Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 22

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82 The Canadien Champion, Wednaaday, Jan. 26, 1977 L~ House league i NOVICE WOHL i Rebekahse i JelI Marino ied te scorefoe WOitL laIe inte 15-ni peried mie Tim Backadar ad pal itebekaha on te score- btoard early inte game mit is goal. peed Qee 2 Firemne1 David Htarrisen and Stuar Thrne provided te scoring pnchbfor Speed Queen wile Doug ieamiob connecled for te lone Fireseen iaily. ATOM Lians i IWAO Mite Baker ired io four goals as te Lionse rolied overIWA for an-0 victory Allast Jamse cooribuled a pair o goals miile Davd Hanter and Gas MaeKay added singles toi roand st te scorng. Moiskeay 5 tipholslery 2 CitUci Wabely picked Up a al trckito10 elp deleal Upbolery ciile hbu ease mates. Bruce Syer and Warren Melatsen bnocbed in singles. Todd Smithb and og McConnel allîed for te losers Dominion 7 Lasen 1 Farrell Asbdoo'n and Seve Beasee scored lwîce 10 ead te scoring for Dominion citile Darrin Cole Dooald Citnenses and Markt Roberts conri- buled singles in Ieir romp over Lawn Sieven James cas te lone point geller for Lawn, PEEWEE 1Aal o4i Mark Berloia and = Je.H= Brrs nocked in Im ol abwile KarI Kobtreiel, and Mite Brown colecled one apiece as Auto ody edged Locxal 6- Peler Maleurainseored toice miile Brian Bell and Wayne MorIon beal te goalie once eacb for Local. Fays 4 Anserling Goals rose Danoy Wat, Doag Wallace aod Mie Minakakin beipeil lays come aci to10deteal Annerisg aler ialing be- iind 2-i n tefirni Imo per- iods. Mark Scireiber con- necled for te firsl Fays mariter. Ricit Champoan, Mite Cbcbmacb and Alvin Cbcbmnacb coseecled for Answering. 0PP 2 Baley 1 ailey juioped abead 1-0 on Greg Bums marber in te secood period but lbey sere edged mien Brian Bergin andi Jim Holoway îepied for OPPF 10 25sBP 3 MCoaig 2 Mite Steadinan con- neeled wiit is second goal o te game in te tird peried 10 power is base over McCuaig. Richard Honricit inoebedin te otier goal for te cinners. Steve Perraut anad Kevin MeTavisit noebed in tbe goals for McCuaîg. BANTAM CYW 7 upersase O Paul Bulere ollected a bal trckt duriog hba eamss scorng barrage agnînt Grant bants Jtop arch-rivals Milon Grantl Baulage mlt. oakvdlle's goals ere mînor hthenlpe lti bu cred mit a sean ad- arctr ia"inampon -0 in an vanlage. eniibilion game Titosday, Tite leamos injared players bol lsel 2-0 In bakville in a iii have ime ta rst nom as Tri-Counly matcit Salurday. tey awail an opposent frose Ir Bot games cere on te road. te Streetsvlle-Ancater 1, Thete lases leadlng scorer serles, in te OMIIA qoallly- 'd Richard Griffita mwas mise- iog round. t ng froc te lineup Titurnday cit a sore hacit, bu lite team okt came up ciit anIter slroog o k t delensive effort 10 bold te n league.-leaders off te score- Sanday aflernoon te Mi- 9 board. Don Bonis and Dan Ion P.L. Robertson novice 1- ieellshared te nitooo. socktlo played itosl 10 ýe Stan Fay nolcited MuIons Brampton and te Sockt for- lone goal, al lbey needed for wards had a field day as tey te sin. Ed Gaeloo and Mark piled Up a 140 score. Craig d Bradley asisled. Defreilas and Sleve Beagle tf 1n abvilie, Mlon ifresseelirecorded te aitoUls. d only il siters ai lbey ran Sean Davidson led MillonUs in10 a rasht of sinor ailmenlu. allack itht fine goals and two Th.e Grant lease had only assista, Erie Cbodleigb and lbree defencemen and wecm a Seve Seannel ecci fired hat d tîred bsncb 3Y te end of te tricks and picked ap lwo r assista white sinigle goals h eol tu Todd Borne, Darren Legion atomnS Shaw an~d Mike DelPapa Thte Sockts' tree t-year- crus G I h olds added 10 the scorisg as cr s uelph ravis Cole collecled w t aseista cita singese10 Seot r Mlton Legioo alomu cored ilsen and Wayne Rivers. - an easy 6-0 Tri-Cosly sin Back i thte laeline the t vrGuelpht ai Memorial Sekel defeoce played a > Arena Saiurday. limiling strong gamne andi also f igured lhirr eait opposition in only in te scoring led by Lee seven sits on goal. Jonseons taree assista, Legion aloses fîmisbed In- Bruce Cameroo added a pair fisl place inte Tri-Coooly, and siogle points cent 10 t and acail an OMHA rival. Greg Neceil and Ed Morgan. I Sretteille and Ancaster are By the end of te fiiper- S playiîîg for te rightit1 ml t olite octs had bulop a Milt ýfour-goal lead tes added Imo Mîbe OBrien paced Mil- in the second. 1Inte thit-d tons allack it it ree goals, priod the Sockts cent os a oblr Terry Ellcond Seored scoriog rampoge wit eigbl Ici Jîse Clancy aino scored. goals as every bey on te Miike Cudleigbî nelîed Ico leas execepltae goalies issisîs. ciit singles 10 Bill figured in te ooring. lylli Markt asitl, Jef Thte Soekelu have been in- Satîord and Don Russell. viled 1ite, ite goenia of te Tbe Legiosires bave Milon Juniors aitlite game enlered a louroament in agaiosl CGeorgeoowno Fn- 1 Peterboroughithtis ceekend. day nigitt. CARPETSHACK Impossible to puy more!CAH CAR FACTORY CLEAROUTSOMILL ENOSOUEMNANTS»FIRST OUALITY C SH C R e LONG ROLLSOSHORT ROLLnCULIGHT IMPERFECTIONSOWE HAVE -WE HAVE NO T ALL.. INCLUDING EVERYTiOINO VOU NEED TO DO T VOURSELFI AND REALLY SAVE.~ PHONE NON CIPPOAM UNDERLAY ONLY " yd Mlton bail hockey Hogs edge Fobert MAS, OakviIIe tie Thte Milton Bal Hockey season passed the aifcay point lanl oeek and te four eases seese 10 have eveneli out aller a iopided sart. Foarlh-place Mlon Auto Slereo ied abvdlle Alie Sports 7-7 wiile Horoby Hogs ipped Foberi Fiyeen 5-4 10 more tto a second-place lie abville sill leado te standing cit 12 poinia, bol have been in a sianip id laIe wilh two ien and a lose in liiete lat lree games. Boroby and te Flyers have seves poinss. cile Auo Seren as it. Goaidisaliowed The ornby-Foiterl game ceol dows 10 lite ire ilii hecic pay as Hogs payed a mat shorfor te final senstee Flyers plied teir goalie but couido' score Minules earlier te polei al lying mariter cas called bacb seien te referees rled Jon Van Oor ad drecled te hall 01 ite ne cita is glove. Thte lss snapped Foberî's in streai t aI lree gas Bogs close-citecing defensive style tepl te Flyers' slapsbol goals f rose te poin 10 a minimume as Boroiy locered las leagae- leading goals-againsl smarkit o for goals pr game. AI Friloley and Broce MeGee scred Imo goals eacb and aie Neelands nelled is frsl nf tae seasen for tbe sin. John VanObort and Dave Pelley eacb scoreli Imo goalu for Foberl. boalies Doug Naylor for Horeby andi Bruce Cinnery inte Flyers net bta layed oel lu okeep tbe score los. Naylr plays Icne In Tbrsdays firsl game, High school r -[f boys' report Auto Siereo borroserd Nayior because teir own neoinder dîd n0 shtowsfortochiegane. and aI one pont laein te forlb qsaread a7-5 lead before Brian Caîg and Ciarlîr MeFeelers scored for abvlle. abvilie jurnPed 10 a 4-0 iead o inte irstquarter before Milton reboonded. Bob Edmuodson had a bi game for MAS. scoeîng loue goals, cile Caîg Jobb Poiled wo. Bai ies scsred is firsi goal of te season 10 île te cort ai 4-4 on a good solo effort. Craig and tdcFeeeeî boh couoled 10-i goals for liait ville, ivit snglesto10Cal Main, Fred Stevens and Greg Doedie. Tom orrose ngiti, abville plays Fobeel ai 7 ps., and Horobti ments MAS ai 8.30 Oboeles Aoe. Mlton Tite girls' Aipne skîîog leam finished si nthle Hal- 1on Counly Alpne and Cross Country Championseapo helli al Caledon Skivlub onJan.20. Lurie McDoald inîited nînta in tae individual stand- ings miile Sue Daies, Elaîne Whitie aod Sieri Wiecbel fin- iuitcd Ita, Ita and Ita respelively. The bys' Alpine ease fin- ied a lille beler ending op in lorlb and advaocsg b ite Balton-Feel Championsebîpo Cris Hadfieid ond Up in seeond spot, Seve Faulkner lti, Mat Berry lti, Paul Cramer lIlt and Mark Lng- ridge 32nd. In cross cointry skitîg te grs' ease cîsîd îup1infit spo and adaices In te Ballon Peel chasepinibipo as do tbe boys' laccito finisbed faurta. beof f Banner finisited second whblie Seve Wliougit- bymwas lIta, David Lee Tracey lOtandl Les eargoanl 151h. Tltc boys' ceosaicontry relay team fitiiobedtird. Thte BaIsen Peel Campion- siips wmliile eld aI ite CaledoaîSki Clbonseit. S. la Juinior Bys iaiketal pay Georgetowin dswsed Mlles 51-40 as AI Forde stonE 21 pitei for lie Msans. Jeff Mitchell added ine points. Then Junior boys leani I 1 Aui sPvsarenot alke and taeeelosses. Scott Eves paces Dufs Scot Eves pced Milon cîit taregoals. one io acit prîod as te Dufferin minor sidgels played one of teir besl games of tae season lrooncing buelpit 71 al- urday ai Memorial Arese., Eves oponed tae scorlog ai tae 6.35 mark mit asista rose an Wanles and Tom braioger. Jerry Maoaralo and Waless eacit urored a goalo inte firsl 10 gîve te iomelease a 3-0leali Thte Gffs added tree un- anseered goals inltheseciond priod. ita johe Loepricit, Nom Fleminglos and Eves scring Eves lalllod is tird n tae lasI priod, ita boelpits Doag Brown re- piying. Doane Stark, braieger, Lepricit and Mike Morray eacit ad Imo asisa. Miltnoponse lesOMBA qoalyitig rond playof against elSlrcsvflle on the road Tbsrsday, and plas tac second gsmeeoflion beal-ol- fime iamies aI ihome Sunday aflermoa I3Sp.s. Supersave whitie Mark Wyckoff knocited in a pair o marbers. Tony Johnson, and David Rochte. rosode ouItte CVW scoring witil singles. MI.' 7 Jayne O Colin Ealot aoged i four goals for te oinolof MOU eam citile it ease maes Paul Bobson, Duant Timbers and Colin lîSitea added one apiece. Mite Brillait seoret Icice for Jayne wite Jefi Lambe and Gary Copelani conribted singes. BeaverO Belis and Beaver playec to a scoreless ie as neilber leam couil crackithIrougit te igitl defensive play SENIOR Pignrol Knigitis 2 Warren Vivian possered n Ico goals for Knigbls bal il oasol enoagi to10garoot is ieom a sin as leam- ivorit paîd off for Pgment wilb Cedrie Clarit, bave Baydet and Scot Wilson scoring. Iltireis:i Bis 2 Goals leose Wall Poksety. Ldy Wilbneil and RickBowiman proved (lit diflereiive éai laicîs edged Bls 312 Tom Cbucbsacb and Totri Vandecasey con erled fsr Blls Correction on Prit Wee game if Sol, Jan. 15 Ansoering 5 Nlvlouaiggl Rîcit Caspoos and Alvin Cbscbseach itnoebed ia pair of goals white ave Harînga added one in Atso-rring's romp over MeCuaag, 9-8 GedenTrater 42' SnoosTiroseer FORAS LOW AS $1729. COMPLETE WITH 42" SHOW THROWER INCLUDED sprig, ummr ad fl. 42Sn0W/ SeettewhelHre Dozer Siade B .8 ) ear al ery e A VAt' chllhg c ay neaceEXTRA COST $185.60 *SNOWBLObSERS LWM ER 'LAW N.ANP DAREN 'EQIPMENT EN3 Cornr O lHitowao25 and os,,v Rd. Southt sfMilo 878-8121 878-8121 Opening a rerement savngs opening charges, plan doesn't have 70 bo a And Ihat çouid cul your RSP costly proposition. Wth a cosîs. Canada Trust RSP there are no sales commissions or other Al RSPs 5arefot alike. Céanada TrustM SilaCir io ge923 11 2 1 .E .lio i Bthustil 79-2933. aolo- Ciliisi4t-OOiS. -4435fikiiîill. ORO ToOO S aoiiPU 2, . «0 . FiaMlOlI.0, iOo lo i, ski 8 tIi îisiei lt100 -31 .li-i5Mi i 2 48 iiîisao-o let tlî-OO lilaElCils-OEOlilini Wtols241-il si.iBLBLIkiti 1îîîî 4 .rt .Ie"aMPts11 3ý,eleamtalsl ".RI Orînlli, CiCere Jloons, 2d00 oir 1191 .SIpiao Mi 41-3211" se0ntnM iaimes 877-22660.MILN -IMin atChaies 87toi2ti 1976 Pontiac Aste i iniii.v $5269 PRc e~sso$3696 S 1976 Pontiac Anýtre GTc an .T-T$4549 EVEN GYREATER SAVINGS ITSUTAGET ON COMPANY DRîVEN DEMOPiSTRATORS Ask To See Them Saie! GMA TRMSAVIi L*E 388 MAIN STREET Mil 1878-2355 Milton - Tor. 826-3950 1 1 P 1 1 ($410. VALE 1 "a 31MA03 %0 %on a 31%WW wwmvý -A

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