Safer to sky-dive than drive dlaims CSPA director Smyth By han aprich-Ptielsoii diving lu an sate or as ho racod bacS lu haman an ion people perinh n'hile and tails lu carry out the Ldoo a groning number ut dangoroun as the individualu failure or atribuled luoume sky-diving. necesnury emergency Canadians. John Smyth tolo involved makte i," ho aid. reaky, slui hing -lîke a But ut ail the accidents on prucedares 10 ase hS or hec more scro jumping out ut "Thal 1, a parachate cant ,skier uig te uoy lier on ile ai the CSPA eadquarlers lits. an aipaowilh a prachute 5111 you any moro han a sac tho lopes dod on and dying on Burlinglon, Mr. Omylh said Mr. Smylh cumparod on hi okaI an atitude ot cas. Il's the pron operaling trom i," ho said. sol une n'as duo lu tauty having a maltunclion in the 7,500 fee1 Ihan ho dos driviog the conîrulu uftIhe parachute Lat year, tue instance, Mr. equipmeol. air nilh tho mas parachute doms tho 40olin hSmcar or alte steering n'heol ut the OmylS said Ihre mre l'o "Ail ut sur ky-divin g 'ih geliog a low-oui n'hile Au osecutive direclr ut tho car miss cas kil." uhydiving tatalitieonut fihe equipmenl is doule-duiy," driving 70 miles per hour Casadian Spr Parachuling On the olher hand, M. ruughly 85,000 jumps made hy hoenplained. "Wo haoe a along t-ighmay 401. Aociaions CSPAl tor te Smyth notod, your chances ut COCA momhors. hanS up ynen' toc "As long an ynu romemhor puni ivo ears, Mr. Smyth culiding with anollor sky- "I nocase" ho said, "the everythiog." lu carry oui the prupor han cconu 10 the records ut dm00r are virlually nil, muman had a hart allach or For enample. in addtionuo luseoring and raking shy-divisg atalilion in hm mwhoooan hose ut hiting; or a nroke in ree tal and nover the regutar parachute un masoeuvres lu gel yuurselt contry daing back lu 159. hisg hit hy another auto- pulted hec releaso ord." ihor hock, each CSPA nlopped sately ai the side ut And a comparluno hsOoe moile are mach greator. "In the second," Mr. Smyih memhor mustl ear a reserve the coud, you'Ill ho oay," ho COCA statinis nilh tho Ail tacts conideed, Mr. said,' "a young omans canopy un iheir somach. saîd. "BuIt fyu punir, yuu're numhoo otrlatin cauuallion Omyth aid about 90 per cent parachute n'as grahhed hy They are also requioed lu hound lu have an acciden." in tho saime ears have ut ail parachute tatalilies are theuonce-a-eekirain through ear l'o alimeleos. Thon- 'The amo tihng applien cunvinsed the voeras due 10 ank outraining or lark the country." shouud any disccepancy inithe n'hev yuu're nhy-dîvîng," ho parachulisl (Mr. Omylh han ut undestasding ut "Non' lu me, lhoeemre readingn ccur, jumpers are saîd, 'The parachulîntîaust 732 jampa lu his crediti Ihal emrgescy procdureon ustho hoth treahy cirsumntancen," iaughi lu yanh iheir rr-e impiy ememher lu carry ix chances ot urviving a ny pool ot the ky'diver. ho said. nords ai the LOWEST oui the pruper emeogency jump are hollr than Ooeutf "bIn ho paul 1 yar, Ho addod Ihai snnme years roadisg. procedure -n'hil hry're nurviving a tripalosgthe lhre'u nover heen a nhy- aro "1talily ree" n'hle The danger, ho noîd, isstixl i gh esuugh ott the h -s sîn hy.0 0 , - i divns acidnt ss5isold't .10.,'.lia 1195 eeas maso n'hon the ky-dîvr panics ground toc il l uo k fet." Airpri. "As nilh drving, uhy- What is CSPA?LaCk of Iaws for sport Allhoagh the elleos CSPA doni meas a loi lu moni peuple, tSey are ut paramount impactasse u some 5,000 amateur sky- divers in Canada. Thoy sand Inn the Canadian Spr Paoachulîog Associaion and provide thet onty aty and equipmenl regulalions toc nos mililaryi parachuists in this country. Based in Burlînglun, the COCA is a tlly elt'nuticioni organioaion rus hy an exonuive direclor, soretary and pari-ime statf on a 3t50 000 a year hudget. in addition 10 sttiog safty1 goîdelinsnfoc Casadian sprti parachulinîs, the COCA also pulinhos ils Oms noms9 magazine and compiles huIst 1 of the xhy diving chuus and1 cluhs mhch are rus hy1 qualiiied COCA memhors1 ihroughouulthe country. Namos and addresnon ut recommonded shydiving schuls and cluhs cas ho uhiaisod ron' the COCA hy1 phuning John S mylh ai 335 8mil or nriting COCA, Box 4, Burlington. jumper safety. irks CSPA Yxur grandesther cuuld open a uhy-dîvisg chol iomrrum avd ire an sn- compelont as your lstouclor, and no one could lit a inger 10 stop the operation. 30 dlaims John Omyl, oxeculivo direclor out he Canadian Spr Parachnlisg Associaion CPA, n'ho ix cale hcause thero are vriaaliy no goveosmoni lams rogulaling sky-dîvr saft in tis country "The reason the COCA n'as etalished 0in he irsi place n'as hocuse the Canadian guvrnmeoi densi have the guis lu gel îsvuined in the malien ut eslahlinhing aional safty standards toc sport parachulinlx," Mr. OmylS saîd. 'They regard noii-iiililai'y parachulîng as srictly as amaeur sporn'Sich is a prsons envalehuiness," ho sad. Womnen sky-divers are on the rise! The nuamhorout mumen shy- cilieges, univernitiOs or are divers in hisciýunntry s on th. rotenional omon in iheir rs, accordiog lu John menies. Omnyih, enocutîne dirccor ut Ashod n'hy Sie ihinhn su ton' the Casadian Sprt omen have Seecs ivolnod in Parachutîng Association. the air spotlu dae, Mc. In a roceni inerview', Mc. Smyih repied: '51elt, yu Smyth saîd close 10 20 per kno, shydivng isn'i anOry cnof utihe regisiered CSCA tominînsor." ppua'ion loday iv emale "fi cas iehotoland roîsisg xparod ilS lui ihreer ading ia misOrahlO drop perceni n 171. zone on a wrm sommers Ho added ihal the mumnen day. And I persunally hoie n'ho have jined the xhy- his is the main ihing Oai dîng ramis in thopani lune dolons îwon rum the yars have cumo teom spr," ho said. "This iv ise tocrîsemhocv otihe CPA Secauso me have1 estahlished aty cules andD guidelinen tor sporti parachuliissuer the yarn. Soi nun-mermhors are dangeoxun bohIS 10homselno.v andiui hone aroundithom,- Mc Omyih said lie esi un lu expais hat some peuple n'hu are vol consîdeced compeloni shy- divers Sy the COCA, are uperalîsg mhai e cals -mvney mils" arouxd the cxuntry -pullîng niudeniv ihrough a sky-divin g course in just 45 mntes. Bo, speaing run' ex- perienco ýMr. Omyîuu an hoon a sprt pacachulivt in 1964 axd n'as a military parachulîsi etore ihali, Mr. hmyih aîd il ix îsaniiy 10 alwa person lu maSo Iheir irsi sky-dîne aller su short an instruction periud "The ahsolule minimum ime in nhich a prnosn ouid possihin Se qîslitîrd ho lump mouud Soive hours." ho saîd. 'And ihai n'uuld have lu Se ino hous n'îlh-a seniorin nruco and al ithe peoper equipmenti Mc. Omyth added Ihat the COPA ecummends a persan have a minimum of eîghi hous insruction under ihonr cîrcumstances, -In realiiy, a pervuli should devoir a tull day or mre lu instructioxn hore a' empiîxg thei fitjump,"hbcsaid. "The tîrsi lump i5 very short and vry simple" the COCA eseculive direchîîr said. "but the earvîvg preeoduro eadîsg up o il shouod tue long anîdteaied In addition ho upgrading the Annual Meeting Notice Nw -vgn h .,Oth, 1iOîAîîuuaMiic hgou loot- c Uuoom L,,uirdiiOu Oid ai îhcRo,,ua SociaHall i erici A-,'. M i,iiho ithc lOin dlSa, taO177 .1 6:45 p,,.i ,trih , orn, .. iccing o sr-ad the TahiO ebuu.,ird î,,0r uîciîuuîu ,,rds 1,,,',î,iuo iv li0cc ,,'îu , t hî,,ii , 1î,î'd ii optiai. dep.oiîiaod' u.sp ii,,uuo.haenihid y vîcnî0,rai .ou i i, cdouig inth, cc ,iid,0ir disierdnciciarerebuatesofiir5aiiid brv eirsocinr'îi il ii,ido,,uuuc'ua -Olisi ,, iu i uamen',d,sOîvLan, 5 1,,, ,i,',io Oiiiuv i ,hn th, "t r """'cicu,,,,guither-c iii o î, r , îes d , i th,,uHila arc borrcdt ,luuoiuhiii u Credîlis Sigcd ai Milton.i Ouîîîeîîîîhî 2iddaviiMarchI977. l M. Fiuuri PROGRAM Busineso Meeting ... :45 p.m. Smorgabod ... O.'Op.m. Dance... 9:00 p-rn Divuuee Dane TikhsuArvailahie AI Credit Unsioni Ojfico $500 peropcrson Haton Community Credit Unio 744dM StINM 7 Wm kUMOM33 TED S O n _'t fo lWbiO.flo 3 mS.011 training acrustheocountry, Mr. Smyth n'uid aixo lîhe the ioderai guvernmonIox insusi ihai ihese schuuls pruvîde niodonis n'ilh mhal ho called "deconi oquipmovi" "omo oft hevo tiy-hy-nîghi uperaiuns aciually alow -uludenin ix jumP mîthou cortais hock-up equipmoni cunvidered essenliai hy the CSCA," ho nolod. When cunlacird about ihiv cumplaini lani n'ooh. a opohosman irvm Hailun MP Frank Phîlhrooh'v Ottaa illico rspiained ihai bhrrr are 100 gocrvmeni lail' concerning parachutiîxi nv tho ioderaihookhs. Humnoor, hoih ruies. laken iron' the Air Roguiaiuii Aerunouiics Ac t f1963. deal wilh parachute dcscevis ovly Neiher have anyting lu do miilsandadvfor shydiivg ,chouiv oroequipmrxi saieiy. "Since ihonr reguaiuv have oui bren amendod silice 1463, il mould appear ihat vol c'nuugh ivieresied porsons have hroughtitil 10the ai- tentîiniof the guvernmeni," She spuhesmav saîd. She ougornird ihai persains dissatisfiîdih the presexi 'ci-u pgeihbusy uriixg leiîorx and phîoîvng lOh'eireecied reprevi'vîaiives lu loi ihon' hnoowhai changes' ihey'd lihe iii sec mide. Tiîc,,iii irsi'iciioiv placed nording lu toderai ian' are an loiloos, "Parachute emergency denconlvohal vol Ar made in coniroiied air space or wilhin avv ciher air rouir designaled as sch hy the Mînislry, excrpti n an- c-.rdanne milS the rmies ,ioihorizaiu of the Ntinisiry orvîîvertheohuiiop aroas of any ciiy, iumv or îiiher soi- tinetor uvor aoy opev-air asrmhlyutfprovnsexcepi in accordasse o'ith orillon ,ioihorizatiun ufthe Mînîstor in any privair proporiy, iývrpi n'îh consent oftihe The Canadien Champion, March 9,1977 B9 'As long os the diver doensI panic or clown around, Ihere's ns reanon why Se or she shnuldn'l ho able lx achievo a sale landing even il a mattunclion oc- cors," lho saîd. "O01courne, Ihere are aln'ayn a ton, urheys who give the spnrt a had namne,' hoe added. -I guos here's an Eivel Kneinel lurking hohind evoryxspnrts aclivily." Mr. Smyth crilicized the hall-dozn socalled "stunt herses' in Canada n'ho do n'hatliho lerms 'nlupid, dangeous lhings" in the air in ordorlingraheadlinen. 'Thene peoplo are sol meombers nf the CSPA and lhey in no n'ay represenl u organialon," Mr. Smylh naîd. -They hreak eoeîy salely raie in the book." on'ner oltheoproporly." The second governmenl regulalion reado: "Except as olhecn'îne ,uthoriaed hy the Ministry. no prorn shahl osier or attemfpt 10osner any aiccraftlin llight or louve or attempt t10 cave any aircoaft in llighl. excopl for the purpose of making a parachute desceol or give opon any aiccraîl in ilight any gymnanlîr or 015cr lîho exhibition. -March's arrivai ,a lamh-lihe and accordîng to tradition, ils close w0111 hon lîhe *Medtatior' *Psychometry *Palm Reading *Learn Tarot Card Reading Try Zelta Meditation Systems 457-2808 TUESDAY, MARCH i Sth rHRIFTBO ~flINCI~ REGULAR 14.25 Fre 6ike~YOU C Ccorel Sanders' boys ai SAVE 7 make il tinger lckîn good WA 7 main & commercial clucKenvy*wxD 78411- SPORT PARACHUTING is growmng ii popularity ini Canada, yeti muih ccontroversy surrounds the air-borne activity. Some of the positive and negutive aspects of sky-diving are described by CSPA director John Smyth on this page. Flying through the air wjth the greaiest of ease oin tis photo ix John Jensen of Milton. ATO M-)D 9O TIVE [ DORSET PARK AUTOMOTIVE I IT UNE UPS-FRONT END ALIGNMENT LUBE OIL BRAKE JOBSJ 1 635 Main E. 818-1331 J E S AUTO IBODY I COLLISION -TO WING j PAINTINGI 631 Main E. 818-8149 MILTON TRANSMISSION FREBUILDING, REAPAIRS Et EXCHANGE * FREE INSPECTION *I 631 Main E. 878-8156 j PERFORMANCE PARTS - BUILDING - REPAIRS VAN ACCESSORIES L 629 Main E. 878-1717 ýo mers t ime via, - a, --y diving accident trkat COUIOn t