Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 1977, p. 1

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Ro ËLwi, CitaýSoftheYear WIII 1honor community-minded clergyman by Bob fluets The citizen of tbe year amard gises assaally by tbe Milton (bamber of Comm- erceousoally goes 10 somneine wbo ban giren of is or tier ime williogly aod aselisily, for tbe bellermeol of tbe commooity. Hoing delermised Ibal as osenofthLe tain crileria, il is difficoli b imagine asyone more desers'lsg nf tbe amord Ibas ec. Hod Lewis. Aller osly six pes ibe commasily, Mr. Lewis ban îoeolaed imself is Use comrnsîy isa rariely nf as and bias mode a con- tributio ibal miiibe bard tb esqoal. Mr. Lewis said be mas "norprisd and deigted" willthebhosorltsbcebesowed opos blm. "'Ils tbe fient Lime Irve e bees bosored is tbio may. It will sticbsn my mind. Milton s tbe tiroi eommosily Itee lired sn wilb my oms family. Milton is anoiber tîrol for me, asd firsis are laoisg" A dinser sn is bonne will be betd Salorday, Jas. 29, aîd is open t0 tbe publie. tI'm tooisg formard 10 thbttin masy ways. 1 mont la sayiboanstentbe nmmooile. Walerer Irve dose in and for tbe commasily, Irve bene- filed lbroagb persosot salis- factios and in more tangible 5011s." Mr. Lewis soled ibai ail of tbe gesapo and agencies bes become inooted itav ae oins borne fenil for irn Hp orkng oncommsnîîypro- jecobhe basncome Ic ocostact wîtb peope mbo ase betped bo opes op doses and belped bîm in is rote as a iliffister. tant pssr bread *tee mode a loi ni contacts 1 amn able tu relacii tu aben l'rn called on tu hbnp people. fits speoed op tbe doosson communicatonos ..hebtnd of tiisgs ynsccool bey. 0e aelisomicdgc. il mîgbi sooîîd coenp, bai fils pbi osospbp os fle rose close tb tbe iblîcal apîng, "Cool pose beead on tbe waters and ctwilres 1n 10 bld. Heerefesiualterrneotof tbe csmptler îodocep bo des- GIGII, se garbage in, garbage 'Tbat'e hom' a compute Penbablp tbe lbîog ibaî mates Hod Lewis stand apari feorn dosens 5ofesoleere mliofe îtleir ime and con- tinhale ini meanioglol waps le ibai tbe mînisier bac moord 10 fîli needes ib e commasile whîch are sol beîng sees'ed, as oppose ord b 001 abing sason boards and comm- issîonsealready coiabliobed, Itod Lewis came to Mlton sîlithbic ite Olive în dogasi of 1970 prisr e 10 orpleiing clodîe tebecorne a mînîsier, Heseeeed for ashortipeeiod of lîme ai Hoso Pes- hyteriati and Ornagh Char- cere hle he as sclliia sdo dentiando'as oticîali cailed herecopeo graduation Hechecarneîoeoleedîihe Miltoo chapiser ciAlebolîco Anoseprooo foc ohai be îaled selfîcb eosons" i 1971. and continueoiih bai Oie alicodance ai tbe Tocs day oîghi meetîngse b poieditohea conoîouig le acoîng copecîcoce foc tbe song miniser "Il mas important 10 me tu coco about alcsboliîm. It sas sornrlbisglbnem nslb sîg a boni and t canîr tu leaes hos importanti iba s, eres on a lomo libe oce'. Heexcpliîed Ibal be mac sflen beîngealledîiotfarlp coonsellingesiaionscmhee alcobol mac the cool of the peoblern lhe moei of hîscrdeas's, bic ineolveeneo oAd bad epînoffthenefils.Solotolp a lie beiler pi'epaeed 10 bondie lti' famîle coonseflîog cil- oationscbcmas caliedîinio, bol he oondibeemweema ho s able laoiieip corne Ad mem becs on 1972 he îeac ached le sevecaas afali<adîsoir 0î tbie Milesonesuh inciotîlTbe oonolcciislfhad grso oitof o flail-eioreiiiol doýs an oliempi hi comi',oussbtl pro%îid(-a place foc Young peope ioeceegeegale ond be toeri er Re e isc boo n oolec inioocilillsi, Jaii ihogbithec'mmseiiî« <',,e satoiIcgcaîe h'î'exploiocil liai prior I l i. ii it. ihcrblii osiiigîP). ieaoe %a>yI iepodieiirie Thogh bhal poîgrasi hi' ond iheroscolntie n ehoeed m0ile'iia.'regslaii Oredoedas sîglîl <lis T'hai led le di î'accîoc hi' (Continued as Pote Si REV. W. R. "ROD" LEWIS, Multons Citizen nf the Yeor for 1 976f, wiII be honnred by Milton Chamber nE Commerce at a banquet Saturdoy, Jas.29. Homneowner given instant satisfaction Be Rdissd Oe Dsce Pakbaea eeideslmdih arnonib-old $00000 homefon oroeobhaojoolceadisg satisfactionoleom laci wee'cthampionoi onohoacisg defecisint.Dorset Park homes. Moodap moemong, the wmrnopbooed The Champîio b soo ocomplaîr ihai ber homse alco had ceocrai constrctcion defecie, bai saîd ehe mac getiîg sombererio hec aierps 1to el the haldeen b corneand ic iheoi Hec problens ie ocded droIte m hîch leosird ail the lving eorm indos,noostoemmwiodos. agarage dooembichmwae maed, noîcirnmîog aroandlbhehase oflheieeplac,reiliog placier flatsg osf1 and a tilet eatins the hacerneni o'îch rîmed suhadlp il as impossible loase. Th. d.p. sut dy.,s The omar scpaehicolaelp opsel mih tee raft in ber liigemont,hecaaecshe had jacispeollthemrormngibarnîngo btig4eapee -ilbhrrhair drper. "Webhad a m oeo lo cbeckbtbeheahng andbheoaidlbheemaco'ian'ittingmcrong mîlh Ue beating cpeiem, batti bd ne me neede. sloem wn domc,"oshrsaîd. "lits so baî anc habpsiilercecorplsîon lic loo csfdto babpsic ' 1bcmaman had îolsded al Oie pi obiîîîciii lii i epol titu the buder bai the buder had dose noshieig yci Aller phoing The Champion the omas phooed the hodlde ach adaidesheowaoihiokioflhacisgithe Champioreore for couorand ohos iog ihe reprerr ber probernos ihh ousce Thai ailo'o sche phoard tic reporler lach 10 00 ils' luialdecs ecc'ai herhouser ose, "Fixingupithernîiabeeý Vahao ltu Nmbe 38MIL FON, ONTARIO, WPDNCSOAV. JANLAOTY 1u 1977 Iii Bob Surît 1fluse egîssai Cooncil 'ilccirilo daeb borne candi. (ft c a ergîoal chairmas ai iheoiagural mertise in facliniois iedorcdae ie Nloiiris, a '10 yeac i-ld pilai i rîîîîî11lioîî tlle and as i'ighiiicîeiciteraooofrmuni- cipal pý,iic., won the ice- Miasui'iî'oiio bai 10h olie coiclir' hadt coolsix hiedbYhis ie' orelTh e deiilrceîî camoe as a roîîplcir urepris<e him and 10 the '2d huncIlre ahi elecird hîrn Ne rmc msas giving MirMr liuere a ohim chance of iIoyprioietirihe meeting. loiios peolthe i lcolhall 1iiaii ilieetiiig iehoine iihiî"orîiiiisecret hllîîio "hioll s' oaci prîie iim the Odicila' eisug soesina I. iF iieolii iin ird -g111 ii is.1'ig ie l '.i efli haim Finotte% ballslcseccccl claîrd and voecocastin a ieosiot-illcd eoorn The ce- solic f the ies( balbi came in Juiiooohoeoogh O. Rie Mcrreom 6.Allan Massas 6, Terri Marsel i1and Jacb Hloiîo4. iocîllor Mac Andecrsnpeoieoird the secret bîaloooderefsedIoîvoteîon the licol and second haloi. 'lercp Mianorîl rame s'as droppedl ti he lfielfor the se cced lalleL Hic ibrerivote orstIo 'iMosson and Rouei 'l'îe 'clesuitofballatIwos'il .coanooogh 4, Moccam b, Mossor7and Rtiîs fA hSanoaoogh droppcd out ilier ihe seconsd hallali, On0 therird hallal Massoo gaiord irrr idofSao liiiiglieiiiirc ii jonp ilithe o iiiiiîîirh1 o, s. %itiiijus[ tor î't: i eaiiog hicîiii flIa ihic lime Mi Anereona dridedcie otean aoiioscrdo imemwae lielforýcood place ett INbr Me Mseeiandsou M ialilîcîach grtiig score ihaieoi anite iai anod theroni held ihe s000' Ai th' cigseofiiMilles cllirsoed orMirsndl .coeig ihî'ie e.ina 4101 oîocgîo Cooroil 0<ose Mr 'liuois10r Mor1,001oc 13 fil sih balot aîih Mr Andrsoniiaaia ahctiîaîîg Nli, ol [iiehr rîiilecc had liopi'd bai ihe tour nu î'îsslicandidates mould con cint ioo tad sp (pro Consider arena location Jan. 31 Annm ihofo ipotano rn l ihrMilonDstic asgd c n ümaveewb he loainandconrcio Hgh colos tte arhat Wchaea second auitheias'n'ccceoduiccsr gronds. arrnaoahreadpbîItsoesubiting hieîuuc lnucu raged la mate XWhiecaasiil sbuilbac In dîr. mauluog for repouco- hirrcouarnolo tccOuel uscosdrhrprospectîo ainu -Or demanolon Coas scdurg priccto Masdae, Jas oing, seeerab casncdtorc bacc clan Jum Watso inter- emsade ia booms Ihal hecoose ropurd l'asthean<Mihlao oulil ofube cacher oproar ocre the ASUrscr plan ou e a]hiohthie'rosie proposai, lAebacc muh-A Ldiithe suggestion of itiihc'id unformationar de suopportufr lac B lanche fllo wba lslcsed ancds'A le watcauîecusuoa proîeccu 10 lAcdebale n ihe audience, coacerîsnghelocaioaaofîbhe Prunior o edareisg teAri00011 greeed laplace ao secieaulruabnkcstrcinchofsasecood icnadrieen inThefbam F"oratrnaesearncill coriace, Counisolr Rtf on peuaac orcîcitze oipat. hc'ugcacidrrrdi('eici f' osadiusbooouooacrportîpe Mapor ono Grdon arged ceuu'.oerloýiusiog Mrcah prrdîhauodl] howthepetcounaso rbeach a n caetp treaa es dng oro p itoco'.aocueduu he drcisoaaon theîcesurface, epairnafthe uud oe ion aiaoussports, andooid he hnped i ounsbe Brw ieuo h adhuldainc a % losaculr Arthsblanssinucuperaiioby e orsilti RIC MORROW... News Haîbon Reguasal Chaîcosan alia shoroihre cm Rli dcosdbooeghreon 'rded aod %ailiel arc Maonhbag ai, hepigifor a c'hage i heir lioîî tOiniiiogli hi'he lic bail cenc.t ix Maseusoî 'Op porinecîoiîîîsîd iciisupport Lai' Moanuel 01101 hic icol haltlie hie 0son1 'lice,'he' rrciaceongi17coiillorsiip- peehel Merres ct te o i c al 'lard s p voir paceang Masonoro the rod ýeeHlliii lsloMaeir l'usi Ohî'beoaîî'-, ali ootliai 1111 mIîîîon Gordonî iiNiliîiiioi < ail1Elîhoro ad Aichi, ioieglievcfrosi )ailoîli' oie' copiirti'd Mascoco Cuici'.l lingftiiMuîr frslont(hi lie Mac Anderscn, ii<ie Brrtinliiitao'nch' ondîl lhîîeî iade,'froni lion filoniiDoiCrr. in Cîpri il 1i. b cr0 loscîll Mariý Macro. l'at ichlooghlii, ihourc, i' Olkiiîooli. Jack <l'île'.and T'ici cehcrhîîcd anlrontîî Miltn iiii Wîîiatconl adlJssîKerre andIront lIai toit i1' boass'illeiîr. lici Ohîreaad liii iBooth licaue' 'lbir onîi ,atiocedle.us irention t riciorc'haroian a s cet hi Ior he m eetiog, Ar w ocrA lit, chance itu speah iii the i'ceecifers. tirelada prer pari esi bat i ddl iior it huilollrtecinorda t ,%fi NMirosliad ld esaîn io th ai hrca os id ot er tri a1 laiti ln ' capacil>' l[)i lie eaîd lor oesid havr i 'e ,liaiprîuIlu'a, h0e masi ;ideesld ocerpî'ie mIi loi, the public Ilia' ors clcirciac proî 'Poitics' charged Richmond School controversy flares again e<.kigcoii,'oeaciand il) ed shaI ic le'abd a i hre iîseoig ils' gnc'ieg ard ile ieoir.oieiereirilai lie IEr11 <erre o lie te s i'pîiei ii i iiii sliiîiilil lii aliere the% ceau1le'Il(-oue eti'len'ti'1iî iaodlcul Ob Iiî,îi ofîîîî ii lii'olial i chie s Nstei is<cuse ai î', bai MeT \lirll) aie eu beîîsiîi pieanilokaadrIleolie poeie'.iga'eicci'adolicol aire îder eic'oisisdiciwîï ,he localusaidî<l , criss iii' \Iîîeeo c, î'icî nceiccide' il , oi liricircar cei <<l lic sic 0Ou eilitcal iiMa'. ,n il,'a ilahuer io run l i lCiieratv ,illl<lei171<i- A lier ihe cmeeting Maocon %a. as acddfbe i i he la ct (bat ie10 sc a ovnca appîoie-had heer ifatri hIl'os Id hi',bai rai ocre. eoriii Lu Psosicagetinand lieua a proviscial ap poire Ilicoidhbeiha ceor ciliï>'hrdigavertbachsad-.s- fe ite nooc brleakt \Macsodob leciilhcrusca hîeîrîeî bohAseulahest the (eersecegionibcio'crrnrsit lit Miltoiîiiighl<ai'eMas'.son 'sggeoirdlbateicsahrsup 'i cîîaec'iiîrcaeauld change ha' o is re us'n "i kiltil' lie c olie dîda'i cer an, 0<2 <uue iriescuiciafi the -liben, cetib'd andîl o1 Il' iil i .1ercîiieaii' io i l maehi iheadministraion (Canacd oPage Seeof MASSON ,... Hes oit! Abgcouip ifcesideal'huliig ini the ' 'aeipheb'.iIbe arca s ill 10111 ogcîherc o fiihe pro- pored cbo'.îsg o of rnapbei 1111e lchwil Mhe csiu<atiniiCamphbl ville lîcar e dlîriercem- lancs o hArvcal hahoal ioigcwhirb sas oîghb ce iduiioiliho rîlîbens oai bai araIf wo a irect resuofa bhai iîghî bot lIîlao Reri oghi an(]aealhe Liccai the ebectiîoo n a iobI Bliiîgioîî hA01011 ar ighi hb en bbecsi sg usPaierno, Ibecîdrai' ai the ora con- ceried ahout the propoaia haie hehi oseetinrug iuh blord oficiais Or'. Camp- bell. oecof theparntsmba io% h*1l igbi tbe cotiier, campcoiercoaud mea yhttor eae aid cbîdres acîulîlbaie h i&aidbusecs for cnas h eluire getiiotla ochool *fI' kiîbob icîocsotait- and cor 'tinadccolaad ahi a f>n oe sooldwsantla de bol Maeîpcpeplcinedscaiioalecil ibîl caîalb ecboobc arc- heiler for soideci and tbol the caînecoladrol'.dool dooas otel ta i hgcscbos There are 01001factris'. lai aolîlhi losed l iii hcli'eithric<lice 1<111e scoobe« The sebaci speordain127 and eib il1972, errecd chîl cea ep la grade iver flre are ceie ecdealo ai [i ecloîs itosa hocc latber and grasîllaîbr.aiso ine the scaool The iiaricai and cn tiooal imphicatiosnsiladd laefinbchun-r hi ciebodo s happy Mes. asîpheli cîd flie (cachers ai the choal arr happy and bbc cosiooboilyi happeyaibithe map tinig: teaceeeraii,'eierable loa-ro bahii inlrge ci cic te'lig tihîcî 18eo <ia kideg<iiî2i.<ec-ar ose lofrea is ,ili'isoard ci edhc'ioi<iioî ligu'res'il cvlic' îîm"îv îîmcdîaic \hîllîîî'I ionllGorîîdon <île inoel'i i i e bac ai cru-il[ouapîrie l o(lIn-b cruiýtv eîig tAr 1lie p-'î'lt î ler,' ire- lpoud[ oir'.0010 oad calaiie aiod '.ai,î thlii1e '<hîci. bec b<îî-1 fiouîld be a lo o«iiiîph)elli le and la Ml(i C1< itîizen.,heri' el liatii <ie ho' o'hîî'lîîcrc ,a hit C sa a u ea tPagfe Pi oc The lastoi 1e-romscrhal- hase'r a o eclserd ia Halono, Are Rilchmnd ichool aI Kelsa i0 in thenorso aa. HMatoniocnil hpspc, 1oe oeaeai liall ieo hiiae le' i(hoîol preeciod arA 'eiaiigîm iiceinelour ul rsreil aondshaoi operar iltai's(lic qors- tbcbnond, alco khoam as Ci stie ne Kelso chool, i10on Appleby Lîne soîîih ai Higb- oap40i. acss'shomfrom the erar esîrasce la Kelso coservation Area The Senst scebos mas a osdcs builtdisg eercted in l8t3, mich mas cepiaced bp the pement stase '.cbosl is18, moisg tbe eislisg sructure 91 peas nId Iis pear.im as losed n Passed on Nasagawepo fehosi Area Bord, tbe omsee mbes dt cisord, hireod il ovec la Saccogamepa h'nîîncub foc prsrain as nhstoricol buidding. ard the Conoed iaced il iii Halo ('allai'. MuscuiuAcsociatioaa bldîlinîg ,Sil o t n f lern.s îioioiiesbiagilfoler lîucbbusg and edng eslco ccv rpairs. MîltonoCouincil fleclcil nherulrd bbe chool mbeo cegonoal goveepmesi mas iinducrd, espocialp sisce the MuieuAss ociation suson langer actire. NatIon Regional Couscit laps no clai ous homseesbip. Nom ta the peobtem ot mbn es goîsg La pesere il, asd mho m gis goingose it. Absa meeing Hosdap vn îsg. Coinrit agreed to bore tbe rosI repied ai the omo's espenne. ta preresi Ineiber damage, asd toodo lac thue oill lbrbpratorni a fod thbc smo setlopine betl[ers os bbc nId Naosagamepuu Township odlice building.f'ouuoculr Jîîuî Watson cuggeclc ibece mule Sa <ic ai bin Oîaud, dot proposais Coiscîl also asted for pre- cenlatuonscfcnm asp ediuua- ttnlor csmmositp geoop nieesird n rceinîg the school as an edscaenonab rsu cr cr icsmto Features today tlOpo mst Chab'sbObb annoversalf...... , f bItOns Hoard ah tdscotas repaît ...... 7 Wecamo Wagon and tho ercamers Cohb..... B hM brCoosed coepots ...................,. 10 f Sieiahhfeatureon iiung and esnao........... 81 t Classifieds, Who 'loes hitReal saio,......,BR8ta 14 t Miton Mllis sideraît sale ............... B1b jt T. A., thibisor, OC, dies at 82,..........,, .C2 t Pbota'stadisn as"Wuosr",....,........C8 b Haltons Reginoal Cocif inagoral ......... C9 osuord Halles Heguon l'or nereatoîno itoîubbeî, Hallon Reguara iuseum. Csamp- helloîhle hbu"oeo'e s nluuuuîr and heAr oosBoard oh Edocatoei bstil a s 10e edffcopetiti11<e, open to w nd ai .nhoeî lopocol, chai a ciien*cnlaohc hr amed la shîide the sabo'c future uer,mac drapped afie Cons cîlor Rch ap arnord ics sponssor,. icibInr Jîm Watsooh iepusg tb "injecta noie nI polîics isia tbe situa- ies0 Cosoadbse rWaioon's motion ssggestcd frmer brcher Hen. Florenice Parsons and imo frner studenss.Lloyd Cisbolm ard former Mapor Anse Macrîbua. moulU be deai membres for bbecrm milie ' Psejndiee' Jodp ;Scbeîîe, a Habbos Museum supporter asd active un theAribrensod ains NIoeuîm suîsîbîacy, suggccicd ihece saîuld Ar 'prcîuudîce" onosach a conaibter e a nc oh the pcopased cammale oîenuherrohad cachier onuld ibica 1-er11< e a hOCI 1 <la ith bhaiscoool -she ic no aaiae hecpcrsor. lreoSaumndersnofHorobp, speatisg lacrte Freeds ai the Museum, suggested bbc sobool mac "a eerp ise esarpeooeeorral past" andoerged ibbe sored, for future geseeationss. solsotd for a building lot. lite fr11 HHCA asd tbe Mîuseumrncouîid morb ogeUser la oporabee bbcoostand slccssed il nistb epi onsils presnlsie, sot moccd. Cauuocubtor rt flop felu bbc 1000 tassi sstaff or fisances la operate Use building,. os "as losg as mc oms il, nosiing s (Conimned oni Pg. 10) THE OLD RICHMOND SCHOOL Ht Kelso is in the news again. Council bas invited interested groupo f0 submit proposais for its prt'nervation and une. The photo is frono an early postrard, Iosned by Larry Phillipsofn Milton. The outdoor "facilities" have heen removed sinre this photo wan taken-and someone has stolen the school bell, ton. Sha pon Campbellville fights village school closure . . ' £à Ri c M, 0 r r 0 ý, i

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