Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 1977, p. 9

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.~Legion 'Dance raises $1,200 ,Byffli Gn Reldfli ations OMece forIMa ry C rai gfun d ý.. , - -4-f-p t.isas d a . i t t.1-ia-4s-mt, On Saturday, Ja. 8Ounr curling esm Itravelled la Actas for Uic District Crling Bomspail. You milI ecal Uat mc tean a bd mon Uic rigt la go on 10 District ram Zone. Tisece mccc twa days ai compttlonandasImantalilsg part ere ram S. CaUsr- ses, ais enetered tlau Ims, Niagara Flls. Paris. Burlinglon, two tesu ram Gergeion, Milon, Tiorld asd Ern. Duc boum gsI Urougis tieir iraI day and procccded an ta Uic sccond, and un Ssnday ai 3 p.m. Uic game aa 2-2 in lise igisUi lplaying againt George- town). I1 was a real sqscakec,, great curling. bt ourc tc.m ater a great efort as beaten ouf by Gergetown. Tise toorue ram Milton Ken Plat, Brase Kilsies, George Fletcher and skip Deasis Raley vouaUat nenl yesc Uicy iii in. Ticy did a tastastis jais and vme Uisni tisenafoc bing ucis gond reprenentatives ai aur Brasais Plesse mark yauc calendar lac Uic 19Ib ai Fcbruaay. Tbol s Hasrs and Aards nigit, andîbhece wll be a napper and danse. Contact tise Menaber- sip Cairman. Bill Green- tield tac tickets, but you'Il bave la move fast because a loi oi people are copectcd Ia attend. + + + Tis eurcce league, an Fr1 day igitsaiathUicClabrasa ba becs ding ecli. Steabo and csabarc Uic prises amd imnera lasI Friday were top Everct Crbett, bis Eggle- tas irai for ladies, Del GaI- braith is tf oc men, ranners- up tac ladies, Getie Mous- lais and for Uic mn Dave Morley. This lc.gue staclsaia 7:30 and a gssd tomina in sore toc yas. Fred Jobhns on tbe prise toc Uic idden ticket. On Fei. 12, Gorge Thorn- borcuw, Enterlaisment Cbicman, inormas on Uere iii be a donre un secod floor, iUi Uic Tara Shom Band in attc.dancc. If ymu nisacd tUiinbond ut Nasa VYears, eres yar cbance ta came sut and bove a gond lime. PS., Il's a Valentines Dansesysu can ail gel ymur swecties and rmi tbem ltaa dance! Tise regidar meeting as cancellcd an tise second Mon- day ut Janmcay duc la Uic snaslacm, but il as bld lasI Mnday nigit. Fraîcrnaulattiliates. ime is canning sut for Uic payment ut youc 1977 dau. Tbcy mast ie pald by Jas. 31, r youc îaembcrabip lapses. fIl s cspected Iere "iI be na extension othUis date, suris as tiere ms last yesc. sgel bosy and lois ater Uat ciore. Witt present design for headquarters Archilecto mili present plans toc Haton Regins new iedquartecs Wednenday, Pcb. 2 at10 anam. Coonil il meel prir ta tie 1.30 tarting ime ta her Uic presenlatian. Cooncil chose a site in Dais- ville notis ai Ue Quecn Eliza- beth lighway near Higbmay 25. he qestin cocering Hattan Region Coservation Aulioitys invlvemenl in Uic building as yel la ie decîded. HRCA bas mode itcleor does nolmwaotto onUthecom- Si ~W ho s osconiyllng be m.eo-so»aeod pods hae à 4-louis ls depSi. pIcs and pretera staying in quartera ai ils omn. Cooncd., on tise olier bond. teels Uic Atbarity siould ie osed in fisc comptes. Regsa says came At one otheUi iameetings ai fisc aId cooncO motion caried asking lise Mininry ut Natural Resoucces te, carry ouI a sludy ta determine Uic casto and oUec adeantages tisaI mould accrue if Uic auiisoity joinai Uic region in tise somples. Ppproval oi Uic proposai deign wmut be ose ai tie final steps pins la calling tenders. Tiat projeci bas ieen ianging ire since lie in- cepion ai egional counil. threc ycara ag. Thec building bs isen desigoai la accommadate addiionst a lofer priai. 0& committra ciaiced by Bulitnglon Alderman David Caossblas ieen meeting ccguiacly lfcrlie past tew montiss as is omn and as isld name meetings witis Uic architiect. Observations on given at Rotaryi A goup ot igisi Itaoians ram os Mls Rtary Club visiled lie Milon Club last weeckto pccscitltheeveniog's progcuas. Speaker as Patricia McKay misa recountrd Ob- servations an Chinîa aler tu-o trips la lise conry as o member o siudy tours. Sue tld othtie rîendlinesss Ciinese Irai lac Casudians iscrause out tisir Iumiliariy ils Nrman Bumc, a Canadian dsaiai mi sa regardai as an example aI tise setlessocsmiicis lie Ciinese try taecorarge. "Tbcy are deligistul peuple. kcllisy. isrdmocking and in acountry Ithatiseai and idy" sie saîd. ilscrosdcd Wttî a quarter ai tise woriti population tise! mat in acountry abot thes ie ai Canada. "Tiyre caping in pravidni a simple standard oI living iu il toies tremen- daus orgaisatian la cape ils a papulation oi ibol magnitude". Tise speaker toUied aIflise toond Uthc planning neces- sacy ta meel Uic necds of ail- lioas, tise iouing waiicisl tprebta eqotaalUiongis Uire ne n ant maisaIl look ubobby. Uic cloUhils, lie eduration and tie precinus' nasa af tet iboks, and Uic ielUi scae aiicis la encour- agisg deccstralization o services. M. McKay ntai Uic Ciinese wncis a six day meci, cîgisi boucs a day wiUi no annual ioliduys but suas es- tve meckcnds. "Wockis sol someliing yau try ta avoid, Wrb is social. its nI a fas pac but lie nsaberas - voIsai sleudily uciieve -' Ilandle il "Tiscre is great hope in China. If tiscy can tandie Of0 millio people in a country lise some sise s ours, pechopa mccc ovely con- cerea ituîU lie papulation exposion" sie concluded. Sunday ai a beseit danse in MaItns, field la blp Uic Aloen Cralg tamily raine tsmda la iecp Mra. Mary Cralg alive wlit a apeclol secam la- prlai ram Florida. Tise Maions oman, wbo qolejly clebcatnd ber OUi blllday lutlseesi, ws dying ut laIeraI alerain (a diacas wicb parai y ss tise Iroatl seen a poaible scremas dis- casered la lorlda. Friendo, nclgisbora. arca sewapapeca and radio stations and Uic Malten ond Milon Legiana bove been actlvcly rying in aise $6,0lu or mare ta, cccr Uic cnpenm uftheUictp to Forideanad Ue daily dose.oa Hec son Allan Jr. and tamily live in Miltos and eerai local paople bave danated ta Uic tond. Ms. Caig Jr. rondnd up eerai donations oi merchandise dance, ram geocrais mer- cbana aI Milton Mal. Camcroa aiaga Miltan resident JaonAllas Cameron blpcd ot tise unday party by attendlng and inging a aaag, and Miltonian Paul Richards, a CHIC Radia (Bramapo) bruadcatcr as alan os band la blp ast. Allan Caig Jr.'s bond Tise ayatico pravldcd Uic music for Uic day. Evas Uic ailing Mc. Cralg waa able la attend and taycd about twa boucs. She iaucd a big "tisanis yas" toalal wbo bave blped ber in Uic long figit ta avercame Uic llneao Uat was lawly iling er. Mrs. Craig and br basbond lIewn laFlarida in Sivember and bod ta slay Uerc six weebo betore sibe as mli enagb ta retarn home la Malton. Wite la Florida an operation hdbod abe under- lmctmensaai Uic Sandeco Instituts. 0100a mastit- Sbe bas good 12 paunds sine retr hn ome Des. 28 and a ted Uraugb a labo imcerlcd la ber neci. Tise dasasaocruna, wicb bove la be sipped ram Flaida, cmlt about $100 a monU. ise Caigla ara pemsianers and jot conant attard tbe es- pannes. Organisera repart tbe tond ath Ucmoment i'"borely cavering Uic expensca". Factiser tond-raising evons arc planned and meanwbilc, local residensn snnd a donation ta Milton Leglan Presideet Rtty Irving, c a Canadion Leglan urancb 13, Cbrles S., Mton. Fanda collectcd in Milon are being lurncd avec la thc Moton Legion. wblcis la pearbcad- ing Uic Craig fond. It's carnival time at Martin St. Sohool Mrfla S.- Seior Publie Scisoni la holding lin Winter Crival iisweek. wi special wlntec acivilies bclag bld ut 3 p..cvery day. On Monday a pap cally wan bcid ftheicbabetboltean, toloaed by a snow pling relay. Four eams, ans ram cacis bouse in Ue cbeol, cnmpeled 10 secwmincis cmdd pile up lise mot snom tuing garboge sans! in a certain omount ai lime. Tise net leg othUic clsy was 10 see abo sosld flaten out tieir billtise quicksisn. Winnera f aieci othlie comptitions gel 100 pints, second as pints, Uird 30 pints and taudis 10 pint. Pies, pies, pies Yestrday. Uic studens ield a pie eatlng contest witis anc girl and ose boy ram cacis bouse piuone ancmle and ffl90r&I China meet Don Mlîs rIais president redJohnso prcslded toctie pcagcam aod lise speakler as inlcaduced iy Dalton Mcquaig, a memiser ai Uic Toronto club. During rcglar club buli nss il as ccpected Uic an- vual Eauler Seal Banquet aould he eld ono April 2 ils dinner and dancing music pcovidc'd sy lie Milton Higis Scisool Band. Tie Legion Ladies Auiliacy bon agcccd ta bndie Ue calering. lemale teaciser. Ater Uic canlesI a donce as beld dur- ing whicis a prince and prinsessofaitUic inIer carai- val mccc crewned. Today's activitias lfuture a Uree lcgged relay rce and a gacisage pisbup clay race. Tomoccuans content in a ciariot rce wllhbobase taams plling Uiir inocier representalives in a tobog- gan. Bomaaî On Fiday Uic caraival will mmnd up uithUi Memorial Acena in Uic altereoun wilb liscec clayn, o sprint relay, bonkelboil dribble clay and a pylon-relay. Aller Uic relaya Uic AUleic Cousait mili taise on Uic Stodont Cauncil in a isonsbol gama astis Uic winnec tacing off ogainot Uic teacisers. A siatealison wtîl ie beld alterwards. Tise monay rainda uthUiesateatison wl ie used in Uic Pbys Ed budget and fo la amexcursons. LasI yesc Ue scbasl isld lin inIer caraival in Fciruaay but il was rainai aut 50 organisera movadilt aiscd Iis yeac. To dale tise weatierman la cs-perating. CampbeiviIe ... (Continuai tnom page one) similar of tie village dies." He acknowledged that tise More home case and the reanons for clos- Mayor Grdon claims tisati ng Campbllville scbool are with the separated building similar ta the reson Narval lota and thc plana for dcvelop- School wan clocd. ment in the immediate ares "Il woald ise ntercsting to there coald be 412 toto but on sec abat eticet thc closing ut and the scboal would bc oncd Norval bas badl on thecorm- ta ils tull stent. munity. Il migbl be tiat it is But Asssenlta Uihe olt the saine, ia rtrospcct, Directar ut Education Ken as thc eficcl me Uiacghil Craig indicated that Uic deve- wad ave," he aid. lapasent pcaposcd for Uic Citisens af Uic area mutl area was lau lac dwn i e hold a spccial meeting la dis- road la aller Uic reccinm css the problemn and develop mcndation staffI wll mabe ta a bnie Wednesday, Jan. 200fi Uic board. a p.m. n Uic Campbellville Evcn aller laking lin Lions Club Hall. accosnl pssible grawth fac- lors for tbc accu, thebioard sans derlining gruwUhi n thc Campbellville-Broaakville ARTHUR A Craig said tbe hord is due fU ICl ta canider the recmomcnda- JOHNSON IIo .D. Lion ai Uic first or seccand meeting in Fcbruary. He aid sT arnî' Uic cloure, i appravcd. VOiUlVEiIiST would came about a ycar 24Mi t tram Uihis September. 1 ai t "Tlereia strang feeling io Miltos Uic cammanity and I can uodecsland Uic feeling and 8837 Uic faci Uicy ant ta ieep i 7t37 viable." SNESFOWRBOWRL ....... 2 a i scv 87 * A TE F E STAIR(iTO l1os Vlu. e -8 PSNabOWcRg.850 BO E : * IsFEELET iC TR 1-2 in. blddt 5 H.P. à Alou $fimOo candcO cacas .................T.....0 *FURNITURE COVENEN RICHA DSONS* APPLIAN'CES FINANCING 465 MAIN STa MILTON 878-2336 * PLENT OF FREE PARKING : Z MOTRSLT.I ONJHf SPOT BANK PINANCING th th. t.,t nf

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