Fitness more than Iooking good health centre director explains Most peoptee intaeays saiety are seigt-censcccas aad sant ta e fit et ikyre utiaicitu esecieandPhaveua mentat PlocP agaînsi nutrition. Se eaims Kein SmitP, aunermanager ai the Milten Heattk and Ftnece Centre an CairSt 51 ic sreatiy ard ta gel peple te len uhen yau ir eyl rteir neelPeism carl fancian an emply caries and Ial reglar eerese cereial le filess' Me. SmctP caid. "TPe minte peu mentiar the werd 'urintion' Ies hinP 'A ALTERNATE SOT-UPS: if you want te Jane inchos frem your sfemach and abdomen, Kovîn says thîs ta the way! St on tho fleur and bend yeur knoos lu a 25 degree angle in front of yoo. Next, lock your fingers ureund your neck. The ebjeet is f0 touch your elbow te fhe opposite knoo. How many timon sud hew coscientiooly you do this exrcise dtrminos hew quickly the inches around yeur middle will disappear. ALTE2tNATE 'TUE. TUUt3EINU: An excellent conditioner for legs, hips and the bac back . Standing, sproad your legs as far spart as possible. Thon aithot bending your knee- resch over sud try f0toch your lef f baud te your right toe. Then, reverse your position sud try f0 touch your right hsnd to your lef t toc. SKIPI'Uif ROi E itn s one iof toc pestcardie- vuscular exercîses areued. Besîdes îtnpreving hert and long performance, cf fone muscles and trime excese faf. n order to bace one pnund of excesa faf, the average pereon wouîd have to skip 10 minutes a day for a week. For anyone acho hant trained for a whilo, this shnuld be done onua graduatod program. ELECTRICAL * INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING .78-2048 583A MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONT. L9T 32 lîccst Iri-sîlgi-carpel assilulliai Ihis mllcii prive oi cf '18.99 ascq. yd. If vou baccý a sli-isl roicii. or arcan-s i scur hc ho ai rc-cî ainss uc-h of se snc tnc i-igîîc h-n Ibis is 11w cargo-oxcii cc- icii ceail itccc for. '[his- Moîcsti licaiîifuî cof carillons isîc iiissi-ss A Iil i- îca liiite) n ii skiil c-n cdiirablei andlunIlcis lonîg 5 carinig. FIlsrlccîccci l icciicaîîiicîg c c lic-k.814 <4 cir an sd 20%<4iiicîîaîii cci aci H a sIcil inicicruic l i --I-anIi %11i1i'I lIII~ IIl'l T NiE'lîlilCiiIIliCiiicCli . CIIIl i P'cNIl9: 1 CC F% 1I lîlc amu aum ah-) IlI m W11.1, tl.i i ii 310 STEELES AVE., MILTON 878-4178.79__ Tha Canadian Champien, Wednesday. March9, 1977 815 and gymnasticre are an get stiiand ighiý srtrd by Me. Smthon thcs underraird part ai icnescîin Mr. Smith aisePrlieses pugp are amecg the bPst tee our sacet.' iher eeutd br fesser ark cmpreigiilexiblity and ft- "People seeutd raiher see prebirms isday if peopeir s their sons ranning, ptaycng icudisrkeuitancrercise hockeyeor wecghttciftlcg thac routiner tebrc e Ilo or Ayeeaishcg apersenai ding ballet," Me. Smith saîd threr timersa srrk, Adhr E ite-s caieaticee and as anexampeeofihis kcndeof Pers as cerrse- aýhich seiriiisditand esercise geneeat thincng. sireegihe ihi> Pran d peîgam Ioeachîece adescred "Bt"Pbstrescedithue lergs whit- impoisathte iceighl gasheutd seeMr. msaent e pe tned anld ererio faPeeeroSbd Stin e rsi thHeatk moe ser or eater e'! The e se e dermm ade in (ete Get in on NORTH STAR'S * E"#4e&a4ù9 * DENUM PATCH THE 'PATCH' THAT'S SWEEPING THE NATION noRnlVsm The action shoe untad n oa uerlggr 14.95 psna , gr Whîn rîeeaçudeYcaric11 .9 Waý.,e5-10' Chlids s lie 121 12 9 Endorsed by aw 3 million Caniadiankis A MEMBER te OF THE DOWNTOWN MILTON GROUP @@FOTWIAR 250 Main St. 1Ai. l'an.Pc«c accc.î Thurs £ Fil. MI 19 ... -878-7665 -I