Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 1977, p. 38

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C10 The Canadien Champion, Wednuaday, Jas. 19,19aiR Morrow speech Change region to suit citizens, flot province lu bis nonination speecis Rie Moreom bold çuuncil tiaifil etett regional ciairman ie oudttlse on a ow profile, outti reduce sonie of tie satus anti autiority in tie ciairnans office andthie reguon itisei.Tie fottowing s lie coniptete tet of tie emarissie niatie ieure ieing etecteti Wetiesday. t am sure tia saiunetecleti repesentatises oftise citîoens of Hatonwe are altawarrof Ue sertous naure o tieseinîess iseore us ibis afierneon. Wieo pou fîatty select yose ciaievan you ii, attie sanie tme. ie makisng a major delerminution othlie of ireitseit, As a resuitothlseeecent eection, tiere ap- pers toisea mjoe ciange olatitude wuts n ibisîscounicit. anti il rettevis ,r ituenes' conceen aboutsîtie eupîd grootis and tie poes f rtegsna goserlmet and ofthtie ofire ofciaiemaii iseit, Iftcounitoissto emisaebon a peogeam of edefivtng regiovat goseromevi 10 soit tieneetsof osr cîtîoenv antivol eessariiy tise setis othtie prov ince, tie. ov ibis bins. t olter m5 setias t candidate 1oe regiona cisairman, Assyoo ciaimavttltstithe mY respon- siiistt5Luopoide an intoemed avdirisitiued o mrnen i hcb 10 niaise soor decisions 1tdo notîontrvdto presîie oseea tireerngcrevtsas somanyofvsiihviaeowtt essedtitsrîng liselas(t tisee ears t dot vo! ietee tise riarman siootd havse a loir ni commttre and shouid have avoteiciorOi- ci only toibrea a ie.ttiiis e epeeselt- atîses dreriih eerled isý the peope tîho sioutd hase decîsion-makiof poeres. If eqiedLuoasttieitiigvot.t1 woul ote ole1maiainthtie tirenrt stuis. on theqtsestion as 010 potîrîessoutd onto ie impemeted by t itistit., i idrert eecedcoovciloes lin ronrîtprocedore, t otit appoint. sOiset tii ritnis .ip- pensai. a peemanevti rtîrviath ie rom mttee iof the obole iii petide ronlînuisuin tise application ofi tise i oileintoture, ai ail Limes tin therittsnrttrhamiserl. liefuse mvr il atailatttmisle adtresseti is thieteappropriair uitc anditd ias regionat concittors. In an eforit lnremose any vestiges iof peochiatîsto and t bradeit ranisen iers nderstandtng oftistltgtiin. 1otd as tiai ounciiors ronsitier vttîng on more thon oie rommltter lntl viagingrcommiteesattsutpoinot deinlt tieir erm i otc Siait, courit emîvues ootsd ibecon ducteti on a reguar iass in orter 10 in- crease communications and tntee- sandngf To impeove tiese areas. t woîsi futesuggest liat tl istnt5minutes of eah coticioetng be alotedtu idepaet- ment eatis on a rotalinnal iasis, lu detail lise operalion ant iotheie deprelment as il afects lise regono. As yose chaînasn, 1imosit have a veey ts public profile aînd osIt arely attend public uncions ontesn lhep iappen o be o a specie regionovalstuer il vou mont tise regionat chairnans o- fice tibc tal olasuper-Mayor,lhentiiurge vos no( 10 sole 1oe me. My niajor es peu siiity. in addition 10 ettecting a sense of sanityin thte onductooformeetings, olt ie boac as yor main liaison wtstisnaft anti asityuas tedîvitiast mu fotittng tie temantis o roue respectiveoices.Tiere have beeo mîstaises made tiurivg tl irstin tiers years anti no tiaitishe cilinens ave spoisev e shoutti refleci on t bias taisen pacrand îoaie sure cisanges are matie vIer ibey are ttaeeonted. As t state i n my lettere ose cîllens are rovrered bytisercevrattnation offormer titrai goteesmnent powers t lise regionat teset. anti that tise dsplication of sonne of tiese areas cao ie etîmînuteti Firtst. 1I ouottihave rounril insestîgate tisr postsilttso disavting tise regionat moais deparîment and as un alternative bate the area mtsîîtipalties maintamn tise regoal rodstiti tleirisountiaieson a rtiaegeiaci sistIlttioes not maiseany pactca senseluihave a suiiteeorelnow- ptow traset suistanta distances tamain- taivasingle regioîtat radiiseeeaeea tsiris depatmentsareemaivlainilgeitatis tn'uber ide. Secaond>,iecatsco e aready inoo tise prvne% l ot retsrv aulisority for sun- tase seesto the local level, 1 ould ans ibe'rca mayors 10 cîsiee trunvleeivg ..oriv seoer respoosiiîity tii lie refionat civel, Sice soititen ioli services are paedi tesinme trenchiseems onlY tîgcattiatrcontroti shoultibseplceiOnier ln uto it: f eliectîvg iis eo ap prîaristo the regonve moott itheftlue iret oth arearcoocis and stafftaseqoat îatîîees on ital iofitr local goseenment. Il itostd brios ersposiitits ii ensure tiai egîtînat tait efctrs iis attitoude. ouisare avare, asîindîsîdtsats, tiatiase ofii evnotiigt ttiser a piton respect for 5 ou tîosîder tise op ant ifilNsiuaee oeeds anddesi sent.Ibm t 1 u lise risallengeo ibhank w 10 Vot s a iaethe edo plîoo tlbti Aiii %otld b tees iilishep id le mostj 01 htieng sOL Delays action on suit Atlayeeegagedoiseng ouorement Fi afflaîdise ears A, a tuosoît agaînsi Haton bas bld tise laoyer h. isoid op tiseotoi sourd of Edocali on oser its thecrase ountit or hase toor- tampisett1 moiîono rensureeagaînsi otgistrsxpoetiitisteîîewo ipeng of Haton enaîsunce and boaed ait possihiities for hon- eloeen Ri Renaissance lordiee Ken seaisty resoing tie dispue. ord, CmIlth. bas een in- o ithous the neressit: o cul s l c eti1 teas action on the atiton. suit. Te Boaer ensteeiamp- Me. Campbsel..inan an-hlluaod eaissanritoise ciiobre o 1-t fsoionr Low profile.. uuked thsse ma ad the organu __ (cuntunueti fon page C9)i oest andipervoat absetvin Petor lis lie eetion bc had the detieeate msîntorma- acnsomedgedt tachedidv't (ionvof tisepubie,îrCampbsell fend b hiat esen an outosider enesheh as eser been -dis- riaeio iontng -Ot 1 oest oe jlil bave sometiuef tant iii Nousupport tut'- tasinvot retiîrig teustee As il appenet. thorito itrbid in tieettoihave the ascriosen ieore eieven got boaed o thdao ismoin a cianre fi) sa * obýat t as se t ibc oas tise oevsupporere isud oaotedt 10 ay heree Of tise 11 eeenispeeches duoeingthe Laslisteeb Campbelimet iniormai raucos Wetiestias o h tlrtiarv Moton. the Moneeo% as amongt tie eorhaîrman .o tise Haton mrotssprsed peopeilieth, îBard Muortonis a PeesbsN oucome *lu mustiscetaiets trian ministerCampbsela oisstous tat [have n acrepi- tapiiaesaogeit avre sperech peparet ie Ti tensins aondcorviersiet. sai, smittng sonimoait havr domnated Renais- sepshts. asb bctoitstht ave.b eatîvgs o tubflhc chiar or t istesimu iboard flitetsepasitisheer The Corporation of theÀ TownofMltoncg Avw thar Special Notice pay Piotive bu advîsed that Miton Councît, at h a Committge of the Whoie meeting sche- cal duted for January 3st, 1977, wit be discussung the action to bu tiken with COuI regard to a second ice surface to service nsi thse Towo f Milton. Thse meeting will bu hlt aItishe Toson Hall, 251 Main St. E., Milton, at 7:30 p. m. C. Thompson,ifm'1 Clerk. 11 Former county solicitor swears in new council Jatige WilianiSiarpe concludedti UaI Uingu niere pretly nues Use sanie un niien ies erved an a solicitor for Hlaton lounty. He niade bhat reniaris after matciing rouncilloru iarangue and agoniae overteliselection ut a nen ciairnian, Wetineutiuy. Judge Siarpe conducted lies uearing te rereniony for lise new cliairnian andthie 24 etecleti rourillors. He upoise irietly lu lise creucillors anti I gueulu anti recalleit iss tays as rounly solicitor mhiue ise mas in private practire. - irn obine iacisover lise years,t1uni ot tise opinion tisaI lise County ut Haton and niore recently lise Regional Municipality ut Hallon ias iseen a leader in niaing solctfrtise ilounapplefo wont asit à i t0 apeplcaionlse i for rvt ilse ageti Tiis application endeti iniîea lis efioue tim Conservation Ares. Western parts of thu continent have had a poor snow- greai deiaeensuetias lu miso fait se fsr but Ontarioebs been it with s heavy fali since latue November, woald ireais lie lie or msking ths year one of the beat in thu past ducade for skiung.o briser lise application as losi Tise application nas Namne Burlington man fire prevention head Caplaîn Roiert Gray, Fire lîgiters anti lire preventioo lSetibudget Tise irailer wilii ie siorised Prevenlîov lflîcer mus lise personnel lroinm lie loui, A 1977 budget o $2.000 mas wmus ire preveniion niater- Bfurliiiglon iiPe epartinîeii, lialion lire deparîmnvs, .1seth heo, timmitllrr Il iv ais andtfitlllid ils speriai ms er elecird ciaienian utmens nionlisis 10coordintiar ndetibhiiaiton Reguonai dîspiays. andmiibe used for lialon Region FireePreven- lire prevention actiiiies lonci .iThe grosp reportetia shopping mail and lait laie ion Commutter Wednesday, across ilalon :iinsurplus trom 176 andi promotions.Tise traiter lu He e as reursed lu is Capi. Peler C'ampbelli oltbat mily itesotl $30 n lise especiedtu oml arond$,i00 second vear as etairnian liaivieowas resrneti as 1977 budget, tout be piacet ini andth ie Commutter hopes lu durng tbe groupsJanuary treasseer for1977 and Ruy a sînkî.îîg tond for a nets have itin operationsy 1978,. meeting. heiti in Georgetomn. humus o Miltotn Oas agaio dii.pta. traiter.lise ebaienian laid. mîittee. ompiint firee retons ofirer. ieauseinoaepi - s1 le and hsuaed 5ilunMt$721 u Ktreqtsesttoeaeet sat enttane aneti tie te A good look ai your attic -ould save heat and dollars vell-nsulated home uses far less energy for heating an a pooriy insulated one. To fuily utilize the energy you a for, there should be a full 6 inches of insulation )ering the ceiling and 3 nches in ail outside walis. Heat can also Ieak through doors and windows. That's y weII-fitting storms. good weather.-stripping and careful ilking are sound investments. YOj( can conserve energy and help reduce )ts by keeping more of the heat you use ide the home. your hydro* diton hydro 250 Main St. Phono 878-2343 sbelveti but Use nent pear Use "As you rau uee, imipurtant OntariuouGverument pasuedti lings huve lappened lu reguluttons wiich lueur- Hutun undi 1 umicunfidient puruteti the routent ut the tisatishe peuple ut Hattuu, Couuty ut Haltns prupuseti under the leaderuship uud illt. initiative ufthUsu future cuun- "ThenUsher applicattun wau, cil, witt coutinue lu isein the. ut courue, the bitt lu pruvîie fretrunt ut parlicipatury tue weiglulet votiug by geaun rouIs tienicracy," Use councittoru uccordiiig lu Use jutge saiti. poputionuofut teir region. Rev. G. B. Jobnlon oftered This billnas surrestul und an opes ng prayer antia eused the tensiunu s emeen neuve uf nt iun tise nitre densely poplated 1 soulis anti tiserural s ortis utIf lise ruunty. Perisapu Iis but1,iA . 8 i miir wau cupied by ohr A V rousties, as an inctin t in i sj , lise province ofthlie neetifortuealses Ave. Milton ReginualGovernieul. Applications are requested for appoîntmnent to the followîng board: Sherda.n CokO. Bord of Govonar - 1 Rqeqwd - Torm Jam 1, 1977 - Dec. 31, 1980 Alil applications mut bu in writing, pro- ferably sefting out your qualifications for the parlicular board. Applications muat bu receîved on or before January 28th, 1977. AM exed $250O Iaecs rbaüo fr Hundreds of new car buyers have taken advantage ofAMC's Pacer cash rebate ... AMC is éxtendýinlg*itt offr so that you may partucupiate too! *This rebate offer now applice to ail new 1976 or 1977 AMC Pacers and Pacer Wagons delivered from Dealer stock by March 1th, 1977 or ordered by February lth, 1977. Fluet sales excluded. Rlght noie, make your besc deul wfh your or 1977 AMC Pacer ... and after dellvery American Motors wilIl send you a$25Orbt.Oi you Ilike, you ca0ara=etoapply thse $250 to your down payrnent. And reniember, eeery Pacrr s backed by the AMC Buyer Protecion Plan IL.. te ________ extra plus chat cornes S'.J î ~ UYER PROTECT0N PLANI only with an AMC. Z I/PU.2YA24O L!- Cunec.,a=d DRIVE TRAIN. FULL I YEAII2,0OO MILE- WARRANTY ON AU. OTItER PARTS OF THE CAR. (îxcePernntst PLUS: LOANER CAR AND TRIP INTERRUPTION PROTECTION AT NO COST TO YOU. *FME DvATEOFeuEnUV!RY ORucem SEas. There'9s more to an ANC II AMC's '1250 Pacer cash rebar.e offer commencedi on Nov. 16,1976. See your AMC Dealer for fu partîcalars. 4 OnIy - 7977 Gr.mllns At Bowoi '76 PrIces RsOF CLEMENTS MOTOR MILTON BRONTE ST JUST NORTN 0F HOSPITAL 878-2328 11

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