Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 24

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B4 The Canddan Champion, Wednardoy, Jan. 26,1977 Du Game& ihNw fj7hNewous to scl BstLee aiarbanks Dloeg Hearos and Dase We aeedfor snmad we got il.Th amaeng faiteofa Nrteni'rm hinedto %end the large seesem is haw asyise mere hamaosrenum faoshonteeoniimeiulara d. moilied. WOntariamdea itih intr in severaiirays. ersdai frot Memeriai Sonne brai the brs by beaing a rereai le thbesuotîy seulh rei, , thîe Milen Tridents cie others see iltrough"-hikernating- ifotofelebtire . ith r tt8-5eriempb or llerîrran set Then ihra are ibose isba lare 11)4 Mant, r,, tSirxNatins iedmea in Wierandroii wilkhis jpuetes S'riernr Coeeries tnter Widife isal oîach diferrant. Maore mgratee1 tewb as irdruie rplie watrirocilmst srnteaiiishenlbhe iemran 'tiieih. srtsn îrretri.rnrieoe spartes lrasa ceth by irai is raid breaaibotr t ckse,. rr. ýwr Mln sliii travelinagikhosands ofmies inthe diectioniitbtheiearr. natrrîifirillliaerrred ohes styerly a wieghat abaedeiof ier atd lerthe hr'i.igerlriîlhe inainutoae landiggarc'haibaey earoaniereppenisatec efor[l-e ign oelrclory. Cichadees. naihatcher. hire-jays. 'oedperhaes. car- Nirie ras istrumeentali ii diais, adaptiselietueraeorlhrocinlrer rd caoltedefor ji ) ilerri lbensslves quile weli i r'rrrler trmis riresi' cri Gr edhee loen teieperatum gralsli-,irr',ered riter the Naureebas endac.etose cratures chbiar't iorler' re Norteonmadiea super or tend fr hamelres. The gocadbog for insance. is plr ie t t hn teîperatural the time ofis log intercseep siürlebrees lepsi iLucst gane lower than normal,bhis reguar hertbieat of'r100pe'rinutrte 1htirrr'tir inalretevasfil- sloslt eeenelcee andi10. Ilsbeabrsg is sepradc rg'-e wirir ri thatiti may ouiy irihe aneahin f ir inutes, 0cr deer somtîmas de rt are so ei1 lae nowee Waie lis pey tags are beroms oerl8incbs indapih sincrltrenvers mosltioftbeir tiriritur irrireri t enc groard food and ihay masti depenri enlîrely en shrehi for 'r food. Oee lard ta yardup after Jan, iandiisaateacammer erra lare on Hallon In observe as many as eghl iru 12 dee a onea bard CreOre. le .d«e....in il tahe a t aI hds 10 tead a 250-pur4 der se pleare givSe o i yardrd dara iidahaerth as thyrcanottlruindeep sseeand ms esare noissluringitogri hasy cit ou lIfyors l a e hord ocolliahbas a edacyito -run-deec, pteusakeep hil e a d e s ira close catch. Remembereil is ucaeîci teri deg le ris a lare lares at ara lhabird ith deaer d tcld qlotie Miltnin is euan asly eadup on thebusiness endofa aonseratioaeofilîecris'-r e tpofteI cr revlve. rader of hr lenitral JuirrB Daera me about 25 pr cent of thar lady ceîghtin taeîleairge wiirllMrporirts, Clisi wisîte atleblsl ofimer Orildis onae orimssl Poritsred ite scrrg precious comiodies admothratrsaly secsrterileade ri i Gilira. aI tal somnesrivet lilpieuandlsueesariilr o f fstrliclîw t,% i!lI speier lruerElirrirbas terird afl sonnre rrite is mdseaaoa Sorieîr iiercatches ai ierrîîîg aîd sceit ara reprend oirr Lakelrmrar e.Whtefs saaîso bromîagronifiry eltrt andthe picuedos not samolaas gim aierniereriid hieein Lake Simcoa Lak troui areadoîogwveeyeweiirrlfri, an tha labeanod Art DeBuibar ram Waerdecr lad his circ of tw is fne1 osabr atter hla ririd tluisI oult ram lIant. Boy. Lobe lipissings 5fatues spotty wtcu prerl evmairr catch. Fsiîgs espctdirpîpck uponaritebendrrf tle mnh andbcat its paahin Feruary and taperr of[ asMchc Aonn esii tlattis hanithercase oerrthe pastt r year Fîyers beat ... pansioa for lrngte ha ied man in te tghi Ingis seîd le ase heîl referer 1 rxpaina hsy tle telr Dicre plyer didolt recae ea paltiy lui the rfreeold'igîsve himan t'usui sra tapi Theibhirdperodeof 'riday's game aa smernusoal sirrilegy empieeed ly Van- tuercocuelNrm Dodaîl ahe Irhe pulaed lis geliender erreral i Ise irdcay in the perdrrrudd scrrrg punchbtu, Iris e,îrrTerce in a serie o r5 seconrds viile rIe liverre r re elortheied tle srae- gy paorri ulii il luekfiied race ucrh1 arr ute rmrag wherTrerrlreed e o ebinirthle empis Venture aglirs, boerer, cas un- rmpressed il hia col- iagre'srlranking andruad il TIr ris eeps Mbtonleîin sil pipace ied cr11 tle Brampen LogaCharys clv cenaainst ArioModay ighi TIr ream s fgtiîag mth uraimpltoc or tfinai spatinl the playeffanmd loglîs raid île pressure un herîng un ettect renIrs plaen o Boys ara ighl' ble aie oue barba Ia cuiiadthehaoys arelouod o leliîghr." la saîd"l-Inbe le stoDxe ce sarird out wel leadng 2-1luter the treai prîrd lut lIen ca got drus 4- 2 and tle boys cunîrd tirr a sumuel lhay starird b rsru "Rghi now wecrai tdrop rer." le dded. Taî nrr.rilheulsben oeroe the more dpndsbliaFlera Libis yer commanird, "Wr need eerr gamr ooc Adai or is or tir a eumoka lIa dîtterencerWr cool dapand onuan rierthr ems in îe leagur mnsrng the gomas egerost Bramptoin for rs h- cause thr league iss o caîrd." Ftyer rotas. The ftreard fiors intreduced in Friday's goma probaly or't br prmanent, ai roasi nt dr te île mak-duy gumas, sînca Ken Fay. choattenrds the Unversity yf Torrno i eniy eraiablieon wveakads. la i,,tt pouirailrril e d Iran ptrrwrrrryrr rtn iuredeeoer ugerrt et rirelre s itiu The Flyers payad ouit nighi egainsi the Dabrlir Blades 1inluhilia but fIa ressl o tha gama as unraiokîr ai press imer Steeles Ave.Mlon Il .rinrg pare , ile unRodori rîgir... r.rr.....r.rr. p.r.at'ihr"i o iiii wrr it 4goalsand :il 44 Main St Milton 9784168e Heari alp RE paared 10 brmwrapped up aller oaeapariud, iher turord brpsy- turry helora Heurte' bel trick. Mitoied 4-0eariyrin tha ihird. luitssairhed us Radmao gralia Jie John- Cltora sioned them cwhîla kis teammaies putked lira puche pasi Tarry Cola la mabe a 5-4 lead io tle ihird parird. Barrie EFlitt hoched in theiyîng mackar whi)eciyiag un lis brick wri 7.:30 reain- rrg cul a miautelattinl cegelaliaon lima itl imhed lih aetie and osarlme. Tien Nor- too and Heascaeniltocork. "onatle firsi one tcas ai- ready sorlof acingtida- a5i." aplioed Norton. "I cld Sc ishera Lorre , Leschr .ad Dougisare and usîrat!Pair playara mare aud 1 kneistJougie wouldhbc cm- angioin.1plladthegolile and lad il cos Leeg siapthre This gave theTridents a6-5 pcck bock tu0 dock Williams isba patard il 10 Hearas. Itearas t1mb oaa siep and drese a siapshelt(ram ocîsîda thr lcaline ucer Johe- soesacm. )csl il seconds aller lis lirai goal. Tiseniy seconds latar Lesuk seai Nortoasia oe goal ciik Hearns trailng and ona play idrnalalo ihaîr liraI rom- lîsation Hearas made the scere 8-5 "Thersocond ose cas a 11111e biti mare instinact," seid Nor- Ira Fv IrenropIayîag more gamas cr11 Deug andr1 bom lac ha canmare in. sot1bnis he wroul b hre tisas in deapar and lad le cridia the poch a lnte harasa ilcas an is ride. I pallar the goafia out and ted il acrosa. Trideatsrconroiiad play foe cot f the game and ecishot Six Nations byea cida margîs. bci lha Redman navr gara riup. erra clan docn four goals. haliline larh ie leke thleacd. Cale inneat cra not orar- iswochad, alhough ha did came ris, Dave Nortoni Bcdmen 8-5 in Iast spmwihtomehbigtaetonre- brurds. Theaviritore mude the mml o iheir tam opprtun- tias. parlicslurly in Uher se- cund pariud mken Uey ruppari on loue gole. Poer play geai On the fhast. brUe Heres und Hsgh Wiliams coughad ap tha pusrb in Mitn's end, euth a goal hy ScotSithmîtk suliig. The Redman added a pomer play marbra fise min- ue ataerafaler Miflforkur iied of C6 seconds o tle tm-minute infraction illoul uiiocîng a shol. Sundy Gbons blasied a siapslol rora tha pint hîgh Two ties in WOHL Whiae Dus Hockey League standings rainad un- rhunged ibis mark harauta bUe gumer piuyed bunduy cerealias. Srhroedar Consrurlion styad irea paots up on the pack us Uey ied sacond- plure Charlas Ilote]l1-l.Rus- sli's Tocing ied Grue Shahl 33.3 Dick Marshall opasad tIa ercoring ih un urossisiad hreubumuy goal lue Clonles lui Miba Aiinson îad tUea soefrom Rusly Cfapmao and ton Deabs. bsa euai and Dennis Parkinin nets weestaady tIr resi of the cap. Mibe Hlmas, Rîcb Glaonneali and terin Rid nelird goals for Rusails, culh assisis lv Clark Leurr, Gerey Brouwer, Danis Adam and Hoimes. Jîm Weekman, Jîm and Lou Grard scord tle Grue goals wcul ssîissleum Sandy MeLochlon, Tim Denahe. Tîîîr Mooreaund Lou Girard. This Fridoy, Jan. 28 tle WOHL s stagîng a siug ai tha Boyne Commsnîly Catre, Al men ara inrîled. int the top rîgk aorner nofdte net oe aesfkee power play br moka the score 4-3, and wiih lest thon tws minutes is play initheapriod scoredithe ying mucher atlere nieeg aoftue- off i heMlton end. Redman opened thea ird pario ins the same lashies, ciih Paul Henhamk scering on a sarean shot, Cola soppad Smith set a breaaay aller Smith hud chechari Ckuch Wiliams ai the pint os anniher Milton power pay brfoce EliiolI ied lIa gama. Huedsonetheadigger Gary Huadson did the epade- worh on tle pay, iaisg a eass from Rîrh MrTrach ai rentre, ceossisg the hîsetine and gaiing ashot amuy white errryisg a Redmun os hit rhuludees. Johnssbrsamadea tle sare, hut Hudson piabed rp the rabrund inlatleacorser and ipalird Flitalors' le iront. Eliiolî's irsi shof mus rloppad andi lac as keocbed doc'n. Ici chie Iying on the ici he siappad the loosa park ino the net. Tridents' iraitfour guals erre scorad hy Jîm Robrt- son, Lesuk, Jim Cole and Hucdson as al lîrea lises playeri cr11 up ront. Thr gamr siaried la gai a litilareughnsaur the midpaîin - SrxNation.%stsagad ils comaue, lui île raleree Your CHAMPION CARRIER lu uparatinq lit orie on lrtie hutinets. Pieuse be p paylea prmetie isien rierail ru rulci as the endi ut ranI mmmlh. l'brpde. pend om ypm If ypetmoelea lerte pap peur carrier' up-to- date. fies ilethe an prisd, whle Milton didrit gel any. Plsy lais term Turigkt, Miltoneplaye lthe leagues top feara, Aylmar Blues. The Bluet edged Mil- lue 6-4 le Iheir unly meeting luefaribis trasun, Nos. 16 le Aylmer. bul the Tridents are a bitter cluh tom. Busrare sot sserpowritg on ollerce, butf lauure the brui gol-gitirecord le the roague. Tridents put their modem Imwo-gume in streeu on the linerand thuuld gta rasi trot helora pisysîle in le- night's ganme. Tridents home record nom stands ai rire irsanud Ibrea imeses, timoful hose coming le iheir harst thrar home gumes. The fea hae mon righi ol is ast ire home ganmes. Their record is 6-7. Tridents' gols- tue and grals uguinut. mark in 154-123 uler 25 gumas. MtR es r te6trn34 t I Mlti. 1sob rruon.5 a t-Y 3 iiiri. J.Cin OH Oilicaa. Dm 1- 1re.9:iKerîpaî. oe noi[. la -ITýl MM. saiY, sir OriraoM.,u iliflhlli ~ ad ke.p your .yes open for LSI.!)k! UU btter saviags on fine foods &compare your prices MEATIV BACON *1.45 Schneider's WIENERS Ai Vasetirs LB. 69* Lean Tender STEW BEEF Fresh Lean PORK SHOULDER 8 ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST 5lb. BLADE STEAK Biaide CoeaRemverd BLADE ROAST , Fresh Lean PORK BUTI CHOPS9 0b Frrsh Lean PORK LOIN CHOPS lba *1. 19 combine minute 6.St ios ern atuk (Gibbons,. m ait e= erburt9i:1s CriOr, 001011 rouu er ao 7Sax sabrens. Gbbur(rndersan, le e oîit 5:7.il CMilie. Dog reu arior, 8SNt on s ,e cour Sa. i ibosur Leui s9:e Capital gains. You earned lit. Keep it. ricn hl oru Savi ie WetOn caixeri heri e teys Carr r metd son haBeobaPioffLfo youManXfMInnue Lerfen thînxkînge orwodth er- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE tarerais ee.rr inastire rn r.aralook aad. Seaniafitmreronile. ta sac.6 . BraeoPium 28oz. TOMATOES 2 Brimante 24 oz Loaf ITALIAN or FRENCH IBREAD 31 Bravo Assortrd 10cr. BEANS 39 U.S.A. No. 1 LETIUCE 31 U.S A, Net1 GRAPEFRUIT 101 Hostess 16 oz. GiANT COOKIES Hostras Ail Favoars POTATO CHIPS _ Bravo l3oz. TOMATO PASTE 9 Lancia AlShaprs 21b.Pkg. SPAGHETTI Lmit 3Pet Castomer VAMS 2r.n2S* Schnrîder's 12 oz.Bock Ylorp NATURAL CHEESE *1.19 BANANAS ,10* S, 'hne n w' CRISPY FLAKE Whiter WlerWleat 16 oz.Leai SHORTENING 55*, MONKS IBREAD 2I89* VEGETABLE OIt 89* 3M6 Kerr St. Oakvilfla 84-068 The Skiing is Great .. . So, Corne Oui and Ski Glen Eden! Offering *expanded nîght skiing Monday ta Saturday *C.S.i.A. certified ski schooi eprirate lestons especial groop rates *babysitting avilabie weekdlay atternoons Tcrsday ta Priday * Ski rentais *24 hoar ski condition report ... 878-5333 HOURS 0F OPERATION Fvýnings - Monday ta Srtuîslay - 6.30 ta 10 p.m. Afternoons - Taesday ta Friday - 1 p.m. ta 5 p.m. Weekends- 9.30 arn. ta 4.30 p.m. Fer additional information rail the Hatue Reire Conservation Athssity et 878-4131 ar Tht 01er Eden Ticket Ofire t 878-4476. 9MAIN ST. 878-6520 MILTON ht 7 My 7 Reasons To Buy 111K;: lk>,,ýA Hat This Week" MI 1i sO .,. .,,Y. oV feel bette, cirer vuere arre 1 .. seeldots'îde 3 The price srwht -reucied 1/3 r.4 ,r. ,., 4) Only 19 styles are lrît 5l)Ver rat enter arr VaietrneeDay Contest 6. ) they are Caradrar Hatd Krts ~ y w. for l intor % 7 Because you etrrrie.i i, B. 11 1""SEe ODOWOTSW' JSthere's tl time to SAVE THE TAXI on your 1976 ncorna tax by starting your own Regstered Rtrement Savungs Plan now with your Cradit Union. In o nutshall, ts the govarnment's way ,Ï of ancaurogmng you ta rave for your ratiramant. During your working years you put a portion of vour annual incarna oway. Thaernoney you put away each year ile tax daductible. In affect you ara putting awayi rame of Vour money and the tax yau would have paid. It al aarns intrst (currantly 9%) ta maka your retirement savings grow. GaI complete details now. Deudline for saving on your 1976 incarrna tox s the and of Fabruary. Wr con gat you stortad. at your Community Cradtt Unton. HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED *3.191 BIR'VO RICE

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