Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Aug 1976, p. 31

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Female ROP, tester enjoying her work on Halton farms By An. taupritit-Nieaen Some Trentaine Rd. fta- mers did a douitle taire tant weeit mites a976 gotd Dusise pulird tain tteir drivemtay and a dariritaîred yossg iviisngot 0ut and intro- duced iterseit as lte nete R.OP. tester. For aithougit women itroirr in10 titis lraditionaliy "ait maie" occupation astlonigas tive years ago, titere are stiti only siti tomate "Rfecord of Performance" tesiers in att ot Canada iind Sheila Arm- strorng ts tite titest ot tem ever torroririntisarea. And, for itis resson, tar mers are rindtrtaodairty raught offtgard by er intro- duction. Etipeet saies puit "Evrone etipecir me 10 Say l'on a salespernon or a Jeiroraits Wtness," tire tasgitrd "Tireir expressions rrally toiange vires tiiey tind mioati i tirere for, oýThe initial assomtion tit sites a peddtee iv pre- valentirerauseste arrives wîtir ssiteatr and govrn- ment lesting kit in tom Sireitas job oritir thr tlepariment ot Algricuture reqoires lirai sitr brr on hand foriroth tihe mornîsg and evenln mîtkîogt at each tarmtetlhe r'isitn. Stays ntrs»it And havinglirhome inSt. Partsir nrar Strattord) makes daily comiooting im- possiitle. sa Sireila gets 10 iry ot a nearired vriuallyrevery nrgiri Sire raid sire rruatty dropsi inai a gtverorot-de- signatedtfarm ai about 1 or 4 p.m and geta ready ta lairr saspiesrntra tire evrnîng miliig rUien tva ornesr ofilI ar serrred anît aireiedftrom cacarir rr.vie oirs ire satepter in a sciai brot tar tire nigt and garirsdetlaihave rapper aitir tire tarnot iateit and araalty rpends tire esening itii tirem In tire tarnitg, sire iras brreairfataîiir tire lateity siro srere triai steanger [rtis titan 2i iraurs iretirre-ard ireads for tire brarn ta get rateis front tire msrning milkîg. Sire liren mixes tire "ate." and "p.m" sampiro iromn eanr ente togetirer, and tests for itleriai content aller rentritagisg them amit sorte suiturie acid Witt iter vorr ouf of lte way ry 10or l a.m., Seila la otten invifed f0 stap ai tire fat for lancit brtrireading off oniter nist signment- asualy jasloptteerod itnnkkeepiiig Tire atternoons are Sers toi rnOOy, irat sire someli'mes uses lten to1 do lte brook- ireeping mork ltaI goes vilS the job. ' Tis inriodes reirording lte veigita ofthlie rotes and raicittaling botteeft cee- rentages on sperial forts toi ire sent tai lte Production asd Miaeretsng Oeanch ot lte Cirpartiment of Agrrailauree'î tivestorir Division.) Siregoesihomteo slayvitr irer parents on thir daîry tarte in St Patits nerey errry weeirendand sadoite is aine ta monoz veekendn tiraugir irien sire vanta ta taire thle or tour days ott together diieing tire veeir "Tire arteers dota rare viren t crme"rire erplained. "Tirei ataayr telt me il's a seren da a aeek jobrand tirer have ta ire liere an> sray. Sait tire flexîirle irurs arr any ne aftie tirtgs Shiia tiker abouiat ir joir as Ril P, tester- a paositioan sires irrtd lai' trrer fornis, t ; rea for iras% et 'lsgreat Ir travelling and meeting people," tire formoe -li'er saîd. "'l aa taire ait saris of irar Intacts rn tie coauntry tiait yard rerer Sire a cirance ta sec driviro ta rark everv day aa tire "Ad4 rai, aevee linoi %hiereyav'irgiing toireivao v erraapari or n iraigoing ta offet tire test doar" Sirespent Juiiy etingteik aitartes in Erir. irrtan. Iarioi aad. at and Guaelphrand no as a listaof irerds an tiakirvîe aod Miltoan a"Bur I raiid ire sent ta Bramteaon ar tire stirer ride nf tire 401 sert eei site sai "Yaiiaiwaysihave toire up arnd ready ti mare.* Gt used ti her Siteria nlatts il's noteas dit- tieuit asaltsomids leiravenew mai parînees and lodgings eer day. Mmlt ofthlie tarte tamitrer are used 10 itaving an R.O P lester drop iry every tour or tire weeks, s0 aller a virile yort iroli jsst sort of lears 10 gel atone," sire pirilsopiried. And, of rourse, irarîrg tire iarro barirground tiraI Shirera does is a treteendous arset virenronversing arer tire dinner taable. Whrite grovrog rap on ir parlentsdi farte sine spent severa years as a"Jnir Farmer" and also iretonged« 10 10 ageroatlturat and 19 irosemairg clubs diiriog' irer yeasas a 4-'er. tintario Foiirn lioesn Sire vas rirasen Diry Prrnresslfr areroty and amIt onr tu ireome Ointaeio Furrov Qaieeno 1973-74 vl as Shirera vira ireped pramte lire Internatirnal Ptavang Matrhirn George- toms tiraI year, and sire raid sire got 10 nort a orteier if people in tiatn County tirai autumo tirrougir Gearge Svarn and Roay Dvs. thet miatchr pririty roirter As ir geseeai egin in- larder tire sanirîpaltîtes ai Ration, Fretl and Hameilton- Wentirrtr.a sir aid sire irar an aorasioaa reiniron vitir fiends rire met irari tren. iirvired il sire gels any speriai ireatteent" aI varr ireraure of irr tes, Sireita iaagired and saîd. "Ohir. ilti gei a god razzie tramt mitk trucki driver., and tire tarmeer aisays te> ta tirink o a ai trigirt far tee ta teet liai airer Iran tiri 1m Oeil iuo raiv wri iist rs arc maie tlortesrter oaald ire" Airatindes sire see irsei dring in tire fture' -Itplatafnishrtey S.A ii pardearer'aourses aithretUni [atil.' sire raid, irai qionir vevsed irer vrnging and piana pia> mg a re mrieri ai a hobbriy Iran a>tiig. ".1'mgoisg tvirean arîta tester untl Ii' 92 yearrai rire ved. i Tire Canadien Cirampion, Wed. Aagusl 25, 1976 B 1 1 Police Insuirance aaorsaa ir,, tier il va id Tirday tir frceiras a s1)oi oa drdairtrire rlaose svery time acusri steisiedaup Glienn lia grasa. Gerge- 's ia. rad re isard tei drdartirr claure vas terre lirellyon as> IOW We pay ail rasîr af damages. Tiratios eedirrtous. W'iai cre iv vsrtr $1000i tir et Ke raSkerret suofid t)epaic ('met Fred ivre si Id ire iras di sssed tire vair jc irriaorireoaiand differed aith tire Inn ite mayar' ropirior lie sard ire tirsthe farcr' ira., a 90.50K drdsrtirie B0 arretiiespiainedilusrinter preiritionr it theire rac PRECISION ir important mhen tesfing bufferfaf leveis in mîlit forF fed- c'lause i lirai il tira forre iadt eral goveroment records. This specially marked straso tube device lirereocrsvinao gaeage and ensures R.O.P. fester Sheila Armstrong tha exact iy 17.6 mi of mîfk are tiireeaa iree and damage mnixed witb 17.5 MI of suifuric acid-every time. When the mixture iras ~airvnird; Io rerff tiren tire been centrifuged for five minutes and lurns black, Sheila adds hot mat er Siillon ard the isa ped and matches fthe butterfat Fise aougld proni soif 1976 International 2near Walkerton solon SHEILA ARMSTRONG iras been tenting local farmers' milk for butterlat iS recent meeks. Tire 2f-year-oid is the first fernale R.O.P. tester ever ta mork in tis area. Sire ara tire 1973-74 Ontarir Fiurroso Queen asd irelped promote t International Plowing Matcin Geotrgetown tirai AOt , viste's are goor thlir 1976, Inrerni200ri Pi'Oiaoig Mortoir arno Faorn Macier iv lire "r 1loiîvo ando rei'rrefort Ci, iroro afontloi ....li'rlhomeio i Oziiiii"' Tin r ovoorlr 111 o'opCooooor h'liev pri " nue 'roi' rairioflv'on 'horot pur friri' a q ,ne t f ,;tiroir Io' lo' orîr' la tr iu1 , irnl pa iriil oooaiîrîororîin li en' ' and'irllo i Or \ooî iii 0'c Looraoroo'oo I oni" k, Oivsr f00 i lii" I lopelloi lo r' , iLio l'ui ri' th ilO' ,,0 c lii tc l ri' r plouOr ,l o lu1 fi 1 aetoolto loihioonoto'vldlrit , ,loorookoo1 l I oil tp o l Oi r' t ol r i , o i lv'it O O'O oll il,- t qlO 11i ont . r I Oil , f r , oirl o thorro qiii 111, , , -c cr lx: Resi oha $.0oie i na prie li b $2,ou hoMrore ond trie* I Dai.ýpaads tatrig op CONTRACT & S fan, ir rrachiierv. sto irn girigi ir nv atre, Oi 'i riro oien irdariou flair0 iarrvirrra'hoafrpe lat i rt erv rardle -111oiiriiioriecrnariira Tn va'rl o ' r eeîrr'v ng T i erent addition mi t ro lo o r p u ullcoese Elerîriral, Heating and îi""iooi l o, Or Pamping SYsteter 0 ar i a' Jedoig .igriiiirai fril h 1N A D I ARTHUR A 8 8 JOHNSON 0. D. FR78T FI OPTOMETRIST OFSTEI 214 Main St. 3153 STEELES Mo lIon 878-3673 MILTON Moi-V OVER! Elsie, Borden's famous Jersey, is caught taking a peek over the shoulder of chauffeur and companmon Edgar Thompson at her own newspaper, The Elsie Moos. The tab1oid is published for visitors f0 Elsie's Boudoir, a travelling exbibit where she presides with her tisons. Over ther years. Elsie has heen a regular feature at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition and bas sppeared at fairs and plazas acroas Canada. To date, the exhibit bas rsised more than $500000 in donations from visitors for various charities, and bas provided lbousands of children with an op- ortunity f0 see and learo about farm animais at close range. Elsie wll bappearing daily at tbe CNE, from Auguat 18 througb September 6. Murray Burtt'vs Service Contre at thte corner of Hiwy. 25 and Steeles Ave. e Self-serve B.P. with full two bay operation Ie Specializing in tune-ups and compiete brake service e Mechanic on duty frorn 8:00 arn. till 8:00 p.m. I5 days a week and 8:00 arn. fi 6:00 p.m. Saudas Princess competes Halis ir P'riner %lis.v Ber taodiaoo on111 irtepete in tire O nto orý Prinrers rrrapiioa il(ti (',a chdan Naotioalr Exiitiono .iAg 30 ai 60 pm tiethirs a iest n Glhstirdent andiras lîî'î' e'mpliarce iei Ci'iioanada darerng fil c vii mm'[il) Br arion ai ie a tI Bella iiavîr,,rrrd liii 1000 lore Prrî'ies, lavi toeeerr TWORUNREDANDSEVNTHINA SRE :,.,.A Mark of Progress in Milton A atitsnack ar and conesasionbii ng t is esa ee te titisirommer aiKnir oseraratlo0nAeea. torili coas sggaaand seve teopar arrritn Constrociona isoea e ar e da anbotlucig re. lit rompelilire raies / U i~ N U R~ 208 Main Streeti E., Miltan 878-2894 fi SPIIA 511111 Bacitraitier Solution Livestorir Spray Riar spray Forqi g asong coc Cudi Vapon co.00, 1 r loir rloos pce lo I tonS i aor i ii , ' r isi"" ai lie No dilution t 1-r si4,lgrd oeIl ' qooer Spor rrcty ono c1i, "' 0oi .216 20v aial ga, Read, 1 st k sl FLYI I1 SlAI~ Stock Fl Iwdr l Bart Granules Couse Powder rosy boneoietd.rlorg wr loriogal Eeîr teckO pitlr ad fioear il 'roriyrro oair Con- lent suppemenrrteOspry l', oo 11 o ntreric t oisrsad marrrgroes loy Approvno te' uoser _7 O 55 -[abe, 2 il BRONTE ST., MILTON 878-2391 PLUM BING Nadalin eleciîic announcen the formation of a new Plumbing division to undertake idential imercial istrial ERVICE WORM service Il iomepliment 00e Ar Conditioning, and trairions. ~LIN Ill] CIENT SERVICE AVE., WEST, TORmONTr 826-1223 DEMOSTAR 1976 CAMARO LCT. COUPE Jack RnohardAM EM RONS T O RDM'B Mv 5 oOOialaoi20001

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