Tise Canadian Champion, Wednosdap, Jan. 19, 19773 Ask sewer, water service to Frankel THE NEW HALTON COUNCIL pooed for an officiai group photo following the inauxgural meeting. They are in the front row eated, Chief Administrative Officer Ernie Reid, Chairman Ric Morrota and Regional Clerk Garfield Brown. Second row: Mary Munro. Tom Sutherland, Jack Raftiu, Heu Ciprietti, Laurie Manneil, Roy Booth, Ruuu Miller, Archie Donaghyý,To-mHili and Maco Andersoon. Back row: David ConW Wter Mulkewcýh, orRed, Pot McLaoghlin, Ron Planche, Jim Krr, Don Carter, Don Gordon, Pot MeKeozie, Harry Barrett, Carl Erikuen, Jim Watson and Vero Conneil. Milie uCntit iii asis HatonuRegion o, in ssemer atd saler services îîsdec Higismav 401 tip tise Thisrd Lite itise soîîiierip lîmil ai tise peopord Hyden rîgisi ni map. and irom liat point aiaeg au aseseol ta iba uhiained iy tise inuframn Rap River Deveiupmenss l Fraiduel Steel. Frouisel Steel aunsiînced pileus sener ai meris aga ta suce ils Toronto operation ta Milito and enpand tise '4ilion plant. Tise casse is axiust ixdo miai il can b lfacltale tise espansian ai Feanisel and iriug tise addiiinnal assesumeni and emplapseol lu tise comitti Mapor DonuGordan wn dered il tise tinumigi rave iseln pen tocisargesiis ad latisisp rassise srevices up tise Tiird Lue is tise area of tise propused Miture snussial plana He sîggesied uhe mitisier. mîgisi ieoanauoped iifse lel tise bsn mas seconid gaesitg hissdecisionsona aseudmeni sevnx. tise ameudmeut csiaisishiug a large idusleîal paris sortis of A majarip xlf caîsdnels imever. lel t isaaslp gond plenuing ta go aisead sis tise ove.-tatuggnow asnppsediLa Housekeeping Tais e u p susalelp, tise Indastriat accident Prevns taon Assciation saggeulu pos pacis sp. dean up, sipe ap, seepaup. and straigisiesn pt GOadisnsveieepisg iv a vital part af sale ssrising methisdofaialmsan xajabin inuslrp, saps lise lAPA. Hnaseiseeping ix an m providingse alesrvc for Fraukel numand anniisee service lter. Coîssailtor Riais Day uaîd the ionuoniMitounatis il. "i'm ired ai pussylotiot amnudmit misai tise reginu sants sermiai tiseministre mania ilfiaving tise service lisere maatdietp nue cause. i Say tls do it Il tise regînu mantis 11nget ioa itisey iad ietier unis oat or isnwiai tiepareltalising aboai" is important prise: pari ai effsaient maris an atsmasi anp jais IAPA/susges yaitciei icai yaar isaaseiseepîng. and ie aneaupnnsaieip -Kelso Paris and Gten EtdenSkiiCilis sers isasp ait seeiseud Taxis ask 25% hike in rates Taa Miltton taxi fitems have ashed Miltotn Coatailt permit a 25 to, 33 per cent inr asin taxi rates,' Buttise coic xlr ant In comnpare tise proposat]attis rates ain sur- rnandtng tamns etaaeethep gise f1nai approval. Itaner., aotBse CaisCo. Ltd anti loeurTaxi iServicr sent tise trtter, aiiaticame ap an cassait s omittee-at- the-skate meeting agenda Mandas laep astrd yen' cites of $1 drop orrnaacing rate and ta cetaors'vrrt ave-eîghiis ai amate. s't a ating lame teevoft$8pcesaae itd raitis, ai t ha ar t iBren adusaid 'i nie N amaem tie i 19-1.mers 80 assis drap. 1tacanis per vnevsivt faiesaiand ai$6 per houas cais sg ra te Cassait iaiishe urgans ai isanailaor icis las deideti an get camparativecraies tram Ilian iltls. tiaisa ttc anti Barlingise Morrow espeech Change region to suit citizens lI is uomination speech Rtc Monros bld asortei isi ileiecied regionai ahairmau Bie mauid aise ou a las profile. old reduce sose ni ties uss and aaxhsril s is e ciairmauv aoffice and lie region itueti Tise folonttg ais e cospiete et niflie remarisu ie sadeieire ieiug eecied Wedesdap. 1am se uai as elecird repreeetatines ai 1Beesaizeus oa liaiton se are ail aare ai tise serinuxsature ai tise businss ielre as iss aBoernoons Wieu pas lnallp select pnr caiarmau pou siliP ai the saneLameie mssiig a sajor deeresinalo niflie siice aseli As s resais sofaie eceni eleriion, tiere ap- peaerslts a masr ciange ofaituade ils autbiavsautait, sud i relecss saccitizens' pnserx ofregaonsl gvernmeni and oflthe alias f airimasisei il asuovail siises ta esisariosua progeses ni edeisiug regiasal gverument bo sui tise seedssofasercitioensud ni secessseîlp lise seedv aiflise proviucelies, as usas hoasisilfea msell as s candidate toc regiasai ciaiemas. As our caiarman i i mlie mp resput- vsiiip as provide asiseomed sud cailiard snarosmieo asnmiicis takie pour deausus. 1dossaauleud tunpeesideaovee a treeringacircas asss0 aupofusihaveswit nssed dueîsg tie tai ireepyears. 1doualt ieliene lie aisanso ssld hanes ale au csmmiee and sisuld have ansote n cous- cisslpLaibreakaie. Bis e epreesi- aves dieaty elecird isp lie people miss sisald iave desiuasmaiing pnees. If requieed va casa a decidiug vote. i assld cale Il aisnliaiie preceritstalas an lie questio as ses poliies sisoatti oul bce ampleseti hs a sitctioaidireetlp etecled cassaîillars.aox roussit procedre. i assiti appeaua. saiseal tua asacis ap- poval, a pemanentl aisrmas aifaie c miliceeofîtheaislelsoprsnadeassnissis in tae applîcation aiflie rote. lnifutue, ai ail imes sitiheasuciaiamiese, tisetoue mnapses milai ait lames he addeessed isp thier approaeile ansd soi av regavual snusnecfotsta resace >55 sesiges ai psscisialisxm and a ironden escisem ierssundestasdagafthbseegian. isaauld as lhisa vassllars cansader siitg. as Ose inier sale ai selecteti qsslitya sits, sporîsosi, Iycuals, lesîhers, irouss anti sparîsacar nvca cpans ti aciatia urhansg, shitns, saeatars, aies anti dressinag gaovvs. Atecataxas ai caxi. 4248 MAIN ST. M ILTO N 878-3302 mre tias ose ansmilee ralleenatelp caigsgcommitteen aifse pint dsraug sceie ters ai silice. taff, counil sesias ostd isecason daeîed au a reguise asts n seder ia n- aeaseanommuiations and ander- standiug. To amprove liese areas, i sssld tutier suggest uai lise isi 15 aminutes ai rais causait meeting ibe allted la depsel- metieadv nasrslaasnalisasisi odelaii theperato ad rlesofiiseiedepaelmcnt as i affiects e region. As yoa ciairsau. i maulti iase a vncp las pnbieaspofile sud soalti arelp attend pubieis lnatons uness liep happen a Ie ailo a peiitaregioanatuslae, if yupas sathlie regisual chaaesan'x ai- fiaeisibclislofia supee saas, ties 1uege sas salis voie foemee Mp major espox- vabisl, as addtion la slieatixg a sese ai aaiy iiieasnudsaisiss e einsg, aoald ie isalas ose sais liaison sistssastin assit puas as divdualsis illillavg tir tesasds ai pour respective siices.Tisece have een msakiesmade daaioglthetirvi tre ees sud nos atisihie calaens hans apaies, e shouiti reBleal an sisalhav taises place and saise sure changes are matis miera lisep are sarranteti As i stain 5 5p suer osac ittuens ara aaceeedispithcralaiaassvlormer local goverumeul psserv ai tise egisuai nve, asd uai lise dupliclaatise ni lieseaseras sax ibe elaînaaaed. Frsi. I1sasîti haveasasatilinaseisgaie tse pessiiililp of disasdivg tetregasat esatis depasisesi asti as as alternancve Thons. & Fni. xiii 9 Ample Parking At reor et store iacelise area muntipaliies maîntato tise cegixual ronds sishis ieir issudariesonu a aiargehacis iasis. la dons ual maise aup praclacal seuse asuihane £saudeeseorso- pins tavet saisiantiai distances la maie- tain a sngle regonuai rond sisere area, sseiss depacimeols are saittaiuiug ronds ais etier ide. Beasxdlp, isekaat ae'dieadp isoo tise arvnc il soi elucn utaairlpfoc sue- tarp sesecs tb lis4ellenel, t sasld asis lieara me- o çonider tanuiru tuem semer respuoxsioi4e curginuat cnvet tSimca oft oqbutis services are plaaed as th-asçe ioe i t seemts olp lagcal tiai quutnllsid Wlaced ode one hcuts lpt . r.eteing iius nes op- pesaci astisa caguen* nutise fuere seel sis area a e 'ao li as equal pactaessaonieiailseuf uqigve1 ex ta aoaad ise mv résunsiilîiivtueasace iai i egiaisal vtaaff reflecta tiis atituade. 'l'aaiarawaae,asvindividuulx tisatlishave nassd sltas oue saleeiecassuse eluru aller sating la yos as advdualsisalu 'aises a promise oa iide ty and have respetlsor rmajsritypniess expessed Fially, ypuarec lie elecird tptemisa mssdirde aie fture roeiefaiissregions Cansaderte tsoption tiai is elore psa nom and i >utes t il oald better releci aise needs asti desires ai tise pepepnsu repre- ent, iisss1laestdisemasl pleasedlnoaaaepl thescallencgssiissingpaoue cairman. Thn .%siou.a The most important time of ail to save electricity. The demnand for elec- ticiy in Ontarjo reaciars is peak eariy bin he evening on coid wjnier weekdayu. Belween 4 and 7 eneryones asking for aige- iriciiy Many faclories. stores and offices are sijil open. Sreet lighia are onThe kida are home from school, parents home from work, evening meais are being prepared. And the heaiing sysiem han 10, work harder il ail adds Up. Deisands for lecirie- lty have heen jncreasing ai a pace ihal con no longar be met. The raie of growîh muai be reduced. Yox cao hlp hy avoid- ing the big jobs like haidng, washing and drying haiween 4 and 7. Make sure ihal unuued ighis, TVs and appliances are off. lbke i easy on the hot waigr Pie' e do ail you can lai nove eiectrtctty. 1hefutumdependsoflit. mEuT m ,,/~\CLTIIG FOR TUE INTIRI FliT muiD MDEP MENT STORE * m * ** * Thur. &Fri./ MIMIER 0F THE MILTON oownsowm aour M M U W U QIi/ 200 Main St.,Mlton 878-9261 l %OFF Our entire stock of. 0 Don't miss fabulous values on many other Items in the store that have been reducedi ta clear at great savlngs ta youl