.4 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jan, 26,1977 Speak up now, or The location and financing of Multons second ice surface promises Ici ho a hotly debated item an Milton Councils agenda next week--Monday, Jan. 31. Since the old Armstrong Arena on Brown St. was ordered closed by the provincial Minislry of Labor last summer, a new ice surface han been a cantraversial subject. Now cauncil, at Mayor Don Grdons insistence. plans ta lay al of 1the proposaIs an the table, study thema tharaughly, and try ta make a decision. Such decîsians dont come easily, and shatever is decided probably sont suit everyone. There are several alternatives open ta cauncil and propanents af one r 1the thcr choice are sure ta make their feelings knawn. The 1976 Caunicil thought il had made the final decision an the arena questian, when il vted ta toil Mennrial Arena an Thompsan Rd. Thal plan was thwarted, haseever when (a) tenders came în away above the ariginal estimates, and lb) a 1,000-name petitian urged cauncil ta restare the Brawn St. rink. The whole arens questian was put away in mothhalls late last fal and the approaching electian prohably had a lt ta do with that. Cauncil ha since listed f ive apen alternatives -twinning Memorial, temporarily renavating Arm strong,campletely rehuitding Arm- strong, ar building a new arena on either the fair graunds or high schaol property. Anther al- ternative, that wauld use a tasen- owned site an Steeles Ave., also lurks in the hackgroundl. Cauncil is almost unanimous an anly ane thing, that a second ice surface is necessary. But there sre some wha still arent yet convinced twa arenas are needed. iAfter almost a full winter of operatian an the one-rink system, it might 1e interesting toa asess the resulta and see juat how hadly a second arena 10 deemed tahbe necessory.) There are same citizens pro- moting the twinning of Memorial Arena, sehile thers lobby for the Brawn SI. site. Those groups are sure ta ho heard fram, and council ha invited comments fram or- ganizations and citizens an each af the propasals. But sehal cof the majority of taxpayers, thase stay-at-homes who dont join arganized labbies but may also hase definite vies o n the second ice surface quandary? Many answered a Champion opinion pol, published at 1the suggestion of former Mayar Anne MacArthur, and the majarity of respondents favored rebuitding Armstrong Arena. The hest way ta 1e heard is ta write down your opinions and forward them o t council. But do it now, Next week is 100 late. Two miles tones Two of Milons service clubs Ihis monlh marked important mile- tones in cammunity service. The Optimiat Club tof Milton lasI week celehraled itsl 111 anniver- aary and this week a ig "30 years" graces the cake aI 1the Rotary Club of Miltonas birthday parly. Milton is indeed fortunale ta have two such dedicaled social rgani- zationa wrking hand in hand wilh 1the communily. Each, in ils asen way, conîrihulea hesvily 10111e life- style of Milton. Rotarians sere, for many years, 1the anîy avenue of club fellawahip and service in Milon. Since then 11e Kinsmen, Lions and Optîmis have ffered others a chance for service in 11011 general and apecial- ized areas. We're nat f orgetling the Legion, 1the Masonic Lodge, the IODE and other somenas groupa either, although t1e latter are more specialized in memhoership and avenues of warb than the "service clubs". 1 i ,.- A special fealure published last week detailed the aima and progresof 1the Opimists, and this week The Champion spotlighl taras la the Rtarians. Na need la dwell here an their various accomplish- ments excepl 10 say Ihat 110h graupa have amnply fulfilled their aims in tewardship 1in1the comn- munily. Sa happy irlhday, Opimists and Ralarians. May you 110111romain in service for a long, long ime. Commen ting brie fly The blaod shorlage t area Red Cross blood hanks has forced posl- ponement of some eleclive surgery cases, and special clinico are hing held 10 gther mre supplies of fresh blood. If you live in Milton and district and want la halp alleviate the crisis. yau have lwo chires. Yau cas gise a donation nase aI a clinic in one af the nearhy communities, or circle Feh. 17 an your calendar and be sure 10 attend 11e nexl regular Mlton Red Cross clînic scheduled for t1e Legion Hall on that day. Blood s 1the guif thut only you cun give. Theres a nese colucon on 11e oditorial page thîs week-Ooe Year Ago. We hope readera enjoy Ihia backward glasce at some of 11e Snow in Florida news Ihal sas happening just 12 months ugo. The papular 50 and 100 yeurs ugo columno will relurn laler. Righl now we are short aome of t1e historical issues fromn which those columna are drawn. Il could have happened here. Yes. 111sf million dollar, 37-car freight train drilment in North Borlington on Wednesduy could very sell have huppened in Milton. The train had juat passed lhraugh Mlton on t1e elevuled CN by-pass ise when il reached Burlingtan. Fortunaîely 11e accident happened in an unpopulaled, indusîrial area neur Waler's Lino. If 11e deruil- ment had came a few minutes ourlier, we cauld have seen railway cura aplling al over t1e embusb- ment in Milton. ChiIIy winter holiday hn Jlm cMIS i wmunnuprt nf the plan. bstoprestty bomsg n biaidatat aeeb as litb brng ataonicbstorieua nt e'. toc ait ynu oho oece sulfeiog iroagh snne biter cotd oeaîber, yos ere en- ltied 10 chuchie about 1the pighI of ihose oho has t-a tempted t10 escape lu aie masser cuimule. Il as cold io Fort tauderdale and few neSosasts fallutolu menion the impact 1the fiet snow sn Fort Loadeesales hislory mas hoing an 11e ecosomny andth11e tourist3. Three or four inch letiers were aed in oe newspaper headllse se procîaim ONOW. And lhey just rent ready for lIaI kind of cld. Dont en- vision asy 5500 banhs. What anoum1saw wassvery tbinuand quicbiy duappered. but 11e shitt ainda nso me cltaib era- utie penr ratuog. Mot pacsseenied lu ave osi tracb ai aie 'off" ballas ons 11e ar cnndtîooîng systom. I bogan 10 fol 11110 a bockbonIcte aller sitting through a moriof of meetings in a room mhile aie mai01tenance staff osght aiasuiy ta gel t1e aie con- ditioning swtch turned off and 11e heat trned on. Col fer golifsg The iem ufthae ocean and aie haulitat espamse f sand innI nearly as niting nhen aie chili olnd reqires seaers and more. Golf enhusiasa retsarbed rsme1e enusme toruglsly ehBiff and ouldour tourst craîses on the naîsd oatermuys equired he bsata ta o etlsed n otb Iigb ounda drovr doos oprn and the hbain staff as foreed ns put oopprs io front nI thees 10 leep nul 11e chliof iasis, ohile lhey more hmnvy cots ai aie regstration dm11. And eneryhndy taihed about i. bourist a luled aboot it. Besidenls tlked about i. Comediaos had a nem foued of ishes about il. Teleiion programs did sn- depth analyses abutitil The csmmenlulors ai 1the inagurai in Washingon tlled about i. Il mas an (Cotlned ons psoe 5) SNOW CAPPED rocks stand ouI on roods nesr the Niagara Escarpoaeft. . .. .Iatal.ya..ve..o...m ke. Sugar and Spice by bill smteyJ fIAD) Ileï'la hs oeeh and tfmI a couple of reading material. By the end of Day of days off worb. Thal made 10 days in1the TwonI had whipped through Ihreen lirary asti5 years on the job. And I eediscovered books, lwo dally papers toice a day, and the reason 1 sili. ime aod agaio, toIler off hall a-dozeo oeeklîes. a couple nI 0000 10 wonel hen l'm pracically on my hands magaaines, and the directions os the and knees wth sose ailment. ereal box.in English and French. It' becase eary g ou ofmy skul oith bseedom wbro 'm bone sicb l'mn no1 ayîng my odfe isnt a deighifl cnestoaitor a carmîog comp- anion,511e s. But iensty'u have11e 'Ilu y ou mont orîther deighinose carm. Vos jusi montlo bc efrt alose tîhe an onidrdng 10 lise or die as t1e Lord deides. Seowon'tlease nie atone. She brîngs nic a bg beakfasti 10lied olîeî ail i eatiy oant is s sarp hacihari bite Ateronoce spendig ayear inbled, inaatoium. i baie eatîog in bed. Tryîng ta balance a tray on 11e bores. apitliigoffleson 1the sheets. oîtb 11e inevitabte blasi Ieom 11e tasedres trippinagsnoey egg domo 11e ront ni ysor pyjamas. Tben by uncb-tîme. l'mnatt bored îatb bed ibat i siugger sp anddeess. dying or soi. And she staria agaîn. i sbsaid ans some lunch 10 eep imystrengih op.liane you tabso yoe anti -bîtie pulis. dean' Maybe ynu sboutd oatcb TV Inc a ohite ta beep yoe sprits op Wouid yo îbe anoie cupoftira" i dont osot anoiber sup ni tes t'i drosigîiniaiready. 1don'towani asS sardines onias, or cheese bts ite ove. ornice tasty soup MY Pillsmake me dîzy. TV maires me wauotin ihrow op 'ibIS bas gsi loble 11e soine ls. Am 1 reaIty du ing or wll1ttiie paralyzed fortfilehues God eatty enit ifi He dues, aba t'. lie dumping ibis on me' Weit, ait ihat 10 hadt enongh ast drmin ibis sessio,11e orsi happeneti i as ou The inevîlabie ocrureed. 1uas forcediso read ane ni those asmens magazines ihai my oîle boys occasisiiaiiy ai 11e super- market ohen she sees an inieresiing recîpe. il piuoged me lis an enen deepec. aimosi suicidai. depeessio tineol 1the tealoce articles nild metI must loe myseiito'rst, ii1sere gsinggisamsunt tu anytiiing. I powcdithrsugh is'ith gro ng dingua. consîdering ibai ai 1the îsomnn 1depiscd myscif. moder'n medi- cine, os aile. and aimust anyihing else 1 rouid t111mboai When 1 gstt i st ofai hinga i musi stop dsing i eetuove coyseti, and read, "Not havingsorgasins," I1 ibrea' sp ai oser the lis ingeon rug. Aller setiiing mso iiiach witt a hot toddy, and indîng noihing eisc arouîîd thai i adn't read toîce. i pîcbed op 1the maga- zieagaîn, in sheer desperatios. The other lealuer article piaoged me once aeaîn ino shososat gtoom Il os as uied, "Chari 'littr tato Succes Waes i read about flica aoiîtai site s a pcaessoe of educationut paychoiogy, I soold hase siopped rîght ibere. i boom tîo msch Ibose birts kbossaabout reat lite. Thr, lise in a deam worid o tao l k1e 'positive rentrcement ' and 'negatvee feedback. Buti1 pessed on, Aier adingithrougb ibre sacharine endoescnienin roîtupeope wbose obole lite site had cbasîged. 1 sent ol o tIm' Vos 100 ca o tossin0 11e foot- sieps of l.e, Marbkoand Doris. 'bas cas de- ine and ataîn y sue on succes chart, divided lin to hree perioda, each representiOg a tird af your lite, begnnlng aI 1the age f five. Thes you it lhree suc- cesses for each periad and opposite each, lisI why il was a sacceso for you. ouI nI sheer ennui, 1 tarted a oharl, In the icol periad, rom fine tu 15, 1 coud lhjnh oI anly ose saccema. I wos ane ighl oilh a helhgeeent rchis nameit George Corsell, mdth ohoos I tangled freqsestly. IL wasasuccesa for me hecause il mas the only one 1louer did Win. In1the second period, fram 1510o 30, again 1 could 1110 Inkooly ose successe I learned 10 ly an airplane. Bal iis wasn'l ssch a geaI soccss ince, hecaase oaIt,1,lspeol a slreech in a Germas prises camp. In1the Ihird pereoo, leom 300on,1I couldolt 1111011of a single socceso. I hecamie a news- laper esite theoogh sheer accident. Ail ihai gsI me was 10 years aboring as a gaiiey slave f0 pay oIlf1the morigage 001the paier Theo I hecame a teacher. shieh any dambsel cooid hecome in those days. They ocre puing bodies in Ilf11e sreels 1e- cause 011the hahy boom hiiiing 11e high chools. 1 hecame head o 1the Englist Deparimenl pureiy hecasse noody else wsqoalilîrd. oltos merit, esperience se dedicalion. I became a syndicaled colamnisi hy chance. Al ibai gels me is a deadile hanging about my nech 111e a big nId aiha- Oy 1the ime Id inished maing ot1the chari. 1 realized. st o te 1e icolime, ihai 1oas an ier iaiisrc. and thatitil as going 10 Lake a loi more ihan a char(iL10 change ihingo. Il oas then ihai I made my ose and oniy resoiuion for 1977.i1iili neyer again, should I1e lorced lu perose nothing more exciting [han 11e amati priton bsefbpasie tubes. read aiioihec woma's magazine [rom a supeemarbel. lmmediaieiy I made iis resolve, I feu a lot hetier, and nesi msrnîng oas bach ai work. Comment No way for press to behave 'BAn laiiprirh-Nisn iti'aa embarrasîngta bc a sember of 11e press cor psstaiTburaday saen a battation of nemo photograpbeen ctoaed i on Maureen MeTeer as sbe detîsered a speech on Fa' ity Lis insole initait auditorium ai Serdan istiege ti itabsîile Tbe ite ai NationallProgressnivet'on- eraive leader JueClarkbbdsdt ataben ber stand ai tbe mcrupitane-todded ie- tero muenta bltzireg si ftaab papa and abutter clicha began by aversatises em beont1he nmeda brigade. Scribbling notes iras boit sis lest smay tesîi ite wostîaît oimia - ,lia .ata's neai irai lady, t1li1the rge 10 rîggte under neatb myrchairutnas N M"eersdisomlurt an susqetirttonwt h rs e insird as a stsipeaker for tbe entieges "lierizons' sectes for sonien. Ma. MeTeer mas put on tbe drtensise-eaiting fora"-cease lire' on nsmerous occasions in rder dlia itebsnîîgbi cocenleate. andsas lier soie cotîl e ad abss te 1elcîng at eaae, 'ith ynut nappingtintmy face?""sbe interrupied lber peparri speecb 10 asb ose patîcular>ib tîlîts splistiigrapbe ob liadt peppedblits camera on tbe tetero ta gel cimse-ups ofliber "Ynukboom: ifs MTeer bold ibone pre- ait thîsîgssî bn ut VIiidoiiny boni" tgoire appeai Undausled by lier appeat for quiet. hom- ener. ibose responsîbie for 11e photo' graphie btlabesg cotitnuedl untît Mos MAUREEN McTEER lauuchea her speech, ta11e clicking of cloue-up cameras and 11e popping of flashbulbs, during her Sheridan uppeurunce. asb "Ilo manoll$ are you laio?"' Oui foe same reason, thîs remarh nnly prsmpied nîany 10 eeload their cameras and continue iaking soos- rather than re- ireating 10 a distant corner aIf11e ront. Ms. f cTeer appoared sederslandabty resed obso ber 15 minute speech nos aaeesand sbc sanb domo lIn a chair bhlind the ecteen o'îth a glass nf ater. But --s a question and ansmer periad mas scheduted 10 foltom ste mas ashed 10 stand up ai 11e ecters once again so those pressot migbi hear her heiler. 10ument gel a efler picture. dont yna"" Mn MTeer re-tseed as she rose 10 ber leet, I. nerved il) iis ime. 1the 24year'ald ihird-year universtty tam stadent mas iihty an- neesed byth11e ay her appoarance mas beînz coveeed Ai one point duing the question andt ansmer period. amnman seated inth 1e tar nf 11e auditariam ashed thaf 11e pres "please refrain fromt cliching their cameras" an Ms. Meîeers ansmer mîght be heard. Thisa resisesi mas grected ilh loud ebeera fromt11e mostly lemale audience as npenty angered by 11e photographers' performance. Then. lter. oben a press phuiographer raised is hand 10 asb a seron question, M. tutTsser sgnizied hîi iih tbe mucus 'tbha's tbe malter" Arrît Ilan ing rigbt fr you? Tmh florI leonicatty. the phofographer mho lookeh1e Itach in iis instance as Th1e Championas tOnd Jerred. wo had hepf a distance nI 20 25 leel throughoai Ms. Meleers tlth usinga 'zoom'" lema n his camera sn as oui 10 dinfraci the ile nIf11e PC leader. Ms. McTeer laler told Mr. Jerred she mas sorry laco avng ingled hies oui But, in lad mhal nshe had dose mas onty a normal resciion folloine 1the half'bour seigle hy aner-zealous media photo- graphers. 511e had automalically ahelled Me. Jerred - and eneryone else ilh a camera around hin necb hat day - an just anoher bnarioh memher of th11 lpres. Pages of * the Pt ' F rom Champion F il les One year ago Tales ross the issue of The Casadian Champion, Jas. 28,1976 Haton Board of Educationslas an- nounced plans 10 bus as many as 159 tudenlu Irnme 1eRobert Baldmin choo area 10 Pineciem Sehoal six mites amay. Continued residential expansion coupied with strict Ministry aI Edacalion guidelines s cauing serions overcromdlng in Mitions elementary schsols. Police arc innmstigating 11e posiiiiy aI arsan heing t1e cause of a ire mhirh gulted the former Hornhy Peeshyerian Church on Steeles Ave,.te aternoon of Jan. 14. Three youihn are suspected of setling 11e blaze. Ail thai snomy mhite staff is starling io gel ta people. Complinlu are pouring in rom Ward Ose and Dorset Park areas abost anplomed roads and coanici l Monday asthorined themworlos superistendent ta hire more staff and rent more equipisent In improne the snom clearing speratios. Regiona1 Counicilors as a gmsture aI god faithin b rouhled econonic imes, have noted 12-1110o tale a 10 per cent pay cut for ahis year. Their $8,5W0 salary mas seliwon years ago. Suart Smith, a Hamiltan poychiatrisi and roohie MPP, mas named Sunday us 1the mas lu bead Otario Lihrais oui nI 33 yearn as un opposition party in ganern- ment. Speed limita on many ighmays iii 1e reduced ibis eelend. Highmays li11e 401 milI go from 70 10 se mph ohile 1the Kingos Highmays mili 1e dmppod freesse60 t55 or 50. Milton halrstylisl Ral Johasion. 30, mas lobittof 20 cnestantsn a naotde compelîtion held in Wnnpeg. 20 years ago Tales (rom 1the issentof1ne Casadian Champion, Jan. 24, 1957 scores of visitors were welcomed Friday nigh an an open bouse sn11e sew anukhof Commerce. by manuger Cor [lubie. W. t. DiSck. ose nIf1the hunho nîdesi depositars, mas among the vsiîtors. Bruno Seisiozi nr Mlton, omner of Branoss eauty Saloletlast weeh ona ton mnntb hairstyting lecture toue ai Western United Sites. He recenily re- turned from a sîmiiar lecture loue of 11e easlern and sothern siales. Nearty 1000 Hatos Cnsersatis poched the toms hall in Milton Friduy nigbt t0 name Chartes Aeander -Sandy" Besi of Btemariton as theur candidate in the neai federai etecios MeBest, 25,is 1the youngest Tory candidate ener named here. He wonu tle somination on aie lîrsi ballot oner Mac Spromt ni Adtos and Rev G. Locbhurt Royal of Nornai. SHe premîsed lu revive île nid cansassisg practice of rylof ta visil enery home in11e riding. mhîch mus recently renined by is predecessor Misa Syhit Bennett, oho died in Nosember aller holding aieSaltIon seul lue ise yeara. 75 years ago Tahes rossthe issue oint, Canadian ChamspioinJan. 2:1.nia on Tharsday Orando C .und is son, aiteged tunaties, hoth ni Caniphelsvilte, ere rought bfore Oirs, Robertson and Buck, J.P.'s. Il appeared runi the enîdence and t1e statemenis Ihat i1ey had been luisg tessoos on bypnotissi hy mail and thai iheir stadies had upuri lhem 110111 Bolh claîmed 10 ho omnipotent, or ut teas. in- ferior n power 10 Cod ooty. They wr committed far mnidcat esamunatiss. Th1e Free Presou says ibai 11e preatios ut Acton hune beenasuccessbut in preseotuof asy oem cases nf smattpss there and ibat 11e original cases are progressiof favorahly. T11e corporution milctuim compensation fromt Toronto Janction for the negigesce ni the medicut beuitb off icer of thal town noasoig Mr. Vanetogo to Actan. 1n a simitar case 11e 1000ni Mit- chel bad lu puy f2.00 The heasy sno storm of Tuesday nigbi and yesterday msrning hieched Miltas sidemutho and pi'ustded pienty of shonet worl. steigbîng bas heen împroved. but mnuid be better i ti err nouifor 11e many drifts and bure apots . The 010cm mas sery heavy ai 'Toronto ohere ta tochra u l osa fait. Trains orre delayed and treelcues împeded. Th1e Starsauya that the cieunîngofn 11e streets wiii cool the cty $2.500. Tho storm mus geserai and beuoy eserywhere judging tenm reportasm tumiltioMon- treat. Bufalo. Goderich and tar-off 1H E CANADIAN CHAMPION e40 DILLS esIeuTIso 5fh e AND PO5LISHING 10. phI..,III31 Dlia ,P.111he Roy E M.- a E5 dsai o anaS N-apt i t n SsmO end h. orint tunki t a n oas."in iMsns1aoan o nnua,0I 'ifile555y. t o in ldvae,150 sisntsihd. C.11-1 siýYIn os ,15c m or aS2 .5,0in 'Il on vi ias55.ns su r s ln th5. la 5 O lIiIs sha onts s5st . i i 55 za t a slero, fhat oinWt ta o mwihasch amoaano fne.. Wsaonl mi Was t « .- an t.s n Inee i àau gahiau i tros etismi055, 5i suas. ati . su si 550aoil M