C2 The Caeadiao Champion, Weitnesday, Jan. 19, 1977 Obituary The ockScene' Rock Nlson Greuo T o Menut, 1, ir<ceous îoocgeec geoeuu lio Thic autuacco Itieiaitiuyr Thomas as ot oo<u <cccthcucuocg cusculiteoe, butocreeorchu Aittaon Hutablumu ,QC, uho appretcui ccctoccc icc1ccont<ucev;etoefrote evda lwe nMlo tiagiet <<cc c-cc <cic(i <e eut lY 0sic cur ok u' ol e rous 1920 to 162, diait Wed- ptuued:cccg n esitay, Jan. t? ut Miton Dis- toccccc,cccccicosccc'ud, t<baccetu< c buuuiyou <trftHopitul. Mc. Hutcb, too, icutoo mih42 yaacof service <n ha egau profession, ms eocr *ceic, ccc'h septcut .Thte muic isechec fo oudutet cauug or.,cc the ( <u ords cre lic,! -cmecheue ba- Si euuithespeakrs.and hihucttsc and aiiihutis ceeccedcc eut hade Rock ccccc h cIl ,,hedotinto,ai irctions The ott ut forus f ocukc1 tillccc-dRock Recccc< Flisc. Chuck Berry hou( and LiBle iiicciuc,, c0 Oeiipleso.h<cocc<cc ery ueicciof mu!t Acu,,,rock music ccc i tc i-cccc<eca eatrtc-c tue ineh ccip, Ec,c.c<.c <cccifuite.;,iefecsoAcpaut and O<i Steppeccccii Mic Folki, cci cc ,f cc i,,th<,<e-cuh ctcuiu hic ptcc, u c,!<tl cc\miciuBol)tcD«lan o Jcca t adtuha o h, Locccc Spcc.cc! tu Ord R5,cR ii -ciiuct icuc. uctal The onder «ce ort icc.<c beteEiccpiuc cd Zuppelcn. lRoltcng Stoe, So Prcgcu. . e , c k ccMcusciccuc îuove Iomccccctuceut pc!t mu ic-c c cckEcumpIe ico ucclticcd.Ereetou- Hr t.akcfciccccc ,cccic,1<cy (,Occo<cc% c*ccccc ccccmusc hc<uucccnuc<cccppelo muo trc peocplc cccýli-,c ,icccci., <castChiicc ici.lcand littct M<idle cc c,c 'M'dci -Thuuue is u,,ctdeuictof usc liste tfilai cccvvin, ccc ccic t tvaýitýiicccccccccg Il lc kcdoi toc muiclhe ccupccclcccti iccilc-cccuuccrc.pccccuand recufitle a plut coil or Barreyc <h <ccai c- c c c' Blue <i-c, h.Aicýi..ccctc uccccc <thicblus couod Tr u i cc deepcc iicc-cc «i l ,cccc.cc diiccct<u alcthcuec JopicccIli, ,,,cccuct deug. <,cku cccc<c or. edge zcccc!c cck,.c ccccccccc, ,cculipgtpccc¶ccc siasusanit mas a prom. mt. commutnity-minded itent. .ccai bct ircuntt a h uto 162, Mc. Hutchinsun ýenioveitceuiting, painting dmritng ut bit ThomaSt. me, He hiait beau it for oe <bau imo peurs unit for epaci ibre munUs hud Oe on <ha houpatat. Ha mas ccc O3rit caur ccgcnu<y trous Humiltun, rHutchiusonmworhad ithi stailler as a aigu paiutar, e u cquiceit un urtistar lent thut reusined it itbat r etestut bis ltata 0on of<he ate Thomus unit lce Huichinor, lha attendait cic an uuitgh uchuosint amcttoO nitndfoc a perlit utf cýac. montad it mh the tcurct powrCo.andmsUsh ttuHmclton Hyitru asoaccn- ait engcuer. <ccecog Wortit Wuc 1, ha au- cd an <ha Canaiin Arusy ci oa c etutai ninCanada scaOuut,Os etpert unit KpIicccaunit buuh in uctor, Wuutcug to tee art- c. hae tutidt<haeluperial Om i rctu uanit matis. as A. Hutchinson, QC r, community worker court ork, iben tocnnd km attention ta state work and reat atate transactions. For iva veara in the t920s lha mau n prinertbip witb Gerge E. Eiiott, dater a Halton Judget. And for many years hae raptaced Utat aeW. .Dich as cromu attoruey uhanaver Mr Dic ma amay on bait- daysu Fileutomtsea Mr. Hutchinsan ottn ra- caltad is fi rt courircase witb tome nstaigia. Aler grad oating trou s Dgoode mhre tuaginary cas-u s era han- dlait invuting miSlions ut dullars, haeset ap prartica in Milton and is irut client uas a an accusad ut nt paying for au oid horse, orth about $1t mhich crutsu osich i couldu a veu staud ou tas ,et Mauyout is earty casas u voved tiettofut ivatoch. n oa ha uas awrdad the coca ed Kingus Counset tile. T. A. IIUTCIIINSON, QaC Mtc Hutchinon alsu cas itrced vatuahia servira in chargai tihra as a second tshigia' thre for imo or corumuty ufira Haetous lieutenant utthUe ars end. ibrea yaaru, heu moue ou tu a ucrciary of Si. Clair Masouta Rturuing to Canada lb arger centre. But iehr tchd î.uige for usuuy yaursaund ce- iooh aduantaga ut peciat Miton and stayad, ciaiuiug cetved a 50 ear pin rous Usa vtrau's courses ut Dagaude the peupla utMiltiionitnddit- Lodgr. ltealaso servaiothUs Hait and graduated as a bacc- trict uhumait cuch a -amus ocru al iro commission, tI,- steranud alictar in 192u. lu eurtait, frteaitiy atlitu. ary hard, Childrnts Aid Saplambar outhtbt yaur, hae hacitaidad to stay ta the f000. Socittvanuitpublie c saot rame ta Miltounand bagan is Hit prunticer mut ocateit ut hord, unit ussitad iih omu am practice mhirh Main Si. for musti ut htu orh muuy cburiiy campaigat. Ha atait 42 ers. tug yert but stac a ra ha tercet at terretary of Halttn Ha reaaled once iu au fore hs rtiremeut. ha uouet Progressive Conservatives tnterviem ith The Champ- to au office adjacent lu htt toc us auy peua. ton, hum ha dcidadt tusaab Thomut St. home. lic oasa o aitut usmbar out a tsal tomu and bang is Untit 1932 bu opeciattit tuin utfSt. PuaitLUtitdChrccb and for mauyypeurs taugbt Sundup Saboal, mus a member ufthUe Board of Stewards and the Trusotee Board. Ha wau an Honsrary Lite Membor of Usa Law Soc- iety ut Uppar Canada, and a lite member ufthUe Miltan District Hospital Conp. Sinca bis reticemant beaun- joyat many hobbies and dur- ing bit apura, tise paintait ovar 100 ail picturea, Muai ut whicbhah gaveawaay, com- platad nomerout moodworh prujecta, mroteanad dirariait playu and mach tisawicb were prasanted by mambers ut the Sanior Citiraus Club and Usa Higb achoat atudeuts. Ha wrote the hiutory ut the 173rd Battalion mhich is pre- uarved in Usa MacNah Presbpiertan Churrh in Haus- iton. Cartuuuiug mat anoUsar ut bis hohiea-ai une puint ha had conaidarad if us a carear, Ha ratainad it iatalant, bouc- aver, and uotuniarily baud- tattarai muny accoua aand cartiticates for thaeMiltont Fire Daparimeai, Hattou Fire Praveation Buraau and Usa Onitario Association ut Fica Chiats. The OAPC in 1973 praeueteit him mith an amant ut menit, iu apprariattua for bts worh. Ai the tima of bts deah ha mat ausociatad iu an aduiaury capacity with tha iaw tirus Hutcbiuaon, Thompaou and Handertua. His tirsituwife Jau McCtettadd iiadn t952. Mr. Hutchiuonttt uttiuet hy bis wita Mary Mabouey aud daughtaru Ruth (Mca. 1KannaUs <iaiioway) utSauta Munira, Donna Juua <Mrs. 1Royc Baldwin) of HlOeiton, aud Joan (Mrs. Victor Naît- markka) of Prterborough. (Continued au page C4) PLUM BING la Nadalîn eIeCtr<c anflounCeS the formation if a new plumbing division to undettake *Residential *Commercial *Industrial CONTRACT & SERVICE WORK service This receur additconmdl c.ccmplcment ticc Eetcar, HeatcOd cacd Acr Coodctocing, and oar Pompcng Systeras Divisions. NADALIN 878-4111 FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE 3153 SUREES AVE., WEST, MILTON 826-1223 Up To NAME BRAND FOOTWEAR Dack's* Buster Brown * Air-Step MeHale* Selby * Start Rite * Greb Ritchie * Oomphies * Pedwin North -Stars * Savage AL PURSES ilOySon ByerP CIUCKEN.CATCIIIIS-A DREED APART Young Frank Broamers oult arrive in his pick-up bat- ween uidaigbt and 2 a.m.Odeut son Rîck woald be waiting for him-dressed as if he'd beas ireit ta baunt un old bouse somemttere. Dama te daieway ttey'd go, tutking and laugbîng loudy about previoussarties. They mere off ta picsp thae rst of the crem tagao hlek«-uutohtl.nigyuaeaou ar rm Let someaof you are tbikn uaeaottru rm story, let me quickty pat pou at ease. Chtrben-catchiog io a tegai and el-paid occupation reqoiring aili. courage and a greatitealoft aumina. Its a youug mas's game andyou are about ta seemwhy. A typicai cram comprises four ta is members. Wben a poultry farmers flock la ready for market thaue specialistu are calladin to-moveem out! Tbe action starts in Use we aluit bofthUe moruiug wie tbe chicheus are auteap. Catchera mark on aimoot total darkaess-avoidiog busards sucb au teedars <Use grauteut uis-harber avec luventedl and lotamsrn <our hautkbooms heau-bauhar<. Moving mitb precialua seidom sarpassed hy S.W.A.T., catcbers graup four cickem in auch baud, bolding Use legs btausu tare f luger and thumb. Tbey thea daub outide, pas Ueir catcb ta the man foadiog cratau, tara, and immediately returu ta tbefray. Ruitety amahened au Uey are, Use cbcckeus peck f ihe mad au tbey are biag rarrtitd. Haudu andt mriuts tahe a beatiug hut oauraio auhif a acatcher iii gel a peh kwhare itt bora Use mot-tu the rutlichiag amusement ofthearauuoftheacrew. The ightip catcb averagm betmeen 120h ta 13,000 irds hut b as runasau bgh au 17,000. And ailthiis happes ia about fourtfraufit hourt Job doua, tha cram is iuttittaitad for a hearty snack. Than, as dama a hbreahcug, thap duat iheussivas afas haut tbay cao and moka thetr waary way home, nursing aasuctad miuormwucdu. Frank rau a happy crew. Wbeu ha haame aId euougb Doue tauh over tram it lder broUser and jotit tainthe fu. A couple ut yearc agu wa boted the first officiai Chichan- Catchera Couveutiuu. Youucan imagine theaadvautura sturtat tbat made thearoundsuwbeotbat gang got tugaUsar. Weil, theres jui a uitile food for thought: oeuf time you bita unta Uat roast chichea at home or open a boa from the Colonel, pause for a usumaut ta fhinh ut hom it got therc. Thea raita pour giasa ta hat dusiy-dutber, the mosi ha-pachad gcsy in theamorid the Chichan-Catchar. lInd. da breeit sport. 1 01-