Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Aug 1976, p. 5

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1'* Ityllnd Jorred a tripte toto a homnerun. tey and boocb aar catcher bainoflcrd-basooca Mike Ker 'single, Ttte pltching of Jacquen With thte banen empty, oser 11ur catcher jant didnot fhrrm the hatt toto right ftetd In for ast nn Paquetto fnmhinod mdth the Gambtn knocked the batt to tiko hoing on fhn rcoiving attempttog f0 get Harrisno at camr ctose tuas hltting 9f nontro-flolder dmep right contre and trlod to ond of tl thougb." second on Smifb's grounder. Gambie c'ith ont Burke Harrison proeed toa stcotch thehbitio a hnmeorn Gambte atootoitched a gond Lowvittr scored their nthnr centre and strohc muchfoirthe iitng Pelham bot mon pichofi off by a game timttng Loovitte fa to cons in the third inning dtnary stngte int -taam Wmbaeaday as Lowvilto perfect tbcom ta home ptate ftne bita and ntrtbing ont five. whon Paquette ntngted, ad- He thon movod h Samuel Roy entaeproeo abat f rom, right fietder Mitch Lowvif le prodoced the onty vanced tonsecond on an tntintd Rtob Vaootnttne's tbeouwt» to advnae Iothe Lajeononse. con they roatty needofi in the oot andncored on adoubltohy but Paqootte ho seonademmdof the OASA Gamhte, imtead offrying fi cnt tnntng ohen Harrion Harrison. Harrison thon and sfcchoutn playoffa againmt Stmeoe. f0 stido toto home, con into wathod and scorod after Pet- scoced on Murray Daonon's man John Gamb Paquotto ailowed only Smith bnocbing hlm ovoo bot -theo Potbamn bita ohile failod ta hnnck tee hall ont cf ntrihing ont 12 hatters. Smltb's bandn. Trevor Houston c.igtorn n rvn gathered around honmer gpltbyatet O inthe thrd. ponhing and shoving tote Milfon's Colonial Junior homevorttfnishcogfsuc poiso bte Th, cmptitin hetween another irourad There sa no Icocse, defeafcd Burl i rgfon caf cf the fourf h and fthe fina Milo goait rn the mco teams came to a bail serions tighttng as teone thaf Braves 3-2 in a Hallin junior pfayntt spot. h hr nig h its g ra n a slam during the topaof tee nixth ssaofed Insuore hold hach hy hasehaîf fame played cf t ueo tlsgo cas an th lnîTre fnnfng anhbenchonoemp- fheirfteammates andno one Milto fair grounds og, 17. mcund for Milton in Tues- sosba singfe, tbe Trevor Itouston's grand nton'n smash off Grenke, woo e o psigad hvn a ejoctfrottecd. lwsMlonsfnlgm day'u game against Burfsog- e Armsron cr Slmin the thscd fnning stond suas loce refievod by Terry match lollowing a collision "If was a cleao play," uaid cf fhe regular seascon Thoy tn. Armrconsoe optfor Charles-Newman Stags Collins. hefweeo Pelbam pitcher Lowoille manager Boh Fox. hove heen given a bye s oc fe hortsdobe an lbey edgod Fobeef ttealty soati calte Taylor Gambie and Loovilte "The baserunner bnesu he Ontario playoffus i he -C" lie gave op tsuo efins on fsve ueured fthe go-ah 4-31tu w0 the tient annoal Foherf staged acralyin the catcher Dale Smitheinan un- suas going lto beoat so he Diviîsion. Milton dd lolsoabe bits. issued one uafb and John Kefman's d Milton Fanthaî Iloague ninth inosng. Ray (lriold succonnful attompt tu stetcb didn'hv ban chncehbut o the Halon Coony paycff sucb out 10 Iturlnon McCann ai oht toornament Sunday nsght aI sngled, then came homeon Rtary Park. humer hy Ray Tonetîs, buf The foarnament suas thaf suas aIl fbey eonld gel. origioolty sceduled for Auf, Roger Johnon and John 7, but the ftnal game suas teonon liad bita toc Slags, ponfponed ontil Sufiday subsle Polo tlasube badl o asen omf Sas-gen Foros Mîln Doug P O R T Foherta look a l-O fead The ouornamenf wsua suben sutoosof pitchoc Ed etgbffteam affase usthfbour S P O T S flann sualbed Tom Sargent in leamo frosu Actun and foor thecond 0f ng Saagen [romeî Milter safe came home on a lofg double McClaughlin, the lournament by Mark Grenke. organizersad neol yrar he innthe thtrd. fmosualbs and bopes lu have teams trom uh Caaan Chaeeo Page lire Wed. Augast 2 an error looded the hases, Georgetowun enfer. and nettiof the stage for Hu pehaps ssme frosu s abv dfW ing Pelhans 'oring when eout bit f0 lited an or- to a double. o second on infietd ont, ared domo econd banc- hree 'Ons in tarted il ott n scored on g's triple eon Oap anda DoovItv edrun o *Kevi Parker in i onhîr Stevr a singte. to figure skate camp Kevso Parker ot tBaltlon Hfts is one ot thr top 1t2 tigurr shafors in Canda uho base breo snvstod tn laboe part in a pecia1oeueek natioaltraining camp beso run hy the C ana dtao Fsg arr Ska fg Association. Parker asti joso 50 other okators trono Eastern Canada on a senssion al the University ot Western Ontario, Aag. 30 fo Set. 4. Amoof hts tettow stodeofs wil be tfoo Shaver of Golf aod Stan Bcftoneb ot Toronto, two Olyimpie ccompetitors in tInnsbruckt, Ausfriafibsyear. Sttaver and ohonebtinshed second aod btard in the nsen's senior chaonships tant t, 1976 0005cr, hlod Tolfor Crooston cf Toranto. Parkr suas iovifed an thc bauts atlas firnt ptace fishi those aadianNovce champoonhs ""Most fan tastic ... a' .. simply flot valid" Councillors disagree.on parks survey Oy Lee Fairbanks A Misltons Parbu and Heceeatson t)epart- ment survry conducfed fhss sprsog os the "reerea lion credo in the cnmmunify" uas givrofIo Cosssovl atîils lasf regufar meeting. A total of f36731 qustoionnaires eo distrihafed in Milton tbroagb The Cham- pion and public scbonîs, of mhicb f00 suece refurned In ordr 10 obtaso a more dotînsfive response. tîesdrse Glardoner, a Urnsvrsity oi Waterloo ossudrof oho dessgned thersur'ey, coducfed 15 pr sonal interviessin urban Mlton. The resulta nI tee questtnnaire more baed ap hy tee interviesn. Lint polorîties leaders orre asked tu number lhers pesorsîsos fur the fullousng: parbu. sodone sussususo pool. smprnved pfaygeounds, and " ofhee" Thscty-noper cent lsstedanndo pol as thesr first prsortysin Milton.a26 per cent prefered improved pfaygronds,- 22 per cent uanfed tensscourts frs,.and 17pr cent anbed f or paris. 51f the Ili cspendenîs, only 30 sasd the reratinfclte n Milton sucre "ado- qoate" The suroeyumascondscted betoce the cfosngofthe Armstrong Arena. anddid noolfuuchuon theneed foreasecndsce surface, affbongh sonnercepîsles voggesfed thse neod for more public sbaftog hcssrs, Itreation fond invsnaent A large majorityof people ouofnf83) frfffthaf ecreatson sa gond tas invs'enn on Mislton, obsîr 67 of 8f sasd fhey suould sontribufr In fond-raisng for the facilsîsos tbey fr11 suore needed, ffegarding progeamu, tee sorvey foond an almonl 0cmn splsf suilb 38 peuple fsnding the parbsfisdreceealion progcamucttrred by the fosuo adrqssalr, whbite 49 folt f fey Bob Ssoafl. t5arbs and Ifecrealson lfîeeclor sasd ho suas saisfied thaf bere asessough sisformation cootasord in the survrysunuwhchtohbane apoicy. Heonoted in parîscufar the support tor the pool, and the oresf for impcoved parbo and parbu eq ssiponnt. srveys itai -ffefsosfrfy there are largo nomns of mnooey bhat t feel haoe fo bc spent over the nexi fe ou ears (on parksi, nos only in the nesubdivsns, bul upgradsngco1uipment inthe older parta oftlou." besaid. Smaff sasd heconnsdeessitvvial lo onducf a ssmifar suree> enpecialfy in the ssrban arras evoey oneuor mo yers. The reacîson frosu eoncif members varsrd Somnelhougbfthe sure'yas verv usrfuf, and ofhersflourdsiîhiased and no representalsue. The Chamupson contacfed each Cuncsl member for ther opinions on the suroey, andhum, teey snfended fo use il. Anne MacArthur The Mayor saud she badn't bad tIsse tu, rrad if yet (itst a 33-page report' butsohr could read if some fissue in the faîll She plans Iss gu lbrougb il mifh Mc. Small, and lben prescrit sometesngto Couneil. She soid she cas "smprrssed mstb Miss Gardner, and very happy suite the parbo and roc staff." Asuforthe pool, Mrs. McArfbur sasdsitmas "domo the rond", and shonld ho slafrd in suifh the oesu bsgb sebo t 1o basîult an "bospson Rd. b ecause Ihat suas the ooly uay Milton coldaffoedftumaintafnsif She sasd Milton shossld have one bus culd nof afford il rigbf nom. Thr Mayor bopes 105se0 contruction starf sfn the sehont in the eacfy port of 1978. As toc poebs, the Mayor admrita "il's going tuohoSad" if thestandsnand facilities plannefi for tOosl Park are nol built nouri, but on the ofber bond people could sit on the grass to ..fcb a game, or bring thete on fnlding chais. She naggested Mapleburnf tomates msght ho ankeot f0 build soalsof, or another may may b ourod to build them aino cot Inte fosun She lisnta o acdhatt diamond as a prsorsfy, hotore tee sodoor pool. 'Cfrfassly a hall dfamonst sboufdcon sefosre lhr pool. she sasd. Rick Day "Itlhooght i1 mas oory snterrsting but t look il the vame may as 1 do ail au suveys- 1doo'f givesifmuchuwesgbt,"sad f ayý fSay said the questinons more leading, and people eesponding probahf y gave each qoestion about "15 Seconds' thooghf"- Ho sasdlthe urvey dealtuitgeeralfien, and ot rnough information man gisen ta readers, For instance, he sasd, tee question about sanfiog apool didnot mentionthe possible tas increase eod opay forsit, fusî "do "lou many peopleswuold ansmor no? ho asbed lie compaeed if f0 a sorvey cf college girls, asbsoghummasysurreuirgsn "fI cursr100per centsadftheysuere." Day uoncrdrd thecsurv'y migbf help uho the taspuus'proeitisuand teafmay Se cf value, buf bedoesot sntand 10 fighf for a pool josf brcause of thersorvey'u resffs. ffe uatd be wuod fibe o pool, "suheo sur can aftord tf" As for aned, beusaid. "If doeun'f prove a need, fl proues a suant," He lfsta completiono0f Kinsmen Park in Milton au a top prsorsfy. More espeonsiv devefopinenta can ho fsnished ohen Milton eeceivsu tas moey frumn tbe sndusfriat park pla nned for norfth of the Hsgbmay 40uf Thbis suould ho $2.000 an acre, be sat, aI- lboogb tbe pacb otlf ho "nubstantîally less tbon 1,5W0 'cres" -the ortgtnal ftgure. Don Gordon "l'batfsone offthe mmffantatsurveys v rseen,uaidordon. "If ildoosoft force fh how Io01 program tas sports oredu, sfere'u somnelhng rong"- Gordonsasouorprisedlbyfbhesupport for a pool. ~Thistoon isflong ovrdsr foran indoor sctmmtng Pool." [le suld lise tbe pool tu be pot in te budget for f977, and mooed f0 1978 if Milton cao'f afford il eot year. This islhe saine procodureued for overpassen andhrdges cbscb hacoolt heon hoili yel, he notad. Gordon supporta eacty complelion nI ton porbu, enpeciatly Ocot Park. "Id libe foci e kidu in noeaty undorsuoae ronossg araondcoverbheoe. We can'f let that much parbland go lo a 00fr 'l'herbey fa havsng tee pocb reasiy for ose nosfsoummer, besaid, isftontac tebudget for nextyearin Janaary. Then, hesaid, the parbu budget could ho approoel in t'rcary, ratfited itn Marcb and tenders coutd go outtinAprtt. Infthelastlfemyears, budget sessions have dragged on nbo ftbe sommer, and the suork bas nof started unfil fate in tee year. Gordonexpectatlocalfservicrctah uabellp in equipping the porbs, once fhey bave raîsed themoneyfor tbe toon's second te Gord Krantz Gord Krantzsaidhee ouldn'f remember seeing if itho saury report), aifboughbch suas ai the conicti meeting. "f don't recaif pufttng muchempbasis on t,. Aoythisg tinta (1ha1 long) I geoeoolfy thros in thr gacbago," br sasd. "Unaty a suey means more tas money, teains foc schoni "C'ant you av three per cent uanft ithe AS foeparbfand, "Ifhsnbme have eougb noissfand97 pe r centfdon'tforsdo yov ay 7 parbland,sust asater ofesfuppogif, per'cuent donstcarr'uhe abod ho satd. %fr' Parir 'ad uhne suas happy Io sec a Iffberuns foreelefio,he uopleson gocil respos tram fhe Diorset Park aI Brsf Parkbm i]fho"ontcof toc mtaincon- ouvruaod tereffort uodhbrcog- cern. 1 as dsappintd ilwaý ot dnc nzedAs furothe pool, she's ail for if if if's fhissyrar," b heasd. 5,0>15 oîh the nom higb school. Mefanso saidhc svfoohtnf for a Nay 'Ifdon't thnb i's a asolur ncessty. 24(hbopeng of thpark, and bcexpects i ff', ao aoful fol of espense for the fesu tssbhoeeadybyfiler. liersaidiltconsoud pol hwtil and the97 per cent wb gel o mrk n i ineary srin, s th loal on'[suare," sbrpointed out. "*lsuîlishoot haedhaif -trams van play on iL ae p u m'if bave f0 come to t:'" she "We'ff ho pusbing for tinS for uure,"hoc ata eobic said. tasteal> uite sac air fhsngs of more pressing nred, Hazel Porter castigben n epoardgm o oyu' "Tbe survoy suas ot represonfative ai tpopulation cf Milton Loss tbao bhroc Brad Clements per centireurned them,' pointed out NIos Posrter lobe suas ose ft the people in the 'f thinil ifosfbhusfui inseoose f "00010 ofbte osun» suho didn't gel a strvey viii paid attention to tbe pool, and ibore The pou eunrate meanvoclions are at of peoplewho don't car if t's draunf[rosothe survevorere artrary sine huilt, abiout 50 pee cent," sasd Brad tels. Cemto Art Melanson "Ithfinb ilmas a gosdsurey, atthnugb i mas a litiflo dinappointed mite tee retucon (foor per cent)t," said Art Meton "If sbows teat ost people are tntorested on athletecs, and pointa ouf tee needfor an MORE PLAYGROUND enaapmnutt was isted asothe top prtonty by many sodoor pool. id likr In see if bul,'" Melaonon ogreoni wifb the dreu tint tee of the reopondento to the t'orku and Recreatian Departmnent ourvey on pool sbonid ho bult suite tbe nom bigh the~ 'rgcreokian needs in Uhe community". "In utudytof the hroabdous îgivoo ho ira there Oas a fair nstmoer uho dtdo t cr.Somne ofthesurvoy mas passe 1fennis curta)," ho poinfod ouf. f'froinis fousdfheomtents nfuded se soeof the eponses Io bo snformafsve. mabsof smie valid pointa "'If shatsfd bo used as aguitderiforfthetoon's policy 1,-he said li boils cunesi cul thr pocbs budget 100 foo Ibis yoar, aod.suggrsts more mono> tromn capital boties sbooid Se gîvon to tho deporiment for 000 facîlîttes, soctudiof lieut Park. He ouadnft Se agaînsi a sfsght rsein taxes 10 poy for an expandod budget for ibe taon, "up isa certain point", "f hope or can gef the ligbfs and stands in Best Park for nex year," he aid. "ut or bave ta lobk ai the oserait viemo " lie meant (bas other dopocimenta aiso bave important neodo. C'iemrnta caiod forithegroups oho use sports facîlîfies thaf don't charge a ire tii help 'more suîfh tbe operatiof of fhem Ifi vafanteoru oold fine the hasehafi andi soccer fields, for instance. if sulcul a dosuo on operafsog cosis and fremore oney for capital expenses. As for piorities, Clements noted tat br hadsîo favorstîsm for one parfîcafar sport. vo heus no1 posbîsg for one druriopmeni ovranoiber. Jim Watson Jim Watsonfeitithe ucrvcas osvalut hocasr ifdid nstinciudrfthe rralorea, ohîch bcrepresenta. Oc saîd he s' dîsturhod by ibis omtîssion, and heosrr the resoits areosrd as potcyanotbor housrto- bouse sururyaofrralcommniîos soud ho fabroi -"t'msnorry the *vcudss'fgoinfofthece iua Subdivisions latuphoif ffrtghts, Ifroobevifle Estatesi) ,be uotd île beurevs the people in rural seas wouid noisupportanoindone poolfhoitith publieifods,hecaosoithry ouduot use i as oiieo, 'The rural peuple arr tho osers oho haut' to coofrîhofe the mous in the termauo money ion dollarsi and transpotalîion cost to gef there. fdon'f setho.o cae stick Eden Sf ifs and liromqusn for a pool mbeo thete chasses of usinf if arer;1n "f'firu'onclusion isuory Simple, Ifa pool sssîhoîlfshmit(i'hus ebiftprivarfy 'oîfiî no public fosnds),"* he sasd, fiatf000 crîfiied therourvey for pltuing f ao mueS umpbass on the cr0 peoplin taso ' fboy prabab> don*t ntood f0 viek aeound and pay forîis",hrcsaidt "Hou long have fhoy sopporterd the tas have cif the t000"" he asbed, "Ibree montes'" A', for porbu "As far as rmi cancrerd .e'vuioporbs comingoutof ourcars i pervonally fîbe tu ueo porbu cf a passiîvs' nature.' [leI dors sot support devefoprofti ni theftown'sparks, be sait, hocauseulftra gangsmwilfecongrogotc shece, and ho ponfeys parkuso sed foraling in.rathr hon organizrd sport Jîrm Kerr JimKrrdisageeduibfhe conc'fusions rrached b> lb rh sorsry thaf the mafors> o peoplerin Milton suant an sodooe pool. le saîditheiou nomhr ofirurosconveced bim Ibat Mîffonsans " are not ioo ',ure fbrs o ans an indoor pool"' "t wuadnft uant Io malle ary boy decîssons from ibis," bu oakid 'Oith the uery smaIl rsponse, f suadn'i put muub faith bn il" tlieuaitheosorsey quesftiosom'rrhassf tosuards a pool, and in snme cases sure msslradîng. He aiso nofedfbhaDorset Parb gos a largo shareocf donrf'o-oor sures, ustb mst ofte remainder a n uss, 1000 bosses or aparimonta. In genecal, be tels the rocroafico department sdosog a "fantasfsufjob" ani Mfilion lits tail bleds ilftacîlîtos As fiortheutooa',su'eds "55'rdont nord asrucoosfsrrna.hbutils ct o have. tfoe stîdt hase flur>' Suhool pool, an indoor f1oo5 proisahi> 'stuId have taben prîorty oser thr frons lerfes the pool ',houfd ho hoitu usfh tbe second hsgh suhool, hopefaf b> stared in 1978. ti cmil] probohi> tabe fuo years fa cosupieteý lie SuggesC', caîssof for the in- dtriral park, .aed lise tas auvrusmoof t tae ram ibaf lte . 001Idsfk ti Se t e pool issue placed ibishi yar's efocioi ballot in order fa get a greafr rsponse, and oîodîbaîîte surer% s t"scsroehat oui ofldate" afrrady iîruause il as akbehfarrfe ermsrong A rrua oas uiosed. oeil hofore the bootis cos i' amyheivîlle and Diorset Park o re bit Russ Powadiuk 'The faut bhat there cas a fîmifod repoosrsays a lot about theatisfaction of propleufowaudv the failtiîr' ce have noc.," Ils esplisîsirî bai bu' fris sures gel a rater rsponse tuiieo tho peoplr have tgrertu ilth tbutr ceighhors bhat sorfbshng os sîrdsd mslen the> have a v'omsoo goal, focaiu siighicl bue surur> a', a "gond (xriefor the sftdent G(ardor, and - a haodî- a fto yorrssssorfbîong t ssîdsmc ptooli' bu'lob Sutai>' lia', airralu decîded ou.* u soiatfhu reutsttrt'sttartitng tutomosd susîttrs sonme'ofithergu iruitogo i hasuý taout bouilding future 1lîbin evi'on ilassupuril inthe lasi Im erporticuofrlinoifvelopng 0015 builts ' aid tuoa asiuh leef', foture de-ilaaittettomust talie carful con- ',niuraiîtaloths'tmarketîvalue assessmont ssnd bhe laxatitons blanve '*fil mau]tfirus', esoonliailli we iirrasudseirs'su'h aoronaintohe lîbrarY fto cilset bue imspac't ai edovaioo in tarticolar anil the rga f of atrend ciotinus,fyrprsoasalwt erotngifor sajoîtiauusibt itttsistiug fitiiifrs' uneýfootis tutý usisel braougb public Marjorie Powys Marjorie Paowvs tef the sections ai She sursey dealsuf a 5h an todoar pool rrafiy uoidot bSeuosîmdeurd said Secause fboy ced eaf mention the possible uoSf of the fausity She shînku if the sursoy basf bld esdeos ohaf tho pool ood noeae ini extra taxes, bore sua> base Serti a differ tube cauld tîhe ta ser a pool Suifs, but suarts sodtvsduafs and service c'lubs ta sbare the inrunti o h os(, in tesn maneer tht thSe pool tn Rotary Park mas fosilt If tas prîsaiey fioosud tSen hao ded oser fa the f000. 'if sasuroro acird fa baud on indoor swimming pool ands givr if lo te tomn t'd Se ail for C" obhe jcbef lobe reuabfed, bowouer, bhai shon She Rotary Park pool oas gisen 10 She town samne propIe complisod tint tSey moii' base ifs pay theoaperastof espeses,subsuh putturs yen can'f peaso rveryhady, Mos Powys ferfs ibaf peuple shonid 00f lobk 10 the gosoromoos to pravîde rsory- tsog, buf shonlit look fa prîsafe groopa. "Aiiiourelsf govoromon don't operase as rfficienfy as free eoferprisr," sesad. Mes. Powys sas parsieolarly itfrested infthecomsuents section of therncey, and sIte sofends us sonn ve of these She look exceptio, bosuever, ta oe part of the sur- vr3, su'tch ufaîsus Milton is iacking in art, deama andusic, "il sua", Se rue about drasua" sbr said, "bas aelhate omaoy corspeple don' bo ubief core 1 go lu," Paquette, Harrison combine to oust Pelham in QASA

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