18 The Canadan Champion, Wednesday, Jan. 261977 êIrnmpiofl 'Across the Editor's Desk I by Roy Downs IS SALL WORLD, Eu? A farm page scfiSC photoappearig inthe Jan. t9editionof lier champion iooked familiar to Mms. Hanah Serons o Milton, and site called te paper to ind ou wiere it came from. Thte farm in the photoitetoogs tohersister-itwas Summit- hoins Farms, near Lyndes. The photo was submitled as a press release ity thte Onario Ministry o Agrcalture and Fond, and Mrs. Serons and her sster acre tckted ta tearn it wenlnul toevery sewspaper jetOtario. TUATS INFLATION One ag says, if cofen iteeps gong p in pine, saonstte liguer you drink wth your affer-dnner coftee wil be wortli ess than thecottee. Ponder thatt! GOTCHA, COMING AND GOING Whitîst sitling ini a t5-minute Uine-up ta get into the tocat carwash Salurday atternoon, the thoaght crssed my mnd dt thte best investmnet tiese days mus(tbe in tW cne- panies seting sidely divergent iyet conected) productu- highway road salt, andcarwashing equipmntel. If t in the Witario, the Provincial, the Loto Caada ne the rish Sweepstakes, tats wiere my money's gonog Halfit 0 rad saltand haftocarsash estabishmtents. Theotl'I pray for more cy, reezy. snnmy wioers lie the one er havnsg right nom. It sounots lte a better onvestoxet tiaii real etate, ai] fields, or eveo coftee ieans. LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS Lcted iv acprme ren,dcviaui vi n a l age v,,aicloiithxi nttets Vxovoepavo adquit siiiivassc,ed wihicount ivin, is n00vel 4edobioc pi xviiibdasv, inldos a lag iingîooand dîvnqar eacvinvkaioiiov2 caiix, ecivvi- CCNSiOER THIS An m ,vii h- ê,,,' c -i v.,. i,., lotiîvia-iýd vdd ediv ... ,adoa, dddi 3icdîd 111 1 ,x leadrn Iovaodcix an dl3dro " , 2 ai,vii 1n f,,,e nd Mslbo - in OOinoq aca, easinb4 FOBERT 22 Ontario St. S. Mlton 878-2365 TORONTO 826-1030 WHY THEDSIG POilU? Tino provncial ganeremeetle puinng "ceuto marlty" idetification carda ut al adul teauged 18 ced nner. 1I nuder why? A newu rae fnerom Sid Huediemu, MnsealofConaumer and Commercial Reltions,latlleus mre thae 30,0t0 ymccg peuple nom hold these carda, a big lecreace amer 1975 win the carda mre fiet dictrihuted. The Liquor LicenceBoardaof Ontaro ta pshieg age af majorty carda ut uIt heer and iquor stores and lue LLBO han emharkod oe a progrum lu encourage more youeg people lu carry luose fficiel ID. Carda. They enen have a tanin force iiting colleges le outtyig areun (Chatham, North Bay, Sinlcoeuand Sudburty) to pruconu applicatioms rigt on theespot. The proms robmno faits 10 ulte mhy lue pronece muelu att tegal-age adultu 10 carry the carda, tu il a cumpaigo 10 koep under-ifis rons gainiof accesn lu drinhtag estabhens and purchasing supplies aitgoereent tes? Or iheaven fobidi is lue guveremoent puhtnag ugoaf majority cards iacluatty, a licence in egal dreiegi t our youth in hopes Uey iii ha enconrageif to tart handing lue elhow? Afler att, the goernment which isues Ue carde le Ue ame goverument mich eies excise lunes on ai homne consumed in Onario-ari-hic-o. YOUARE MY SUNSHEIE The Japaee, bies em, have aunchoif what will hopefutty hocome a wold-wîde campaigo for a cititens rigint tneonjoy somethreg for nofthig-uunshine. A sanita-maher and lran of his neigihoen aunchoif a asit against a nom municipal kysraper that blankeit sunuhine rons their homes. Il tank six yoare of court hattlio, but the 1111e guynmwon out. Rulotia Tokyonjude: 'Sushtin essentialt Ina comfotahlo ife, and thorefore a citizen right In enjny unhine t is home uboulit ha duly penlecteit hy taw. - Goleg une step furtiner, lhec ity and national govermeoet have set up cummitteee one unuhinne rlghfa, and builditngu taller than 33 fef have heen hanaed le Toiny'n main residetlal arecu. Thatsastepl ine right direction. Nom that pine iecreanes and hoycotta hune forced caffte ouut iothfond ada and enta ftne fronet pagea, peu migint ha intereted in a concise hiataryof thnedrink. Accordinfi ta iegend, coffee mas dlncavered ilu Mrlca hy un Aruh sepierd aronud thno year 850 AD., whan ha tient chewed tin offter herry. Tino affect noue a gret fooing ut exinlarutlon, wichineenainedaoff tuapoctatan tethneworld. Cfteeibaid, le lis early yars, as rugged a rond tu trunel an lcohol had dureg fine tomperuece monemeet and Proibiition. Whe intradcced itt Europe ln Ue l7th cen- tury, it man coeidered hy corne Mehammedue prieutBasu an ietaxicating beveruge and tierefore haoned hy tino Ioran. Senere penalties mre tiroateneel upan tinone addced to lus In nelltofu thin, the useaf caffeenspread. With theoopeg of tino London cntfeeonucminthUe t7th oentury, cftan proveif that it nou e hoe to tay. Tino teuming cap porfoensed theo came fonction t thoeeotalinments an a piet or Imo of heer, tosnngtonguesnand etetlnng conversation. Caftan wan inougit lu Americenin 1997 iny Captale John Slmitin, accordtag lu tradition. fit anoefot uebil 1670 tint lue fient licence ta ml coftee mue tanued tantine future United States. Caftan has since hecume an uccoptoti drink and cris ut "letoxicattaf heveruge" arefens. Candaensejy wakieg up toan quica p or two le the maeniug, a eue dureg a caftan break, perhape a cotteo ut lunh, antiner dureg tine ut- teenoan, aed anotiter ut dînner, The Mohammedue priontu of the 17h cenlury woutd probahly have conemned Une whote nation an profiguto, hut they are ont arounni anymore, le body orespitit, to blunt our plousure. FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Otario St S, Milton (Across from Mail) ~ IS THIS YOUR YEAR di> FOR YOUR OWN HOME? Qh u4J COU C4ÀUe Con~'4c Reactivate Bi111151 committee Haiten Regons Bll t15tRn- nions Commettlce iii hare- activatoditeneear future, according tlu Hailun Ifogloni Chaimmae Rie Morrons. The enmmittee hait heee fommeitte in lue year 19M fto review nslpenvemnstelutu bill thal guideif Une formation of regionil goveresmeut in Halton. Former Buliieglon Mayor Oere Harriogtone huit cardtat commillue prior 10Wn haedfealedin te tat election. Witlihe tais nf changes le regionai governmnnimor prenaleetltateiy, the reviens consmillee laites on a nèso igificance. -Weatiter mas sigleliy milder tiis meek but il's sîilli haiom te freezing mark. FOBERT 22 Ontario St. S. Milton 8782365 ' TORONTO " 826-1030 When you find the right bouse cail the right mover! BLAKELOCK CARTAG E Local and ouf-nf- toma mnvîag. Ynn mlii lîkeonur deani metl equ ipped trxcks, expert, courteous service and mxaey savisg ates. Pians are a specialty. Licerised and Iasured CALL US TODAY B LA K ELOC K CARJAG E LJD. FARMS WANTED Cients, tommers aali gentlemn t on ,son Rihalcs ekgo .okb etarm. Fo Dont Read Ths Ad! Unleos yon'rn lnoking for a miv, horse iarm nn 26 acres; beautitul settiag; Ioey modern hnme with nffice space; hus stone dust /i mite track; 30 fi. wde swimming pont with whirlpnnl actiono in on of three mndern bas; presently usod fnr training andf bnarliîo f hnrses, 2 miesfrom Mnhawk Rcemay- $225000. A sparkling mini-farm onn 16 acres; icely treed; excellent baro, secluded; drive shed; puned rnad; stainnd glass windows; 2 baths; suapnrch $165000. Vibrations! Your vibes f gracions ling begîn to race whenv ou waik intn thîs 3-bedronm brick rancher on 2 acres of hardmnod bush. Features family rnonm wth freplace; sonken living rnnm; dnuble garage, ciosed-in sunporch. Atea of prestiginus homes on escarpmnnt. Value gaînre ut -$115000. Sylîshi Compareif to tnday's prîces this is a drop in te bucket. This detacheif bungalom has ust beno isld, located on large lot; flli bath; cushion vinyl fois; well lîved and vearto 0domvtowv Mlton. Don't miss thîs onov $39,500, Gary Thomas Mgr. Joan Johoso Bilt Currie Rob Coibeck GailiPllen Muriel Dubien Beauty &e the Bet This 2-storoy home ocated inl Dnrse Park is ideai for ay funiiy;' han 4 bedronms; fuiiy feeced yard; close in schnol; pricod to soil t -058,900. Wurniog! Trspusanrs ii bo charmeif by thoca nuestading naues la tomahouses le Miltoa. Cao be eusiiy finauced undf pricos seuil f rom -0$41,495. If a tory of ceaîury red brick tares houso turas you xv his muy be i. 15.7 acres ni geatiy roliiag tarmiuod surronds this beauuiiui home close to 401 uand Trfalgar Road. 4 uarge bodrooms; spaclous living roons mitk fildstnoe firepluce; urge sopuruto diiag toom; stuiseif glass in doms. Just picture yourseif eneertuioing your frienifs in this country home mthio 40 minutes ot dometoma Torono-o$65,000. One on the let 4nonses remaeaîog on Aotte Bv treat your tamiiy to a nom home le 1977. Cail for inspection. rom -060,900. 878-2336 877-7210 878-4944 878-2365 878-0110 877-6281 OPEN 9 'TILL 9 WE HAVE MANY OTHERS FOR MORE DETAILS CAL 878-2365 lot. Lîne 826-1030 "A Rare Find". A Innely cansfortable brick home on an acre in the country nar Mlton. First orne ofternd, nsty - $64900. Custom Codor home on 26 acres; cathedrat ceiingo; findstonnn fiant to-ceiing firepiace; stream ons prnporty; 4 bedronms; cushion flonrs; exposeif raftom ethroughout; beautiful setting i hardmnsd bush f or privacy- $139000. Panoramic Viens froon his beautiful brick 2-storoy fuembouse sittiag atop 148 acres. teatores iaground pool; 5 rsnm upartmnext ovor triple garage; pote ba; seeing is believing, near village nt H illsburgh -199,000. oey Maker for 197 7. Thîs building locatod On commercial zoneif ptoperty is in domotomo Milton; permit availablo for expansion; ideai for the wise ioves7tor $122,500. Lora Beixedere Sandi Kincsalo Blle Kusegl Audrey Nemel Betty Iagie Ken Nemoli MULTIPLE LITING SERVICE 878-4483 878-2674 878-8943 878-5339 877-1733 878-5339 wa ~5 HIGH SCHOOL AREA ,neiciesineoai vxiî cui e-hleiot 'f iA('id eaure,,e 3 bdromos, a fma in 30 no . vg -n00, 1 nicaeie fi viloxii andm- ,ison,îooi57,700 COUNTRY SETTING woded otad lenui,nc3 bdviorsqarge og unir-b fi,,ole, soaaednlg riv ,3 p e o, an 5 c mslv bahoan, and a alout basement -1tiFrubkh ,repl Askîn bly5$5,9w0 ON ONE ACRE bedîomvi Hllywood k icibe.,nea wi, waJkvuili2 BUILDING LOTS vvsnîtOvsCevk 3 dl. avoy 1atdsou hweto Att ai appoveduoand ad,, l, y. t tid Aiq$3370030v.i STOIi. HOUSE- 77 ACRES dai tonmo. Miii or-11 n7a, f, void i, lad -th i$160,000 2 Milt Strecct East, Acton 853-2086 to Y 1 -lO' 1