814 The Canadian Champion, WednesdaY, Jan. 26,1977 Council worried but favors Nadalin Milton Ccis Planning deveopiment in hat ares. east side oi Higisvay 25 and Loris Wood' s proposai bie an DveaosntCmmtte Solicitor Harry Funkt ap- poieLa rA r redored in sîne. agreed o consider a preposai peared iefore the committee Zaosooaesai odyssp oui the pianner and roue- for a neigisborisood shopping osiehait ai Mr. Nadaits ta ihere ai the preset uie cillais empisined tise nemi centre an HgisOay 25 ist tise reiluet a speciaicommercial Tos mach 10prteritishe doontoon commtteerlid applicant ooing tsiwadalo a White oOceitiors appoared hsines area 'Tise doos- am Nadain thai tue pro- havis and ater retaît stores 10 anxioSta have tise auto iody ton israpidiy going ta hell posai siouid he reworked and le dertapod an the 264 acre siop relocated and were iv iecauoe vf a nuosher ai presented in coniuCtion ils holdingý geseral approval ai tise pro- thitngo. Il is only duelsn parsta tie proposmi Victoria Wood The tond ivstualrd os tise posed land ose, moch concern tise geserol erosomy. Ose o wisexprevord over providing the lactors 1 is is cooncit commercial laoc sace in altawing tos moch comn- tanmercial fiscr spce,' saîd J)ayPionner sBah Zadosyi Coociltar Ricit Day. Da c m lansrpcres.ed h01 at)bncers lorce- - Mr ht flintis report. He said Mr Zsadanyi taik n a a cnsidecolion shauld ise ackowledged tiai Day had g v ihenew officialîplan histoposOareal pt'oiteo- Tise o edesignting some ai tise commerial area con ite avec k~w ~ f~ cmmerctatty plassed tonds provtded. Wes tiai happons, tuiciu liste n in colte otide ai DeccyRd. stores move olt and the area sauts ai Nadalit*spropocis. iecames a isigiti and te Coueiltor Rîcis Day is orever eing tîddrd by ta resîdetiil commercial iaitric is diited telo coovcdtaors albolt ho ollîsgnsntot spat ai Whte the Plosser recvon- makîvg il dillîcoit for mer- great lesgth on asy soijrct. ai any ime- Il dd'i ate mrvdrd favorablie cossder-chacits ta aller the servicms rositie Coosittor Rose H arrisas long etor site oas lion. lte soggesied tiai the hat their cstamers nemi and pokig fn aithetalktiv coueilor.commercial ora in tise Vc- want.l poisg ls a tstlkat uivec o nett of hi-- - - - - - - - --echAeshsgthai cota he Tusa ih hnleraie nyafwo h on .. revenue in the dowsivol cillrs ere istnin, whle ther ha beun sde is-retiecto in the appaasce," camassigons evh. caloM iltonevv tsecOnCooncillar Day sid. -Wdiors ceiteir. hile o.tieha t egonviedi are t nThe commtter terc mohe pepleMcaintaîcotltiiieem1itr oseace *m repor t empty stores ov Mab esol sadi omtte swi s Councfli Main St. and stores thtl Mayhe o,- e msaod.sadi omtte soi Scoldn'tibche trod iv the Mail -You'd c on yoc ed toc a long Lime." Coucitto ort airoay pîned Harisas quipe. ~ -scouscdlos disuisseia rz01 ivg and ofalipan omeni m-est ihai oouid altos Sale oytoala-alý oi Education program must accomPafly crosswalks Milon ouic5ls Plannig crassiv0gurd a sho domnanicovsideraîîon and Devetapo-en Co-o-itree crassivgs and poýss tent Puilic pcagcam o-lt onidr eqrsi tc 2.00 po yar. is Inhis reportiMr. Zsodanyi pedestrian crosnalsonanv esto-aird tiail i o-tirsioraîtne xtensivedalien indîvîdOat mecnt hasis. 3o to sign each lcatiO edur for s lnsise po tt Tseo-ssomne cocers crosswa ats euain paro ia vaîce isat esat alr Tise planers report on, should bSe sodeciaiten etore vl liecaserai te dcales tai a crosoalk ansmore sîgvs are erecird, cooiiiete coesgesd i cad sere seneior citizens in CrrenilS tere s one Conittar Rcit Day ailispis la cross Onaria si. r-.swatS v lscv ailt suggesied pedesrians cotd vintise Mlon Mail scînits iErnest C ilrsry Scsa iaragratlriit-îîtîte ep tnl inolisreport Seserat ters agaa cross- sîgss, tias iltey lock hlirrbltias ic 1400 grawssand Si.in oasthviar of(tahe chances jayoalhl50 tise nerd for poecin aI i-IN ieae ilt Be ctaîo-ed people 5cr a more l,,,atialis iceasrs. te aparto-ettI hidings. Si taI cossak iîn and tink ail ,vanciat impicaionsaof has sice beea ettaed an they haeto dvispoint and hring more adli crossing epacrd olS a crossing g. Reeativg apersoaatdis- gadsowitiiecooea more gard alWoodward St trust aftie syniro-. ie sald Ushe cosic il cotd gise tise pedestrian te rîgisiaof ay iti installisO a crosso-atit."Sot Uai dossI mean to-il gel VACATION leer safety Fase çecirit O Planver Boit Ziandanyt O R aid ie feul tece oas soo-ie o-ent in CusrittOr Days roomest iBe soggested tai snioe pdetias coodfisd a Mon. Jan. 31/77 -Closiid flie sense ai secrity in lie crossvatk is 0 Rutotlie ater iavd ie Tues. Feb. 1/77 -CIosed presesled docum-entation tiai indcaird sostnatial Coe decrease in accidents in Wed. Feb. 2/77 - Çoe places ohere te'iave item tocaird. Tise pi anner sressed tise Thurs. Feb- 3/77 - 9:00 ta 6:00 nemi foc a sound edcatian prograv5 prior la te sîgnv beîvg erecîrd Be eo- Fri. Feb. 4/77 - 9:00 ta 9:00 phastord te nerd 1or con- iormîty. cnsîdreatian for arsîseirs and good police77 -90 o6 0 eviarcement as ater tey Sat. Feb - 577 -90 ta6 0 facors Tiser gards Tie ton 000tas trer _________________________ SimeQoe popular f or ice fishi ng one cifiSthe cts POtl- hi ointer ice-isingi vmtr ta Laite Sincar a1 tntio o-les' varh lh -iToronto 0.10 tînt huis dot lite races A varîeiy ai sport ist Isi avaiatte: aise roul. o-hite- tîsit herring, aîd percS. Ril and tactie cntbe pur- chsed ai stores n the fiSh ut ctony. And ie0ps and cads can te revied for a tondet ee. Transportation la and tram lisehnis is pravîded Sy snowovoOite or jeep-doso Te r evîrd ht, oicaîrd in a cisic area andtmoed from ime ta, ime as tie ist moae. s eqitiperd ois a wod ce il slave fr eat andtir liteltt the re-Sh[ livieil ,îîth Some lîsS Sali no-s- eqipped oilS Snts and lait trnfor round-tie-lcak tst ing. -Canodian postage rates are going op agin on MarcS i. A iet clans letier o-lit rosi 12 centa. Llauv7a> Cupid ýdram corne tme -.an Etmal Voaknine! Ill-, 7 il ,~ .-'i" » I t..'il ipiiiilii tili,,- wihare nos zosed residen- liai. Thte Planning Dic-tac and a mîinoriiy ai caOsîiilacr project Okaý 'Waste of money'-DaY $25,OOO0 road study m ia n ttin n and o n e f ro m nacis m u n icip al O rdtee rn u te tUse is n moioirupays Use ha' ari was alu isno s ed h ad rpesnaie ad once. Coancillor Day. Rut Cleris Counriliar Wtnn aid ise in future, all iniatc nuis- Cam T hli T s on e - oould serve fr W ord ¶nnree. nîdies on local coud onrimii lan thUe canittee con- Mayor odon suggeslmi bc hased on Use nemi, relative trois Use engineers risnn foc Cnuncilloc Day ait on, Use la fondsavaailahle. Mayor Use jis directs Use atudy and rommittee represnnting his Dnordon med rooncil it otst Us priority for coudas rural Word One, ut be o-ont have a coud neds Usy are innontorid. refuned and suggontmi C n- study, soUsedeli!cienren are Pruines Province rillur Rriun Peso-un sisould .avr ro-. tn s id Use ha Use delegate. mark against Ue downtown. study-wicis Counilior Ricis Mc. Zadanyl said lisecon- Day calied 'a ouste Of structionO a major fond ooney"- oas approsmi isy store Uere woood ail tut kilt Milon Cooncil lasi oeis. Tise chances foc redevelopo-ent in tons cosl s 25 por cent, an lie centrai bsiness district, tie provicia Ministry Oft Widening 401 to six lanes Wideniof vi liglivoS 401 ois laves tiscougispacloiMiltn s scismiuled toc 1978 and 1979, Mayor Dvn Gordon inioro-ed Milon Cvsscit tosiveek. Expansiasnv toslanes ro- Dect'y Rd. 10 Trafalgar Rd. vas scisded oro 1900 and te widevtng icoos Traalgar Rd. la Hgisoay 25 oas pragramo-mi fvr 1982, MTC's centrai regian pionner Joisspceeo-avsaid in a liter lo cooncil. Havever, Mayor Grdon saîd ie earsed tise fonds ierame avoilaitte and te construction isas itees advanced isy 100 y e a r s . E .s la i 1 - m i W c e t s 1Tise to-o additiasal laves o-ii ise provîded inlise medias ai tise ruîntivg rsadvay and 10 foti paved vutide sisolder wiii te crovided on eiter ide. Eisting crosisg structures are adqute for hasdlig the sianing ýt changes o-l bc neessry to po andi speed chng lne 1ai Trafalgar Rd. istercciange, avaliser Ivo-tase amp wil te pcovîded, four aves iro- ot sortis la SIen Ave viii te 9 construrîmi and tcatiic igh isaolit te instaited ai twoann i- ersectionsaio401amps avnd TcaiOgac Rd. At lise Higho-aS 25 intrrctiavge, a cao-p ae s N d strucure isto bc ethened.~ Is Cousîti as vocnu ova ctilons a ïcodesis Tise issue ai O tc pcapoved Dorsal 000'-and Wnsion Churcciill Rivd. inleivisanges oas ra iscd isen lava staff antd Ministey representatives o-rt Oaittiis saiject vn Dcioiser.ibt tisey are needs a rezoflifg Tise roceuce an eta inmotion ta ueguin",ewht i. nov in lact an iliegai prar- tire. tors. Edits hisneois oporatine a isUit store fcom he oeat 41 P lriSt., a renidenlially zond oras, Planser BobsZsasdanyi tbld Miltos Planning and Deve- lopo-ent Conimillee Usai Use isook store is a isusiness tisai evoived icoos a isobbiy. Be noted tocs. Sharpo had npptied for a rooning lv avoid a conftirt olit tise municipal naning isy-iasv. Wiie meosters oece generally ini ogreement wvus alaving tise avis store ta oporole, lisey did sinsiso going tiscoags tise full proredoce foo arroing. NDO ONTH AIE 3 Days of SaVinIgs EOFM36" PERCALE PCE. PLAY SUIT MTRILASSpT PRINTS 5 vansSye Asstd SicsStylesSCcIcas waaa,,lSssOtî-l0Cne50 0 $5.88 ,1.94 pe yard 3,,die. fru49 50% Off BOYS» ENSG 2 PCE. PLAY SUIT oeSz 2 4 BoO FOAM FILLED MISSE & LAIES'PILLOWS DRESSES OXFORDS asPttenisCool Ass'd Szesfi Cl-s50% Off2$3.50 P RLYSE'AT RUGS FURNITURE SET T.i.to-ele PO YETE'a NT 9 a12 RaOotSior Rad & Gotd Reag. -00CURTAINS s3.97 $59.88 --,227.96 25%/ Off GILDRESSEST RECLINER CHAIRS SWEDISH GLOBES LCRAI As, tr icCiib- t sVîaseisLaop Fises AM FM DiitqaiCiocvkRcda '5.8 3Yj% Of2.47 23.88 DORCHESTER SELECTION 0F ALSM F5CcEDS, OUTERWEARRo,199 50% Off 'SiesS IS EtSK 42.88 500/o f f 1 RIDGEWOOD MeNSEI IM N STEREO PHONOGRAPHIC SPORT SHIRTS SSE $A"'d Plids 01/o Off'79.96 BOYS' LARGE TON'ORO Sac O SOCKS vDUMP TRUCK Et SEAT COVERS nuas 10U10 U è DAT SvaiosSsE o l" 113CalasTRAILERS Goodao o-ctao-vite 211.50 4.96 '_*ma7.4 Credit Convenience ut Zellers 1 Any of Trhese Credit Corde Accepted 1I.-ee ZELLERS LIMITED - 55 ONTARIO ST.. MILTON 878-8178 OPEN MON..FRI. 10 A.M. .9;30 P .M. SAT. 9.3a .:30 P.M. e ýe id he rd on :at il. ,ng 1 - id- ,fe- m advasce and Use fonds viii ise granted. Entra Oueds, for rond oork sot inted in Use needn study, wiii se 'isard te gel," he predicted. Rut Cooncillor Day ridi- coied tise need for Use needs slody, mspeciaiiY at a $25,000 coul. 'Oar clers and roadu soporintendet t ould do il in une day, stisoot sponding $25 006," ise claio-ed. "I isave tried for lisree pears lu keeP aoay fromntisis ntudy. 1 fmît it vas ridicoloas lu posaline os and have to spond $25,000." Leginlotive Assistant Jacks MeGeacisie tld rounci tise repfort isad lu ise.dose hy quaifird engiseers Tise lant local ronds stody vas dune iv 1972, ise soted. Counitillor Jim Kerr suggested Ihere wrre 25 ironds tisimi erdier us deficient, but osty ose vas mver dose. A co-ordinativo co-nitIer comprisisg tise mayor, worhn director, dent, planning direclor and tisree onriltOrs prndictnd provincial granta ouli come tisrnugh more easiiy, once the studylsins- "I thini tise province ln doin a gosd tising, il us gond lises planning, " sesid. in a iast-ditch alteo-pt, Cosarillor Day demandmi ome instruction f rom Oak- ville MPP Jini Osonitihe Min- ser of Traosportation and commuicationis, tisai the toons position on road sois- sidien oould he prejudined if ns study vas onderlakeit. A matinlu tisat effeetOas carcied. Lover Ilînli Cooncillor Jim Watson teit thse$25,tOufigure vas tosisigis and proponed catting Use total cost to $20600. Be inter pro- pvned an amendîsent tu tise motion, setting $25,000 as a maximumi amount. Tise ides vas sot dos olUsont a vote, and ise witisdrew Use a-esd- Wisen it camne tise ta Ivros tise co-ordinating commtr Coonilillar Art Melaosos