FORMER RESIDENT PhlA Freer, now living in Fort Langley, B.C., dropped in at The Champion the other day hile revisiting the town for the first time in over 20 years. He said he was amazed at the growth and didn't recognize many areas of the town. He broogt along two photos of Main St. which fellow residents of the 1950fs iii find interesting. Top phbots shows a Rotary Club peanut parade in 1953. In the background are McClure's Appliances, Tom Dear Shoes, Estons Order Office and Milton Hardware. Lower photo shows thse Main St. looking east in 1952, as pubisbed on a potcard. There have been a lot of changes, Mr. Freer admits. i JIM "SHEENIEîî SHEPHERD mas a weIl known local character. Ho can a taxi service for msny years and as famous for is colorful com- menfarieo on local life. He mas an avid raconteur and is taxi customners aleesys got $5 worth of entertainment with every $1 ride. Hecs pictured with is tmo cars in front of the Main St. taxi stand, nom Lockcraf i Co. Photo loaned by Mrs. Edith Sharpe. Home, garden publication available lýic ed 'Iclntosh Pchiîeaiîîîc 64, "197778 In- scet and 1 isecse Coeeol in the1 flome Gardes'"las eee reeiîed andiso...c...ilahie.: The 3' pae publicaion 10 peparediîp le Crop Pro 1 ectîlîsCoincîoiitlee nIithe OGel aroMîcsiry f Agriculure il cionic a v de range cf geerlinformatoneaedsuch tiiigs as the rate aed method i applicationl ci pesicidrs ifrmaitioniic v ffred, halh frm achemicl anda non- clîcîcîcal cicîîdpiel. ocen eci anîd diease centrol for ,1u a ion i iei dis- ea,e siiipois ad aiu typs i injuofris arr pro- eted. Tlis publiicticn slouid ho hlrplul in asverrlg sonne of the gardecquestions during le cemîcg casse. Theroîis a 5oc charge pr copy. The publcatioe cas heobohaiced lip vrllleg 10 the foleowicg cddress' Information eraseli. Otaro Mieslry of Agrculure ced Food, Pari- amet Buildings Toronto, Otaro M7A lA5 le coming 10 IDawntown Miltonl Wthfor It Wýj i WilOSDonyers J TINT TV AND OTIIER TRIVIA Ie Great Britain leday you cae buy a teevision se sosmal it canhe carîed ina ca peehet. Si oc h. the iniest TV receiver available, the rnîahty The Canadie hampion, Wednesday, March9, 1977 B13 msefeaeres a fwo-inech sereen F Iourrechargab e bat- teries provide foarhours ofbiack andwhite viewinceThe uni measures fourhby sic by 15 nches and eghs a mre 255 Irnagine alcheg a hockey ganeon a twe- nchrh Risrlikematching aflea cirrus (Cornetot is ofithais what we cern sualfy see one lu sze sets sincee the expansise oftheNHL.i The oter day, while walking sout on YorkhSt.ajst beoo Welington, le T.0. my revsg eye briefly casghtsght sf a ll read: 'BEWARE 0F FALLING ICICLES" Hem thebeii cae youhbevreof a giacti cospear ocee t s oneits waydaowefromlthe eaves ofo a ibu iding? To me il vould have mre seese eo have hîoced off tha E Z R RNE sectienceflhesidemalhuetld the danger had passed e the ame suhîecci have yoe ever ce iced that heF R ER SA NS read crewsmotai iays place the HIJMP sige abotaw feet efre yee lhump the hempi n 1lsuppose ilheeps the front-end aligme hboy s cesiesMSWAHR hutlilsure does'ldo machforlthehblodpresscecif he Ueder the headieg: T;he more tigs hangetemor lhey slay the sare" le me iay ihis qoeo o."h chldree leve lesery. They have h dmanes otmpt o aslherity, ahev dsrespeci or1er nd lv ncatri ro.They ceciradici iheir pares chalfer eornm pef. gehle up their daieies ai the habe, crosslie r egs and tyraeie their teachers- Sesed famliar' D il mghf elteresi you ltoiv ilitat osrates spclie hese Plan pro grams TRO on farm safety A The aeeua 1meretig o h e oehoutd ccc iderist Haltce Fam Saeysci- her thlie m s tio a lird ofho sdc.breaheg;secocd. hehers À Mardi 3rd ai lhe Agrict victimi leh;ad oral Offic ilito hird ftevciii nsok The 197 officer are:pres'- edPhi S h FedmCO N D ITIO N ERS ve.yoer deirilcrtec l. ithe am aft ce-prevîdeel. I iris i lrefiid *Accidents Richiardson; ecreicro ccc Kci No eavcc Fcic1 sorer, Norman Biggar Kîcg li easleî, cl p wcea Fred flollige rlîlo the SI experleeces ceci ciialed lic Joîhn Amblance. led an le dieclcrv pri..i.lii informative dscussiîcoc on Te dae for the cecimet accdeto thelarm.iliuîecingiillbe Apriil 2iliailthe carieglfor anaccident iiii Algricultura fOilîi Growers conference - has sessions, displays The (lîciario Feuil ccd iiieierencciand ciliiopen Viegeable Ccfereeshculd frois iliia.m. fi 5:30p.m cifer omnelhiog for everyner each ilit v Exhibîl spacro in'ocled invtheibusinescof havriieeciilfeeed icindus- hortculture. lvwil be held ontries rriicg lisîlitheipro- Marci 6adltl1li aithe duonîî anid smarkeing Airpori Iflito Hoiri, iooeaspesic iihoricullore Road. icronto, The pegaics siari ati10:loi 'Tle cliclerevc i cicver c a mcion iîîîh lays wivilli ti ce ramifîier iof hîrlîeîîlorai gitaiiiiiidsopnviici opies, 'hiie cii i e lbc ii i 8:30 aAliii tc 10:Ici a nii dillerenesinscroeisg ciliRegîistratiîîoni 000 ferealii lie amn e îonîc olh d"dccv be clu îdrs a hbuffet Oni Mîai'cililh, cli seso icoslucih ciilb lievrîîed Co apples,oce e 'tr feîge,îm is spocccieii session i iii egrialiles ced 1Sp lie Soiiic& Crops Brncoli aciiihersession o cvole cecps Otioiîîiaeî tîcry f Agri calilage, iiiiifi.îcvr clture andîîFood, in c) lruscri speillilvi liiiMardi preci îî%ithîîhedOntlearioî 1th. sessionsvi li ce hldi on Mareiniig I ommissise cnd thie flliîg lopici Surage the Ontaio îFeuil ccd Vege oi Frutcad Vegelabiro. tcbie ;eîcîeeo' Association, Sîîîall Feuils i ecpierrrs Il 'ccc are icleresird in cnd sraclierrîrci Pick- lueller iformation regar- Yorllcc. ced ioadside ding lie iîîcferece pro- Matrketing.grcai. ciiiiicc the Milice A Teude Shov is eiog held Agiciiiieai Office ci 78 inecsjuccloo vîlh the 2:114, CARPET SHACK ACTO'Y IS'5 AL US E impossible to puy more! FAcTORY CL.EAROOOT5MI IL ENSOREMNANTOFIRST OOALITS' *LONG RO1LSOSHORT ROLIIS5IIHT fMEFECTONSOWE HAVE T cLL ..INI7IOOING EVERYTsîeî cOU NEED O 0001f VOURSEIF CASH &CARRY WE HAVE NO CC»7 PHN NON CIFO*M UNDMLAYI 320 STEEES 7 AVE. MILTON RIGHT NEXI TO SYERS CAF 7 1~ 7 PIECES IN STOCK \, 5 .SME DEMONSTRATORS, SCRATCHEO, OENTEO, SOME OLDER STOCK. ALL SALE PRICEO FOR FAST CLEARIOUT... FREE DELIVERY, FUI L WARRANTV. 57 n,-tIokM- t1m tO -,d a eodý abve ilutain o dvetiig roapes ocy *Open Daily 9a.m.-9p.m. Saturdays 9a.m.-5p.m. * FURNITURE CON ESYN R IC H A R[DSO N * APPUIANCES FINANCING 465 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2336 * PLENT.0F FREE PARKING 1 .