B10 The Canadian Champion, Wednaoday, March 9, 1977 Four Milton "Gobae clo liebeegabe" or 'Love ln Action" was the themue of the 1977 World Day of Prayer recognloed by Christian familles arounil the globe ech 4. The themc wan prcpared by Christian women of the Geman Democratie RepubliP who believc loat God has shown on wbat fellowsbip sboold 6e and iota, tbrough the power of the HoIy Spirit, wc cao translate love loto action. In recognition of the, Woeld Day of Prayer, four opecial ebapel services were hld in Mlton Friday. Day of Prayer services The fient - beld ai Kno service ai Lion Cbsrcb sih Presbyterian Cburcb in the gitar and piano manic ander early aftemnoon - wa0 at- the directioo of Mms. M. tendcd by about 85 people. Wilooghby. A joint choir of 20 people Ai a 1ird evening service onder th drecction of Mms. M. ai Knox, the Rcv. John Magec sang the anthemn "God Roberts spoke 100a gathering Said 1 Love Yoa", witico by of 40 people on the "Love In the Rcv. James Reese ni Acion" thcmc. Campbellvile. The fourib service mas held Anne Ho, a former ai Halion Ceniennial Manor. univeosiiy nusng instructor Versa Callan was guesi and ie of Miiton docior opeaker and Mes, S. Lacktii Michael Ho, las goeoi and Mms. Tbompson providcd speakoer ai this service. the music tor the fullI cbapei. Later in the afiernoon, about 60 childrcn Irons congrcgaiions in the cons- -Champion ciassifiedo iii munity aitendeil a second oeil weII for yoo. THE COMBINED CHOIR from fîve Mlton Knox Presbyterîan Church March 4. The choîr churches sings "God saîd f Love V'ou", a hymn memher'o epeented the followîng relîgioun written by the Rcv. James Reee0f Camp- dcnomînationa' Catholic, United, Anglican, bellville during World Day of Prayer services at PentecosLol and Preabyterian. Anne Ho '-Ral loe cones 'oin71 lod But il dooit conne acquire'd hrîoglî effort ,and knowiedgc. l'lis!slthe ,aî Anneoo, î guevi speakercai the Wîld lIas I01Pratto',service aI Kox sPreshîlo'cîao lhurc'h Fcdaî oîlernoo. descrihed hec perception (i ohat i. pcobaoll the o thused orod in the English lanîguage Speaking on the1he'1me -L ve n cton .Nirs [Io aîd Chcsians ofte ear for kindnets ,and un- derrvlnding. lclsadlyfaitlIo dioplay these sanequli' e 19 their felloo ar "W need a real demon- Chrstan homeosandAchoc- ches Iodav, dIs lHo told thc mainlîlcemalc g,îhcriog îo 8 vnsdcKnox Clhucch -Iflhecc oas lmaice loeterIhcvould Se less conlroîcersoandoîtrife ,Nes H sid nos o f hnous 1,11e iof cluallo' lî,tîg people - spccall thîîsc oho donci agreeo oth us or whose persono lîiî 'ah, s. slhc And sonmems.oshe nîledi. the persîoiee lîvd il dffhool lta gel a long o h ts not coco avootsider. "'il ma hobctapecson o ho is close 10 us -mna %hceve a meme olour eooiîîaol,' she saîd I n cases likelihts. Mcs Hot '.oîd. love doesn'I jost Sop- pen Il connes aboutlgadoaiiy throgh efforand prayer o lovefood in the diclionary s only ooperîîcîal and Ihai the offly compleedelnion o the ocd musti nclode Gno iîecaose, she oaid. "God is 100 O- -Love on the honoan level is of tn tanleavocolavd con- dlîonal. 'she saîd. 0B1 Gîds love is self-giving, impartial and everlaoiing. oUSlie obelove foc Hlm. God's love ococe changeso' - Isil nîce Ihal me dont havetu orcy about Gods mood swinvg?"" the former anvvestnursing leclocer snllled Mies. Ho wenlon toexpian Ihal olen Cheist o'alked the eath.ne met the spiritual needs of the people as oeil as lheîc phYital oceds. Fîle example. sile said, he gave sghl 10 the bSInd mon and also heaied is -spiritual lndness" in the peoceso. 'Lîhkeosse. ' 190 lbHo aid. *ý o'shîold love peoples souls as oeil as lherebodies. lulilng the dîlference Seloîcco "qualîly" and ..ljniv*love, Mes Ho read apassagebromhlSt.Pool Snte Neon Tesament ohioh descîhbeo love as heiog 'patient, kvd. cndocîng and long soeeig ' The esample ob pecleol 1-eo, She saîd.oas ohen Jovas hong dytogoon the croso ansdsaid ofbhismurdcerers "Faiher. lorgîve ihem, or o lhey 6knno hai ihey do. -Ho many o u, eally ondecsiand tis Sînd of love"' Mes. Ho ashed. TSe moihec of threc yoong chîldeen, Mcx. Ho added ihai God's love inludes dinoîplînîng. "l.'avievîvg qoîctli prodoors tSe rutof al goodness foc lhooe sho Oc- ceptit in the 91f hi spri."ohe saîd. "Hotii I 0omnetimes caser forparents tooverlook a all oin heir child ihan 10 "floweve. sh s,îd, "love ANNE HO, former nursing instructor at Mc- Master and Queen's Universif les was guest speaker on the theme "Love In Action" at World Day of Prayer services at Knox Preobyterian Church Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ho in the wife of Milton doctor Michael Ho. must onmeimes corecto." Fîvally. Mes. Ho told the aflervoon gatheriog "To know o CmlS 10 love Hm.' ' Godis the greatest love," sheosaid. "andlthefriteofnHio spirit is love" "We alneedto develop a Songer and Ihîcol foc the nature nf Christ 10 Se reprodu ced vn us, and the way t0 do Ihis iv lheoogh oiody, prayer. oaciice and ohedience."oShe said. Getting Iîî Snooo'God She said, is the challenge of learnîng 90 putol îoclove i010 ITHE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT PUBLIC NOTICE IS 1191900 01096 hat 1 ot oîvsecionîon3301f Thc Pabîto Taîîporlaton and O oSoso1. pr'oemn AtOSU1970,î.201l aoîd ëuendolo hcîco thenLieutenant Gocvlno-i Cooîîvîl dîd decortote Seeoposcd fuhwallown 00as Hghway 003, asacConololcd-Acooot0ltnay. T'heefeoctvedate oftheooooolatoaaContrlled-Aoconlthoanasaoth th dayof June, 1Th ooeod hghahaoîg a nghi o anodho f vnapproxiool 400 est i, fsnet 2 T'hc lownof Oakotlc toeographîOltonshp of Tafalgar), Scotonat Muipaltîo I, o 0110 Loso27Io 35inclusive, Coneson01. Notho Dunda St. 3. Town of Mlonl tOeoOOOhitownship010of Trafalgar), Regional Manîoîpalîlh of 90,190. Losblo12 in.lusooetoooeo,,,,n 2, Nothoflo,tdaoSi, as s$ownheIender SYMBOL of the World Day of Prayer this year Iiv the logo of the (5 Womnen's Inter-Church Councîl of Canada, the hand cheriohing the flame of the spirit. MILTON TELEPHONE i SERVICE *CONFIOCNTIAL *PERSONALIZED 818-2020 Minitryof Transoratonad CommutioPlan P5015-17 lîstt heKg's Hîghway ad cotle c ss hghwao desgnaonvifledîh he Mangrofotlled S ces of th M î9<stryofTsoao ad Cmmuncatos Do wnsioAprl 5, 1976 Ont-rio Onoolatiott495 76 Ocognatirig te nîoposed hghwa s o ntollînl-ad shghnay a ubis hed n fîh ario .et atd Juin.19, 1976, Plotn P_501 5 1t7 ay be onpvctdrieofficehours ai helollonmgloaio, 1 1hcofficeofMr, M R Emesaoks, HeadPlanIn ad Desig to, o3501 Dufln Street, GosocoOntaroo 2 The ofeof M, H.GreeloadDict îEg ,Tooo Ditri,1201 WilsoAenue, .ownsvios, Ottano. 3 Thofceofn9MrîC. R.obertsontrit 0 EngeeocîHai ltîon Dstt, 118îl2 Noîîhshoe Bod. Boîhln tnî n 4 Th offie oM, T. L olianCark oftheCitîyof Missatga l1CîovCentre Drive, Mîoooaoga Ontario. 5. ThefflcofMî lC Thoopsot. Cicîs of thon of Mltîon, 251 Main Si E ,Mohntario. 6 TheofficeofMr D0W BrîonCnkofthTownofOîakvlle, 1725 Trattt,1.RdSo.kvolle R, OoooStoII, MtI9ftooct, 0,,.tt 1201 Voso afte thee ffective date the provisionsofnISection 35 of The Public T1'aîlpotation and Highway hmIp-eetASt in res Opeca 110599itspp hlqire ga"ding thisdiognatoîhould be made ol Mr F. G.Alten, Ogoal Dnooloî, Monisîo Tspotonand Commuctons 3501 Dafflevv Street, Otedai Toronto. Ontaroîolls 9th daofolFebruay 1977 THE HONOURABLE JAMES SNOW MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS OMinistry of Transportation and 5D Communications t -~ Love without God impossible says Day of Prayer speaker Milton Red Cross Annual Meeting Thursday, Morch 17 8:00 p.m. 18b Martin St. Guest Speakers: Regional Vice President Mrs. Louise Roberts PROTECI YOUR CAR lIIIPKOOFING Cal Dave Moglord 878-7978 '9.t 1o I ,o ,sýn y 1000 1 , 'I