Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1976, p. 1

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--~-~ ~~~~1 Volume 116, Number 17 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEI eIîamp'0 1, 1976 64 Pages --15 Cents Over 500 sîgn Arena petition BIDDING WELCOME to, Steam-Era and Milton visitors is serves as an information centre. it was moved there and tise noos-silent 40 ton locomotive in Unit y Park. symbolizing restored by tise Miltion Chemiser of Commerce Thse station thse town's connection with Steam-Era. Thsesteani locomotive osas butit in 1903 and stood eit Bronte St. santil st year. The is on pemnn a rmts nau aliaoiation and Steani-Era reunion, this Friday, Saturday and Monday, has is octdnear tise town's former CNR station that 00W made Milton the iStean capital of Ontario." (Staff Photo) Critical arena meeting Sept 13 Fund raising continues petition causes concern The A rma '76 1usd eatsing sn cu)tisg the meeting, comtc il mes) Chaîrmas Bilt Rowsey this ummed a tety aller Milton Couneîtsussîiders tesders)or ise e isarsed commîttee th, costructionof a nw memhers theYmight have ta arena onday Sept 13. naile nuise fast decisns. Grant changes arena $ figures PSm iniii'tnprioatigtît.t geintn tyaoi rn li$8,.m,00 Canin asti lt'screaion ie rsuel 1 or itikSinailnetieA thietomn 'rets gent atllers lin an esitra $imi inithe'fori i iiotto -aotahle tliroogli i'timiosItt'oCene geants llinItioeitihihs lmted tue lhe IninnigiMol lir too itonethicd itheeiai rng O roua ci i t 5 the estomaied t iniraisal ecanos ion the 0:50 ton, utinus $87,50,1. the pespused $;i,toii.tîî addition itiiitttacts grant onuld toc esi te a 75.iXWIt geant oniitil toi 1262.500t, on. trois t'oin itl tCentres sSOil ohoc o the' maxoismum 'Thoe figucr' ut $500 o ml am iOsttorettoroject. ho' imuot oterded lit ihe lit r intait hoosessri \cet '76 i'olnttuotie. ali fial tout thath[ceosples tnoogl i itm on 500a0.tou toî icludo' i cuoniuonoto' Ali tonus oiner thte iniotacto ronis tor mteeings, ahout ilic tigoeaceslaicd t on au ond or s iz of l clssroni.anti luisî lit Soitalt est ina te.,he undeci'imitunt Ct'eres l, olo) gel an osocl os $254,000 )egost laitiaiit qualfilles as cu train o uit ' Centres tur nseparain intsite r Snmi liatit'tipn .'iiits ee sent aitheiuo sappictio. bitttt Woman killed as car rolis !he car she %asî)ctsoogomentuo tienalled t10 the sne ai Oui)oflcontre]onitheic"co ipcoaietl .::itai. Lisn otie nni oto nitan tenNlte )eocgn oalhndt ta 50ia id netgltiicoing tacoinouso luer - 'The car, a convertie. lut il tisit, P'olicei'otiîmii the tome .liiden:îtsientolling over toi lieý accident as .3:30 îc , ânA ihcoiîg the isomas osto An aun)psy itl] io per- 5i ditch She dîndofiheadin- tonono thos veek juries Fosecat sereine mas Setd *Mrs ')'edy Genorge, 20. (il Monduy a)terouun a) the 1256 G;uelph Lise isas dnosoug Ruis)ey lihosmnahen tuserat >sith hec limothen os tais hume, Actos, witls bssermes) -Williamt iisuge. nonishe ni on P'aieneis Ceisetery lheanmcdiforces niatitoed in Mes. Gege issurvoeedhby V)artstnuth. NS_ ishen she childreuliargaceCathy and 'st contre[lettthecar mmdui Augela, parents Fred asd ilo seat ls, police said Mangue) lipear ut Hîllso 1)nproiîshg hscgh, toreely ut R.R. 2, Mc oGeorge os -mpruvng Actant and grandisusher Mms. sat is)acturi)y' - rnm Maude SpearuofActon. èbhrasous )aeera)ios asd She a)îend Wuodside L-onusios ,ilccrdi ta a pulic schout asd Ern high MitnDsrc Hpia schoo. The cumisisl)e's jua ut eaosing $02,000 has Seen eumplictnd by a petiihus sui heise circutated, wish)h callu toc a ha)) tu the sale o) the o)d aeasad a ha) I)ut the construction of the sois ose os))) aller )he peuple hune liaanoppou)isy thear conseil mosidy dus position. The nummoutee Sapes thut caslmât oi) mulaie lis position nery sinon and remue aoy doohi ahut isha) courue the Mont clubs Mn. Roisseysu)ed the)fund rais)sg cumisi)tee os scheduted to ment motS srie)cub ceprnses)atines Sept 14 tuprssestmlis planOf atOmeS and ash the service cluhs tue assbstance on the camspa Igs. Cuîue)luorJim Kerr upened discussion a) Muuday's commit)ee meeting ishes he oaggm)ted Se mas gnttisg )eedhach us Ohe location ut the rnn. Coaneoillor Don Gardon uegedithe cismi)teenut ta oltiistely ho a poltill decision ansd use thut i)) Se madeuusclacit, ineceetary Marty laputu saodbc hadldiscussions wo)h liayor Anse MacArthur and seecai councillons [le sndi- cated theisayoe and nne cecned ahut the peoteot. HoId ut Chaîrmas Roisney oogges)nd ehapu )he eummi))en shuld Sold off util )he crohicai decismus is madle. "We cas' muenahec'ý oaccems)o))y and huld off. If sont) aimers dus 010), the5 duhismii)eehas tu aimer lta stance," sasd public elaiuons chuinonan Jus Dilis. Luise drng ihn meeinsg Gos Mombray said, "il)i hurd to ge) the eaispa)gs off thenguandif cosi)idosn' go ahoadic. Wn huve tu kowi isher me aegoing"- DOsSuss Cuunci)loe Don Gordon soggesed ihal if )Sere masoa lu) Of tip'lloPpisg a)t the consii lee, the comitteein isighu ton) as isell dishusd hecue the hues of mueS and planning msuid Se ondeined. A mot)ion Sy Fred Rio arg)sg )he comisi)iee t )'natt)emis Ogoal as )omnnmsg Qw arna as ihdasn, aller the summumse mas advsed tshould oui cunfirm a position il hud soene tahen in te fieut place. Mn. Dis Oogges)nd o) mas counic)i No parade outside Steamn-Era liitu.iail rue renided thcr dit Sc %0 linonsEria panade thcaugh th, tlat li ureod. The tIalsedaY nomt hut- pareade.ortrs file lil a leO tlain graindis sia Main SI. tove Sera palu ulannrsotlf the labose dus aeeed stens id a))litae relations uer seal * sears.IBut organizero lhi, « %ean deoppesl tSe tueude due lu neeral pruoint ii nlugisg il. Sponores promise dall.% I Os)m pareadestiflequipascslin front sf file 7.01is'oeal grand- %1usd 5in lfin gritaiuds Friý dus Saluedu, and MandaY. mohich made the deuisîus t0 hein the sois rusht and il mas sounil mhieh mud hue lu reafflici il, if asyone domes Reporthng us hehuit of the publie eliatons summîione, Me. Dîlis saod plans lue the SicSut) more iseit onderay. Ou his remommendatias the cumism)))e ageeed Ou Sutd the ki)koff cornroat and dance doisstoms The cuismittle hud narlien ageeed Os hold tl uith n soi arna parking lt on Thuison Rd, "Thece is no nihosîasis lue eonhing cors sn OSe parking tut or dunin i .s thOe din)," ho Mn. DuOls resoemed the arrangements the commutee Sudl made On date and indiculod a suihen u oasu- comisiiens huA Sen tucied tiudeulsniihsrius aspects of OSe kScof0) Seoetdasnc Cors, Sut dugs and coder wiii Se sered and plans lue a siroei dance are Seing made. Teasunen Don Lougheed t0)ucised the cummiline the inoetas deparimoso mît) aium cotributions tu tSe lusdi to he tan dodoctihie. Ho nnpured iSece on $2,075 in OSe acuns already. Mille Ledwith said a londraisisg letioc monid hn going oui tu industries tis iseekorearly nxt eek, and ho suggested oscludîsg hrochures motS OSe Iloies. The brochures eoptais wmhy ho sampaugn s unseeosary, ishy the arna is Seing inneud and Sois the projeci os hoîsg losded. Gord Cartwright advised the cmmotien OSai Molton Jonor B's mmuld play uguioni ile Newmuent Jonior A cluh os a tond ramisg hocey guise Sept. to. Improve Guelph LUne for Mohawk Raceway ltooelinsal Publie osogoîfts icm congesuion us section mu tOhm pruposed noce- Works sOtiers mmli inesti- Sc anna OruckeS nc nd tshîe gaie tennis ofia cool nhunîng Appeotly :1,000 eues uîelphLi toe mmli lue signal)- peogrnn miili the Ontaurio tre expected On arrive andA tond .Jockey Clb o pay toc mi depari feusi îhe trucS at puaS 'île total cotimatcd t'on- peneements Ou île Guelphi peiodo. The plus advasced tn streonO cos[ toc the pro- Line. ' OSe sussiîne esuisins pused mork us$180000 Woeks T'he lntaio Jockey Club os mudesisg thn Guelph lise lu directie Sul Moore suind the u'spaodmsg tactioties ai Mu' toue usres frons Highisay onu Jockey tOuS lias agreno lu hawk llmcemay lis 40,oo0o thenexisiig soei nieasee 0usd the couire orS milS ihn .square leei ai OSe grasd- it 'nracemayl Aseillthe cegiouspayisghacS ts sOane s0usd. Acsurdîsg Os a report Guelph Lise mli Se oft t mn us1977. Thnnn i no provisin prnsnid ta the murhs the mes) and a major exit 10 ton tonds mît tls 0076 budget. comioen île addition miii theeuitlla hil eopendedtfor Tlhennresextnsionsmiî Se oscrese aimendasce astd raCetrack tirafile The ien- opening mu llc1Oh.' o ut tOit gain Oner 500 pnepl have sigoed a peiin euling fue a hailta thensalenofthe nid Armstrong Arena os Bren St. and the iisinsing ut Miltnn M'emnntai Arenu. The petitios, initiated hy Blanche lion. asks toms nosil O0 johus oito bath inan ecunumie hi iastd trum ihe point ni vien of peupl e s feeliings Mrs inton lid Th e Champion ihai usen 90 people had signnd andat leas eigh t sausassers s'III hod more shenis oui. The shenin yei tu he eetursed eould ne- peesent anuthen :100 signa- Mes Ilinion suggested the rnaetiunssau sponaneous. "l'e donc nsihingi people have heen somsng in tn the store signing ilrtasomeisho lent steong nugh taile sheeto oui Io he sigsed! ' She is proprietor ofMilton Var il Store, Main Si. Mes. llintonnanseuncval people huid otteed na assis) i anystia ihe cwid tisane the Brown SI, Acena trois demotîtion, Preseel petliin Alnng ith hec suppurters, Mes. Ilmntun s iii appear hnince Milton Coneiil sent s momentum 'i'esday nîghi tu peenn the in ihîs iismediaie aea Thny u cas nains 5S2.1 ion a peitioný She aimcîpates a con mat sthe ol cinom." Thnmpsus Rd. acena. u an largenumhnrnofpeplessii Mes. limnton nied. doniihere (Brown Siî" attend the meeting. . -Thats one gcusp Anuther "Thnre isa grr a iety of g-uop inciadespe aind Mauy questions areheng feelings. A lui uf the i es user, isho reekun the arena poshedoo Puicrnesang iffluent peuple lise su or neur h as neened os wisl anîd iheretihe iihcueenan Main Si. Mauy peuple du oui isno maison tu poil il duise un puhic skating and utero hanecars .Ifthe arnagaes, Wc paid tuhuild iiandse') di if puhicts ianspuiatri iheinr chîldeen sau't skate. pay na repaie il." ihey sas wu hl e asalai tu and frunt cau' I ateh hachey and cas i "A lotfpeople seem ita ithe nis ci play hockey. i is lime colneil siaried tot liteMs. uineo aeksoiedgnd "*Yii'd hensueprised hou, tilai peuple- e sojosidullars lhait esco ihe in a hit surn nianspeople dno'have cars aindensts, Sumnay that if piseduhaouithesumheeuof popin ihu are noakisg the effortîtîdrapin thenstueand Norval boy, 16 exetinoeoacng5m Iiîttot han reimd os peuple kille onn tuee tihe store, They D'batissîu A 1-yer ld iR. Nova leh oyuwashltîi4.10op.m Eeeslance a stars os the >out askiled Fida' Nhenandwastahes lu lilton peliîlionoas puhlished in ihis lis bicycle eecd toto the itict Hiospital papec las[ oeek. hcer sore has paii ofi a car Divierofthe careuan tid seesed as a isaheshîft **hot tIontin. Buelîngion slone trogne' ohene 'lTtisna, Joîhn T'ommys Penni atend Stiewart- reidents galher oa dîneuso Pecii il htghlY talentid lita Puhlic inehuul and local tonnes Dsuso îîîsocoaoo ho lad aut onusn %lilton itioct ighi ichool tues itahis siacîs n Oh the auandstforhis sigiugan anoaacihncol thhigh teens.iituin panti plasig 10) s toitsedng lis uchool biand and Pioneisw The petotoon os scheduled 10 it speed icycle n'est un noccer Clui hc pnsetelTuesda at a intentes Anc. nean the lth le uas the son ni Thomas mneetingut lton touscil and Line Ilition Ilois ohes lie anti htagacet Pecnot) and tht )slloonîng lioodaN tedr oeenedoniuohepoohutohn theinîoiom s etinnng pojeci are oesthoooilcehtcle andtvas F'nncal sersiceisas held eupcctedttinc eeieoedhsy nIcoiel aond kolird. Monday at loeniy. ooncl ALL STEAMED UP for tisu oseekendos 1this 1 a 1916 Minneapolis gas tractor, nwned by annual Steani-Era show in Milton îs Ontario Sherwood Hume of Milton, club secretary. Steani and Antique Preservers Association Steam-Era runs Friday, Satur- day and Monday president Dennis Webb of Beamovile, His steam attse faim gounds. ongine at lefI is a 1923 Minneapolis. On tise rigist Steam-Era show this weekend nostalgic glance at our past inicoi Eu a. tSe 160h asosal r-nota lit-tOntario Sint oa Antiqueo lneroners Aissociation. cuises to itono ilions oudas oenknd lu pcc- .sn anstalgic giance ittt t antada 's agricutra oeas Olnt hîopisg toc gond ounoilic aond anouler 30,000 cnosd,-"soolttcnts Webbuo) tinamucîlle, peesident ofi the lfoo unuîh cloub o lie ttcgasesuthettesoal steai anti anttique nutouipoin ci Fctdat. inaiucdts anti Mon las 'OSe groooids ar nclosed on ul ods about 25aniu nieais engines, tone m0 gos teoctoco. 2000 gas cognns Oait otodets and duans oei ce stored antique nons oa trckls oi haut. toui.rntbe grosol, pol. ehog. pop. spoier, pfls, pull, omoke and baektire arood the taie grotnds. Alihongl souste are station- tory eshihois, mass miii Se mobile. rossîng under iSeir toms sieni and demos- oiratisg ihein pioer-style SUIS. Steaît FEr tu tais stettot 'hou, lihugli tht nu ar't'cmenI'otttote ler osooug t or the tite Orsdn tutr e m il i a -atuti c ollot to aito' con'ý oo Atine inatoco its eria cut andsti rnmui zeil li utMiltont thauicer oi Coommercce torinaiocday at18 p ou ti m font oi îhe grandl ,f il ts l, i utils nin ulse t soppertmo' neS dl.\ Gruoouds arc open ai il Aotiher leitone nctocousg tra nusast yeor is OSe old-t5isc tlîcesliog competotuos, ouloeen uheanes arc stoohel, tootded and usluadcd osto a seponatOn tond OSe lics( tram uososhoeg sithesussen I0 uiegan ai itnicais at seu hout don toi pur meaihen coditions osiy as abbheve ute cuooiest mas Field. OS rot osins mais frois Saskaton. ,SS di 'aoictd tle hot eluSt h>s ixecondts to, 01i1 tht flti ,- tl Oa g t 'lis ve00 ' Ost cliIa ni, and ou 's heng toitllea, to 'ondnchamopion Daop' 'se .oent h publi. etl]ob pe i îl e îoîîtîîîc i nîihccl on Oog ooîg. Rosst C5gald litCg brideg limonst imident toi ý lin'tbil ,tpoiceteniotht to in omit iontce tht'di pgraittmt oiou S Thli club promisens datîs gades os the grounds, liuO lis pareade iheugl hiltoni Ntitl tond doootost Miliou un ctunceed thon nnac sou pat osons % il] hase ta go ost hm grounds to o mess OSe ena ut Buioldings motO house ai tique ionmîsg ispiemems. tood conessions. ovei stands, moucettaseoun an- moque diopiuyn. modes and specoul enhhilis. The oe ut SteaiEra plus a test Aemttssmatooterafitsin cludîsg mug Sonkisg, npisnisg andona"inm. nlIee. miss a cutic store ucli g geui net' C ad s eAda n ciment' plus o radi sg post shene *uotthtug anA m'snnthougouli oullcndlfor tOne oui Ohm sociAs largent, ol 79teocold, 66nisnle sti'ctlluopa us none of Ohic orooooo onhhomn plusucd. Oea un lit honses, Ohe nid con vus nicais orgao pl055 t 'Tht cOulis onis oi i tuoîothce spectat cohohît Il cuin toge legs oit dos long oedtieosino po.en. Amssiîoîn Ohms sean on $a tutu adults asd $1 toc childen mmmdcc 14. Ans ehîide ac- comopasnd hs a ceoposim adut anc adittel mrec. Et0tpisnt begunt mosîng itthOe tfoie grounds Monduy ou Ohms noSk toc the big shows Homne Trasportation o) Mii- moitis mnoeking muni nimbhe hig tnoeiur ndAsieam egises to Mi ilon and some ofil ut o Ontario. nnruAra -'a.-. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~' lit~. 4a..ssda.aaaau,

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