S The Canadian Champion, Wainaaiay, Jan. 19,19'n Community-minded. Whaa att tac tatig mai don a'auii lamc hava mita camai the gracp raachai thea halloi iamtias and avcntuanip tac> in ta taare aaacgh antari tacnaii ta hlm for haip ta a ta haap il giag?" muae earlatp ai wapa, hath Lamis racatta aauicg hi noua aadi i d the jait. heaain l approvat cata tha cis Evantanity ha as visitiag ai thasa pracant. "Bfar the jait trae or foar Limas a kacm chat haii happanait, mach hachlis viita iaavitahty mas chairmaa ai tac limaih aaiicd ap gaaaratiag mark "cTite traach as tha ad taat haii atalag ta do ich ics mîistrativr mtag af tac S miaiseral rata. Ha man han> John arganalatica. Ha serve chaaglag car omnacahipa, ta hat capacîty tac lui hasiag citaca ranaiarrad yaars. fram ona pla ta anthcr andi Vata Hanatng avan maiag long disiance The Yath Hoiag Camai phone calta for taasa la jait. tcce grcm oct ai thc aaait fi Ha recatia tac mavias tan- tha cammoaity ta pravîda iag sori hir popuaarty ptacc for yacagstars h mhca tavialan as initaiie cccii no longer iva ai hart ad tac Waiiaaaiay acght for oe reaaaa or aathcr. ticachy games siphoaaii ait That pracact caver rcat1 the atandance at tac mavtcs. gai ait the graaad, but Laci Janl mach taîma tha cccii sti calit Ha has ataca rdace lis The groopos ida mas ta hoart mark ic ha tait hut cotinues teeaagcrs oct cn privat ta srva as Chapin. Dave homet for rctatîcaiy ahar Machosn. a Salvatiaa Army pcriaiis ai ime. Chaptîn mriag act taapla- ht as hracgh it capacit horst, hias scace itacame an- as tervice chaircana for the vctvaii ita mrk ai tac Mil. Kiaama thatttcd intraiicî tnica the ihdca ai havicg a Sant "He cas ii a ef1r hticr job Caos Pcraiic in toma He hat t can, hacacce ha hai terccii as chaîrma inc97 tpeccalitad ta that type ai and 1975 avar cacacaiee cep mark. t am htappy ta hcm ta rcscatiag orveaa tarvite hîca. hacasa hae cao da i clubinl toma itetter haa t"- Since the parade started in Mr. Lei rcgariis hîs ca7a, tf has groma ta pop- ttampi ta tench ratîgloos otarîcy each ycar. ciioratioa ai tac Eraest C. 0f t' ia-iitico otsiic che Drrysachoot as oe ai i rhrrh. Liahbas focd his pertonan faîtaras. mark catch the Hatia Rei- H'tcqocckto pit outcLht overy Hoase ta li h cite mhai he feeta as a fattore remandtag. mas due ta aa parc ta tae 'W'cc daaci peopte titra "Thcy hlpaci *'il mc greaa ta staci hac mecnmcay acynthapcould. - and ay 'mccce data i' Tt Beaace f the diificotty ta has tait me euth te philot commoniataio. tae mîcîster aaphy hat aothiag ta imposst tati ha atait ablte ta gai csy itcad thcrc ta moacy thari, mare arrosa thaa the watt i yoc hec> toaiag for tl. hattc messagc He reccats atiaadiag che Tha situation stit distants meetiag hccacsc ai hisin atm hecacte he tata cthe dccc iecast on the chote ctcaitc cammnitys'igttinafair scr "t at jot gttiag shake la ferro af rligiots rcady ta nease mhev Petea edfcatio Marks ccttad ta aay ha mes Frustrations sck aand askcd i i o "Tt mac a rani frusatratioa ta chair te meetinag. reaaiae hcm inapi h as. Bt il- 'i mcged i ad the meet- apaaai os> cyca ta a apecting eot ail igkt. Wc got io af saciaiy thai las ait Loo ofica tac httomn lac: I 't hr largaicca and somatimes caosgh ireti' ciiciad.' Thcrc mas, and itefara h He coatinuso ta maelthai thc kacm i, ihere at oe mace daf ccmmcacty rapraseats chairmaship an crac aot hacag iappaii k> A house oa Fisc Sidaroci tac chorck. hut ha conccdaa ma caeatcatty peaourcd and chat tha Roamaa Ctaotcc Lemis ad a gros> af ct.rch doen soiii mrk la hat dadiccted mrkerttsao the cran. prjaci titroogi feaca loti Mr. tamis sact itk aletacac racscog, recaaicoas ta titi aand noa-eleteci peope on c itouse ad caaatoctty icorp- loca Tank Force oa Hansing oaioa ain3. Recommandantiono a or tinl Wales chat commta mcci ta the Bora la Waes. te pacagest Comai Commicssioa oa Hoan- ai tirer chîtdrca. hie s te soi iag anod aitractaii atteatioa la ai a ccactar. lia tred i tae Toronto media. Scoitaad, Necm Beoausik and Hoii Lcwis iias't coaaiicr Bermuda helore finl]> chat tchaeamaag s moarc raiocitcagtoTrotin 1961. soccatafat niionts, heccosa lie Raecag it dcyt ta Br hasa't haca ablte ta ta coa- mode. Lewis racatied mrk- crtarascltcoand itcassakitcag o tae docks mt tho tîaa caca imitcd t hat poit loagakoremea Ha as 15 ai Ina1973hcaccamaee fcthe thiimrad te ontera haci foaiing memhart ai cihc ait quit ta go oa tinta Thera Mitoa and District Kismea casaooioa. Ctub. Ha as etcctcii chair- Bermoda ta heacis ma cf te servceacamm- dapadeat on shippcag aad ittcc. il as iiorîag hia taros rarrycar aha mmciii go ccc ta te capacitp hat taeclu dothccg cailec ina Thea iaiiamcog hecama iaaatvad mit Kin- sammer tae macitrs had mca Park. citas aitater, toma caîcacand caii lie jand tke haachac. aad tac aam aras cao Ha as oac cf ime hait rcagcag ccramaay. white paople mackcog mt caL, 1974 a fnnny ycar hiacha. Bcd looks hach ai 1974 as "a 'I gave me a chota dîf- toay kidof a yccr crratincsghtitac pertona] 'ht tccmed chat carry imie reatioas andi laid te groond 1carat toca meetiag, t cama cark farapcaîast1 ooid hoiii amay as chairma." ttre on," ha rrcaiicd. There caca the Stata Cas Tieta ta ctIhe soc ai a Parade Commta. the mîctere mcclii mark mt Stccrlag Commta for te haicits 'ceotni tome Hatia Beccavry Hoase. St. rîgiticos cadi gnanat vota ta Joha Ambulance, Witrfrst ite crn p' Commuae and tac Yotit At taI ime te racial Aditory Camilen cil itaîtona mac joal iremcag a dseîag cas4 hat hae irstaid ccihera ýas a lt ai pre- haama toaciand ta mrk ai iodure ' Ms dcii cas hnoam thecjoli as a aggr lveritcooe hr On oaa haad Bcd Lemisalcîoord iiacita ta mrship ai hcicacad te cacmoacity hSuc.strcit* c'ammicmaacatshrlootaon an "ondiiocrmorec cit theoihar he iaiaccd hic Ma foand merra ai i'otcitcactl ta is mco rurat Bearmuda lianfer on, buc titrer coagregatioas aad tke pro are tome coita ofond Hr tessicnac hoias he hatoaged reccaia ctattica mîit tome toaaiimorkcd mit bliackt ficda mitcv toma He accinawindgcs hcccag ta cther hiaccis cercard, chat- caaiinoatly remcnii himacif af iag "mitey. whitc>. it commimeat ta tae caag- "Ove gcy came ocre ta me eegaîioa aaii ttroggting toancd sai 'o arr ahoot cap cache tara the tîmc dcaotad sica. Ha poaiiaii me ot" ta it cariadii ltarcais are BStura hos maap comm ietpinl propar perpcctive andiioatp actîccicas, Bici Lewisa eaaoriag hat thosa priarccy lia hara vary active catch jobs arr donc chîrrh.rlaced aclîcîlîca Paorshapc Ha aerrad as Mitas aaii c aca tacccgh hic anvoir' mcntina Witacfcnt hat hc hrcamc invotveii wita tL John. ht at atc akiag Dcv Miler i te birgade coii itri> ot iiorcag Wîterfest (àýý chat Bai Leilare omi f tha poor shapa tant organisatias Sealas Ave. Milton mas l. ta fart tl nppcacad tacra migiti not avan heanny bi- ' ' ' - gaide hp tac tisa Witacfast JMILTON raiiad nraand. Tt mas parti> hal 'asattia carIoiandci v i m a u h asso for convarsaiana T L PH M thaat lad hîi taa dlape da Hanita hnawlng aotatag aiSoVIf taeanparatton, tat fait tac ala OCONFIDENTIAL taeagcanp ptapcd man impact eCOUlRTEOUS anit. 0 PESRSONAL iZE 0 Hia nhawad np ait ai in-1 tarat i a meeting ta dihica 8855M die at of c tac rganiztaiana . . .. ý lime tom rest his rest .e 1 J, 1 Ich. ad. Si. ved (wo mi- for e a who ,me ffly wis sts. ard ate iort !ity the ýed nia He 974 ep- Ice in DP- le his ec- Dst ýck It 10- ss- 7ý he in- lol ng ýer as ild et- to ,re he re id id of le td le p- si )n :r d I> L r- k- te it ýd ýe ýg d ýe d a Il e 0 il 9 e t Disrct MiistaliAssocia- clan Prasidant ia tOI5, mas citaplin to altio Bgicnac Police Deparcmaat ia 1976,. t sacving an major ccmmiitccs la tac Prasitytary ai Bcamp-. ion, The PNational Commta onCoagregalîsani Life, is a cocctîca îameaiofKaox Cliega Atamai Asociatoa andiisccrrcntlythe ut atrîca moiirator ai Cacaphalliait ccii Nassagacearp ret- hytacico Cherches. Mr. Lwit ta 32 pars aid andi iveat ai241 Woodward Ave.cith hîs wmue Oice ad tons Recteandci Derek. J. Graham steps down as Supt. Special Services Haiton Board cf Edacatian ta scarching 1r ac e Ocpritcadcat cf Spaciat Services iottawing Joha tlraham'a anaoanccoscat, Thorsiiap. ir ania to tap dame ta thcposiion cf Ares tiopcrioiradral tna c cter ta th oard Glrahama coin test mcnth rastiers acihoriand major dccriopmcai for impcaacag Hatoa's tprciai adoration pragramsandcoci te ead maay cterarecalice itac comptexasncidcmaaiiing a projectil cilut h. "hIla c mpriant, it scama to me, hat tac hoard ha irae ta aiga tcha st avaîtahia peoppe ndiita create tae most peoocsicg eimair ta cncre tcesccccaa aiftaecaca dirc-e tio iaspaccat adoccticoa," Grahtam tai. A tongtime btoard employer staicci, "A peetooci reaceca ai my prafesaconar rconcsiii ltiîs and toit aatisfacticn lecds me tarerqacstithat i ha raiieptoycii ram my pracaiti post ia a position as crac tcpeciatcadaoc." Diretor ai Edocation Em Laveadar sonu ha acicad Orahamas intagricy. Atluiiig to, the suceanoha iii haveans an arca acperctaodaat. Laccodar sciii thara la peohaitly naoanemitacoli go itt a ctcssroomamndi match the pragram ctoa achili mita mas hnciag prahtems haitar (hatGraham. Laccadarrccmmcaiiaiia replacementi he fond foc Graham as tara as possible andin cater ta Jetp t, ta77. Hc sai chat asn a a n a saperinicodant ai apeclal serviras is iircii, Grahan iii ha movad ta, an aras sapcriatacdits job. If tacca mat c ajobt open aithtaima tea ha iii serve as n spal lîiasonasitant t t citawa sopariatcndcoi ai spacini services. Ail cf Lavandras reccommcaiiatioas mccc accaptcd itp taeiboardi. Chaceman Bas. Onrry Morton, speaking on hehaif ai ai trostees, aniavarpana itas haca gratiid mita tac 10 DAYS Propati, wuuhuhle wallpupur Great paterns ai haif prce Makers book price $ 2.99 par single ral St. Clair evaî-yday loa prioe $ 1.99 ST CLAIR SALE PRICE $ Propstud, dry-stripphloe, scruhhahbe vinyl Long listing beauty ai hait price Makers book price $ 6.50 par single ral St. Clair everyday loa pruce $399 ST CLAIR SALE PRICE Ebenezer Bp Mcas. Koa McLeun Jeans talsHia awn tacp ai Hin camptatiln, se mc map haam tant Hia vichiry ta possîia for as ail. Tampta- liotaday mas tara itt mraag daiag. ia fatiar mean- iag iste ta a eiandiitrliid. Whaa Gdci anh ana seyan and ara, Ha tasts arr tar- anca. Satan akai Hlm, «Whp nat tara thasa acoaca tt hraaii? Tasting ilani ome high qaality of aervicas Graham hai prociiaiitaa hoard. Ha sai cvaryaaa appraciaica tac diificctty Gtraham must hava had t'cachiag sack an important pacsoaauisil. particutartaevat. Satan cannt hrlag paacc. Thara la conaina- ana tantlng. Juan mantaci a klngdam But Satan didn't undarnland that the klngdnm Jenan mantad mas talilvai Hin heart almaya. Onty Jean haam ahant Hia baitla. Wa hava ana who la vicierlans and han gana hafara an. l ann nstetado la centre anr thanghta an Hlm. Let ana ha ascii, O God. Tin la tan spii- tuantgramth ta ]tiHin mli ha chnin ayaîî. Coagratuatioan ta Margarat and Jim tAnlsp an tan hlrth ai thair firnt grand- chtiid, Sarah hMarie, iiaaghtar ai Rav. Jahnanad iKaran (Clarh) Attanp, ai Oriltta has pitat, an Dar. 31. -Try Champion ctasilflado if ycc hava samataiag ta aatt. Thay sait watt for yan. LY Prepasbmi, iry-srIppahIm, sermblblevimyl Top quality designer patterns and textures at hait pnîce Makers book price $ 11,95 par 1i1/2 rail boit St. Clair avaryday loa price $9.5 5 ST CLAIR SALE PRICE s per single ral .and to help you do the job righ t Wallpaper Trum Kits 2 lbs. Polyfilla Redi-prep Plastic Corner Mates timma g i~r7 IFar paici g haies Idcci for preparîag Protector wac paper easyrui ancrcackt ta watts pace cadIs balcura t foot teaglt la ii" ad cta nstwallpcpercag. proceat mear cand ~1 99cc 9OMlM9p teron corners. Sale event Iasts 10 days, hunry in for best selection as stock on somne patterns is in limited supply. StClair the paint & paper people. ge. >gé BMook aa Pnce rwà?hovr50Moailsto ;en'e pou including