Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 1976, p. 6

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6 Thea Canadien Champion. Wsd., Novomber 24,1976 Mohamed Family Grateful for new start in Miltonh after escape from Amin's Uganda hi Ann lfauprit -Nielsen bie attomed to labite r tem. durmng iis fiet wlnter and necessities for imsnelf. Ifs and 747s-and is op- Leavng one'shomeland tu money and certain posses- (Mes Moiamed said sie's sprigtinCanada. "I used tu write taNaj timtstcthat hentay reucntt start a new tie in anotiter sions miih temn wlien titey meitten ta tiaki, Maria and Penniles-asloom ife had eveey singledhe, sld his fornmer statuemliitteair- countey is an emotionatly mode tise move. noverai ollier friends snie been upon arrivali n "And Oogi ms iter and lins itelore ton long. trying essorience ot tise ites Out Idi Amin and hi.a- or eavn Uganda, but han England-Mr. Moitamed sot lte kils terribly and worried Aller imo'yeaes in Milton, oftlimes. Oui t0 lopari traim atil dui1 is tamittar ci ossiy the clotes on youc bort- bnoooîg tat your lie lais dlangereand yanmay nevoehal able to ceisn-is somneting morse lits iraurnatir. Surit cea tise situation wten the Gati Mobomed Famiy fl Uganda sbociiy alter Ii Amin came to poceer iv the eariy 19710s Four yoocs ago And toseis tour years hase passod store ltoer esodus fronnth0e polticaiiy tecorizod Atricas vtton, memories of log monOhs of soparation aod fear toc thon toIt isotosd linger on. Tise souy of lte Mohanteds-ceio nom tise iv a Milton toonitause deveiopmnet-is one of courage anI porsevecanco and,.accordîngioi hem, oves sonte ontait 'miracles." Nai and GatI Moisantd hal beeon arried 10years and bol titee omait citdren-a ses, Oiyao, and 100 daoghlees. Riopa and Ouhia-wcen thy leieo t0 Ocee Uganda and secis refuge eisemitere in the sommer of 1972. At thr tinte. Me. Mobomed enjoyel o top position cous Kast Ateteas Airlises and baid as active hante and social lire inte vvnitty of Enteiste. Theo fantily eesidvd in a toge, tavishty fucvished bungalow on Labo Victoria sorcoarndedisy severat acres oI prtvaic gardons. A 'pacadise" is soce ihey rementitecti Tise tacens and fuedens oece tosted alter isy an 18' yoae-otd ta vantet "Dut," miso tater tocante tise iantitr rosit as ceu. A youvg ceomn calhot "Maria" Oas emptoyeti as goveress foc tise ciudreo Oite came ta or eor thte Mobonteds sitortiy aller Oyaz was tors. und,.e codn oMe. anti Mes. Mobometi bot sise asti "-Dati" ceore ise mvoters of the-fatily. Involvel A commnity-nded ie- dîvîduai. Me. Moamed was chtarter president of te Lions Club in Entebbee Ho ceas a cboirmntu of tise cîtys PTA for ocrrai years anti toogeti to Entebbto In- stîtate. Botishe ant iee Jas (pco, noaned "Natige"), oece mentiees ut tise Inteetine Aie- linos Club taseti in Kampala and tearetteti cidoly tiseougis- oui Kenya anti Taozania. Mucisotheirteauetme togetievas spesioiiis trenda on tise fait course or soîmnto in tise oeaity taise Mes. Moisuned oc rasîoseity lotiseO ciudrev oacations tuosch exoai places us Caîca, Egypi. ceien iser hoshand ceas away on bosiness foc extended periade of tinte Lite ceas gond and Oce- Uphesvai Oui us tensions grece ta noîgittoriof Atrîcas cous- tries durîvg tise laie 1960s, they tegas to coviemptate a mare ta a more potiticaity stable evîrosmont-ise Canada. Tisey didti vvi eu theire itdrea ta geuce up on a salioan sureounded isy up- iteava and poiiical unrest. In Me. Moitanedos ceocis. "We baidvcvsidecedtleacvg Uganda teore 1972, tut neyer dreuntet cee ceoutt reave osIer tise cirunt- Tisey bilt ispeti, ai tract, lu emieae as a amibr-and t mies lied olter plan toe de- tactors. Tlsree manias Generai Amtn gave 80,000 peepto-mont of temn Britisht soitjocla-exactiy tisee montis t' beave Uganda effective Jane t, 1972. Kart tamity mas tld they cmdld taise lte eqoivaient ut $100miit temn mien tftey toIt Uganda. Thte Moitamodo depaeted tramn ltoe hometand ait- seluteiy poonmis, homever- tise resoit ot a bureaucratie foot pas. Kverylhing tisey 000 poosm bon tees accomo- led lisenagi four yers of bord mort and sacrifice in itis country. Te Esigians Tise fient 10 teave Ugonda mas Mes. Mobomod- togeitermilii lite cildeen-in AugusI 1972 Tite youngsteen oece tison aged eigit. six and tive. Thongit a native of Ugando, Mes. Mobomed mas pe- milled 10 join rotatives liing in Engiand wilh rotative rase. Titis oas heramoe hec posa- port idevltiid lier asa "Britishs ssitiect'- (Tis a sose ofth ls mait 'miracles 10 whtihthlie Mobomeds roter. Titey saitd a roquent 1u change hec statos to "Ugandan mites tise country gainod indepondesce and Amin- rose ta power ceas turned domnhbyatfriend in the immigration department wvio lid somne toresigint lte cvensditmeeto come. Me. Mohamed had his statun cbosged 10 'citizen of Uganda -and consequentty bodl a mort more ditticuit lime ieavmg the coontry.) No gnod-ityes Alisoogis Me. Moitamed oas ai lte airport lte day his cette and ciden lot, no goo-yescee said. The childeen ceerein stracted hy titeictatsec aitead of time 10 watt siesigit pont tin auto lisoir plane. Uoder nocîccrmtanros oece they tot]eton that teytneehim. His omn lite ceas in jeopacdy-and ho didn't seant tise soidioen 10 bno hie famity mas traviog. "I mao ceytog on lte imside, butt1bodtt leoslenng, Mes. Mohamed said. i couida't lot thte citdeen s00 hoce upoot t wastforteae theyoudhbeaks docen, loo.- Loeescessce "I could 500 Maria anti Data mavîsg 10 us traim tise visitee's decis," site eecaiod. 'Thoy ceoeceyingveey bord. i 1 iinis of themn otteo and ceonder ohat's itapponed to necor eeceived any replies. Titis la heaase lise gsveen- ment cenos ail of tise mail enming loto and leasing lise contriy.) And se il happesod Ihat Mes. Mnitomed and lte citildeen aeeivod safeiy in Oritain in lise somrmer of 1072 mils ose soit rase apiece and a tom tdentityisg papeen in tend-hut no money. ("I masoged toi geait my marriago license, the childeen's hirth ceetitlrales and a feo favorite pitogeapis heforo traving, but ibot mas il,' sha satd.t Nigitmsares Hec itratitr mito baid settied in Engtond a tom yeaes eaeiieet tot lte laltheeless tamiiy andec lits wmng-and san te il the cide mece enentied i Britisht seitanli. Similariy, Mes. Motemed masted noltime in fining a job so site cosid oer har toep. Within Imomweets oflihar arrivali n London, site mas empioyed in the gavera- mont's social secsrily departmest-a position site hopt unt Golf catied foe lier and the ritildren te tome tn Canada in Jane 1972. StÛR, il mos an emotoniily upsettistg lime foc tOcs. Mobomed and the childeen. "Theywold waeup in te middle of lte nigit seamiog toc their fater asd ai: mites itemos iearmisg,"iate said. bn tact, the yoosgstes miseed ltoe latter su mort, they tocante pitysicaiiy tii. Chilires sicis 1 brosght thm to adoctor in London t0 tisd mit chy they ceeoso sinis, "Mes. Mobomed eecaiied. "Ho tord me Ohece ceas vo iiotogirol renses toc titeir poor itestO Ho ouf gesied il ceas a result of thc psycitoiogirai surais hey'd iseen aodee-and ssre enougit, mitn they oece anited wihGafftteybecante temselves agato!" *Dorisg theie terst tino monOhs apart, lte Mobomedo more attable t0 rammanfirate hecause ofth0e cenooeniip- and fer ibot Ugandan autotitiiesceooid preveni Mr. Mobomed tramn bovine the country. Aod toogis ho maosged lu get utin Novemhae 172 and orte ta Naj and the riildren tisait hoeisad aecivcd satoiy iv Caniada. Me. Mobomod and the iamiiy oece vol roanitod antil severai mouis rater. Msnpsoe As Me. Momed bodtson ielatives liviog inothe Torono ares, hoe stayed ceth tem ont toetasg for mort olmoni immeliately. Ho mas alvlaol hy im- migration aatisorities 10 suait ostoa joiDt liosugit itaspomor, but lie bond uni1 ta ha a ose- iess avenue of pamsuit. Every moenlng for the tient 10 days, hagsot sp esriy sn the moridg and tackth0e train 10 lte Maspomer office- deed in bis only saivageti suit. But eveeyday the stoey was the samne. Il seemeod malter mitI lime ito arted ito mas aimays "tan eaeiy" or "ta loto" te appiy for the position hoe sosght. "Aggressive" Mr. Mobomed moon tired of the trealmeot ite mas ceceiving and lecilodth e only way ieooasoeveegoiog to gel a jobit 00 inteeested tom inToranto mas to ba ageressive. Oo hoe londaitbis oay to Tor- onto International Aiepori one ciiiy mornisg and made ap tos misl n01 t0 stop "pestering" tem Ohece anîti ho mas penmised ompioy- "I bol aimosi 20 yers of esporionce oeiig wî0h aie- Uines andi 1masn't gais t lt il go don te drain," ho said. His porseeverance paid off. Tomeebo aller ite fulel iis initiai applitratio ai the aie- port. hoe recoived mord ltaI Aie Canada couid use itim as a cargo agent. A needel breakt Titougi il mas a tac cry frnm the position itel ooce enjoyed wit Kast Atricas Airlines, Me. Mobomed ceas ovorjoyed. Ilmas, hoe toe, the itreat ho needed. A start in the rîgit direction. Foc the snt noves monOhs, Me. Mobomed mortel aod sarritired oth thogit ooiy ofitom masy tingo hoe needol te boy isetore Naj aol the ridren rosld join Monm 'My tamiiy lid everythisg they coul oser ount ini Estebbha, i cmlida't hgt tem cso h ece sol bove nothing," ho sait. Wrateldaiiy Wih the goal ut secseîsg a romtortaitte tire for itis tamity in minI, Me. Mobomed sitipped moats, mortel useetimo aod sposi the aitsotute minimsm on entertatomoni or anyting other thn the teste a tom days, I rouldn'l allom titey are "very htappy" ta ie myself lte luxory of anover- boere and tisaI tiey've iteen irai phtone rail. I itnew I'd grarionoly rereived ity ltoe need lte money more witen neigitiore in lte rammunity. titey joined me iter." lissoined Oy Jane ha roaid stand tise Tite rittidren, titey say, separolios no longer, itow- have adjusled oeil te puiei evor, ami atmo toit tinanrially iritont in Milton-and oves serore. Ho decidod il mas itetong t00 alew of lte comm- lime te, send for lte famtiy in onity's yostit organisatios. Engtasd. And titoogi Mr. and Mes. Roaniiesi Moitomod are itotit employaid tlaving saved op "days off" in Toronto, titey matre il a and reoeenging sits mils point 10 keep op on local noms some triendi ai te airport, and evenlo-taiting an artive Me. Moitamed was ablte 10 part, mitenever possible. eive Naj and tise ciideen itis Me. Moitamed itas joned o oodivtdel attention doeing traterel oeganizalton in toe tient days in Canada. temn and itout Me. and Mes. Ose of lte tirst plates ite Moitamed itetosg te a tost lte tamiiy mai lu lte rerrealiosal doit mitee ltey CNE tollomed ity trips a 10areetting t Itnmw nmny 50w Ontario Place. Blackt Creoit friends. Pioneer Vilage and allier Titey appoar cheertot and places of entertaisment for content-and itave snty yoangsteen lteir age. positive tiingi 10 say about Soitely ailler tise "itoiiday titeie newenvieonment. reunion," Mes. Moitamed Forltoogit lite in a Mdlton laiided a port-lime jobt os a tomnitouse devolopment sa a passenger agent ceiith Aie tarc ry ton lte bouts lite- Canada, and betsseen liiote style titey once -enjoyed in 100 salaries, tise Moitameds titeir itomeiand, tis ion saved enougs moiney for Moitamedi are titanistl utle5 lte downpayment on titeir 10 hoe aiive-asd togetiter peesent Milton home. once again. Pramotin_ __ An added tîvasciai hoont Orce.ts as o rame witeo Me. Moitamed ces tie carsng latti ceas peomnoteti to 'Sligit csn et'eirandoof dispatcher" for K.L.M. Royal itin Thevto Oaea-hado Dulcit Airliner. (Il was lte gue reminds ryciots tc test airlie ite oetgieuiiy apptied your bruhîsg poweer on huis to for mort, itut accepird Aie and utter ruts. YoutIl seed Cnda's offr itecauso il moreetimeitostop andyouttl came finit.t have toadiostyvour balance tc Hiewdt ietraeintaoutou o roectdiog. Dosiheb Amsterdam inthe neae future gecundeti hy oct roadls and to renemitis lisseoce ceitit DCý hlis. Gire yourseIf a heake. NAJ AND GAFF MOKAMED look tbroug somne photos tram Uganda as they remninisce about the peaceful lre tbey once enjayed in Entebbe (before Idi Amin rose ta power), their escape from the politically terrar- ized nation in 1972-and the long, bard rond ta buildin a new Hife Ii Canada. Behind tbemn are ictures of theor tbree chldren i. ta, Pilaz, 12, and Rabia, nine. The youngatera nom, attend public scblinM. S THE TOWN 0F MILTON 1976 MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOL BOARD .ELECTIONS POlLINO NOTICE The Regular Polling Day for 1976 Municipal and Schaol Board Election shall be: R obert MUNIJAT, DtMUK 07f, IVI11 Newman Shoes ABefwe en te Hours of il ajn, and 8 pm 878987 Mo. t We. - A otie hs eenmaied o echDoelling UiinteMusîcîpulîty Thaîs. & Fsi. o atitnng te location of the Pallinn Place anti te Ativance Polltsg 184 Main St.. Miflon lai. 9 e Place for lte electars in tite respective Dwelling Unito ADVANCE POLL For tht purpase ai receîoîng Vates af Electars mita nupeci ta be unable ta vote an Decomber Ot, 1976. ~OI 7O THERE WILL BE TWO ADVANCE POLLS istaurantan Tsvern SATURDAT, NOVEMBER 2Oth, 1976 >f Hwy. 25 & Main> Milton 878-8814 & 11t4E5S LUJ4CHEION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1976 betosoan the itaurs of ..... ........e....1 aum . anti89p.nt - .t ... - ....-....$.6 At each of the folloosing locations for Electors of the respective Watis. Spaeoctto, Siso, PetlIs WiARD b, TRAFALGAR Percy Mesos Pabie Oahoni SeF cI Ria. 263 Britannia oa Esi, SMilton, Ontario. WARD 2, MILTON Tomnof MOilton Mussicipal Offices, 251 Main Stret Ciao., Milsen. Ontareio. WARD 3. NASSAGAWEVA Campitelli l Laos Hall, Campithiloilse Ontio.n NAMES NOT ON POLLING LIST Any prorn wfo mas qaalitied tai have his narre entered os the pol. Iing lust during tho period osf onumneration <Septemrber 7th, 1970 ta October l2to, 1970> andi finds that his namne s sot entereti thereon or who hasnsot filed lte neeessaey forms la, have his namoe entereti doring lte poriod for corrections to surit lint fendion November 5th, 1976) cas attend at my office ta secure a ceertificate which will alloos his vante ta be entered at the pailion station. In addition to this, qualifieti electors may be entitled ta hase their namo atidet ta the lino at the polling station on pallisg day. Quatifieti Eleclor means: a persan who during thte period ai Septent. ber 7th, 1976010 October 121h, 1976 was a Canadian citizen or ather British suhject, a reoudent of Miltas ara non-residont owner or ten- ant ar a spouse thereof and han attaineli the tige af eighteen years hy December 6th, 1970. PROXY VOTING Forso are avoulable at my office for the appoîntmirest of a 00110g prasy. A certificate ta vote by provy mono ho cerlified by THE CLE RK. This cas aniy ho dose between Noentbee 101h. 1976 andi 5.00 p.m. Tues- dey, November 301h, 1970. J. McGeacii, Clark & Returning Officer, Tawn af Milton. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY WANTED Person with snow plow and snow blower to be responsible for clearing snow from Milton Public Library carpark and pedestrian walks. For furiher information contact The Chitif Librarian, Milton Public Library, 45 Bruce Street, Milton, 878-2879. 1 - *e Mito oieDprmn i mrec Numbers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- - - - - - -- ..1111111111111h

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