96 Th Canadan Champion, Wednasday, Jan. 26, 1977 The FeaDrless ChefJ by helen godwn Agait tis week I1aant o ta aStolyou about aeigbtl os, and ta sare a feav tips ai yau. 1 hope tbal ail you sbim and trim peuple ailI bear wilb me a bit longer, bult am bound ta beat Iis thing andastili enjay living. In conversation cith a rend of mine lasi ceek, ahe pintel out ta me ha1 anme thingo the seavoneit ceigt watachers kno ram long practice, aibers wo may lie trying a ditor the irntfinie may noibe aiare of. 1bopeto give yauatfec pointera today that may bnlp cclb yor diet and alua tiigi, that Itinb yaa aili antcontinuecsilb lo aivcaain yor weigtiaoss . Do yva iotnata by rcmmng ail lat ram yor veat, you canasave enaugb calories for a lce ofbread r a glass ai aine? Herearesameevamplea: Meat (3 oz.Cories Witb tt Wctot lt siloin 330 175 graand benI 245 185 lamb chop 355 120 porhcchop 310 215 2 Do yoa bncs iat aicabol. ecea lboagb ifil a csin calories and ban vîelaally o crbobydralea, manufoctuves sogariayousyatvm. tereorrcreatig morelai. 3.Iftyou drikha glassaofavatevtive minutes beforvyou est, itavllill you p and you onot eat asvmocb tIfyoolhave anatergiasa otwatra alouratter yoo vol, ifl v vapposed tohelpwasaaaayftparticies. 4. Cheavail tonds very lvwiy, it yvast at if is brd la tel] aven yoo are tait. 5. Dayv bncs Oat csbee oaa dm0 t s voladvcable lv aasb dithea? Evea df you wvre vry gond avd aie eactiy wal you weeeaappseto.citslfoogrvotoa tvmipiovvvvtlo finishaotflitai pince oalpin ibt o ctr shtvvy cbld hasletton is plate h.Soeee awedge olemn oeesour saicidcnstead oflvid dressing Yomay Oindt you ie it btter I EAM FRY iGOS Spray pan cstb Pomnand place oser medium tocs ieat. Breakt egga onovaiaiune imlv thepan ood udd ove top of waterfor eocbegg. Coveroand conoc slwy for -5min. Ifyoa happen to peek tlv ae Ofthey are dovvcoand tiey aent. o may hav taadd a bit more cte .a,(WiCH Thitcly pread a ivilace latcab o tocscal mayonna.ise or salatdressing. Roi round abord boied eg LOW CAL COMPANY SCALLOPS 11hL scalopa i cap fineitread crumibs t tbsp btter 2 tvp. lemoviauice i tp. Wrchetvrairv auace Wasb avd dry calopsanod sprcve hv ait. cltRollin vbread f cramita Arravg acotia itiocs aituig dicitoroinvscultop selsit youatiem.Spraycstb Pain. Mel butter and add lernon juive and %Worcitestvvcbre saace Pour aver te saalopsanod baby vn ahot osoo 1425) for about 1t0vmavnv iprcskie csitchopped oraie> .Tiis ecipe servefvur ai 13 corieper servn Champion publisher explains newvspaper Camposîng and publshîvg eenit Frtiervoutine a neavpaper csîlb ail is ram- bsiesiias opivted avd ifications, is ser> inîcîgaîve, an invitatiov onton i te ladies as te ladies oIfte Navsaga- FebruaursOuit 1pm ail te aeyo wamevv Intalîlaîn home ai Nrs, Gien Peurce la lound ul Wednesday Jav. bar a speakterfrom ite 12 The gont speaker csa idres s Aid Socey as Jies Dîtîs. poblîier o Theite ead ta the îomrnvity, Canadian Campionv' oho s M e Feue nkuied Ms creed membrs on a siîde Sed Adreo'for opevtib er tour vofail aapects otvnecsc homeor tbemeeting andte paper file lunch commieefr 1vte The objectvsofaibtis11.5- lavech te mceeig as. yearOld paper are ta seves osard o t ite Intitute bol aiva la have o voire avd tanclace e a stimalantito tetocsv us aeti as a recorder ot esevia Membora see inrodaceli ta te safl,.obsrcod tOe rjbt, U ho h esiv oleateid. w hue assimiialed. travsaaed and inaliy relayed tothie rader via a press aviici tsivoai 18,501 copev pr oue. foadd to g o and ready ton ditrbuion Geeral dico-siov cived an mastinivereviing prvgrom.t Thte meetinvgoa opened t avitite Mary Secsart Colect and Ode. the mattis, miti s vew iswaitisc ncwsc c s dis oasaed. Ral cati. "Av vendt n aitov tat i cu e ecsSin- moreo- cs asvered ut Wilismon prodcta ya commenta abou teregîoval about te incroaod pei gosrmet bioldive, te registr The tocs pevvc arena qusiov ta Milcvnite h01 jonl aenu10oiapi neav Bronitilin subdivision îc htsevlrnl and te csaiber Nwta erfre o Businss icludd seting ta tel yon piaiviy wobol te date tor te avouai Ye oudrtnwhw nacitre, ta ha Aprîl 1O und Frsl t e*s te woa vganivng camrnittec 1ov reclis rom th Ovlaei the quili. petuna and lunch, Tiisyeitcillecostavs WvmeInalînsitte Oncit oil oamiarol tavInes ouvef b June 6ti1, and six ladesa vogiabor charges,bh rnes Halîva aili bc et 0 icreass inlbecotott jala in o qocliîîg ecevo cit bsiness yon'd rare ta Oenaralîonaf lecriity Resoutions for new year Mev .Fraercwsa iosteca and conner ta te Worenev AssociationofotNasnagucseyo Presbyieriav Citrcit cr Tbuevday. Jan 6 Teveenglîaosoyeied csitathougitiycooin itst o Secslersrecclulcons Ryma 545 cas csmmrvced os by Rutht Johnne crîîîg in ber boonite Devolonnul Titougiti Ms Mlles read tan palms, tes Ms.Fraser taook as er lapie: We taite a lochai te aold and hose witu dael iavtitt. There are 1500tisgs ta i11hthe mnd avit on rnewavand icreasisg woudr and awe - thee alarny ieavens ahane us and tan mora sa Ibhis u. Aller a shotn business dis- cmoau, Ia as ervnd ta tan ladies. SISTERS WE... . Darne and Julie lduverstock, daughtern of Mr. and Mrs. Gord Baveratock of R.R. 2, CampbelUville were recently murried in separate ceremonien. Darlene and lier husband Jim Ferrier leftt were married at Ebenezer United Church by the Rev. R. Finlay. Ho is the non of Mr. and Mrv. Allan Ferrier, RHR. 1, Moffal. Julie and her husband Bill Booker (riglil) exchanged vowa at St. Paulas United Church lat month, j wth Rev. Lamne Brown officiating. Ho is the sonoaf Mrs. June Rase, Gait. Bth couples have taken Up reaidence in Milton. ftampîon Family Page Falls can be deadly Sio couald imite ,adealth in balttuts. piavge vight inv cccv 00v Fis brobvoritci borne ilf0v orot curetai. ftiarvr gstromp cooltiova the tvdastvîilAcci- Wipeypsytilied lic devi Fresevîcon Asociatiov. ereuseutailince Falils uccourvforuabout one bull of ail home occident fttlîtîns.saus te lAPA. lOdensy people ave parti- colorisauscepiitle To oooîd tem, lte tAPA soggets oo chteckt cccv bore 0fvrtiteSe Ilot e a burin ruv oie iiii coco ve ibting on clairsen laeep ailt ceps uand stuir- csays cseit îgitird. avd equipped ith firmhavdrails. Fi ý a l or The Ci -Check ciryrîs anîd îugs foîr lrvied edîns and lix T ilte Ilcovr o --tMlie sure yoov bloys are roci -lîppy Poiisind fliones cncaseccidents. O'ut osbos. sand or saitan tc oulit-,and sbeys îmrvd- pec i.Usevnovskîd roirnmats Palibearers Pleaso ho adai! a Commillee c are omnitted duied for Jan discussing tht Tite Chiampion regrets lte regard 10 d se( ram, i te polibeures the Town of M oer oveimilted in tuai oeekha ob il auvîstory on Thtomas A. OIoicbivsov. Qi. The liati sas The meeting wo Actie palbeaers ere 251 Main St. E. ci e psandeagrand-r son. Richatrd Piciteti. 0001- las VauhanDvold Star till r Orlon Moior Ourlet Gray and Eric Nt-itmrhta, Kevptvg Oct may sot presevt o beart attacit. bot il csîti certali mabe yau teel anvd loit boiter and avilI cipped improse cour chanice of ntty recovrc,bouid hbra atack îvcids ore tr :rporation of the )wn of Milton 'lai Notice Ased 1h00 Milton Council, at if the Whoie meeting schn- iouary 31st, 1977, will bo te action to be tdklifl oith cond ice surface bo service AilIon. Niii be held ai the Town Hall, EMilton, at 7:30 p. m. C. Thompson, Clerk. ?n your rates are about up we think you deserve <now the reasons why iu iay you negelta havcsw ccv avfli yourenauihthlitocash os addnd tv a can ofthIis o pea to ivcreace onr ratea sn csavl is happening-and on avavl ne have la do il. levain poavr me.porha.. ai Hodea goeneeatîag sestees aarsone 30 pen cent more. A eiarcedltis iiicrease tons... higiter construction routas and ractieally eveey indushry or i anc a aafteeting lie c. Oar lovai coata are gacal NEW NET MONTHLY RATES FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Etective 0Ov AilBitta tsuenotrnneAtereMaevb 117 Î Kiloaalibsan KWHO eosaper Consatsptlas KWIh First.cO KWH Next2OO KWH cc nxt 100 KWH Oter nnslo.ners oitb bîdro approved eieeticwatenhbeater) 2.kv Ail additilal KWH 22i H.W. Tank Rentai $250 Minimum BiB $3.50 milton hydro 250 Main St. Phono 878-2345 upito lises, iransoratora, paies, liacolîvotforoue secrvice eicies al ltese essestiais bave boen emîve ai un almosl unprecedeatvd rota. In lte puni, cse have iton successcticin a aioriting mnaey aifteecre ases, raltnc Ibhan posaing tites cmnmedîutniy os la you. Hoaver, aveve naav reacitd apoint wherethe peentraes willnot rtln arsuflicieni revenue ta caver mita. TOua, in spîta aIflte many eoavmiesaveve mode oed il oiirntinue lamoite, avnmusleosooabforea rote tacreovse Av incresse tisaO aili ho satîlciont ta cucc.ibctics riucvg ccstâu otsîde oue directi contrai. Obîhle iouldo't bcî itOOiti5cepleused aotO ue ccdioflccrase.uritcope tctciiol nevclaedaur pas- oîln lte rvusoo.s cct > icu(,vha ipiied ta tu)aio o lOydv 1or dlv icilo tic ie whiedule. NEW MONTHL'. RATES FOR GFNisIAL RATEt CUSTMERS Effective an ail bis Issued On ieAficerMoeei 1 77 MontitybCarge DemandCare Balance pr ta$20 Firatt 50 kwh7.2c Nevit20havi 3.9e Nest 9750kht2 75e Balance 16e your hydro ti N sl v 1 E a b c CLEAIIANCE SOLE *SAVINGS STOREWIDE* CLARK WALLABEES $3488 Mens & Ladies' Reg. 144.953 LADIES' SHOES $1988 Celebrîty * Reg. 26.98 SLIPPERS SAVE 20% * LEATHER PURSES SAVE 10% ALL OTHER PURSES SAVE 33. SELECTED CASUAL LEATHER BOOTS Reg. 11998 SALE $1488 Reg. 129.98 SALE $1988 Reg. '2998 SALE $24" Reg. 137.98 SALE $29" ALI Reg. 14498 SALE $3488 OTHERS 20% OFF bIEMBER 0F MILTON _ IOWNTOWN oeOUy H R E DAIIT 9-6 THURS. & FR1. TILL 9 250 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-7665 ACROSS PROM POST OFFICE ------------- of istrisate avrkmanshiip. Materlals are 0f mlk , iac, Button collection a ohro ercia braisa, asd oaiers, avit speelal nalue placred as tanne interesting program davedfonit e prso the aorld. Frigid aintrti eonditionm vire bao led ber ta become a poelias af ber colleetion. Sh ite neetti aenr didol' deler membeen af distisguisited and igily tallsed af tan advaslagen aIo fa ldavald coats and Mms. Nelson avaens Intitule esleeaved persoality. la 1976 such a hobby, itaaold aide G. MeCormnacit enpreuaed ram atlending teir Jan,.18 Mrs. Managitan wa a - interesta and a collective appreelations ta Mev. meeting at the farm claimed Burlinglanas item avien travelling. Managitan for adding la the resîdence af Me. Normas "Citizen tlbo Remembred, "Bttonsabave great intary aterncons enertainsaest. Richtardsona, Highavay 5, and Oas prevenied avit a ring and taere lu ataays that pou -mie rolail eaU"My morl Burlington. by Mayor Harrîngtan. Ta add iiility af inding te rare and interesîing bttoîn,' aas Mes. G. MeCrmaci t lvthe bonneraiol, site aas unusuat, vite said. pueposely delayed tit aller preeided and read 12 resala- presented ilh an attractivn Atique. taney the apeakernsaddres un acit lions for te Newv Vear, Ous ncb chain and pondant ity a Mes. Monagitan bau artis- couid lisit and compare titeir iending an incentive for vacit member o ite United ticaliy maunted and reasured family iteirlousa mnembor la live by. Generai Natiovs in Toron for ber disptayed te butonson a waita wat thtey itad aleady business and vrrespondence service tar averveas students. specisi carda acrarding ta veen. aere discusaedl and leters aI Mes. Managhav, in er cansiication au ta style, Mev A. Harris gave tae apprecialion mrd. Standing pieaan ciarm. siared aita hivlary, and type-the resut t caueteuy wiicit included the carnîlttnncasveners Mrs R.ite graup tite stary ot ber ta întiîguing. Amaug ber lunch committee, Mes. J. Caaan. Mev. C. Rase Mru. C. ascinaing hobby aIfibuttantcolleteion are antique VniiiMv .Caa Peg r.F eland Mrs. cvlectiag and sbaaved a designs, motifs and patterns and Mrs. L. Simpaon. C. Bell contributed articles af ivieresittantheprageam. Mrs .7.cccccccccccc. . . . H. Wlsov gave lbhe titougitl fr te day, "A smnde csis vaitivg.- ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTT-NINTH IN A SERIES Mrs. G. CamaphaelDstict reetaciiie n sae ýjýýA Mark of Progr.ss ln Milton:::: taI is Hulas vlunleer qaliers, iv cententai costume, are reqaired for vne day, Jase 6, lv atend te Eland Lee home, Stoney Crenit. cammemvvralîng Instiluinenite. citizentnored Mra A. Barris itroduced . te guevi spoeiter,. Mev Hugit Monagitan, Burlinglon, and taied tatiber 40 years in- vovemet in commuilty nr- a _a ::.:.: BOîayeet Homesis Obuidng 61 ioohossîna oils on chiads Dr., nenaMilto a oulTehs 0 844 644 have o constrctlion vauasoai$1,5M,00 aed oilsvv cro suliv iv oroovavoy. ivscs suriai 143 Luaos- RdW iuS l e.thon $40,000 TIPS IaSpeageesa se Eey t8,000 miecioroce aI campetiie raies LIMITED aoyooc.you sboiîtboavelthe ontact bad ad tete iood 208 Main Street E., Milton 878-2894 hn e and tha e su...............,,......... .-.-and .----.----