Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 9

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Safeway a andtformer clork fad opposod are noufarta an wseh ibe flie application. "We have an sncb a matemnent. A lot ot encesut commercial zonng peopeowalk dosntowo and an and ae have an escesa ut otra block or two wouldn't lesable commercial spce," father ahoppeen, hoe tait. hie poines ouf. RNai stores in "No doubft Ledwifh's was Ue pool yar have addosi hrt when Liblasvs openod, 154,000sqare feto oira- but 1 inderstand business in mercial fluo ara and flois piclin op again," hoe said. year the Lowu ilI have ahout "It a Zellrs-type store opens, 100,066 square et outesceon I wold lho hrt tu." refait spoce There are ssh- M. MeUlon said if the town stantial vacancios in Mlton defees a major inernational Mal and Ue domnlomo ares merchont from openhsg a noi,.lie said store here whon fhey thinh if ws'l di e ould hnefil fle, Ue tban Ledithos store ont die, ont gel any mre business butfil could lie "nrioussy fesse major stores. damnaged" hy auoUsr food ' Asebor stoce is the are, McCready Food stores arc "anchr aîd. .Can pou imagine ahat stores" d aUsy usoally it our dowstuin old h, aifh' n setinge uf are aras, out Ledwihsn" 00f righf ois Ue middle, lho The Sateway sute in dein- added. A store on Mitoside itely sot included in the area and anoUer uithUe former lnomon s e doanfown coc, Mlton ton site (corner o hoe uggesfed "Decentralina- Man and fBrown) wold lho ion ia a pcolem, and the ideal "anchors", hie said. hfeway storealo des "Wr need devlopseent in fraliafion" ho addod. dowotown Milton, I fol wo The site dorsnouf lend itoelt nod the start t o ew devlop- fa aalh'in shopping, il will mot and Saeway la a go haro ta o eace h c rs, oeg contendr," Ue mer- the coonicillor costinuesi. chant concludod. "Poouf trattieailI only bhoane. Blanche Hiton Usagreod let h ut one pr cent. Very ils hie-fle site is sot an frai aill all o t that lors- infegral prt of Ue downtoan tion." rea, she sali. People go If Safeway goes here is shoppingtfortood in Ueir cars "ipes out any possiility" o and Ue'l shop ai Safoway a major foodl store loating in and drive home. "if ont the daotuain rare. generafe any waling treaie He said the area is zoooo an Main St." she waaned. tac resideofial se, and Milton nords mre fsil "people e seed'. lHe ad type rentaI accomimodiations, mîlled higl-rises dont el she added. wel right nom hu iairs and Aresa sir? markes change and there Counillor Powadialo johed mlI ho a ef fer markeltfoc Uas te Safeaiay store confldt Ibal type ut accommodation go on Ue Brown Si. arena on Ue fure. site. May dropaout "No, no, you ca't have thaf The rouncillor eoplaised il a)ne" cred Ms. lotin, aiho faies aboot tma yeacs for a bas' heen campoigoing for rezoaong approval asd ail the several molhs o t gel the aId allier srcessary appravalo la aesa rehuilt hcobahaiised b Inhe meatime John Conway, aiho mao alsa if sameororelse huildu a giod oiradecsi s ae iefsto10r ie cre aiay store old cresale area, thetîomos food store latir peslemos in Ue Mil- limîl muld hoe rearlird ad side De. rea. "Peuple aiai't Safemay mîiglildropoa tfUe ath ta Mais Sf.," lho aaesed. campeilian. leaviog the com- cauncillar McCeady mercial land vacant. rejoinei the teay, dispoing Senior iizeits, masy ut Mr. Melnos pointa. lHe alsa aihua lise oilirhir OaiO cballenged him on wheUser or homes, muii'lt tactfac ornt lhe spolie wiUs Ue lessing food shopping. This location othe Doanlawn Gcasp. If hie iasylhîsg bu atractive fr badl the grospos sanction, il senior itizens." lie said. moulU have liadtfa have been In conclusion. McCready t given in the tat 24 hous," sîîggested "tlie healîli and lie said vitalîly af ose domnoam operalian mli sol lie ofimu- Nords ronsslseraf ion laîrd liy thîs developesent." McCeedy said e had no Cooscillar Bad Clementa right or pivilege ta aait ilieo aived a motion hal as pestection for himsel againol lter endorsrd. allîug for fthe competition, bof Ue Ledwilh prjecl lu lie refered aro fa store "needu srmeeproection, tlie Planning and Devetap- or aI least cassideraian." aient Coma iîlee for a report. inally couricif appeaveil Hie aluo waaoed la o omthe Cuneillor Clement' motion utimale dspositions af the calling for a neai report ram earier reoloesi for a rezonioz the Planning-Developioenl on Macket Dr. for tlie same Committor. irm;ai alid for an updale af lie 1via sludy u ofîîîairciat spore avalalile sn Milon; and as apdate an Ile "rng road" proposaI tor Ilie domo tomo area hich lie teit as mre possile, nom Ilat Coi- mercial St. laslieen opened lv Derry Rd. Asolofatuae Th aoOitilOr as suggesled sorie tdicaion sliould lie oliained ram Rolin Hood Mlifoads about thlitrof t isMarin S. mlIl bildings. Tht report cold le conideniel if neces i Concillor Gord Kraofo said"aithle presen time 1am covinced il îliafemayt ilI lie an assaI 10 Ilie domnolws' blieirsupprîrd a furilir comittie stsldy hfore a tftnaI anso ere isgives. Coaorîlor Art Melanson sa id despte the objrctions.,le liad 10 support Ilie lafemay site -t amnsure National tirocero iLediths) mold gambhîronua new lese and many wîti continue lao hap ilirer 100 lic calîrd Ilie Mlside st * perfect' for a supermachet1 0 andsuggested coutiilhlid a "dri)wat isliest foreieOms oilitîtton." Tlie Sateway markiet could le "tlie sfep- pîog sîsute for future develap- 1 ment in Iitons daîoo RugutarfivE Nuing imo Main St iîrof mercliats are compleltotai tc opposrd onlue ihîning onand serteo tlie sutjec, Coucore i o ecac <irreaîd that as allte$0.0 . proat le eeded ilai hepro ahpie ject mustliav'eimore suy It 18 domaooanA Htarvey Mellos. represeoisg Mlton Don b 11100 îrîîîp. saîd tlir MDG sFtýF ç,oîîvng Io i'iv-Ioiitovi ra i itetj part (il tle ilvuotomo a r e a od,,, Hie rgued i mlliCoascîttor . P' MîCreadys stateaient aliout-11ha>P tom pedesrtas trattîc forGo y ISalivation Armyl PICK-UP TRUCK< tn Miton0 & Ares IEVERY TUESDAYI 87782 The Canadian Champion, Wodnesday, Jan. 26,19779 '~Four narcotics charges Hallon Reginal Police iju before miduiglil lai- gas. Milton charged four peuple rday. Theits iscludesi five bat- is possession ut sarcotics The occupants 0f the car teries from trucks at a car lot, imutw differeul cases last iere chargeslmifh possession a neuspaper hox and $5 in k. aiw heu the bags weree ouud. chauge r fom Martiu St., a gau Three youlhu f ruiMlton They had uruck a parked car rau tromis resideolial airre charged. and sue yauog ih llieir vehîcle. garage, a CO raoi, selt ram a waman tramn Toronto. Police descritard the allier parked truck an,; a truck Inuonecase police touad incdent as a -routine bater.A Chain ,tw, rifle, trer lagu aitich conlained a check. " sholguo and shelîs a'orilî $30 plauf subsace suspecleil of Police Ihis seeli also [voves- ivrer laken tram a Speyside heisg marijuana aihes lhey igaleif a case af a ranlomer area tarai investigaîrd a rai accidentin5 drivisg off tram a service sa Armna au Thampoas Road for mare Ihas Il gallons oft utile Champion classifirds MDHS music marathon physical, artistic success Strange soonds airer comisg romi tle laseairnt ot St. Pauf's UnitedlChurcli dring the oîglil lalurday. Il as the sounil ot prclird lipo and ired longs. loiîg notes f rui ei-uscil musical instruments or 24lors. Theconcvretlaod o Miltont Rabies... (Continurd ram page lOn Police are waaeiiiig people in theCta mphliît areaio heep their dings on a easli 10 iniiiiatelirriîeoottlim ling attaclird li a mil fox. Thee s noo treatrot for rabies inaniastileyamust lie hitîrd if ihey gel h' disease. Rabies cao avo le cn trarîrd ly arai animais. andl these usuatty die mîllitu a meeh of ulowîsg lie syiop toms. Sometiaies. loever, the animal is lttes liai dors sot develap sympîsais tor threto six eehu Sym pios inodagsaiay noashowmupfor six mollis. Anyooe aili suspects ao animal ot liîg reuh', shoulil cotact a local veeiainor le liralil ot Anîialv lraocli ot the Canada itepartmeot iif Agriculure. or tlie plic'e 24-houe musc marathon ai lie churcli 10 roais oney for a paned trip this May to Kngston aod Otitawa. They moit lie playîog aitoaaihigli schoolstlereand stayig al, liolels. The ib-piee lband oreds mor lian $3W) for the trip Memliers airer sponored for the miarathio. hut a finoal total las îot yel lero recorded tfor tlie ruent. Tmo hundred and tei dollars as raiSrd os locatioliy selîug coffre aod sandw ies. hoorver, The 24-houe music peogramn as designed liy GeralU de Koyer and Steven Wilough- by, naeiog off Ue bands repertoire and ending illi ilirrgrand finîale as9a. Suoday aioig-Jeous Christ Superstar. Thone ou haodclaiaitliesangwasquite metodir, despile the 24-hoar endrance leea. Eye'mitnessesresport ifat ihere ere stili 15 peope in tleaudience asaof3 a.a., and rîght suIlthbrrr aIS5 ose The band hapes ta raise WILDWOOD MANOR CROSS COUNTRY SzICIIN e Rentais * Trails e Refreshments SPECIAL WINTER RIDING RATES Book Your Group Now for the Day or Haif Day 877-6852 February 3,1977 rem one million dollars for >onus prizes of $10,000 each. 2. "CogeOwEîgft-dtgit Bonus Dram vumber. ivdigit I o 6 ,pi5 r 'o ooooîai ticket e ' e'f ýr 6hh ' e uobers. I0O buck,and youre in for both. pur ticet now. lm all win more maney Feli. 19 mîitha conreldinner-daure. The concrtefbandmwili play tue ose houe. then there iiili e a sit- doan lbuffet and Ilrer houes of dancing 10 Scele( Peser. thie sehoat*s jazo-rocki baud. Price is $12 par roupie Anoalsee toodeaising effort planned is arecord album.il ailhall willig oacousîles an bc found inMilton. f'North Halton 1 [lRFSSES * Bi BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE & RECEIVE ýLfUSES A SECOND BLOUSE FOR 1 DOLLAR MANY FASHIONS ITEMS PRICED UP TO 2REA AND LOWER...... CRUISE WEAR FASHION CENTRE COMPLETE ENSEMBLES * SWIMWEAR *SPORTSWEAR * CASUAL ft FORMAI DRESS CORDUROY SPORTS WEAR GROUPING JAKE -PAT SIR Y12 PRICE SOE 20% OFF SELECTED GROUPING 0F LEATHER COATS ONL BRA SLIPS (NOW REDUCED) REIIULARLY ALE $ 9 0 AT 113.00 PR/CEl59 STORES 3% O F SPECIAL SELECTION solo stoaRs LOUNGE WEAR COME FLY WITH US TO LONDON!! Departure JuIy 9, 1977 for 3 or 4 weeks ith optional side trips to Scotland or Europe, Etic TRA VIL ARRANGEMENTS BY n TRAVEIL Acton 853-1553 M Toronto 364-103d4 IN Co-CoPEoAtION iTa CANAiSION LuGION, oouoCH 107, uCTOs 7 ~ )INTERNATIONAL O5%FEASPELYMAL FASHION LENGTH Regalea BI H and EVENING GOWNS 30%iGO FF P eSTOREaS MASTER CHARGE AND CHARGEX ACCEPTED * ALL SALES FINAL a tc. e4 w TE BOTH STORES

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