Council Briefs Start budget soon Drlsg a meeting Mnday, Milton Cunil: -Learscd Mayor Dus Gordun bupen 10 start IWpt1 budget delihralluns -ulthins a siek'. -Agreed lu protlaim Felruary as Nainnal Herit- c age Mnt, the weeh ut Feli.a 19-27 an Heritage Weeh and i Feb. 2i as Natinnal Heritager Day, lot tht Milon and Dis trict Kinsmes Club. As tht proclansn submittd wasc long et than tht uual towns proclamations, couiillostn agreed b puy tht standard9 $1itoward insertion nf tht notice in Tht Champion, with tht cluli respussille for tht test. -Named Mayor Don Gordon, Treasurer Dus Long- leed and Dputy TreasurerE Audrey Brush s sigisgt authorilies ot tht tous. 1 -Agre Usme aoe grousderies l htatao Dset Frli dtvtlopdh Victoria Wod a Ito ers1 ago. -Adopttd Comneillor Brian Pesmans suggestion 10 devole part of a future meet- ing 10 discussions ut local reprenenlation aI regional1 a rci,.procedoratliy-law and i-camera counil ses. Wat lights -Ashed regonsal reprenenlatives lu remisd tht region thton stmonts1 ltashîng yellow and red liglils atithe corner o Tremaine Rd. and Steetes Ave. Tht lights wert requestd oser a yer ugo -Approved a ytlaw amesding tht formeOak-i ville Restricled Ares Znisg Bp Law, alloting Kuel Solelr lo uliuld an auto body repait shop un Fiftîli Lne j -Learned thtcOntario Municipal Bard las granted an uppeal hy Marie Wood andi Thomas Aleander Harris.j appealisg a allon Landid Division Commillet tling. They plan lu separale a 521 acre parcel os 25 Sideruad, trom total holdings ut 104 acres, and setI 1110 Nclolas Weirtor a hostand nursery stocki operulion. 15 perrcentlncrease _Wondered il othtr musicipalitiet also guI a 15 per cenlinctease in 1977 rnad suhuîdy alloctions, aller ternîng tht Mninry ut Transpartation and Coun mosîcalions io allowing $496,o00 for oud cnstruction and maintenance in Mlon hic year. -Reterred lu tht irecduel. a pelîlcon rom tht City ut Wmodnolch acisg that att ufcers ut tht ire depari. ment ho escluded from ire ightrt argaining unîls and tutu a sepraîr oficers' unii Or hrguînîng. Tht motion âlto shed sucli associations ho ttgully hurnd y a *n strihe- clause. -Authorîotd paris supervisor Dick Henrilisen's attendante ut a two-duy Onario Paris Association educalionul conerente i Feruary t Huber College. -Ageeed lu renco em hersliîpain tht Organcualion ut SuaIt Urhan Muicîpali- ies and tht Association ut Stuiicipalits utftOntario Fet lue tht latter is $535ý News industty -Aulborized sigsing a development agreement seill G. S. Duns and Cumpany Ltd., whlth plans a muotard need industrial operation os McGeathie Rd. -Reterred 1a budget delihorulions, a propased co- operative course in OCIBA divisg beltes tht parho and recrealion deparîmneet and tht Canadien Natiunal Scubu Divisg Aosociation. Some concillnrs feared tht pro- gram oould replace some of tht carrent public soimmise sensionu ut E. C. Drory fichual, which are growing in papularily. -Edorned thteOSheridan Crafl Trailer prograts ohich off uts crail coursmesina mobile traiter. Lant fuît ahout mo adulîn and 4ut children 1mbk courses in a three munth perind and Sheridan College covers al tht tspss. Programn Superviser Karts Lilrpo ashed couaicil 10 spend $300os mincir renocalions ut Rotary Park s programs tsay continue, and ctas- cillors apprnvtd tht requtot. -Dtclined rossing as advertistnîtnt in tht national "Kin Magazine" cnncersing Heritage Day, bot prtfeteed dosating tht rosI of tht ad ta the Milton Kimsmen Club lot ose localIy. -Approved tht ansual scout-Guide Wetli charcli parade Saday, Feli. 27 trom tht 1Legios Hall ta Grace Anglictan Churcli, and detlared thtethekoftFl. 20- 27 Scout-Guide Weeb -Gave Milton Rotary Club tht use ut Lions Hall APrit 2 tutusn Easter Seat Campaigo dinner, ut no rosI. -Appainted Hugli Brows ta cut grass ut Drumquin Parki and Boyne Centre, ut tht saine$4,000 tee as tant year. -Rtftrrtd lu tht streel nomes committet, a requent trou Haltos Daytite Land Grouplt autmea publiecrond inlte toosboose projeci ut tht WlsnWoodward corser. Merrytesi -Autliuristd ose nf Drum- quis Parki for tht Percy Merry Mtrryfest thîs Sulurday aflecnoa. -Learned as annessmesi appeal hy Marguerite Day for tht properîy ut 546ii-tffe Steeles Ave. in Milton lias lies apprnved. Tht 1074 and 1975 assessmenîn otre reduced troun $30,242 10 $28.706. -Rectivtd, tut ittormu Lion, a lîhrury service questionaire hoisg ciecu- lted lu Camphottcillt and accu renîdents. Councit congratulted tht organîcers Dîrli Boomlouwtr, Mco G. tttldstrucc and Mrs. I. L. Jen- rangs un tht way tht questionnaire oas drailed. -Learord R. D. Kunica oI Hurnhy lias liesn refusî-d provincial hiappruvut on esemplîng ainrm rom the Parliuuy Bell land use regutations. Tht regululioni would alo a severusce t cete wu 100 acreparcels, Steelus Ave. Milion KASE lousetsiding fot the FAISRcsi5efrebeuof it 10W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS 0 Aluminum Doors aufE Combination Windows lnîacle Car Ports e Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OF CANADA 0 U FS o ntf t e S t .. 51O a kv i ie 845 0318 OUT 0F-TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT bnever, if hoth remaisn ugriculturol use. Appeal IoOMB BReteived notice o us 0MB bearisg Feli 20 sn Burlioglon, when Hltos Board of Educatios anda Foras Developmunts Ltd. ouIf appeal a Haltus Lnd Divi- sion Committu hy decision. Tht Bard is attemptisg 10 sel Focus a 323 bp 115 fonts parcel os commerciul S. but HLDC deied the requent. -Lesed asother appeal ilîl ho eld Fel. 1 os Doaldc F. Clemenso requenl 10 el 2.3 acres nese Rutltîmuabe Point Parki. -Receîved a repr fcom Cterh Campbell Thompaos ntisg that Wilsos's Aoc- tioneeco, Mrke Dr, expert 10 hotu adequate parking on adjacent lands li bis sprisg for auctons sale patcons. Couacil hud tarlier cou- plaîsed veicles were park- ing on Market Dr. and Higli- wap 25 in contravention wth an agreement tht trm had sigsed tarlur. Wlularlu dolars -Noted a Witurio grani ni 13,38.66 for Campholvlle Lions Hall las heun gicen fil aepproval.d Treasurer Lugbtd pied nultha sel cot 15 tht ton sfor ibis huild- ing was jat $2068.14. -Haled a devttopment agreementsithiliKnîSytr for a tetail building on Steeles Ave. should bave a ton year imt limnit. Tht upplicant wanted as utension lu coter ice years, sn case due in mortgage rates lie coutd not hild ithis twonyears. Con- cillors teli tht twonyeac limîl should le retaised and tht applîcant can skan for an extensionsautIhe end of that period. Obituary Board, teachers pick arbitrators Haltnn Bnard uf Educalion leurbets dunt holiene i lias nasued an enperiesced organisalinls educati( lawper, DRK. Laidlaw, as ia snsund and would libe il represenlatine on tht arbitra- sent vuîustary switeli tinn huard uhicl i ll lieathIe cnntinued. Sin higli nrb huard's grivasce againnl Ilie Haîton, iscludisg Aclot Ontariu Sttunilary School Scliml, bave votonlaril) Teachers' Fedieration. away oilli deparîment Tht buard hon tiîed a grie- and repîaccd them vante uver tht OSSTF em- choirmen. biargo againnl nornihrs In an eft tlurall appîying tut cbairmannbip plans, tht OSSTF insu pusitinns ui th thu ard. pinli lelter emliarn a, tht huard prohîhîtîng Halton higli sebual leachers memers trou applyci are nppused lu huard plans In choirmanship pusitiuns aholinli tle old dep& Iment tht huard. In renpnc liead systmai tise bigli huard tiltd a griei schmols, iscludisg Ilie ones n luhoeving tht embargo Georgeton and Milton, sent vinltion utlils mniage Septemoer and starl the systn cliairmanship syslem .Tht Tht teacliers fedler PD Day Teachers at work while students play White lcul publie sehuat stodenîs ejoy a mid-wister holiday rou schmol test Monday, their teachers oil ho brushing up os their skilîs and learning about sto and improved educational prograus. Teacheco orgusining pro- tessional development day Jas. 31 have lîned op a fut and interesting programn and severat ey sessionss tl ho held in Milon. AI Robert Baldwins chuat recource teachers are meeting, a speciat speaker Jobn Bates oilltlthos malhtmuatics and a math wonrshnp willhueconvened hy 'uom Trocis ernto camp Martin Si. Schoo is huslng an afternuan oorkhop un rganizing camping excur- sons oh Tom Travis in charge At W. 1. Dcc Schmtl, Mcc M. Cnltesupervsîng a kiîdegrtcn prngram and Mrs. C. Filman heading up uic exchangecof deas in language arts. foi onîdoor education pro grans are also plunned toc Ieaehers planning lu tait their charges to Halton egion Mseums, Onario Agricullorul Museum, Mntlshrg Wildlîfe Centre and Bronie Crehk Provincial Pari, Ai ast rtport tht Bronme (reti session oas holird solîd and the otîler corships otre ftîlis fats oganizersrepoct. -Try a Champion clsstitiecthtylI seIt jus about asylhing, qoîcly and inetpensvely. 1/ Price Sale AT THE BookhIok books cards Mrs. Barbara Fraser adkikkak Barbiara Sutherland Fraser plot. Evergren Cemetery. 429 Pearl St. of t71 Court St. N. in Miton, Palîbearers were neghbors wîte o lie ate William Chartes Mîtî. Gordon Miton Fraser, died ai Mlton Warmiogton ond Jim District Hosptat on Ian. 17, McEachero, and three We alto bondie nil 1977. Origînatty trom graodsons Bill and Donald Alerdeetoliîre. Seottand. he Franer and Geratd Secord. paintingo rocotitis area. had ltned in Milton for 65 year. lier hobby wan gudenîne and ole aîo'ays adilnlvety flouer leds aroond lier liome. Mms. Fraser was active in Knoox Presliyterian Chrcli, wsa ilt member o Knox WMS, amemlero!thlitCnro- S O L W R nation Groap Ladies Aid t 2 îd Knoox and utun tle lveming 2i. Re 0500.P. Star Relebali Lodge No 795Rg 650 Fanilly 0 Surviving are a dauglter:N W 59 . Adeline (Mm . Roliert NW 5 5 Macliayt ofMiltonand aonO *U Gerge Fraser nI Nipisnîng. ,n eus alto a lroilier Davd ad eev Sutherland ut Kemnay . osi eECRI and and a sster Mary 'Mr'e START * Fred Clristiet)u Lrnaseto Torphinn Scotland. There are 0 FREE : alto ite grandchîtdreo and 0 Ilrte great-graocchldrrn * $105 Vlue Tlie ReliebaliLodgtlittd a * Uo srice on Jan. 18and te n s.inn.a O0csn Clapet . Rtc. Trevor Lewisof Knoox (brcli otîca td and *AT* ED nermentoas in teamily† † se e eO SOOO HO0MESTEADj'S JANUARY SALE C ONTINUES Sorry weîre cfosed nt 9 p.m. on 1hursdoYs and Fridays, flot 9:30 os advertised lest week. AI om fes te àu INTERIORS - FURNITURE 877-8777 GUELPH\tIF:W SQUARE - GEORGETOWN Corne 2uph St. &Muntainis Rd. se pre- molin Dn Higb iy dnne it ads hubard aed a agais g ils sg tnt ts tht gement ration numînet lotIhe arbîlratîoo liearing huard as Ettînt Pmsen, a Tronti' soicitor olihbourd taliot taw esper- ence, wliolias reprpeneid (Ontario leacliers un a nuher of tlier occasions. Saperintendent oiiintrc tion John Boicli saîd taidlac wsrecommended lu tht huard lecausr leit ina stranger tu arbitratis ci- tt s illi the lac tiiti i McCattly and Mciarthihn Toronto. Hesaid thetpairtuitlsciu sii duwn and decidtcslcichcciii-(il thei atl litc ihairoîanIf ley caoiccmnr iciansagte ment. thtelducatîin Rl ations Comm ission is il ni oc a third persun tic the arli tration htaring hard chic wilserveas chairman Tht ohoît situatioius c cel cutae severatncsthsitor sotte. Meanwhcît thtiiSSTI embiargo agacosi tht isard appears lu hebc orktng, Eartcer iis moih the huard advctttesieroalv 1977 clük W ,$3232 ...... If 161f EST TRADE-10 ALLOWANCE The momy yu UV@ et eu ... .W. ftàbblt «M be yoUr Owni RAZ AIOTORS h.le fi,, sales service Il tops BAZ MOTORS LTD. \/"ý,K.ýVVAFN PORSCHE-AUDI-HONDA 199 G-1ph St G,.,,gt,,w,, 877 5286,,6761813 Connon FRRM SHOW February 1, 2, 3, 4, Exhibition Park. Toronto, Canada. From 10 am. to 6 pm. 0AL00EHTHE LARGEST SELECTION FOF AGRICUL TURAL EMQUIPMENT IN CANADA F- Fil. ""ivýl Go t1àM b lh, J- (,Qhl "d h y Ho'se P,11 pi, eýW' pffil F'b- y S- Y.., 1-1 d..I.' f- $1,00 ý.'iýg admission cards. Gef2 00-an 2 x7 pu 8 lt photos loifývt, i i i ci.9 8 *iooci e tiiiittot onîa! noi uc iss iii tout uccictî YOii, ,Oic eiut-ti,'l i iiic 1 ~ m2 pmos np11-es t7352epm, pesals 2lcmpualn, ad3Opmts Fast ,l,ý,y-poioStonM1qtua OMacLOt A TheCanadien Champion, Wednesday, Jan. 26, 1977 il ýor 125 chairinen anci rrcived applications tftri10 positiocns rou lus people. Sîsce thes oh ofliottht people havt uilhds-awn tIlir application. Boich aid il appears ontiof lie applîcants had a change ofl htarl cwhitttht oithr oas oni a salihaticat and uasnlt auar ofthe emhargo whtn lie applied. Htliasswilldtawn bis appictioandistrespet- iitgthe-embiargoc ltiiih aid lic couldolt hnosuoutil tht tnd ut ibis iicsih lisu c li tie huard did :ts, îd t,,getl carcaoshîp applicationsii roacruts tht prvnelie sacd princpals uii lii-suhmitîing applîta- t iocs-,tctisrd ai ilir ichmis tic tht admiistratios un Jan- Ilc aid hlie airececsed quita feu-catutti, ttu teachtts ,icrccs trirsolis cantcd information ahoutlthe chaircvaoship positions and adîccttei ht lias, lies ranli wilalcatîes etng lieun bnus tusi chat lie stuation iin laltîo ccli tht m ba rgoi PLUMING P Ou Sho oE foprma of oa ewplumbin dviin Joon undrfake ao 295RMain dtialtn8-94 Thorectaddtion fiii cmplmimnt ivour FONRFAST & EICETSRIC 315 SEELS VEOuWSr TrONTO IT etadon w 826-122men 3o jý