Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Aug 1976, p. 23

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Tbe Canadien Champion, Wed., Auguat 25, 1976 13 ~IiampiouoEdkdep Dan gerous precedent Hilton Council bas set a dangerous precadent in approviag a project wbicb did not clesrly meet tbe town's own zoning regela- tions for tbe particular site. Council membera approved construction of a building for a use tbat conflictu witii a clarifying by- law approved by tbe same courcil juet last year. As far as we cao gatiser a meeting neas beld between a repre- sestative of a commercial firsa, tbe mayor and tbe planning directar. Thse represantative then procaeded ta purcbaee land on Steeles Ave. opposite Oakville Autamotive and make plans ta arect a building. It neas some time after tbat wben a building permit was sougbt, tbat Building Inspector Ray Weido ba- came concemned about a by-law Ibat probibited retail uses gi the tend zoned for industry. He sane "large grey areas" and refused the permit untit councit coneidered tbe project. At tbe council meeting Clark Jack McGeacbie ctearly eeid tbe project was la contravention of thse town by-taw. Ha euggested any 'grey ares" wes remnoved lest year wben counicil tigbtened up the permitted uses in thse induetrial zone ta preveat retail uses la tbat Tbe project le a "Do-it-yourself centre" and permitted uses in tbe zone are a buildere' euppty, a tradesman shop, a wbote'sale outiet, a service sbop, a mark ebop or a marebouse. The cterk pointed ouf tbe operation contemplated is primarily a ratail one and is flot ac- commodated witbin tbe exlating by-law. He suggeated a rezoning would be raqwired to Iegally clear the way for the project. During tbe debate thse Mayor acknowledged "I did something 1 shouldn't bave, 1 gueaa", but coulncil supported thea action and autborized it to proceed. Last year council's action was ta fortify tbe intent ta keep retail uas out of induatrial areas. Counefils action bas now been ta draw thse whole by-law into question. 'The Planning Director R.J.L. Zaandanyi told the zoning adminia- trator tbe project *basically con- forma witb the zoning by-law even tbougb tbe type of operation possesses retail-commercial facets inberent inalits design." ta an explaaatory note witb tbe by-law approved st year it was stated: "In an endeavour ta lisait tbe establisbment of future retail uses ta only tbe commercially designated areas, as opposed ta baving large retail areas created witbin tbe industrial zones, thse Town proposes ta delete tbe pro- vision in By-law 31-69 tbat would shlow tbe creation of future retail fluer ares, witbin tbe industrial zones as an accessory use ta one of tbe otber permitted uses ia tbat ares."1 If would appear thse council bas supported tbe mayor in broadening thse terme 0f tbe municipality's zoning by-law. In doing so, a dangerous precedent bas been establisbed. A Canadian of note Canada has a bout of interesting personatities nebo are too abten for- goffen in the onstaugisl of Ameni- can-oriented uuper beroes via tise televfsion tube. Itomas gratifying recenfty fo pro- viem a CHC-TV drama-document- ary on the tife of Lord Beaverbrook and Iatk briefty mitis mriter- producer John McGreevy. Lord Heaverbrook-Mas Aitken- mas born in Newe Bruns- mhick ia 1879. Tbrougis a cam- bination of perseverance, energy and siseer bravado ho becamo, by the li me ise mas 30, one of tise moat- thiest mes in Canada. Haviag acisieved enormous mealti ho iseaded for Engtand misere ise la- votved iself ia potitice and quicktv became acquaintod mitis the principal politicat figures. He mas a zeatous press baron, and bis popers more tise leadiag propogandista agaicot Britain got- ting invotved la tise Second Wortd War. Tisera le mucis more of Beaver- brook and McGreevy bas not covered att tise seamier sidos of bis life la groat dotait. Ho bas cisen ta try ta prenant tise man and hie drives thaf took bisa past 85." Ha han probed la interviewe Uhe aspects that fitla Unte gape tisaf presont a futter picture of an amazing Canadian. We don't offen plug picturos or tetevision programe. but mison Uhe praseatation in scisaduled ib is mll morths a took. Wa enjoyed if, porticutarty la a Maritimes set fiag misera so many tomas and citias sisow tise bessefit of easverbrook donations ta community projects. Commen ting brie fly Tise salion's postat service is probabty une of tise mst offen criticized deparîmeals of gavera- ment aI any lavel. Tisa quantity 0f mail tisa iu misdirected is in- credible. Eacb day sevarat pieces of mail directed etseesra reacis Usis office. Recipients of isis mie- directed mail can't ha btamed if Ueey ara frustrated at mistakenty opening, tisen raturniag if ta tise pont office. -New Ontario regutatione banniag beer and soit drink cans and ensuring province-mide avait- abiiily of refilabte, raturnabte con- tainers, puis tise anus on tisa eus- tomers. Witi tisay opt for refittables and belp cut dama on poluetion pro- btems, or miii lisey kaep using these Urom-amay containers'! A plama in tise Oakvile Journal Record sisouda't go uncisattonged. "Tise raglonat counicillore must face Uhe fact tisat tise dumpes gotta go up la Mitton," tisa poper as. Tise rationate for soma rogionat docisions le maird, ta say Uhe toast. Deating mitis an administrative centre, if man argued Uhe site sboutd be amay frosa tise gela- graphie centra but close ta Uhe cositreo0f population. If witl go bn Ookvilte. But a garbaga dump- nom tiseras somaeing me can stick la Uhe geograpisie contra 0f Uhe raglan, watt amay from Uhe masses. Subject tn Uhe msand misises of Uhe tectorate, Milton could again have Ueree former scisool teacisers repreontiag Uhe toma at the rogionat councit lovaI next year. Mayor Anne Macrthsur, a former isigi sechoot teaciser, bas an- nousced iser ptan fa seek ro-etec- tion, as bas Councillor Jisa Wason. Couscittor Marjoano Powys bas an- nounced siso is dropping ouf of potitice fa ratura f0 tise ctaseroon. Couscit;or Jim Kerr misa resignod recenfty f ront bis job at a PeeI scisont malt rus rogionally. Mayor MacArthsur devotes full time ta politie miit Cousillore Watson and Kerr are botis currentty emptoyed in reat estate. Philosobits by Edith Sharpo We should ail feel "aI home" with nueý mevs e nuist hase a gond opision uf oure selses in order 10 lise file. me nbouid Olnd oursevesinolly gond company o ie it. fli sut the ouilgs ysa ta16 aout, su matter hum ise and rue; i ss' the say ynu seenn O lise, soir aven the things yu do; iO isnO the creed pu catI ysnr nsn, noc 1he moOOos on ynur ssII, the nnly thlng thsi really counts, in whtOs in yonr her- thaf's ail I. 10mss the cany briends pu cale, il's ony the Iniens ynu keep; il 550' the yos teO people anS, Ots the real pu ducs deep. 10 len't wht peple uap yu are--mss flet Ilem talfik an fisey pfese; iOns chat yu knnw yu are inside, for whaO enoastaatI "Cd"ý unses. . es. Sugar and Spîce Nom that the Cames are oser, and atf 16e Leurs hase bers shed, fts lime 10 fook ahead 50 the f980 Otysnpics. Wbaî 16e Internattooal Olympie Coin ciftee seeds lise a bote on the head is nom idean. but f'It gîse tbom one anymay Il's simple: gise e-rerybody a second chance. fl sure people fîbe Debby Onul and Bruce Simpson aînd Y'anbosîcb Slrc- zlwvmsts uîtf agreen lbt me. Mmstoftus ge a second chancetin le, nhettîer fts fattîng doms on 1he job, fm paired drising, or being maried.Why not 16e Oltympie athtetes? 1tgot asecond chance once upoa lm and 1 mas ecsfalîcalfy grateful for il. Il .as a 1fung lime agu. and the ffIympics had bren cancefled foe The Duralion. but there weesneprelly 'eros games in prugeess, tus(îthesame, Ilts one ofte geatironies, and My students stnpty canftunderstand ilmhen 1 try lu esptain. buf yourn lruly. and a lot of others. nere invotsed in a bitter cons petîtios, Weowre ryn toci becume tighter pltots, su me coutd te bîtted. lsst finat silty? But il mas su. No fflympie aItefe soffered any more las- sîonanxiety, ortfrustrationfbhasue did wh il came 10 16e bog day. 16e finaf esenl, nue mîngs tesf. Long before Ibat. ut course oere the etisoînattons, First onr nos 16e physocat esamînation. Ilmasltougb. Many ayouth witb dreams ofdicing tbroug the couds insa dogfigbl mas sbot domo in the M ff s offe because 6e biadt fIaI trot ormas coor Nest camîe theretîmnaey braIs Thene bee nomn as Efementaro Flyîng Training. If yon came througb about 60 boues of ityîng training o tbout beîng trrîbiy air otcb, mithout bouncng more iban 40 belt on landongs. and ntoul runîng sf0o anoiher aiecrall and bîlling yuursett, you made 1he enei-fîsals. Wr licd in constant teae (f6, ont ut bittîng ourseises. Nobody mas concerned in thr leasi about bhai The dread phrase mas -washed oui" 'ibat meant tbat ion nerroltgong tlbe Ibat dashîngloigure- a tîgbler piflut-but ibat vrau nere boisa lo be retraised as amere navgaor,mirelessuop or lai] gunr Inutheruuerds senftotuhe Iftyou sursii'ed the braIs. off eou eni t finîsbng sebool, bsumn os Advancedt Fiying. l'is mas tîbe naiabng the Oflympic leam. but bsomîng yuud probahiy finisb i 31st place. f mas sent. o 16h a lot of olher yuung -idosdysgtlbebîilled, leoCampfiordeo. Iîmwanquite an augast group inictudisg ose Jabe Gaudaur. the large, joviaf gentleman mbo is nom the commîssae of116e Canadias Football Leaugp, Hi. Jabe, Dropite tbe augasioess ufth1e group. ne traînedîincid-uintr. We flew nsnomooe lasded ons no, mie ceasb-landed sf5o snou. a nd occasionally an intepid studeot, usuaiiy an Auniralian, prosed once agaîn thal an aiecrafi lallîng 6.000 ficet wiiinot penetratethe ceoflleorgian Bay. The mbofe deai mas notunl îe Napoiron's roteai trom Moucoa, And att 1he lime. lmerîng osee our shouiders. mas the ugiy face of ihat lbîsg callid Washed Ofut. fI seems incredîbir. ioobîng bacb, ibaf memrere inucb terrorof ltcreatare. If ail 16e young toilons in the oorld liadt managed lu hase tbemselves masbed ouf. iberemwouidnfthave been anyone fo fly and bif and die. But mc sufferet ai the palpitations of Olympic contestants as vie edged cior and clouer [o thal triumph of Sada- masocbîsm, the Wiîs Test. This cunssfed of about ose boue of pspcboiogicai torture in mhich the student fies the aircrabt through a number of uscomborfabte and alarmîsa enercîses white as imftructor, nolisa n 16e front seat, sarled imprecatios Came my big day. Eserylbing mas great.1ites steking like amino. Ilcwasn'I quife seuwing, but il wasest qaite no1 socng. And the întercom nasoft working. Noemaiiy. ibis usni a big deai. Tbe in- tecno s jusi a iltle sort of tefephone nil, shîch 16e instrucior shouted on- scenities and the student ground his eeth. 0uf ont a Wngs Test. il cas be sonnething mure han a mior nuisance. My in siructoenwouid shoot ai meto do a seep lues to the reft f mould ouros ai tbr mullled inosteuctions and do a loup. He mould ' vel at me to do a loup, and lid do a sloppyslooroll. Aller bail an hour of Ibis 6usnd mans bluff 6 le îodîcated oîtb a leroctous 0910re cf bis ibumb that ho nas taking over and %c coere goîngioaiand Werdidý He climted ion) opeccbess.icimbed ouoitbmy tai oie)) betorro my legs. liust loobed ai me, asd shob bis head. i justlooked aihan, and wagged my tal. A SUNNY DAY during Ue week provides s perfect opportunity for somte local emimmers and boaters ta onjoy Kelso Lake witbout cronede. me bo16 bnets that 1 mas Washed Out. Ho osaîbeo amay. t tooked around forson immediate meurs of commifting suicide. The onty thing I coutd sec mas a whirling propeler and (batwas a bit essy. There must, of coure,e aclimax to fhis fascina ttog narrative. And tbere is* Nextlmornîngf m as mopîng about, feling as thoughtd't ust earned my mothermwas a prostîtole and my father a qaacb abor- A otce "Smiley. gel your goar on!"- Anoîber înstroctor, sstdety on as a Mean Baotard. Wr look off 1 bale 10 brag, bof mîth the carefess abandon of ama oho bnolcs 6e ts off 1016te gaffeyn anycay, 1lang tbal arcraftlaroundthe skyin a dreamb6îingsTest. Ttscdaystalter,t1not ontybad mymings, but liait suddenty becomr an Offiror and a Gentleman. So0 Eservone deserses a Second Chance. And tbaf is My contribution 10 the XXfst ffympîcsý f'If let 1he committee figure ouf the detaîts. O'URDRSDR WRT] Labor is co-operating Oakville. Ont. quarter of 1976,36 provtded for a cost of liv Augunt 17,1976, ing attonance (COLA) and the average The Editor, annal increane in base rates for theur Settlements mas 10,1 per cent lexcluditg [tear Sir: the effect of the COLA clause) .The remain- In the baffle agaocut inflation, viith the inob 67 setîtements wsdhout a COLA clause Consumer Price Index sbowing defooite provided for an average annuat increase i sigos of moing steaddlydanard onty a the base rates of 126per cedt 6.8per cent icrease July 1975 lo Juy 1976) Iuring the 12ncontft period ending mith aud from negciatioos prmceeding betwero the 2nd quarter. 1976, istarting i August busineos and goseroimeot os peofit 1975, 3 montbs before the Ainît Inflation margins. thecaier area of comceen ex- Program thereee70 maor colective pressed tom6 me y sarycoostiîuents isof agreements settied. Thrse settlements pro- course theretntof wage mceases vidrd foran averagemiceeaseminbase rates [taa retrass'd tn me recetl by the of 1:f.8 per cent. tiovernmeof of Caoada todicates bhal there ft the 470settlements, 235 were classfief areeencouragg igns i shaesaso, as ooeyear agreemets, 1 54as tnoyear even coooieeg the earlyonatureof iis agreements ando81astheeyear arree- first frasîtosat %,ear of the bol, foflafion mentsn program. The 2135 ose-year agreemernts prumdd Colectvetc bargcsned Settlements n the fo anaverage annual increasein base secondqoarier of 1976 dspayed aloer rate(if 57per ent The tmoyear agree- ratecof age increasethanfthme offthettrst nîent provtdedtfor increases oft16.8per quarter 1976 the loesrecorded iceease cent for the firntyear and 97 per cent for sincetherendtofl17:1 accordingta eport the seccnd. The Ibrer-yrar agreements issurd by Labor Canada. prostdrd foroincreases o17.9per cet inothe The143 setticents dueîng the second brs yrar. 8.3per centn theecond year quarter prodoed aeragentol icreaes and 49 per cent infhebthrd yea in base rates off1o.,per cntinocompound Thereomerel133sttfements negotitaed in tero.,S T'he compcaale figur o flcfnt rs the l2-monh pertod endiogmththbe nd quarer of 196was14.5percent' quatci. 197otch provided for aCOLA The figure.,sarebased on ananalyss f clause. These 133settlesnents proided for collectiveagreements coveeîog 500or mire average animal oncreases of 14.9 per cent. morkeeoinoindutries allher than conntruc- If s6otttd be ntted fihat, mhere cnfrmed 0t16n) wihin th 1he federal and provincial data oas a'oaitable, 1he neultement staffs- jurtsdtcftons tics Shoun above lobe itl accoant 1he Thee tee 69 settrmeofo on the second etteet of rutîngsof t11e Auti Inîfatton Board, quarter which eres'fassified as one-year andftheir sabsequent raficationhy te agrerments,.3fsnere cassotted as tmo-year bargaining parties. agreements, and 19 as three-year agree- fl ls obstous fronm these figures thal they ments, represent asgnficantisnprovenent over White 1he 14:1 agreements settîrd in 1he the f975 average o'age increane ut 1u per second quarter prosîdrdfor aerage an- cen plutsand ttatin spiteof sonneof the sualincrases inbase rates eooato 115 rhetoric peesenfed througb 16e poputar per cent, in oe-year agreements if mas 12.0 media, bolh fabor and business base been percent.I ftwo-year agreements thean- cooperaing ,ththe Canadtan Gosern- nuat averageîincreaseawas 12,7per cent for mentin ils determined aftenptto defeatin- 1he fist year and 0.4 per cent 1or the second flation thrttagh 1he Anti-inflaflon programn year. Inthree-yeae agreements lmaa 0. to the benefilt of HCanadians perecent for the trsf year, 7,3per cent for Yuuersnîncerey the secod yeartand 5.2per cent for the Dr, Frank A.Phtfbruuk, third year. Member of Parliament, Of1 16e f03 Settlemens during the second Haffun. Thanks playgrounders Dear Me. itons: As tbe summer playgeoun session comesîmoa close, inuultbketo tabefibis oppaetuîity ibeougb yoor paper 10eprs My apprecîiîu on dthîarbs 10 16e play aont leaders and LIT'S for the fanfantît tub they base dose oser 16e past Imo munihs. My daughtee attendri thbb piaygrount ai R4obert Baldmin ibis sommer ond 1600 almays ragr 1 go hecaîse ofth1e mony sorîed ond istrresing thîngs the leaders ted pfanned for 1he ebîldeen 10 doý Tbey ment on masyntri ps suc han the cîrcun and Brosfr Crel Park ont abthough the meafermwasnntsery often in tbeie faoe the leaders mode sure 16e cbidren had a good lice. 1 donit thieb many of us reaioe the orke Ihese leaders do, nul 1051 during the day. but aller boues. planning the neol day's aetiiiies or anolbertrip, I aiso trel sry forthe leadersnwhoplan activities, such as penny carniîai.to sbownparentsubatlthey are doinga the playgeound, and onlyneor Inn parents sbow up. Uofortuoaieiy, snce parent s connîder piaygrounds a glorîfied bahysitîsg service. and that is sot nbal tbey are desigsed tu be. In cimina. let me lunt tbanb you allaînt, leaders, for ajob seildonc. An a parent,.1 ksoc ynuhavebheipod tnmake ibis nommer interesting and more eunyable formy chil es and bopo y ou cons non, gn on youe hallt- days. ksoning you base dente yur jote Sincerely Gayie Rao (Mers.f 765 Wiilon Ave.. Milton Pages of thePast FrmCapo ie 20 years ago Tabac froc theiuelaof llie (anadan Champion. Aag. 23, U95 Elmen tie Safety Elephantl s conola5 ta Mîilton schuals. SSbn schoola opus la Septemben. the Elmen sa0ety peugraci selS lie iouuguraoed in bath public and tba separate schi. by Cont. RonsRpert of Milon CPP. Balln County has 22 Holstein enlabitors registered aI the Exhibition. Tba Belf Schuaf Square I)oncers miii porfoemn aI the En. Aag. 30. Cncernnd oser the numbars nI livsco kîiied in 16e township by dogs in eent mns Esquonîng Cuncillors lasf seel not a $S paymenlbfor dngs dcfmyed chite in 16e aet of kisig lisesfaeb. In negent cene f4 sbeep ond a heifer hase hees killed hp dogs. Camptelîsîie wnthOeir lîrut Halton chacpinhips by fakina Milton in t6ee steafght gaces. Caboîlle and Milton base won aIl the proom Hnitos ctempinip. Mectees nf the Cacpbellsile sqoa n- dodoe Bill Cairns, îlt Heoderuon Ed Dereouki. Ken Moore, Bll Elliso, Earl Cairns, M. Soeney, Elcen Deedge, Carry Hamilton, Af Wiegeone, Jacki Roberts, Jack Lakisg, Lloyd Earfy asnd manager Len 50 years ago Taken frnt the Issuebof'The Canadlas Chsampios. As. ou. S PatrickJ. and James T, bout ofTorosn, appeared in police court yesterday clsarged uith drounen asd dtuordery conduel and more gnoen 30 days by Magistrale J. H. Shields. Bo16 cuiprits admiffod deinlsisg rubhsng aicohui. The beasy rasn asd wîsd os Mndap sîghf. last, flatfesod nrops, particularîy cors. So did finat nI last Friday siglil. Muets of the cors mas ducs in the Brssle nalgis' burhood Somre mbeaf hadl spnssoed bafore last meek and mucb of if was sill in lthe fields, A groatdeai of ilbas sprootdand miii be useless except for bond. The sec Crmiley C-5 Radio Set lias arrîsed. The performance andgreaî volume ofihisusefare more thn ases- peclod. The price ns right, Ims 16ae $1s0, fuit y eqaîppet and isled. Thinonta-l tes 16e grealesi radio salue eser bebore offered 101the people of Millos district. TIse set may 6ie sees and heard ai Cavell Bat- tory Service, Mifltoe Phone 246. In consecOton mith the usseili ni ofIse soldieesm ar memorialonSept. 5th,a&Hwar seterans are earnsfly reqamoted Mu asalat sn formîna a Cuard nf Honne. WiIl ahl milfisg Lut parade kîndly report aI ltse air- morîes onsMnday, Aug. 30thao 730p.m for informationand equipment. 75 years ago Takes tram the isses o lie basadian Champion. Aosg. 22, 1901 Rud T.. a yousg Englishman ste bas been morking as a barm tend in bits seigb- hurhood. ment t0 Toroeto fans cees. and mas arresfed on suspicion that tie ted broken sf0o a bouse. Ho mas remanded. bore bie mas comsidered termless, bt iatly sboced sympoons of isasioy and il la saîd ihat be mas in a iaeafîn asylam for noce Lime a Ors yearn ago. Jobs Featheesfone made a 90,000 sip- mont of stomk os Mosday. cossleani ofs25 bogs. iso car-luadu of caIlle, and anmte nheep and cuises, Jobn H. Bradley, teacter, B.S. No. 4, Nelson, offerod a siser mncdal, suitabîp engrased, as aprizeto thepupil from hi ncboui cho oblainedth0e highclt marte in the recent entrante examsation. The medalmasmwonbyCordnPeart onsFriday nîght a mas samed R., ste bas been morbing aI the carpoo fantoy bere. siole a saluable maîch baînng la Mms Geo0 Goldn frocn Wm. Sinan, jeweler, mîlh chom i had tees lefI for repairu. Tte tief made for Streetasilfe. Cnsale Frazer lolinmed hicn os Monday, cas Lon laie 10 catch bic, but recosered the waOgh, mbmch liadt been soid for $2 In Mr. Noble, bofei brepor, Aller seftisg the satcb, the îbîef stof e another tromn A E. MnCutcbeon, of Milton. asd oIft for parts unknon Milton Model Scoo ill opon Sept. 3rd. Applications may te sent 001the Principal, or else stdents may registonlte firs day. Information as Lot books, sec, bsard, etc. miii be giseombos nehool opoens. TH E CANADI AN CHAMPION OILLS PRINTING fl 5 AND POSLISHING CO. et cosis in l n h 5 ineon silo, sî, n' siscnl o mio.i hsm- imi 1ii .1.i .h.h ci ., a rns iSin5 . e hi , on ie i tff l ao i Il ontoia r. a. in,Oion himî iisneiaisii n.n ' mil 1 .a ai Il bd.i c)i o, i siNini 5* l e W.i

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