Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Aug 1976, p. 7

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ATOM PLAYERS FIGHT FOR THE BALL ait tihe Linsxtone-Arnolds game lae Thursday. Lirnestone won 2-8 ait E.C. Drury Scisool. Miner Soccer Roundup Atom standings tight L.lmrsl6vg pulled in16 g third-plage tic oith Brancervivtm soccer sadigs last veek with a2-Iiicxry Ilseroods inone of6 rive arde tir nither matches. AkV. lied Arnodo 1-l. Ki voo-îî'eld lragolor 0-2. llpliisiv lhirev totlîmesiovi' g-). and then brai iieaotîrr hy the sanne sgore, 2-o Krvin Baron ndMarkliroe sgoeed the gants 1for iimrsvoe in thihrrin. h, lthe Kinsîîrîî lgrg6errimatch, Grrigk Lollgnhracdtoxigrhrs; for thevîxgneev. w îth sîogel fi, Wgilliamv Brmh and Dlxx Chrisiriisen Diraî 5Vadenh6igrl and hvx Mosquito Carnegie replîrd for Braxciee, Tresvr Sheaemour and Tir Policrn vv- ced emals agaîxvl Lîviesîor for the' limîhs vho stayer] lxv points up on Kîxvrnen, 0116 hhearnur addîxg 16vmor tv fins total in the viii iver ii6ancier, John G;rîifith taillr! 1or .66 in their 1ie6« îîîlh Kevin Balles replyiog fvr Arrivlds. OiipIxiss 13 10 2 21 Kixvoîri 13 9 3 9 6 V,6 12 32 6 Arnold., 12 Il 1IlI 2 2 Meter loses.,j twice Mlo oriuiyCediUno movd Mr akt ae MMS ,ithiviig gl foina lurt-plae le wth Bowne'sin n a o MaKin added the third as xiosqgi oient* sacrer6 gctiongfastggeek on ihey squeaed pastiigogdianifter Scott lheslgeîggh figa2-iotralover Cagadian Rolvgeau and Kegv VervIrgele had 516166 MacKiniav s6v6ed gain for MMS agllst Iigl u o C anadairvei seond is Iavl I)ptioîlsis hvtiîl asv6neovgh as ire gîgek. ailir dropping a :1-2 deivi06siot H oustn adIleading scirer BioliLandry Miiton Machine Sh6p In a tird garde. voîîoi goals for ipllimislg llplioliit hegiNi 51512- iA. scheduied ganteg~ iv M . i P hriiioev Iliioies and Lienvs wsgangeiied liiioll o1 i hegggsc îîl:gghortagggofpIayrs artlig llo5igîi il] Ic ti t 1 12 666611 Hughes andÂvndrev Guilgrd wre lirovie's 12 :1 7 2 g l he iii ar ksgvî- for 51(6 in Iheir MccU E 1:f .1 2 8 sihilgo i ir l'ion1,10 il 1 il Il 2 Peewee D ufferIn h olds firstl 16666:166 cihduegg2 s piayed inpee nesdaîlUalh- C Druly Scheel 7p i ,ce housv i6ague s0666r lgvivgehk Coaches have oild a grea car 166c htao>Czîadîoî luvh picked up its pgovgel i he play of thr ie e ig fil pintxofithe fesse ina 2-2drav 611h ilsg6the lgvi16gg6eehs,2ad as he 66356 seco-63place Miltong Teavel, hut ihen test dira6,i6anevdithegOieviie xîggh lovgr lheie secîond garde of the weeb 1te ihis filthe lasvlOekxinh rgla sealon dI ision ieodîvg iigîerinosqiiad 3-i. ii %% L T tl 5i1110r3-esg66dix-goialiieglvlvx 1110il 9l I I 4 riverthirdplace Karen'si-ilwesxlxing hiiio'iravel 14) 7 2 i 15 ; 2 , f j ,ery lsegarniotvsayor pints Karens Ili 0.1 1 9 lli -hllnllDit leri ui thvonegardinxhand.The i 9 2 7 3ý 1:1.:1 almisplay cggh lhgei oxight IWd- [ 8 0 11 RESEAC tiîi his , ie rsonsbt of a lhr 1,161- attifer1 :îglhrits :id e, i h esarh ocets %WHIEEL HORLSE Rlw&arden tractors SERIES B, C AND D GARDEN TRACTORS NOW COME WITH A FREE COJTTINO ATTACHMENT '- Drap In Todoy SWhule 0ur SIection (ioited tie xffe Cornr of xigîaxy 25 anid O.rog Rd. South of Miioxi 878-8121 878-8121 Halton Fastball League The Canadien Champion, Wed., Augant 25, 1976 7 Hornby, LowvviIIe in dog fight TIire 1121111 Fas15,ull ock of pgg flgîil plce Hoexhy Faceoier Jaghs movedîluttea le for iirst xih ILoIegille Sami Roy Entee- prisefi xn iihe sireegih of a 4-i wixl ne lieir garde Tuesday, ibro botlaeas added lxx records inothee re s.e Hvwevee, t6e leagae las rxled ti ail gxrdes piayef iesoilvixg the Geoegetown Ch rysiers ibis yrar Ilo dexri out oi the bague Ilrexekaigu,he remved frext the staxings. Aller Ihîs wsdxxe. Lovvgilie slayed mefrisv ahead oi Hiorxhy in firvi. Hornhy split a double- headeewith Palermvo orti Ilsing 5 3 e 1in1g 4-0 t -"'I Ii 11111 ais 1 o 6o gllvt 1: IefauIt whes 6 gglîxg1io couin'dv field a tsa Lmsgîille loppien Wîl- liaros 7-3 irda the. splîi Ixv gaxies xîlh Hamxilxon Saxday. xîxxîxg 4-1 and losing e-0. Stuartlthefiaer Hvrxhy picixg acerr Stuart ixas the star Tvrvday. a0vxwixg lxx hilx and strikixe out 19 Lxxsîille hatters. firoluding eight vi the lax i-n me6e lavef. In the eighlh inning he struckout the side on6te miimurm oeine pilaches. Ail lise rues in the garde were unearned.Dave Yexm teirh the lras fvr Lovxsîlle. osîxeg Up four fûts white striking out six batters. Kinsmen courts open sparse crowd attends Thec Kîxoimex Parkh tennis courts inth orset Park al6we6 oliilily îîpexrii Wednevday gîter hgixg iioiillaiy ilpenei ghoutia vaeek earigr hl «xoleghhorlig 0o6 Sovil, dîrecior of Parks and tlgreaiiox, sgid ,ha, duriog 166 6666 belon- the opexixe tire loch fin the gaigvll he ennis courts hac lieen rrkent twic -1 bar] the gale, lvgkgîl lîgggvgg ihere îîîrc stll bulldozers andl hrgav v 1666cour-s and wc erc6 î-60geroed svonoxgvîghl gel lh'g K1060160 courts6 are the second cicri thi yer ar lier ihree cogrts- 1166 opv-xrd in Camphellil and- lh 616666er are ivgglrd vn tioLm6 Pavrk theo peolvg t666-61110es te anurchi-. plans tii estali h a16 th rev6lea te i î s Silîiv iii gg16o167 te 1-Near nids 56ex %ieli i6.r 61331 e aile iegîîxge the possibilisg etbding gîlea Mlion iîl ou 116611i teni- Kinsirils ark court ibis ai161 lhî-t (ive1al 1attend 1666611 es for livvoîghî t 6611oM , old ie hl0 iir- mort-11 p6upl- attend flic lepsonhtiregroup .ill bc split lsal aitipronArmyl, PIK UPTUC e proMîllote elt ceri VERYl UeSd rb aY Anw acrtu SKATE' EXCHANGE Milton Miner Hockey Auxiliory " New and used eqoîpment " Girls and boys skates " Ail hockey equîpment Thompson Street Arena Auge 30 & 31 Sept. 1 - 5 6 patin te 9 patin ol about I,ý people, ghre sgîd. "I kgiis ihat (hg soigli u neiiibis ciireovi gue Aller her short speec h the Mayolgr presented the red rihhvn Ie thc îxnr ofi tw l-ggggh piori sthe diigs coud vearth rihggns in Take a Break Murray Hod the sands-aggdthge tofithe 6636 on the-grocks Truxii bas lui tx chage Ilgd.ile.i tigli" igbegogie ;Geting te i cocktail pa611 [te il like Irving t646 603on 016663 go-roggnd ailgi- il .v Mole ina gi-gi hbe iii heaîiî ihenî .xiî g-lil. HobuI rip l.i MI :1 Iloo. Strrix ii. ialkg îiiîfond sl il cal il, ilgOgi irigiii Cone fi out andf iry or fixiixxg flot dxgs euih the xxrks. Thîl arr deicigiea %%e haive Fishiiiii- :1 iiz. liaddork on, ahbee.e.h h .1ihe tirrills. .1,grrea nakxon 6316 j,6 o ohlreA barees Sp Mail MeAoglly axd Stu King in thr second ioxixgitoputl the gamne mli o rearh. Yein. the olilier Yerxi vaxs the xîlig L her Boxv ua lo Jiacques Pgqiirîle Intellect a moue hîller inrSunday's vpexor a4aimlt Hamxilton, stidig oul12 BuiirkeHarrisoii and Bruce Carvrr had lxv its; each for Lovsîille In the second gmre Ire Croisait staref but vas reliesel hy Paquelte in the filh ixxîxg wi1h liaIitentll leading 4-0 6rgd Scott, thevîiig pighrr alvvredoy four hots. voof 1,1 ( hîa Murra Da.62 1 h: Ili ltalo homel5,in lhc 110i61h îxxîxg after Palerexi had scored uxearoderues in the seconidgand hird fora 2-0 Ici ii6rnhy lied the garde in the lufth 3-3, on t6 fûts, a îsalh, go errer, a hîl hatler and a ,vi13 pîigh hy John Ixelehaeî, Chaelîe MeFeeleev s6oed the 61001114 600003 disputel play. Hie was walied te iesl Ihex tamb thied on a vhgep lut t6 second hase, The relay lrvmd secod te hlrd was on i but the empire16 ruled Mg- Feeeo avoided the tag hy 66666)6s Axdy Tr66665 Trensgclairesthgl M6- Frei66 agr663 glleg the JOURNEYMAN MECHANIOS NEEDED NOW Due txeiipanio of or service depariggent. We require 3 gddîaitiona oreyie eegirg gilso- THREE JOURNEYMAN AUTO BODY PEOPLE We are Abertagîigîgest duai lin Ford dealersip and have just built abbandi gex vitra meodernibody shxp. tiile offer g top rivge and benefit package. Mgbg '76 the gggar og mdg the rîxhtit xe outiahern Alberta, Chinook Coxntryi. Pigage replin ogfideoce te: Superior Motors Taber Il Box 1119 Taber, Alberta, Canada TOK 2G0 1 Att: Morris Thonipson, Pres. Popular Bank of Nova Scotia Financing Johnson Bros. Garage 295 Main lit., Milton 878-0942 Town of Multe. SPARKS end RICREATION DEPARTMENT onnounces Kinsmen Park Tennis Lessons Wednesdays 7 Ilm - 8 p.m. starting Wednesday, August 25th Fee 15.00 for 5 weeks Instructor: Tony Petrov Register: Parks and Recreation Dept. or Kinsmen Park Tennis Courts on Aug. 25th AIso pleose note Playing Times at Kinsmen Park Tennis Courts: 1 Mondoy through Friday - 9 arnm. -4 p.m. No cost 2 Monday fhrough Friday- 4 p.m. 1 il p.m. Play os you play Soturday and Sundoy- 9 arn.- 1i1 p.m. Pay as you play Fee: '2.00 per court 12.50 per doubles for 45 minutes for txrther information caii the Parks and Recreatiox Dept. 878-7211 Ext. 47. garngie.- a ne lh g oui on the o ing lhi sigi Hîlgil bv Ken Arnold, Lesi:e, the seventh lion Rihar-ds Stuatd Way e Ei parent i he lests alIoiiwng il hitsv Ho-xby te 3-gi led in the Hornhy plays double ghied nuo6f th1e seonxd header in Buriggo Friday gaoufre and they added one beni pivys Palere Tmvsday rDEMONSTRATOR EVROLE-LS iL a .ll ta folct Cai me.O A gg g ý. rinwt odVsr 0y g ,. 655 , r g ggipndglg 1 oaegIxg1 , j ggg gCk"Pe e BYS a GIRL lto on odWoe Vcodn o eto ha4e o if s f ouIW50 omgo'csAferso Leaue 4ou Prinee St.,l, or atlle b ric Vno Holmeal te, îlo 6051 a lovera iale 1m leer t* 0000ail thdaI B ob "ie" Lee * 04,00 Adiîxggl Liaixo Egee BO16.0 ANNGILY Me Ln om nera Behv one fosDrv Milone lo Phn:878-1049 [ot& o]rg State Fgrm ofire an 0 4,0 i Cs uldin Comoranv $2,0 otns& esnlPoet

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