Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 1977, p. 39

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Joan Meilor speaks at Emmanuel Mission"worker y OnymoD_ Miss Meflor worked in central Africa, Se relurned strip which gel Mision orber Jon Ml- Milton for tree and a hall home fat May, taking an thon the southi fo, trmerfy i Mil ton, years and was office arfier thon onualfufrfough 10 bas annuelf n retarsed ta Emmanue Bap- manager for the Campbell- avoid o staffîng probfem afler saine cropu t tbft Cbrnh oecenly 1ta1tell ieese Evangefistic ifînesu truck masy of the Chad rerestlt churb frfemfs about br work Association when she final fy mission workers and frfoogh six years of d in tie Repahfic of Cbad, cen- flotilîrd a lfie-long dream and chedotes bad t0 ho juggfed. desert ads'anc rai Mfrica, and tise people was choses lo go work in the She aiae spolie aI Emmanuel Homes are witb wbom she worked for Chad. She mou accepted as a lofe at year. Whife in iChadians fear overtwoyears. bookeeper, andling the Mil ton Mims Meffor as as tbeylfeel evi In a slde show ondi tafb fisanciat end of tie TEAM director of the cbrch choir. the corners) Snday evening, Feb. 27 she work in Mondoo and in twn She opencd br 10k witb a and roof aree toI d of the poverty that rafes otfying mission poss-one vivid explanatios tf how stolhs. eds oi the mies o Chadians, theein the capital city o hebafem Chad sa underdeveloped. She bre groond. N retîglous conflicta and andouneet Kouto. TEAM as bold o the lite of o Chadian food, is cton spirituel igoî)ronce tat exst ahout 1,000 misionary woman, who woofd no bnoom Iere is enot and bow otssinirieo from workers spread troogh 24 wbat 10 do witb most of tbe rtioned by1 The Evangeficat Alliance areas o the worfd and the Iingu affluent Canadians bowiîlfai Mission ITEAMI are woring mission in Cbad. estahlished bave in their homes of tbeir mission disti to bring Africans out o thsein 192o, bas 322fied workers. refrigerators. Chad ls poor, breakfast, wý darbneou and into Godu tlight. She lfet Mil ton on Marcb bas no ports or raifrouds or witb water. "Many are stilt living in 1972 and ad to spend 22 roudo osable year 'round, and "Cadans darkness in Chad onigt,' montbs in France, ferning 10 10w saturai resorces. The prebend os lu she said, a no10 of sadnem uspeak fluent FrenchisSobre nortbern all o the coontr y lo Mettor smitec creeping intober voire. completng bai joocney tn desert, hetow Ibal a smalt Tbey have BACK FROM CHAD, AFRICA. mission bookkeeper Joan Mellor of Milton spoke and showed sides of her work t Emmonuel Boptiof Church recently. Shes pictured chofting fter On her heart and mnd yeai bac boo& mis A she Em Mil ta Ma My Cha ast on]1 ai My L gor (T Mis aSc bai Shi eig the Au Shi rso i She $ s, The Canadien Champion, Wednesday. March 9.1977 B17 describes poverty in Chad oewnpopors, no boobs asti no marriages are suit n vogue, niversarytu cetebraletievrry When sbo eh las) May 10 jas) 10 tiegrees nonS ol Ibe 15t a litile rois, àers port wbicb -aou and wbere cas. ho grows. y esporienced droogbl and the ied. euually round r suoare homes if spirits bide in îand tbe walls mode of millet are mats on tbe Millet, tbe basic nonce a day "if îgb. Millet is tbe rburcb, a a lime. One tribotes instant bicb is mioed cannol rom- being fat, Miss i noTV, To fho service wth Emmanuel pustor Rev. Dr. J.R. Armstrong. Miss Mellor moy return tb Chad buf foots called fo Aunfrlîa s us mo Next mission: Australia? hen Joan Mellor rerns bOb le homeSheis anso anti dy ng 10 oîer posi the mson fbld lalec bhs atemping o rase enoagb sncladngther atîlin Christ. r, ste may not ho goîng money ta partiy fiance ber Many ufth1e Christians it h lu Chati, Africo 10 set toue of duly overseas. Cad gave Ibeir ]ives, raîber 1100ue er worh ut Coss are rsing andi ohile il Iban compromise ibeir faitS. hhkeepiog service lu tree otiS $270 per montb Io eep a Others ocaheneti. anti orni Io salon stations. mission oorber in 1he fiedi initiatiton rites. anfsralia is becbonîng er, moben sie trs lofti Mlton 1 toniont1ngoen B tld an audience ai 172, il nooorota $400 pr metoe oas ttaeîg 10 hr manuel haptîsi Cbrch in monili Some of 1e moe meatîv ay as tro h aiiseti u ton ai 1e conclusion of a comes fromt TEAM lirî nasor wîi ioaion kon er lite andi sorS in lîratquarsin 0USA but Ari tis orrepliiton. id. some bas tohbera ied by 1e toieswrrpred 'Wen t came home last mission worSes thomelses. Unforiunaieiy. somne oth1e ty, 1 i tit h1 ave pacein Tlie rosI inctodes Iran- top rhurch leaders oraheneti îheart about roiurnîog C0o portato., hoosîng, satary. onder pressure anti atisseti id she admîtteti Laie mettrai roveragr anti ail lelievers Io do as the ayeac ste faunîtiAsralia incicontal espcnoev lily goveroimeol ordereti, il ereart and onher mind $185 othe $42 isfor her dsobeyingowould endanger Ci ondered il Then Litiiîîîîtl.yai tiiiise.iiilierssbiotlit in. is drecting er iere. 1 tiriof ler taths, Miss The churh oas spiti over the wiling lo go bacS ta Chati, Meitor os appoaing 1or issue anti as a resoit 15e i 1ant 10 ave pace it prayers toc 1e missionaries presidefltof1the churh ban îmnd firt.- n Chat, woohave heen ard resîgneti, bombiy confessîng ast December ste met 1he bit ytinesses. Many have lis [llure t0 olîbstanti the ral director o TEAM beco sent home rccentiy 0w5inhaiblation. The TEAM e Evangelicat Allianîce typtioilevr or tubercaiosis. bulleint says tie clursii oday ýsool and ho said there and one hoy oorher as in onthe road to repentance is an oponiog for a recentt sticenowtihcan- anirenomal .. leady itis Shkeepr in Homehasb. rer. stronger thon evr helore." r Sydney, andsitoeas Il is as il Satan oas a)- Miss Melorowas retîcent 10 ing considereti for 1e pot. aciof their ottes. ste sait i dscs 1he polticat situation e 000 i ase a teilnte The polticat situation lis turîng hr erm in Chati, for mwer for anoiherrsix or i,thben the est, etther. The ear o reprisais agaiiot 51t oeho .presîdent o Chati Oas hieti mssionaries. Thsas othe Lord,site ini Aprît o t975, a coup ohirS_______ tid."Ihave a rai sesse of endeti a long sertes o c Lords eaîîîg og C hristian harransment and A straia.- relgos slrîfe. Accordngto 1ARTHUROA Whîte ste s home on a nemletter rom TEAM loogh, Miss Mlor it headquarters in Chadth1e 10 NS îîing and studying and has coup ended thecpersecation J S N OD. ny spahîng engagements o Chadian Chrstians ut leh carcttes arounti Ontario. 1e churcb. ilS many OPTOMETRISI r sai er chedule 10 airty probiems.- 17 onlth1e endot May, but furiof tbe cutural 214 Main St. e ants 10opreti 1e word revolution oth1e prevouslowo Milton 1e mission in Chati anti yearo, thadians hati Smo ay he abie 10 accepi more orderedti luontergo akîog engagements il tradilionalinitiîation rites 878-3673 teresteti parties contact This involveti contacts ilS " Contnenials * Courier Pick-up " Monarch * F-100 Pick-uPs " BREN -A-CAR * Econoline " Montegos *F500- 14' Van " 12 Passenger *F-600f- 16Van Club Wagon* LN-600 Automa- tics equipped with Electrical Tailgate Loader Drop n and check our economy rates. * SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES * relrigerators. Moslbavenoo education, 50 cannon)read. Tbey spoak the Ngambi languge but Ibuse obo are edocaled are taugbti n French so fbey switcb 10 Ibaf language. The flie expeclancy is 31 years. inast mortalily rate s hig, especiaflo n the one 10 lwo and a hall year area. Cildren are nrsed by tbeir motersountit 121to 8monlbs. fben abropîf y weaned oilbool hing laogbl the propor melbod nf eafing. Many die o starnation or disease, as a resl. Mission nurses are giving motbers courses in chitd-rearisg, to combat Iis. Cars and trucks are scarce and maoy mission oorbers travel hy mopeti or bicycle. Transportation is a probiem, as tberouds are not thebe hsi even orse in the raîoy seao She sbowed a pciare of a river ferry, wbîcli con- sisted of fie dugou Souais with a mooden pla)orm acrosu the top. il Oas poleti acros the river, by prisoners. Oîber pictores sbowod brds o ippopolamuses ubîrb wallow in tbe river by day and sleep on the banbs ai igtiippos sing and ohen fhey alsing at one time,.ts qote a coir. Cows are sed 10 pull the plows in tbe colion lîeids Wives and citdren al] ptcb n tobarvot 1he cr1100. Chado bigget enport. 015cr cropo are lettore and cauiilower and bhey also serve a delîcloosfiîsh known as «capîtain".Grain for mealsis ostpoonte iet oia pastel. Tbe tapte dîsh for nationas is sboule, ohîcli Miss Melior describes as -grtt)y and taseless. The porridge- libe dîsh is dressed op oîlb a vegetabie or meat sauce andi al esti(rom acommon dish. Sboes are a prestige item, tbe naionals go baretoot mosi of tbe ime, Arrangeti altboogh Ibose obo become Cristians refuse toi par- tîcipote.iOlten girls are promîised In older mes ilS several olber wives, lu order 10 obtaîn a dory. The anChistianizeti boys sit go tbroogb mnitation rites, obere tbry beat inlto the bush foe a month spon reacbing pohrty, 10o orsbîp dols and spirits and emerge Many of the Chadians are hoîng traîneti formiso oorb and Miss Mllor told o une boy wo hoboed promise. oas sent tb France tor lits eduratino, anti reiurned as a pastor tobheadinoponecliurrli on 15e capital. In 1960 Cbad won ils in- depondence andtih1e an- yea r Miss Mellor, besides baodling thr boobbeepîng cbores for tbe Iree mission stations. as laagbt a yoang mens Bibr class, in French. Sbr also taagbt Cbadîans many tymns, in tbe Ngambî diatecl Sout sbr admits sbr missed te worsbip in song obîcti bad been 50 mueS a part ofi ler lo ehere ini Canada. linoîber local mmsonary morker oas statooed onty a fra milen aoay rom Miondou. Miss Audrey Lwe ccrrenty serving 5cr fonS hterm ninChad. tanSes t5e mîssionartes' chldren and sbe and Mss Melior ao racli otr t sqentoy relsen bowr on urtoogli Miss Meltor reports the temperatare ousiîde ber homr oas 120 degrrrs. And that was in 1fr sbade! Cba i s in the central part o) Atrtoa anti Moundos. oh ereoShe oas stationetis Spring i coming 10 Downtown Milton Watch for it! equaaor Se deucribes its îae as eqsal 15 tbe olates of Kansas, Nebraska, Oblaoma and Texas com- OT YORSEF GARAGES HALLIDAY HOM ES KAUISERIcarefree beautyof i t 10W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS a Aluminum Doors F~ 1e Combination Windows AALBeI Car Ports eAluminum Awnngs FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 84 5 0318 OUJT 0F TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT IS YOUR GAS WATER HEATER AS UP-iD-DATE AS YOUR RECORD PLAYER? oo n tiil)oot îi i îmi io The Ivin, lsttaii.hl toolsv (scratch) dwi ititîlt dîpsît lu Andtî gootiilise .... ASSlit, lc iii iha% b- *fa s .t ,ttots as tic ugvoi i d ur c lît\v ,îluub-liIi 1at . tudo ýit ) l ists mcl iit ioitug i aul'ili l .uh t hitîgilsi St-tivionti . LIîîî iioGashoti iittt Qut si jLii 1ittic on 1 011 I t n i ai ilgt ,î l ,îh ;is%t[ issu .uiltllalulltiitit- I utît, ýi olsttIot i itlt h uil iprei 01 l t ht) t st lkil t i i uans ostuikiogitut ttiuttt. loi.i tt ii Tlttg i -i n a i ,tt -Vîil A CUSTDY OMESHOMES~ *~i DISPLAY COURT the spirits of their ancestors

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