Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 1977, p. 18

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18 Tht Canadian Champion. Wvdnvsday. Mach 9, 1977 GIANT BLOCKS 0F ICE were tcooped from tht fiooding. Town crews were buoy ail weekend, ditch on Onario S. an the weektnd asn floodicig trying ta keep the spring runoff flowing. Worsf conditions iooened the bouider-sizedd jet fiot trouble spot was Onario St. near Childs Dr. and lhey jammed up ai bridges, casnng minor where blocks athick as three feet were found. Knox anrîual Rep:;norts show improvements in organ, S.S. Foirt>. iirnir, -'ilKnox .s isIia.ttiithei VMS through rrvhvieria *Iiili ho,1,t., lO'suer. Ni rv Tom ravàthe oit eaiiheîiof Bradey,,rpore e'cripts of tht wintere on Januatcl fi , vi .,oitnthe sane purposes. attend trhe întl I (îog The ' iovî eopes Sciety ergationat '.%fe-ling overu 0,nîîîod supportoi ostee rewadeiilu.heaing or t he- ohitdi ii lnva This groop hea Ih splituii anu, a - ,p.id or the erectio of a -iailtt- il lire n- iitg olinvthe I pper Hait regaiol It s ,greed te nise tht Reooatii,,s iev t ic IpanianaiiiOio50ncs ofite ran. îv-tallecd niîl11.«15,' îîîîîîîoîter the Revertnd hegun n v17.,and onipictld treeoeJJ trois IMe, John- latnt rn The- havgev oerue to. aniiaket. ,ind Mev. maînit tht converseionof lithe \tgee.oectanh. are te he conro iifrnnpiernatictîh ipi]mureni IL 77, el o-o î. eu idiii.l,- An e-tmationofilevpeti ights. norosop ra i ; ' , I~, uiire o33,12.w 1. esciodînt otovioharp onivioti rilisad iant,îvierisedlfor mission la cediieiiit,i,- it ptetd îdîitan rr7t00.0 $ vi -vilitsobudget lias accepird itemiidrtliîeg tireh, lsioe iii lite'etintg prtofthe Sonida, chîiii ,liitio oflmmiers iiem hidintpreiiîidlviiOe, ion , t)igrevvgitileit-large iv a separa u "J tc ýtIrehiofoiii tt oyear Churti, i i-ilîi iand , ioes.le]in tihe aipPimtlmeniiof sci.,iid i ioî.hia e adv-nhltet and Sol The nerilv, I ,îul.nelvfii he o rship and uppr liait sIs l 5dad Noture 'mifier:ee 000 redeî,re,ea e 1 o t 1lviante Fîd handerVlii installe-O )(tîo-ihî, i! fi a n, 111.,îîî lii iltiips flv hi roof, cittilli$*-):3.(1)îouîîî Ii I OI,,i,sionadItireaeh Comi hvvariud,iliiii,tont th, LarerT ievoing ,îC are- Ladies iii ilheIImanalge'men't linv %l'tliiogail l eorge ofettc ivalluavtnid,, tiliiliatd Kart Rechert troanveCniieore t i ilFine v-and Saint- Kart teIht Ls(hina.unn oiite leaves nK a d ilS 11-$72[X 1li mieeting acoeddto the tohbnmrie np n111 o,. iU'î î,1AoitMi-, Peter Den compltel-ItN. ,loit t 'irie -thrat stt7.7:1 in profits and haitlîî-îîîtbe botîihahleiehnset Treasueri Maciv toitî eigîa ,îivigregaitonat hOb replrter]d irvî t Xro q ii lli lvi1i ' heen guru i o îupporli fie S:tt ti as eeteta orh îîI The- l'e,-,i.itiiI lîstotOre vears TOe Chureh i ,iana itîs F iîigregatiiie reneerd he Mcka iof ith, h I,.ii, , apitments il Fred Soot, dtponlirnt oiiiiiii,' lrn,îeî, 'îietipe seueetart.and Eva 'hissioeaeî eoi,ii t'pot ihoîm, sîîseption Soin thol the geîop hliiit,c i->tI',1tv 'hese boys. Bt,0011 0 MI foi, ieiol, 1! ni . o î s, 1en ii,1, and peiiectvotfile heiOii,îi lui, , liv tiDuncanlied iR Peggy's of Milton is now featuring the Iatest spning & summer fashion designs CRUISE WEAR FASHION CENTRE COMPLETE ENSEMBLES SPORTSWEAR *SWIMWEAR *CASUAL & FORMAI DRESS MILTON MAL 010-1414 264 MAIN ST. 818-3961 MASTER CHARGE CHARGEX ACCEPTED Ç Legion Notes Bp Muhel Gneenfîetd Pubtîr Relultoos Offtoer J Thîs cotucen miii he a hitd Rutiotage haie and Penny vi a jog pour memory" ime Io hat yoo miap hecome amre of mhat is gine On t youe ranch. Itits hoped tOt as many memeeetan possiie mili te udvuntaee of tht different actiities that hune heen pianted 5;, Committeet Chairmes. And ememhe thal me are ait oekng toards a common goal a oem Legios huilding! os tht 151h o Maech ait pon lads ieom tht lusd o' tht green and pour coleets iii he ahle 10 do a jig ai tht Legios Hall, second lOser, ahen tht St. Palicks dance iii e on tht agenda. Ste tht steards for poor tickets, and he ai tht Weain' il Tht Geen! Tht Fidap night rochre agaîn as senti atttdtd and tht itners-ikey each got a steak-ereoverait score, M. ridgemat; ladies' high, S. MacKay; second. G. Mous- lin, mens high, Boh Eggie- toit, second, Bill Praughl. A huit remînder ahout tht Sait for Apeit 16, and if pou moal i to1 have ytue ram mage pîched up. pieuse rail Audrey Camphtll ut 878-3753. Tht houes for tht suie miii he tS-4, and articles for tht Penny taie wouid he met- comnedhby Mes, F.Goldsmith ai 87S-3h42. Oue Ladies' Autiiiarp hetd a dance tant Salardap night u tht Legvon, and a veep goo lime mas had hy tht cromd mho atteoded. This dance mas 10 support tht mork vi tht Ladies' Aasîliacy oinheir peogeann of ienditg assis- lance 10 vartoun sports geoups, and iioas deemed a soccesshy the Peesidesi af tht L.A., Comrade Jean Hasseittidt. Dots lime ugait for Ordin- aey and Assomiat Memhers. Dons mast he paid hýy tht 31s1 ni March (this yearî. Lei's have a loo per cent relues, onip yoo mho haven't iooktd alter ihat ohligation cas ring tht hel] for î10 per cent. building Mackay erre chomm as Audi- galion tu Me. and Mes. Lewis lors for lthir work. Tht meeting Jîm ReOpatO and Jîm Car- endeestd Me. Osiers e- rîdge meeed thal the Modera- machs mtO mosi esihasiastie tee, hie. Lewis. etend the appianse. thaths ni thc congregation te Me. Lewis rspressed hîs Mac Ellit. Treasrer. the apeito o h ooea Lades id nd ll ffiersof iontOr and Ms. Lewis had congregatiotai neganizauions eceedin 1976, wo mode l9t6 sach a sais- tactoîry otar it the orh O Tht meeting tnded ai 9113h Knox pm in lO htht Ornedietion Me. John Oster etrnded aliehîch th Ladies Aid te thanOs et tht congre- proided reeleshments. Our readers write Congratulations The Canadian Champion. ti Main Sreet East, Mlot,lOntaioi ilear ies: i1n s vrry peased te read tOt Tht Conadion Champion receivtd an honorable mentonor theesttessinry ina weehip ewspoper in Ontario in 19760ai1the Ontario Weehiy News paper Assocationt competi- ion. Congratulatonsts1 tht memes o veur -staf deservng ofiiîs amard. hîncerrip. Dr. Frank A. Phlbronh. MemhrofParliament, Haton. os'0& le d . MICHAEL IRVING (centre) receinetsa sleeping bianket as second prize for tht Ist Milton Cubs christmtos cake sale. Michael sold $132 worth of cakes ta finish second ta Michael Lanais otho sold $416 worth of cakes. Presenting the sleeping hag ta Michael are Legion Presîdent Betty Irving (Ieftt representing tht sponsors of tht tnt Milton pack, and Don ýColhy i right i tht graup com- mittet chairman for lst Milton. Etsemhtrt in todap's Champion, pou miii meutanud pertuining to tht vinit vf the Service Offiner from Ontario Command, E.G. Travernty. if pou aretis aoy doaht mhul- enteahout pensions, enlile- menla for trnutmett, uttom- ancen, henevotent fando, or anp peohlem, thal tht Service Officte may he ahle to hetp ou mith, vue Oranch Service Officer, Homnit Hvphit, miii do his hent to unnint yoo, and pleane e bcamrtd Iat any enqoieies mith respect lu any of tht ahane are treted mîth tht stridtent confidence. Novant is ente infored of tht worh that tht Service Offîcer of a t0eanch is doite. They are ltht thteouteun heem nif oid-lhnp are aimapn avaitahie iv assînt mhre tlhep cas oithout hioming Iheir horn ahout it. Hoppy con ht reached ut 878-6623. Service citticer trom Command miii nisit on April 4, hut get in touch mith Hoppp hy March BesI liïshes to Gib Wrgglesworth, Prop. of Belworth Pump Service pa recentl y formed business 13 dealing ln the sales & service of Jacuzzi and Beatty water pumps " Repairs to mosi other popular makes " Free estîmates on new installations " Complete installations For Parts. Service or Information cali 878-9914 or 844-3077 21, iflt att possihle, so that ut appoinîment cat he set up fore pou.1k + + + d Betore pou read any fur-k ther, gel pour date cattodar9 and put a grent hage cirote i aroand Maroh 14, O p.. whats that? You dont ksow ' what is happening t thatn time? Sure you do, thats vue generat meeting lime. We ottillsvm to have empty stt ut theoe meetings, hom ahout chasiging ait that, and ose cupite the chair that han pourtnomevonil, And speah- itg of meetitgstOr eteciot time is fast approachitg.n Cve that tome lhought tot,s and this cotucen wmut eep yoo remioded that tl s pour duty as a memher of the ratch ta tet your vote be couoted ut that timeý Have pou seet tht big chuet on tht watt in tht Ctuhroom? And is yoor name on i yet? Get husy tfolks and ihe the When you find the right hause cali the right mover! BLAKELOCK CARTAGE Local 1and tut-at- lownmo moong. Vua miii tht Our citas meli vqaîppnd trucks, en- penn, cooteous se ticen asd mony ar p c atsa ing a ns. Pianos Lcensed and Insarvd CALL US TODAY BLAKELOCK CARTAGE LTD. 5423 Orilannia Rd. 878-5222 2forl VacuumValue!. Powerful Canister Suction plus Upright Cleaning EfficiencyA HooverCelebrityli1_ with Powermatic Nozzle Qt. bag! complete with '" ' 1S3089 attacliments $139e95 .AliSteel Aiiit.i Seel BeaisiOBar île Relcenable BiniOns * hapes t a0 ae utmaicalllY .3 s -1n.* p niio-tdl . .snt,înîeîî * FOusClesninq Suction Poe m'. - m I.- Cleans carpets, barp floors, draperies. furnture IlW *Open Daily 9a.m.-9p.m. 8%S.turdays 9a.m.-5P.m. ES 1rgagt1 *FURNITURE CNENIEN RICHAR SON"S* APPLIANCES FINANCING tout otice 465 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2336 * PLENT0F FREE PARKING -1 . contest says, if yoo don't eter yoo cool mwit! Atd ou koow how vice il would he to drive a oew car aroood. Severat members have tic- kets atd ltls have atother good oot 1or the vem bud- ing. Speakiot of new building, thivgs are proeresoîtg qaîte seti, bot more supporti s needed from the members of orBranch. To the memhers who are ot qote op to par theot dapo, oie wtsh yoail a opeedp reeovery, atd hope thut pio are Up and toohing forward 10 nie sanny weather verp f r p e n d ýs 7s ý)f in id ig et ie il- m 0- 'e rt ît- le n ýts te, ýb- a he he id, nd R

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