Town drives tough deal, developer says Ta prafect pesent Milton HIe pinfcd oui the sub- g tospoyers fram poying for division as incldad in the i the exraeicefos ticTimt- officiai plan and rcnoncd 6y herlea subdivision %vi] 1e at council efore te e creafe, Milton Coaincil is creation af regianal ganeen-d negtiafing with the ment, milc Brion Beof as C deelapers, Viforia Wood mayor.0 Deelopments Ltd., ta pay O oncan Dy ai 6 $s2atd9-3 million anr tomO 000 cammitrd ta 1hew and ohove te usuot capital devlopmn f 1he sub' h contributions for ecd division, liaias teying 10Li hossing lotmhe1e ai f l Richard Cnninglan of aetebsofi. h Vcoria Wood said 6e booms "Denelopees bnow that as t of no other municiplitp councita change, sa do the t which fa asking denctapers ta rotes," 6e said. do this. Accading ta Mayor Don s "The toncauncil is nery Grdon, Counillor Day,Z concerard thaf hep shoot dol Legisttie Assistant Jack hane ta increcse taces of the McGeochie and Planning , cising hameanes," M. Drectr Bah Zsadanyi 1he Connîngon said. "boa liane addition af the Timberlea ta considere Iliugli, thal the subdivision poinîrd ouI 1e nriaus husrholds caming in nerd 1e Ameodment even, ilile pain taxes, You hcb old llam ap- r annc nslty say the cern proimatclly 1,4001 cres af peope mnt 6e paying for farmfand ta 6e reznod for Ieir services" indstriai dcetopmcnt, ta 6e Mr. Cunnînglan odded thon appronrd 6y 1e province. the etra manry the councîf "Enerynne knoam mnta ould 001 6e caming residencer dont pay their otalf 1he develpe's pokds my," saîd Me MeGeachie. but mald le addcd 0010 1he "The cotr 10 going 10 ip csi f ach ouse dama untesa al af a sudden "Rallier iban bueden 1e me gel fucby and a big in eisting tospayers, îamn dustey like Ford decides 10 coancil is maling 1e nom comm in0 hameomnera prcpa y for Iliir Planning Direclor aevices and mokiîng 16cm Zadanyi aîd the Tîmbrea poy again troagli taxes" e subdivision ould oggeovatc added. 1e pecant municipal ConeilaerRicliDyasaid he balne of assessmrnts, bai ms aare th6extIro revenae 6e as optimîstic Amcnd- moutd n01 come from 1e ment Beeno uld bc ap- deelaperas porbel. but addcd peovrd ta offset iis. e muld roiber ave an extra [li eIcl Io or Irer more $5,00 addcd Io raeh mor- idustriea oatd restore 16e Igage mhicb wauld 6e paid balance 10ta rsn ti ovretheant 35 yerrs instcad Councllor Day saîd enen of 1he lomo tabîng oul 201 yeoe 1e pecart bolonce is dcentures hch ouid have inadeouale and 1he incluaion 106be paid by everyane for 1e of Tîmbertro mould oniy next 28 yaes. onen il. "Vou ance 10ot our "Prerantly onty 2 per cent ferma of eferrocr," ofitheltotlfasassment ia Counitior Day added. "My induaria," Councllor Day rcaponibiity i tah 16e entai od."1n 0y opinion il abouid ing taspaperen afMilton" 6e 050." Councir Doy frt 1601 1he Evro iib 1e appeovai ai tonmwasbeng fairemith the Atorvdmeni Senen, Caun- developers in ils demands. clbe Day aid tibngamwouid Canadion Cncer ocety The oral ime lyou rrad a vabanttersoarea vial pariof cigarette ad, remembere te fîgbi ogoînsi cancere. Mot rach is Paid for by indunlry cammanitîrs anc a unit o 1601 bus carrfuiiy lîgued ouit 1e Bocety mbch pnsors that an average persan, once film sloimngs, dsirihulca oolird, iii pend thoosaads iteratore and io prrparrd 10 ai dollars in a ffelîme on 1e ansmer qustions about peoduci titol gel boobcd, cancere Cancer con e eatron ays 1e Canadian Cancer hy tcarnîng 1e Ia. Society. gel morse before tbey gel "l'ilonbkenrrybady anopen challenge 10 prove bom drnrfapmrn i mii enefit un," Councilor Day naid, "Evrry- one nays il miilcreate more people 10 abap ai Ledmîth's, mbicb it mii, untît someone briogs na nrm piaa l talir the eatra businesaa The oni y argument l'il lobe is ibat pou hove iii ici mmi vhomes io, but ibrar abould 6e on pour te rmis.' "What il bouls domo ta," aaid Planning Diremiar Bob Zsadaoyi," ailital me muai honor our comînîlmenin 10 supply more housing. Bmaune ere here me coolt lirp oLhers out, othetOise 99 per ceai al un oldo 6be here no." itoeter, Me. Zsadanyî addrd tbat once Miton is finiahcd oddog 1e sub- divisiona il hon commîlîrd tarIf 10. tbe lomo ii banc reechcd ils maximum residrotiol groth until 201t The ral of 1he ime, 6e frit, shouid 6e rommitîrd 10 roundîngogu001t1e Lona1in dusîriol growth and bobon cing 1e assenameni AH, GLORIOUS SPRING,,..t saofwhen the sow diBpprs and man's thaughtleBa ilfering shows up go mar the landscape. This ditch an Heslop Rd. illunfrates a infrs accumulatian of castofîs floaaing in the dftîr. ÀKI 791911M 1 SmaII town life apstnmioa brieg peoplee :010 the domtomoora," 6e saad. Wilh 1he exansbon o sare vicesmîiltconme anîincreose inr lown employero 10 ron thef servnices and an inceeaîe inr 1000 saff 10 admînier' them. Accoeding lu0 inailiorj Day, 1he toma is noeeeniiys holding the lme ai iirng any oem emptapea, erra iboughc staff in "hurstiof ai 1he bol- oa" 'mwiii prearni m:ikioad. "The 0cm people nomîog ina are goiog la enpect the saomec services lhry had in Mero-" said Town Planning[irectori Bob Zudosy," and me're 001 delînerengt1e6earviesano,1 tu mhat people in Dorset Parki ropocI ihey ahold hune. t W01,16as approoîmatrly 25 per cent increase in popla' ion, Caaicilcr liai frt the sereicing andoadministrative cota muldcnxpand by aboot the nomne percentage. "1i mighi bring CUVE Conadion Union ni Public Emptoyers) min the munici- pal offices. Each year me it domo mith ech employer and set salaries, but CUPE mold meon nrgotiotions. What i ll meons is lmsing the lomo Aitoereccrncoonilmeet- ing Counillar Dat aid 1he addiionat reideonsmght force the tw ta la*"bors( out of 1000 hall" tto a uarger municipal complet. bot Mayor Gardon latm btld The Champion hit a tt nonsense". The mopaor said 1e at ti gel aroand hîeîog additionai administration emplopen old be to bring ini data pro creased I "If mi sing lo t ment il future ne "If 001,i said. Couaci compoter iormrdw himseli,V Gord Koa coanelf i accordîrg poteros si and ropl benefit t Mayor the Tii Thei smoking. Canocr! Who m The Society help of The Cý load of fax bllso for GO Train service on ebriag data procea Mlon. A planaed GO Tramn aihe treasory depart- service 0 Mlon mas e mutl take care ni the cetly ahened mhea the eeda of thal depart- Inderal goneromeol mithdrea Mayor Gordoo saad faads for the prnlect ihat had il iii mean hiriag eeo promîaed oin he 1974 dta processing. he Lei's far i," said the mnayor. "People mont :o0t of illor liay saud a the rat race ofToronooand rcommittlies being heymwant lotoor'eanpssoy which wold iociode on i feie aMilton.fBut no Word Two Coneillor mater mhat iodustries 'on ranla and a Ira otl.rr tel here, peoper mii titi ors. The commutter, prefer to 'ork in Toronooand deriog haviof somne- Milton has eoprrienced onmîted o'tt nom- uopreceifented groo'hin the f ;if miii the commitire pool fine yearn, tarning inro lain how bhey cold a nery ornai nt o on 00e o te laonifMion. Dalarion fasieni grom:og , Gordon pointed out commolillies. oberlea saiotinaiaen Qaalîlp of fie and the retentin ofaioatme af the smaii majorip aof long lomo maya emerged as enc s are naard by 1100 issues fasit)ecember gý The 1anadaa The coocern ihai the lomo SSociety argeasilinar is groaingltonbig, ion faat i okie 10 quit the haitloe offerti rpreaard bnih by + + + coanillora and cuiiros. May arerqoickto pointiout Canadîao Cancer ihai once the amali1(00, m orba hroogii the îaorîaî oaî.îiînan nesrn be 4thoonands of volun recaild aaoi caner. Toheugi ibe annual nampaîgo, liiese nolonleers pronîde the major votirrê ni fîn do for research in Canada, iheir yra-rîound serv ices heip canrer patients and iheir edanational pro- grams orge the public lo learo more about the dîsease. Il yoo mold An 11more in formationoaboulcancer, orif you ouîod llie Io joîn 1he volonirer groap, contact pour local unit ni the Canadian Cancer Society WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10h 6:530 The BiblesView 7:00 Rd Whiting Show 7:30 Karatein Action 8:00 The Questors IV iMILE NORTH 0F 401 - MON.-FRI. 10 to 9 Nu.Y 25JUST NORTH 0F MILTON 878-2373 SATURDAY 10 to 6 Canadian Champion, Wednrsday, Maech 9, 1977 ¶ 'ONDA IWE'VEGOT'EMP" cIVIC IMMEDIATE DELIER 4î $3232 PLUS PR FASHION ~UPER VLIý Robert Newman Shoesj 88 87 MonnIo \Vd 9 6 7987 Tho s.& F 9 184 MainSt..Milton Sa 9 6 HDMESTEAD FURNITURE GIANT WAREHDUSE SALE OUR STOCK 0F TOP BRAND NAME FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD TO THE BARE WALLS. THIS IS NOTA GIMMICK BUT GENUINE SA VINGS A T Ooff ENTIRE WAREHOUSE 50 STOCK COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION 0F SOFAS, CHAIRS, LOVE SEATS. BED SOFAS. BUFFETS, HUTCHES, TABLES, MATTRESSES & BOX SPRINGS PLUS MANY OTHER ITEMS. WE MUS T VA CA TE IMMEDIA TEL Y SO THIS SALE IS FOR 3DAYS ONL I KEEP THESE TIMES IN MIND: " THURSDAY, MARCH 101h ,... 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. * FRIDAY, MARCH-1llth ......... 10 A.M. to 9P.M. * SATURDAY, MARCH 12th ... 1A.M .to 6P.M. HOW TO GET THERE: 1/2 Pt,e 112 pa Biltmore 61eir- Meridian - 2 Ony BED SOFAS SOFA & CHAIR *,2dA,, O 2 50 Rg. 100% Herculon NOW17990 $39 050- R fegadouant nSoHur r eg SALE 1/2 P=ce112 Pc Complete 39" K igour Maple - 7 PcO BED ENSEMBLE DINING RDÔM R $9950 SUITE 1199, SALERn.n139SLE$595 Princevilie - Lafontaine Futorian - Reed - 1 OnIy 6 Piece EIm -iOnlyLOVE SER AT Bedroom Suite 100Heruon 11499 SALE 74950 «399»SALE l9 9 29 Armntrong Ave. (Unit 6) Georgotwn à-