms Bail. Milton. liai of gachage foc ubicb t am bruag slip- Yoars traly. pied.vou haverîogeualdaorsbc rstapud or .loaaBruard,(Me. R.W.) poocla colrct mtstioflthrm Neo bouses were climbiflg steadily hnti irough thiEpucture oas taken ix Junuury 1955. Tise scene is Bell St.,*juat soutis of Robert. Tise ares oas part of tise Fallingbrooke Subdivision lisat included a cking major part csf Use southers section of lise bon. Il oas ose of tiscen major extensions 10 tise toms ass buit durins Use mid-50s. Tise otisors ogre tiseI lassMountainvieo ares and Kingoleigis Court. One year ago Taken frontthe issueof The Canadian Champion. March 10. 1976 0.ose thOe worst lraffic accidents in North Haions history occured when a stolex car drîven by an ig.year-oid Acton yoalb wefti oui of contraI ai higit speed and crasited inIa a car wtb six yaatbn an Hwy. 25 nar Acton. Ail seven people were under the age of 22, and ail died instantiy. Milton OPP officers invavIed in the high-speed chase reported the car was travelling in ex- cens of 100 miles per bour, altisough later reports lowered iis figure. The tragic accident prompted an investigatiaxnmiat igh.speed chases and fficers were ad- vised la use utmnst dscretisa ix simitar sit- salions. Milton Causcîl approved plans oboy and rexovate an ansd gas station on Guelph Line north of Campbeitvitie. The purchase and rexovation, la rosI ie3,tf6 wauid in- clude a ire haIt, recreation centre wiib ten- ais courts and isso gas pumps lo be rented oui. Hydro emss10 bomeowners in Miltan went up Il.9 per cent. 20 years ago Tatien fraie the issue ai The ('anadiancamponia, Marh 7,195 Milton ratepayers have organized two groups of residents 10 deal witb ronds, gar- hage disposai, mail, hydro, sidewalk, dris'esay aad other problema. AI Letsuffe heado the Fallixgbroe Ralepoyers Assoc- ition and eommittee members are Gonrge Ilibson. Phil Garber, Tom Taylor and Byd Lamh. Resideata trom $iiagsleigh Ct. area have alto organiaed a group whicb inclades Buse Lîne residents.lis Oticers are Art Braadhurst. Mro. Dorothy Bron, Art W'iii litassn, Brian Besi and Bil titRddell. Mlon Pontiac Chiets scll enter the Senior B group semi-tinals againsi Meatord Kihis Friday. minus the services oft 197 drtrniiica Ted itugbeo received a match penalty tocrîa'uriag a Georgetown fan wth bis stick Friday night wbea the Chiefs ctosd outtheir seaso witb a coxviacing 6-2 ai vec the Raders. The penalty carnies a twot game suspension. Foocie Brattaloxe is oitiog oui three game suspension. The population of tialton County has an- crcasedlîy oser 50aper centi siior1951. Tbe oaiy toal ta 00,207 mite i was 44,003 in 1951. A prevaicace o mumps ta aoted hy the Balto leairuIlUnt, Ibere sere 20 cases regîstererd taFebruary, There mccc 17 cssof chîchco pos, O measets, O scurlet lever, 3 whoopîng cougb and 2 German 75 years ago Tubies feosi the filesOf The i'aiiadiaii Cbampian,. larch 6, 190L A big lrab mas discaserd tathe water mata ai the corner ai Main and Martio streets on Thursday Il badl heen there for soueaimanid as reponsible for Oth om il oftOheaier lit the reservoîr, wicb aas supposedlto ave beea caasedby last lait s droaglit lie vpriiigs sapply pieniy af ýa[iteaiillstioabcp the rcaeri'oir full il there arr nos lriks Tramps havr Ocra numerous lately la tbe nrtO edofthe cauntry. othe 2lst iast tae was arcestid arar Lîmehouse and sral laonfo tu a ays LasI Thursduy nother ,vas found ini JahnLiandsay's bousexrear Limneouse Hrresisied arrrsi andGeorge- toma magistrales gave Oîm sita manths. Bramptan. uiti a population about dîtubîle thal ai Acio. poys threer imes as niuch for municipal salaries as our couxicîl dors, Their municipoallîffcers for 1002 bave lier aippotird as lliassTJ. Bla, cierk s2mitJ. J Maninig, treasurer. $200; A N Bcaddy, sourdue rot taesad 001er rates. $225; Tilis, Moare. toadmaster. $400. Jessc Perry. ,îa'îî assessar. $100, W . Beatty, ciostable. $31 per monih. S. Rasson. cure- takcr. $22.5;'dm. Huaier.cenitrtry sexton. $00. totai. $S.K50.Aciaca officiais lac doîxg siiiar sri'eeit'tg $620. as toiiows: R, 1Il licOania ssesssr, cotieciar. coud- ataster, carelaber ai ail micicpal and scbtl praperi y.etc. $50T, T Mor, clerb anod rrasarer. ti50. J. Las. constable. $2hý Olivîer ltrigrea , ai Bayar. has a sou wsich gase hîrih to 20 ltte pîgs about a wrrb ugo. 'l'ai dd.bal the ceai arc ail riglit THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MIS/~ DtLi.h PRINTING AND PUBLIaHING Ca, srD, c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~p sWl 5i5i' OOm ,sti . ,c s ,tmO.mII n, p,.C.t't.m tIt ph 5 tu l ,,alt. . dissm t5 Commen ting brie fly 'I - _Inwimgt 'S

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