Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 1

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Merchants for, against Mîllside f@od store Safeway--sal-vati'-on, or death-kneI1? By Ry Datnna Woulsl a aiemat- fassistore Iseatesi as Milside Dr. ho the saîation-or tie seti- knl-s tiaowtoan Miton? Tiata tie tbrny question Milton Coanil wmut ave fa anaer lanlie net ina eeha as tie proposaI ta place a 30,000 square foot retail foodi storeaon te soati ide oa iI- ids Dr., opposite tise nom Milton Tomer cassiaminium hisgi-rise ansitise Bremees Retail store, iba wup intoaa iull-blomn cantrovrent-ai tas caancil meetings this iceeis Last Tsesday's Planning and Devetopmenl Committee f Casacil tam a 4-3 vote reverse a staff report that ecammendesi againsi Ithe development. Mnday ights meeting fealuresi speeches hy five damntnmn merchants- ima ai them enancitinen with asnet renat ai tmo in tanne. theee against the fassd stores prapanesi tocation. Mure ~sdy And coanci finalty tarnesi the mater hans ta the coin mttee otcouncîttfor afurther report tisi at isi at anty study the Saeway prateci buf ioatsiatstae a gondihard took ai tisemiote futsce ai the sontownibusiness core. Coanitiar Emmerma Me- ceady ieass up the ight ta keep alemay oait Iho Mitside li. site, ihite Cauniltar Acf Metanson eads the campoîge ta get it estaistissesi tiere. iBth are Main St. mercisanto engages in riait operations, Mr, McCeady ai Stedmans and Mc. Meansan at Knights Mens Wear.)t Jnînîing tise ray at Mon- siys meeting ere Harvey Motion aiMilttan Deptmenl Stiare misa saisi he spaise an ieiati aithse O-memiser Mlan Damtoniamafcap ia arging the store ie altamesi ta establiis there, ansi mer- chant Blanche Hintan ai Mittan Vaiely Stre misa pteasies iatis cauncîl ta rejeci tise propoaia. Tise fis mercisant ta speais wat Nip Masiseit, manager ai LedmihsnSaper Savtestiare an Main St,wmon saisi oaty that mies tiestiare ienamet aapeaitahte, tisy oy i r Natianat Grocorn) imiiiot renem thieseleste. Change se Saiemay originatty assesi for resaning tar a ste an Markset Dli., ieside Canasian Tire Store, tant sammer. At tiai tîme Mlton Domtoma Gcoup circtatosi a petîtion aeging caunciltot apprave tise praponat, ansi 32 ni tise os memisor mercisanto signes ili Counicîlacn mero siePticat of tise Petîtîno. ioorver. oison is agemwannotesiansimisenîi as Pontesiouttless tianisatt tise memiescasignes inta avor ni theSatemay popmsat. Anotiser samper ac tisnaon tise petitionoMon- siay mien Coancîlac Mc- Creasy.mo saii senesto ietong ta the Domntomn ftcoop. asrittedsitgnîng it buat store changing hisnmînsi aisout the Satemay praponat. Counoitor Russett Poma- siuaissaisi otiseromat- have cisangesi their stansis on tise petition in thec meavtimc. and he ansi tlec cnoncitlocn urged thetliowntonGrap to recîccotate the petîtion and gel tl opsatesi. Lansiomner Marie M. Martin sabimttedthetiScale- s'ay proposat to conciimitis ber san Joseph Martino acing as er agent. Tiesite on Milii sieDr. c pceentts soned toc iigh sensity etîdeotiat ose andi was oiginatty scisesiteti Io accommodate a 10700ntt bilîdag, ove ni lice apaci- amt oers tise Martin tomilv' ýplanneti cnclis hvtti igsgt ioretico hioon as "Msatin tsi' cAvreotog %ou sasiti nccsnacî Iochange Two s i it, apatmcnt loeshave aiecady heco conitceothett tcovtitvtlc oftMittiic. iachtog ottîthe CPS linAnotitcc iv plavncd coulit andi castthetiMbartin hotme ai 57 Oartin St andtil îvsld abat thc Saicoan vsite obtchtns bstdithecccchat tise tcre in Sitilsiie tir Cotcnllor c'eeady -came prepareti Mîodan s is a long spech ensmcratîng tise r son eb felt the proposai shioltibc rejected. lie pre- tancti bis remarisa cîtisa mtatemnent thit ie iati "no axe to gind '"agaînst eithce Satesay or the Martins. anti admitiicd anotiser tood talre ii Miiion wosatt hc des able ' bat the locationma n t he staff repçat tI nsaoctl thecplanning titrectce. ntcrk (Coottosition pagfe91 STRUNG RIGHT OUT on the floor catcbing 40 sinks, Mike Codd aas one of the Milton Dstrict High Scbool bandumeit wbo perlormcd in a 24-bour fund-raising marathon of muie ait St. Pauls Churcis on the weekend. The band playod from 9 a.m. Saiurday f0 9Sa.m. Sunday.n th onit- brief rest breaks. (Mn.Page 9S $25,000 Morrow suggests salary for chairman Reglanal Ciarman Rie Moecam iii recammonsi ho reie$25000 a year tacrtie tais ta mhisicsie plans to tevte tiree says a eeis ic $25,000 saggetion iii hoe examinen thisn eeis iy asiministration commît tee o regioaatcosicît ansi lihei- consiecet sent monts. fi oulsi appear tiai a figure ai $25,000 ositi ho an apprapesato alacp tac tie position ai regianat chair mas, iasesi os comparative stosies," Mrram says. tI feel il mols ieho nappes- peite tacr lie regionat ehairman tohoe paisia salary lent thon tiai poi taa egionai coaneciltor fotra, oc tntance. tie CtyofniMss saaga." bs report naen Baedsonîlatyeasn, pas egionat coannîiltors ram Misissauga casisi charge ta $21,505 a year abîle regiostal counelliarc r a ito nositi gel $liOIt Mocow s qaîcituopointioat bcise ' t i iterete in rceeînng anytiîg tisctise ocer-fliltOit tiîponscotier egînnai chiatmeieecetce. H-e notetiil it s suggestion cs annepteti ie usil eev abouft ,tnSesst tiaitformer nhiatman Attan Mascon ceccînesi He ats tiinhs egional coaniciors may s-tis to eieir omo pot- "Tise peseal ensmecation of $8.500ibats eeo on eteci lac tiscee yeacs. I1ieliecencoancil solsiauopi a poliet- viicis aosttiamedtheiscataryîin etieci eoitittfcondititon e repotsi MotîtecsitfenI suint (iii livigtinceasant i Sit infltiton oardi agef gaielneorase a pret ahe e tcreroo ai ergianai depariment beatis pay ies ati varticticis n addtiton., Morro'tisc noancl sisîslti cansîder gîctof ccgonat commutter cbarmes a bonssof i$1,500 ta $-,,(m a ycr Volume 116, Namiser 30 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUASY 26,.1977 40 Paqes 15 Ct-iti Planner.opposes store location C onstruetian ai amajor opposes the mntion. A lto h poiint h rgnl aand lb d lne ilr run nlro h fassi seon M isie Dr coig ad ofca pln vnae I tâ ee. 'lfa ha Iasbe loainoSftv.Nhr et woulsi al habu it hancs 0sI Conilset J m Kercansi change seme o cnr ude"epe wu b tosirdanneg iprtfi(inlef,-u e os o reseefopmenstite cetral Gard Kans er abstent arouns eide htte]n iigwt iwligds teresdsrc yda gmr buansessdistr ictofMitas, com tho Tuessiay mertini soasibh l n sdfr tneo h eta uies pa frdvrtw itn tafct h ononc acoring a owamosaser adtC io r _ acRh Day hisî-iss parteta a oeA17ui uligws o h te ad on Bois Zsadasiyi. Ie-le aiicoaneit anst meoi tiai antembise are hesag pal togetiser rigisi nom mtis a iemiao esevetapment se tiai islocksoaIlanti hounsiesi iy Main, Martinî, Miii anti James tt. Ho saisi a commerciat, reitiontial ansi office rom- pta s song comsieresi Heitnt at lierty ta say jasti mois nprovisini tise financiat haehîng, isaevor Mr. Zsasianyi sidsitetl this nemcpapec tisai a Escapean fînancoîl tîcm ta înteeestesi and ne is atvisthiere ic a Canaaîlan group interestesitn tise esevetopment scieme as mili. saff agaiaci In iss report to coancît, Mr. Zsaatanyi saisi, "Tise toms staff hase reviemesi tiss application on many mcca- in prir ltise proporalian ai tiis report ansi are nol in tanor a, nor coal tiese- I port tiis appiceation. Zsasianyt saisi a major commercial seetapment on Misisie Dc.masisi epeesent mitose ai municipal services ansi a poaclansi se in ceiatioosisip sis cisting apociment duvlecipmentt, "copeciatit- tise oea'con- domiium bildtitg." le taîitheisetie aasnt tuit- aisle foc a majoc tond store iecase othiepoar accets foc atiat mouls bsea nmajor rai ic genecator Tise at item an his is totfa thataisin tise proposaate geat latttn tas revenue miicis masit oihiseîe hogeneraieti iy a esîieniat tevciopmoni an tise peopert- Speakisni on ieiai attise appiseani, Jise Muartin taiti Taesiay'c Piannîng-Denelop' ment Cammttee meeting tisai ien tise mattec came sp n Septemiser oniyth ie ice Depocimeni t aijeted ansi ise notedt tipiano nom cati foc tise provision ota new ire hait. He crmisei te ire deprimeat aobjection masisi se itissiamo. When tie question came ta a vote Cosaeillrs Brian Pen- tisai. Don Goncton, Jim Watson ansi Art Meanson suppotodth ie ienetapmeit. lIsaPomadîisk, Emmersn MeCceasit ansi Rate Harrso cote. Day saisi iseactesi an amper toc a man wmisa ias aifecesi to purcise tise peapecis ans i mgitsitilibc intecestes i n t foc a cenîden- Isaiast Police are tooing toc Clarence James Aisel ai Toc- nnoalter tise m a n sd net eisen ta Mapicisrst Cor- ectioaa Centre oison hic tempocacy abstence patt espîcesi Hat an Regoat Police ai Abel, 3, siisinos relara ta Mapehrsi afie tie eeheosi and s i s ttiesnomas unlaataity ai large. He oas serving a sentence tac break and entcy ansitocgecy. Poice saisitise mon io SOMEWHERE IN THAT "ROWI) of studenta cs oeîginaiiy team tis ecati a leacher bing pulled along in a toîboggan. This coasi, anti oat- ho tcyîng iii toboggan chariot relay race hcld an Wednesday eisco tiece. during Martin St. Schools seek-long Vsinter (aritival n'as .non a' Redi hause n'htch tain secondis place behîîîd Black hanse. The final recais n'tll viii be knon ntil nexi menis n'en the fintial totals of the skate-a-thon are tallîrd. Bomb threait Change in tune? Hallon Regionat paître ralsas a boao ltits tht- aecc caie i ltonistr icn t coîîji bomb [itîeal on tbe alighSclena lsnîenîie lcal oliceao o Septembre Sacticepredicts 3 or 4 llîbScotan u inii allr e g oal tn in e sc Erio pione ino a bamis tiserat i niltise ear. Fatrveît Scismt t enceian anont-moas aît. police poecmas saisi tie ax s m aller Iandf ill sites Inside today t Wiys oms people dont as îbrantes .......2 t Wisat then aas jectiiicsIfthe taspayers ...3 t Marn St. Scisaatwinfer carnisat .............. 6 t Maureen MTeer apoaba at Siseridan .... ........ 7 t Nem edeafio ai Agicaltare presiden......... t issicaio, regianai reports . ,............ 10 SECOND SECTION: t Sports, teafare an Kein Pocher ..........-. Bita Bis t amiiy news, coaing esiama ............. B6 t Stampin' Tam Coars spoaiss oat an meia... B7 t 300h Arniaecnacy Iar MitoanRotars ....0 8 , B9 t Leffers ram sac ressers .............. Bit t Milon Coanci repart .............. B4 lin Bois Bîsil Acc-'indng talitaltisî liita l'allie chn c'b Ca' îrîanaotck hiatsters ti tIioct iii-a landiîli site iccaiti utSite 1V itîltîvissae tisaipredîctîttî tuinacîbtreakinia csatc'il- nialtit nartttttfiet act wuek ic saggcstcdthla i uient.1 tf tise tiehte t'- hi itisoer. cuicitit tipitfoc tiscîn or tourc snial tidumpinog tsttes antit a nesmcercittnnt-plan(t bnc'b t acîî Oitiii alisîts ha nsteeenetitîcît of ties ite soanîil Iltebaolter t a, iln su nppites ioi bitset' t 'Tretiaine andtti ctannîî, it is Report rabies Imm Rabi fanes bave cassttsed c niso eoeias ~,a tas casesa aiahi dags in tisreepte mre gven Camphoitvilie ansi three raies sofs as a pecatian. peope bave hati ta ho treateti Contarp ta popaar eiri, a for tie iseane. perso duess sot ave La ho A tiag bhoaging ta Sanya iten iy a ahi animalin Marie Agnea ai Campbsel- ore ta estraci tise tisease. ville as bittesaon tie porcis Ath pacto cac Chtmramstarnd apshoiore contact mus th ids ti a A SPECTACULAR WRECK resulted Wdneaday afternoon dollars. The drailod cars carried new GM cars, trucks and sistroyesi, accardung la rait animaliseo instance tie wbin 37 cars of an 87-car freight train derailed near Walker's vans as well as pino lumbor, sulphur and ncrap metal, and a poice.0 saina ai a lamit- tog colti Lin on the Milton-Bnrlington CN line. Investigation con- fow wre ompty. The accident alto knocked oui local powcer Anotber dag in tie Camp- camse rahien. tinues but officiaIs indicate a seized acheel may have caused linos and a neigbborhood of homes plusthtree indutrial beliile area as bittes bt iContinuesi as pege ) the drailment, Damage is etimated at well over a million plants tomporarily lot power. (Seestsîny Page 3) gi-tiof fiatai i lui u il o tai sîtasicl tiaste bit týIîti itior,ltî-îstîîe s ni tti' cii oîti "t $ h millo ant oe(' le .(o tra iii li e ongttititl latiron t -n)r$ p tit I i r Thengnîclbt ni aitîîî,îoftcti nîltalttreprt> nltnt gtttittit tith 'it-at iii iistie it attf a i sulb e tin ii lni B ll 'ilte i'tpttrte c'itnittetin [p tnett f itt tai' t isRe 'bthnt fine. Stie on heea t vTrahinei tsa titidttuntitheuettheiBell ti rpti li, tititli is lia p a i ,J]erc tiecoit slat o inakea toutal "lcoienaaestir oncein no tlcati aca utact suistise ea isedcatcons iv ten is stani (ri omterart- nti acatties. minialcostemtn ailscarsîc dosit cosn-e peieeti[r"m saisiicecnd sace dainomgvecngnts tsisetoes i tite s ctsgiti sms at tise revînssiare ferrei cominsilpacîly mitisn i lanning a c ex-a ic Niafaca i'.catpmrot lIformtion otitis fo \V(t taîtîlvît taîntesnsaisi ttt oiitnvttîttb a tusbeen ititincti an «ut i-'ange i ocio ttîî bt tic nîticdt at it il utis itiisthe panning inca. tht'Comision vul ,ititiît pas.,'cmmentton if SiceceidtheComishion ha t nopteedit o c t cotiu ii o trli eep titi a pecrss tnti ltbhî ýittlcefitoaiao b A i si a and oresienin lias tient cai'cngthetliaitlfor cenientsin the aea andthe.% t' v ttenritei ouaties tttt-t-tugntttspentlthecietier patcfutt he tast igisi monibo ptîtîctttcitertcî ccsicai ce- prsanti dattrlatedti t linititîl andt esrce ce- C'ville p rotest itincerneil citiaros in tise tlantpislicte acea oi meet tonîgisi îWetnessiayt ai Caîpisetliîte Lions Hall ta dîncons tise proposesi cimare of tampiseticitie Scisasi Ties choal ciosare iii ho recommenîleu to tise boarti dactng a ioacrd meeting in Feciscaci Tiestnait daims tise nsm i astihave ta co duse ta sctînsng enrlment, isut ittageet are attempting in showmtise enclment iii clîmis ansi tie sehoos ioatt cemain open.

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