Three new Tridents cou Id be the key byancusnt another Intermediate chamnpionship by Lrlbno îtrltv e Young set op te Trdenso hue bren a shorlage f gocfthebiggrrfte toc, lites ha aitoed more agresitan rmou msin s ule Mi-«tean . , eete . ad he lco tk c . e-o the crexxnne r, he bren tias aur. mmes 10 viol tonigh Tiis iner bas bren rough on our mld brds, oot in te seeraiaiotscow bac covered te feediog grounddsf our piteasaot and grouse, il 0 juIt e fart tai Decemiter ax te coldest one on record and the birdo di cc have teir foll winer plume wheu tite cold eater but. Aycce livig ear a wooded area wiii ie aosply rewarded if titey sep ito thte bock and depoiltteir appte, polato acd rarrot peelngs in an open place. A couple of dollars iii ouppty you witita far suppty of graincolbe pulout a coope f lîmes a weeit for te irds lot your iird feeder a hactfut f sofltomer seeds wiii ie ample 10 keep te tutejays acd rardicalo satified; mosl f uput outtoo murh ai one tie. Donol overfeed, a ltlakrs away teiird' inentive 10 forage for tiemuelves. acd remembere, fyou sart feedicg, keep to p MIready reports are goicg cn10 lite police regarding res- passicgity lhoughltcsoscowmobiiers. Rememiter, il os jusl as munitaacoffence for a scommoiiler La go oîi privaite poperty mitout permission as il is for a fiherman or a hunier Mslfrmels are vry ope-micded people acd a chtI iti thIem mut cvery oflec gel ymu per- mission 10 go on Ieir properly, but il sure cra h Ite lbe awaiteced oite middle of te igitl iy five or 1 snarbog macines, or lo go 001t ite moricg atid f icd teir gales lefI Crmssicg lawou >0 acotiter common offecce. Peope smash domc youcg trees ard siruits. Please mse cîmmon semse. 1 000 a scoomoitile and ould le 10 haoc My pivileges recoked. l'm sure scowmoiilers fet as 1 do aboculttis ooderful, ieallhy recrealioc, bal many do col and me muol respect teir opinions. We are glad 10 report taI Gladys Lewis and Jios Mootaio are reoprating aller a spoe llite bmpil an ad wr mut le glad toi sectem bock aI ite cluithouse. Bot are a 100r f streoglt10 lie club and or sure misrd tem acd tieirs on Nem Yrs Eve Our Januay meeting of te MitA as aily chatrerd iy our oro presidetlMaurice Coalsootand bu rerutive. Thte meeting wau vvct-atlccded acd a number of pressing btusinesu matters ocre dm11t wilb. Dur fuod-raiig chairman Lindsay Love obtined our objectives for raiiog mucey In stock te streamo as 0e do aocuatty mit rainbrm rou. Eveey cr01 frntlie projecl goro >010 iuyiog fish and e migit add iere taI 0w- isit supplier Ivan Cyyderman is very geceroos, and or owe hiti a voe of taits for ic gp.eeeovoy ovrrtheycars. Severat ic-isiing tripo wee organtord and our fuit bol was pt on Laite itimroc agato. Bruce Colson as a poty orgaized for tiis iatalrday nigitlfor snowmoiies. Dace Tort, or oulgoicg gun ritairman bas te boys oct>- organied andasrcrealrd mochiteesl foronewgoosers .e hacded te reins ocre 10 oco fan direclur Brian Mortimer and or are cue e wmut have a large follootng. Dur nro bar ritaieman Allant Lewis hb a1ken over fromt hard-worhiog Primo Rîgo obo decidcd le laitc a orll-rarned resl for a year or 100. Jim Couloon rcportod a vry succesotul Neo Yar'n Eve poty andit atso descrvrs a bitgband.I sa bitg job. Ex-president Delmar Coulson dors fot ioid an exective position for te firol ime in macy yrarc. As past-prrsîdecl e ta stlli ou ail commitees tor te present yeac, bul sure deserces a rosI as he as put many log boues mb is job t teclub.t llisvicelo se KenLeisitac tiOfirsttlove- oouintio ler oroildltfr. Weiopooritavco mîsvcd anyoner forbace il ceelinly wasnlî ntnlrols Schroeder's down Russell's Towing Sciroders Consrorlior. thir omv Bob Willams, firt movcd 1w-ther aitad of te Court and ant Dents added pockc inte Whiteo Oaiv singles. Dace eipot and Le Hockey League vtandings ity urlrnsitao providcd 100 dfrating Russetî's Towîng 6 osiclu racitwoitde Greg 3 ohite roc Sitrl hut out Macean, Dace Milman, Chares otel 4-0ý Dents and Wiliams added In te thitrd peiod othlirrsingles. game. rue itieli rxploded Mîbe Mubmes led Rssetîns for our goals lu maite a oîîb une marbre and 100 niambles o obat had bren a assidu oit Jerry Broer clouecieciof attaîr. and Kecîn Rid addtig Jies Girard. Lou Girard.'ingles Hnry usicg and Jim Eoîvg and TintMusrer Pao> Gilbert pîcited op conorctcd toc rue Sud asîtu. MKay pcitrd up twocasi inltegame wbilbtheiard iroîbees, Moie Hal aItnd MVore Rondy isonellr c-nlriuiild ingles. Johv Lw-itcad sp rs o mavord te pipro Ioi ttc s orso stuts Rusty Ciapeas irerd in page B14 tirer goas and ciippcdina atoînt t l tad Sciredres lu N G nEn Poplar Bankiof Nmua Scota Finaing Johson- Bros. Goroe 2U hla St, Mes 81Il-*4I trer big paces 10 te puze lut ent, and may huce rompletrd the pîcture. Tridents f illed trir major weknesses it t tirer cro players, adding Gary Young aI Centre and Dace McMenrmy and ugit Wiliams on defeose, and hased on Wednesdayn 5-3 ic ocre Dorchtester ut Memoriat Areca may hace found te rostere tey nerf 10 repoat as Southees Coonties Intermeif- aIe S Leagor champions. Formte fist ime itis year Tridents pichof tirer for- mard lises and toc defemsice units and stucit mtithIem uas mort as posstbe. Tbe players respondeit teir besl at-round effor 10 date and andird te igitty- ealrd Dorhester Dophin Mton had a 4-1 tesd at one pointciite second pricd, and ocit on their mrgin ite Iird, playing a soid lmo-may checking gume, conlrolliog mmlt of te play. Ttc Dolphim ltoch an early I-0 lrad ohm Jio Peles deflcîrd a shot fo ite crecase pool Bradt Ecans, Dace Norton ied te score on a brautiful penalty sitot, deiing Boit Badden to te ire brîcre firing oIcite top of te net, and Milton as nover brbind agfain. Yong, playing on a ice it Don earos and Jios Robertson gave Milton a 2-t feud10 secodsaflter Nortons goal. Norton letthIe ire lte n te pricd oIt a rt tp mhirb required stitchen ai te itospitot, and did not returo. une Dntpiin defendereaI is 000 bluelîne for a tirer-o- one break. Young frd tme pocb 10 Robrrtson, mitose sbot mus topprd hy Buddrn. earus picbrd up te toos punit and fired i11101 un cpen Marty erds, ptuyisg with tep ronfidience and content obicb made biosthe teaguens top rearguard lat season pt Miton up 4-t, oben Dorcites- Ieres Brion Cono re- direcîrd bhis sitot into te net by mistake Chut Wilims set up te powe play marter ity beating op a claring attempl t t te blurtine.- Thte gume as necer tn douitl aftor tut. Youg soced Miltonsfinaltgoal on a power pay early in the tird. Tridents' weakness ail Year ~W~4 EW w SATISFIED GROUP of Tridecnts congrolulote roch other after skating te o ronvincing 5-3 win over Dorchester Doiphîns in Intermedtatc B play last Wednesday. Norton hot around net Dace Norton senerd csix ad no problemo fitilng clu o Brn l0,oti 5t0 goas acd 100 assîsto ite te Trdrnt lineup." The MatySeen 1213 pot four games to poretce coust centre, playîn hGaryituon 8 5 1îî Milton Tridents' snrrng ai- Don earus and Jios Robert- Je ler, o4 oa tark and 00cr nolidty lto son iasscrerd tirer goals and R.k Mw0ill 2 n t tord placein te trams addcd fw- asits i - - mo ar Y u347 scoring standing. tref mes ou ogý 0 Norto's six gols raised is G A sessoc total11020, tird oslie aH , 21Ue tram. He ias bren te sitar- D.cao .. Z : frmcc nonoposition nelsincre ereturcpetTintaontop ZleMtiîaný E Newcomner Gary Young ban ouaH. 613i VIIY %àil ZIliUAàL O saeThurs - St. Jn. 20-22 PURCHASE! w 3 Fashion Patterns 1 Compae At 12-99 2 Pc.. Bath Mat Sots Terril ic ulue on ukse bea-tZELLERetsL-MITED 55 OnlareaSteolyestur. eMhotoa OPEN MN3-FR iliumg3lip designs'ButtetlAT, Check" or "Ra'et'rck". p878-8178 tougit defenremax oho cao ltt-ow is origitl rcosd. Wîlh lite Irer 000 pluyeex tey slved these prohiems. luc hai car Milon lost Gury N5,ylcr and Rfay Evuantitis yese, bIb crntre, feos tut yers logue champioxs. Lorce Lenuit, obo did 001 play Wedoenduy filled one gap, but te tram han iteemrpori- mecliog aIl year lrying 10 fi11 te second. TheteaIrusa lred ice differeol players t thul spot, ioluding winger Hearns and irk MrTruch wlitoul sccccoc. Young shoord encelent punit content, good moves and alliognoso 0 Pay too-way hockey. selting taI had bren acting on tbe Milton tram ut imes tiis yeur. Meunoiie MeMccemy and Wiliums teamed up 10 foros one of te mml piysirutty intimiduting defroive unito n te eagoe. Bot ptuyers have ptayed tntermediule A hockey and itad litle troublte fiting 01 ite flowofo te'B' game. Botb are glood puck han- dires, und dont cougb il upc teir ounen d. MMenemy, lustereund ofîro dropo 10ute ire 10 blockitsl. f cred' bes gume k Wilt tiis cro tocosme,r coach Jos-Auger mus abet 1 tecuop Serdu and Wiliums,t lasa yearsfirol truoalsti-arst for te finI ltime tiis yese o a regutur shif t. Serdsd responded mitit is bot gumne3 cf the seaso, todiog rushest and moking fro mistotesc ohite Williums mus us olrudy asousuut.t Up front, otit Lesuit uouy,t Augerehud Doug erno, Jim Cote and Norton on ucor une. Tom Goudiog reptced Nortonuler te tefi te gume in te first priod. Youg ceslred Don Morus and Robrtsuo, miiitWte tiird uine maude upof Burrie Etticît, Gary Hudson und MeTracit. Joe Feeri sa0 spot duty on defenre lte ite gumte. The addition cf te 100oroe btodies on defence seroud t10 give te obole Icuos more confidence. Tridents have aloays bren ore cf te sosuil- est Icuos binbe eague, bt oitit McMenemny and Wiliams turting i inte hart- ground te fie forwurds Thte tmc-may mort cf mne formurdu, piushbauds-up puy br te defence gave Evansm retutively nusy nigittin net. Brouas sharp obro he hud 10 be, but dtd ot brrr 10 handie te usosi amoral cf second and tird rbrunsx micit Tri- dent goles have fucrd uit ymar. Tiis nigitt tlgy eyore bing cceard awuy froste Evuns mas usitlpd y te gosiposto. The DIphios bosged Ieettmm ims Trdes rgtaur-neueun scitedule taeindlng dowe nom mitit cnty sic gumes fIls pluys in Paris Jun. 31. ul homelou SixNations Frit.2,ot Ingersoll Frit. 6 and ut home in Purin Frit. 11. i. Dorceterretors Lonfela, n. Milton, ouxntBursteYn, e 7. matroY ou(moc nos I MSTAD * sIUR PRO-DLY ANNONES H Oe. aOFTEI EW HOE Se A D . era ue * UN SL CE eS TRUHOTTSTR A NE A S A NGY 1,,9OO A E ,83 .10 149,g0 I $9 91' SOAaCA *IR EA MSIE ,,, ALE 39.0 19910 ALE 15 II 1 "S* I I :PY M *l)ý1 cesse a ss aea 01Mi - 778 7 Steam extraction carpt cleenin. Steace extraction hings eut tite beat in your carpela. WBI cieux on loctien, aite pick up naose carpels. Cati for estimnates on uphoistery cieaning. CA LL878-90831 If no answer during thte day, pirate rail af5er Sp I -