L okiV kThe CanadianCapo Wednesday, Jan. 19,1977 C5 fresh pk. nlues hidqa" ol-baklong grain rio 3ryerarlr hhl akifut: lb. nepe kgd Flrd aa n esi- e sw e ~ grapefruit White Swan$ regular- 1 piylU1 aIl colours largeo bathroom McCormicks s e eiscuackers crac -VVWeac e)f, I ~plain or salted bran mufflins. .49 7spaghetti .69 4 roll 1 l.dtergent .89 pkg. P g WVh e Sýým- ý,(1ýi 7Pk9a7papertowe s .88 M bathroom tissue .5 'rmF r ",1 fret y e e t ce à ee0 Tangelo oranges 2d.OO Oaiogc, c o 1a de potatoes lbbag 77 fro Mexcn 1e grade fDsal4s o rl.OOn eaati c tropical flawering zebra plant 2a 38 nai ay atet e Sec toi cal green plants each 39 Tdepawaer aundry detergent 4 biscuits dii doafood 46c vegetable ail waxed paper oz L79 .69 .99 .63 .57 valus pls evrydy met vauesto complete special ma aue lsevrdymetvleyourweeks menu f resh -W chicken legs lb. .99 maimumfat contet 23q reshy grouna medju.i ground beet beef cube steaks Tasty King Brand l corned beef brisket lb. .99 L.84 chiokern 1.68 pork sh, f resh chickenV~ breasts lb .9 Mtets D.881 der , . 88 , loui fresh quarter - pork aoin 4 pork chops byh iJbî 23 pork sausage sie bacon everyday meat value fresh shank or bull portion Ieg o'pork buy one - w08b getoefre ýIw everyday meat value Loblaws sweet pcked sliced bologna back bacon b z endct ID1.32 pkg. 5 centecu lb1.42 .99 1.28 Svvits Premium or La aw wieners c oer Nickerson BranS sole filets 374 bagec 1.99 Nordca 1 Vame of any six specially Nord ca ceame Iimtoneerfaoly ith the purchase cottage cheese beauty aid items E U yorhocebSyn displayed in our plasticonne storeS<even 6 of a kind) patccnanrsavefrom 12%to39% on these items n j ----d ---a - -- -- --- -- -- Il b (as illustrated) anclge a freeplasticcontainerto i otaepefamyl1 cheese a L *lw PRODLC, Ej yTTE FA 5[ 1only wi h s coupoatc S 10 wu)ý WERblama i W PROS PRCEcEFFECT\FTt PT L.obIaw's purchase inaddto a couriun p L ..wa,, he WERLe iR crt OLMTOAN (eCLdncqiet,ý te xie a.2,97only wlth coupon andS$1.00Loblawspurchaser oe an ep ce s t. fperfamily ~~' 7 Heinz Sara Lee frozen tomat dessrt cake soup pou nd105 oz. orangeora anta14 oz 791 2