Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 28

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B8 The Canadin Champion, Wednesdav, Jan. 26, 1977 Service Above Sef' Milton Rotary CIub-3Oyears of service* fitîs 3 oes silce tefrmatot O te Rotary, Club ut Mlon and last ngit (Te- day) te dclbîturboo te arît iegnning otit frme itemsiers and Charter Preideru Judgc K.SY.tit oinatîcodance Te thee ecde pan Of conmuitYî.Vo- cattnlutntitrnatinal seietcoersua broadcrange iftluOllssTie contritutiot financali vandti0ur of sevice of mun merrberss significatif GRACIE FIELDS appearel int Milton Arenu i 1956 under the sponsorshtp of the Rotary Club. Her appeaCoOCO juif illed an erier plan for a local uppearance by the fanied-arlîstThe six joches lhîck ce biait lubc remos'ed from the ai etla frIhe May appeurunce. Spaonedin te imeediate post a years, te cluit bas ad an impact totîtov comnnitnttptst For, many years il bosted a Haloues prto ite 100 bal, il sold panuts oth god deal onopta and enthituastt. itbas sponsored te Faster Seal prograt;itor l'rippled Chitldeen irtually 51cr te lubs Inception Tite Club bas sponsored Ho ', Scout groapo. uludents ta Otaau, und t;, ternationat exchange stîdents Launched hockey Mibîor hocktey in Mlt oas tstgteîd under te sponsorship ut Rotary Forte titan 12 years te cînitias presetrît an annua series olsixTrasel and Advetue filmns acit intee seanon. And aloays titere ase bren tbe 1und aîing eseols 10 mabe te commuaitî's sriepossibe. Hot dogs ai te aIlfar white bats sold lu raine lunds for pocb deselopment. carnîvats, te preselatiton tîf a prormance ity Gracie Fields, a dance t; the music o MarcKenne a gacden purty in tetaie grounds. car rutiles, ilitucuisa and a white eepitant audtosn te es; oecc amotgtitem. The Mlot Figure Sitalîng Club bud is orîgin itb te Rotary Cluit andite club contnedto asstsl tit iating cars;oals foe many years. A choral group. te NItîlloî c'bocal SctlIter te Haliones, Sud itt orîgin oit Rotary Titere were otiter tangible beselîls rîts; te oorb o te Rotary Club. Roary, Park, sesen acre area oas puecitased at;d deveîopcd by te(luit ietore beîtg l;;î'îîî';t îoeeintetlooe Theuading polta,11a Roar protect and the irnlthalltdiamnnds weeesalilsed by te cuit. SInon donations Rlotryasttedin the constructoofthlie Scout Hall site Agrîcllucal Grounds andi toits otboc geoupo ieneittled icont donatots made by te club. outto retu o teotrigtn oltbeclub me bhave t,, luro te dortbaci to101947. toc m as beng eul ut Marto 'n Pond, te tout; asRus tttutttg garitage collection, G. clOso landuas ttavor.the town was cen stdt'stttlla 'ecage leralmeol yteti. te 1rst tîteettogol te Board o Heait obrin hlb'iltos iieallb 'o;; oas eld and te rota stlt d nalur.lce Te' tcorî;gatîoed Roary Coit ni Niitiît i tto tton exitsence January 22 ut a d;.ters;ttflice upstars,of te tout hall, aI- ti-oded Its about 220 TheSbootcht Blockt Olttrne'slntltule dtd te cateeîng. "it eertise Piesident o;te neo club ont Ken Itit. tîtîl; 5Walte oreinton as icepeeident, Geor-îge ' l.eary au secetary. R. E Mc- Anldt;s treasurer and C. S.Knigit an Sergeat aArls. lttrect;;es ;tcladed Davd Dais, Ciales lot le'îîat;.andi Knnet Hollsoorlt 'tht-ce are stilI titeeebeesin te doit uhttoare named on tetorgnal chtarter, 516;- Itdwit. otrdot Goland C.B. lIbher ubartere oembees o'ere Clacence RittdrlWllam Clemeol, Ted Wood, Drc 'ced Subct;cb. and F.WBS Fitzgerald. I so'; logttntillte clubwas in gear ,and ogaizntt eveols. Thte iet event uppeurs o tltib'ontJulv 3. 1947 oben te club spoî;s;oaostee gardent partyin frot oftiw ;' g; lu; i 1Soset, grandnland. "ismsloloord its a dance aI ite 1005 ttî-atbîr. an omet'? ojlceetss tged underuihtutuat Presidents in 30 years benntttoltit;ok17 'I8. Water Soreteglus 194K Gordonîtt,,ttt,îd 1980 ; FSt.ired llit,*ct'b19n)5,13., a' lDavis 1951-5. Soit O,"ttqS o Stbls dwtit I954-55. Gord ;i11ll, No o., rm Guld 1957758; Johnltttittî19,59, IHarold KeKon ît1959-60; Ilmrd ; îisold 1vs-,; J,.1Allen btaucs e,; '2ou ttoIF SloCuaig 912 tii Robt; erttoso1963-64. lue; lIltz. 1%4-65;I Iucit lopelatd 165' eit; lohnB;;r;; own 96667, Dalton E.McQuag Nor't0 tman S.Feurce. 198-69; Ed l,,toosb;11969 70.1David FThoopoon 170- MnSOe; t171 J;ohn.toav 1971 72: FSl't b lc('uaig. 1972-73; RichardA. toptot 197174; Burke Sîetîil 1974-75. A 1, uGu t ,,uotusbt 197576; Lachit NIcKesie 19lTS767 oas an omen nifte maoy succetint Pro jecs wieictnere to pan the et 30 years. meeting te needsofnichitldren ai Haloneen, the 'club organized a Halloween partOaI ihe t000 hall preceded hy an art contet tnsing Bon Ami) on te store iutdows. At te party there onre treats and entertainmenl, a magictan, a mveand tncity drnon Ojitar parties coninned oser the yeart. The t1wn00 population onts 11. in14 thcluebout holding ils irst dance ai teBrennI ton in Bringlon and tint Harris ueganined a speciat bot. There oece 360 itags ni trealo ianded out ai te Halloween party in teonitat. A iingo nus siaged a feo dayso ter and te clit uns also sponsortng te drive for Tite Unted Emergency Fond toc Brilain. tin 0tLer oas a campaignt 1 ielp Manitoita renîdents oho itad tott su mucit in te flond.Titece oas an tee Revio niite arena and ter oas a dance 10 MarI Kenney ptnnned. Wncit tocrte ceppted Chittdren oas cnntinnîng. The clnit oas alto invoive i n te sponmorsitip ni a Teen Town 10 provtde sometiting tor te young peuple. Vaietospeakes Tite oeebly meetings oece dotled witit upeakers [com te communily and icnm incter aiteld. Ditrict (insernors mode atnal viitt 1 te coit. estocting mema hrs 10 greater eforts or anistitg witit proittemtu Thte oeekty nteetings once alto an op- porlnnily tocrte clit 10 hot varions groaps. As aitaci an 19511te clit ont lîsing te hitgi teioot graduationoîlots. Later a rucal-ucitan nigiti oas freqnenlly organteeli o0 odcate te cînits support foc te Oairy Herd Imprnvement Progrant or a 4-H cloit As coomunilo toptîs develnped there iscre otet speaters 10 espîan ntent Concert wtlb dumping oas evtdenl in 1952 and the club bad a speaher on anlacy landutl. Ken Elsley oas te clubs iet student 10 parî ple in Adsentnce in Ciiaensitip Thte pograntbrugtlstudents irom cros Canada10 Otaaor10e neerai days t10e goenmetn actin, and to meetthe prme minster, gosernor genecal and otiter ullîctals. Parties coninar Alog theoway the clubowas itvoled otit o,îer projecs.tttcl'ing enteittga loatin te Satta Clans pade, or opralîng te atnal Halloor'en porty. in 1954 a group ront Georgeownt aI lrvded à rbîb meeting because oft lieir 0mrsti establinbing a club Ibere. oacy Part developmeno oas an on gnîng and i tmeeconnnmlng part o cbi operatons, Purcitase othlie land Onu one îbîng but te ongoîng atempis 10 oblaît a manIer plan. lesel te land and arrange for desetopment ootltnued an major cdoiteci torts. AIlte clubs eforts intaI deselopenent o ere ntI succesnlOl. Theitllation o a fine drnkitîg outait, adjacent lu te uadng pool was soon damaged by andals. Latr a saitantal cernent blockt building (Contnnd an page B9) DANCES bave been reglar club social events. In 1955 the club held a dance in the tooco hall to mark an unnlversary of Rotary In- ternatijonal. The preujdent of the Burljngton Club AI Wheland iu Support te researccu ana edacation prograntn0 Ouron Ontario Hearl Foundalion, titrongit a generou guIf10 ite1 Henel Fnnd Campaigt. Steetes Ave. Mlon i c' shown cutting the cake. Wth him are Bob and Ida Reed, Bill Duckering chairman of the dance, MeS. Wheland and club presîdent Mike Ledwith. CAR?!1I- ARE Steno extractie apet otoanin. tSteam extraction b -ngs out the best in vont capents. Wi oteann location, also pik np loose.orpets. L ICaIIfti ml es 0" ;oouphol ni. volsaolsg CALL 878-9083 Ifn nwrdur og tlesdaypleasosuall aîtei5; o;n A P XNC KE St PPER wus jusl Cor Dobie, Charfie Anderson, Jîm one ot the ub'sfond-ru sing Coitgan, Gord Melnlosh and NMîke projects Roar dfls Norm Go id. Ledwitlbpraclticf! ppiog in1959. RO)TARY5 PARK was lurned over Copeland and Rotartan Hob Me- bo the tlinc 1966 atter formation Cuig are uhown wjlh Mayor Syd of a Ilîss parks hord. Roarian Cilds althe evenl. Bob Reed, presîdeol Chock THE WADING POOL nan the firni hefore there wnn any public major facility lu Rotary Park, A nwîmmning or wnding fuciities in crno but the $1800 pool in 1954 the community. EASTrt-i SEALS bave been un involo mtîtthe Rotary Club for neari :io .1yeaFs. Sluffing the en- ansîs ,,d ou]s as oflen a fonction t a club meeting. The work js 1100 doue by studentu ut Sunubjue School. Mike Ledwith served as District Governor lIts fi'î)taso lclub of Milton wasitonored in 1nt4li0n,,te oftils pas; preendents. J. M;î'tas't leduilt uns crcîrd Dsrict Is),ict olîvrror Stîbo todotit ttî'lîtclbs;oinlstrit704lvot;î'tttosudrd t, ts,t 1,îrt andsî.'tl Srttl, tlt 'ehri-days. i .001tiere lîotfrec csiatisan 001 GIse Hoberts aod vicecar aîcît Howard Gettoold. lttitrMiltos Ruarînssrreduntiemany commnies itsolsed i n tugtng teevent. Tber3dus sotierence oas atetded ty nire tas ,lo adSttbkeoasuccocded a statdingîsvationl t te GOvernors Sait toc is wourloon tet4ltutflite dstict. ES YlDickin tmabtg a preentalinn lu Oite and Vere reveeed lit Mite band drîcen about 18,0 miles. made 56 ofiîciai club it slandi75 additinnal opociat esents vsi.'î',o clubs inthe district, Tittse aîîending rorntte Millton luI; ai soeor ail of te conterence fonctonsooerr Mr. atd Mes. C. Anderson, Me. atd NIes, Feal tlackt. tDr. nod MenJon BrownMr. ,and Nlî' c W Clar Mr, ned tes ESB tîî,'tt is and MrsC C o 'pslîtîl Mr 1)î tt'Mn r ansîîd Mst11ocS lua%,, Stand tl Nie, 1KYS Iltsb St; und Nis, tnt lutîsC Dobte. M. and Nîrs, ern Elsîrs. Sic andi MsG. C.olasd. Me and Mcc H. Griwold r atdSlrs. C.W. tuIla. Harold Hret, Mc. andi bleu Louis erene. Me.uatd Mit. DoKennedys, Mr. and Mes Bsc nigit, Mr. and Ms J. M. LedottEd LtI. Don Macactet. Me. and MccS oit Mcduaig, Laciie Mctieenîe, Mc. and Ms. Ray Murpity, Len McNeit, Pele McMutten,' Dal McQuaig, Mr. and Ms. Sud Nctots. Mc. and Met. Johnito lIer, Ray (tînt.Mr. nnd Met. Bert Porter, Mr. and Mes Sobt Rend, M. and Mrs. Glyn Robterts, Hots Stepitan, M. and Mes. Henry Servot, Toni Ses,, Mr. and Mr. Dase Titompsont, and Me. and Met. Su Wieeter. Planning for the day you retire or buy your first home means having a master plan for your investment in the futu;ît So we have two plans to help. A Retirernent Savirlgs Plan, atnd a Homne Ownership Savings Plan. They both earn you valuable tax savings, and when you subscribe to tither one, or bull; pia; s your contributions cati be applied to any one, or a combination of these investment vehicles: Deposits. loieresl beartnq deposils oit h Th Royal Bank of Canada, offeriog aci bgb nieres elurn, geared b 1the general deposî rate strcuroe. ecause of be long- term nature of these deposits, i s possible to puy a igber rale of ieresl Ibun on cotîveOtstttl saviogs deposîls. 2. Income Fond. Hiqit y;eld bonîds, dopostl,'t ntuteols a;d soortat însstrsd :1,fid heNatisonail it Act inae up Iis porfotio wt;t'[ j actvelyiotanaged by professionaits. The policy is toachieve as btgb a wîlb matldtoloqrousocublo price slability us ont utsoodorulo capitl appreCiton. 3. Eqaily Fond. kivestmertmu;olv sn Caoadîuî; somiooostocktport- folio wbtob is acively ttatoqed by tbe sumo professioals. Lonq-le; m capitul growtb wilb soasonublo cursen ol IOCOOth ',Ie oblectiveof lbis fond. lt' altinthûw'tttt t'litoyeutotroitey Wby îîolt ati o1 v;sîl oday 110w ti youî move. Bob Perkin Milton à fROYAL BAN K ... fora lot oforusons.

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