Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Aug 1976, p. 18

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18 TEe Canadien Champian. oted. August 25, 1976 Board to probe rising teacher absenteeism Hals B a utEducuion decided Th:rsy l sel upu special1coliunitleiloul 101 imireasiog te.c, usole Aitee rejecilg a suggestio pluord hetore tbe bord hy SuperinendetofIumteuclii John Baiech, wbîcb mould haoe seeo soppiy tearbers wEo tracE hnos ltas Iwo con- secutise days recrion a Io per ceml puy cult 'irustees dos- cussed tes che abseoteirn idepta Boicb said le didnt tamob tae aberteeisu raie Oas the reliitofteaces "slcioB' " Teauhrs dii tnd ta gelt mît: h c saîd. On saîd bis dearlucol bas set agual -e'rsrsig the treod of ieucher absesîrcîsu in the chîrbeoterd. Thal muney couad En used tu resume peu- graino uhîcb base ben cul bencuiseuofreslromns," hr etiplained. Boucmisidh li s tataîsg la accu saperinleodeols and principals andsetting guals of a 25 per ceot reductioiin1 mearbre uborenîesu in schonts scbre the rate is bîgb und o mu per crn1 drap in ubseeteesi in subouts mbmch lave gond rates. Oýreduord figuces fur the huar wich shourd ai the eleuestoey sccbuu iront touchers uissrd 10,990.5 duys blas year aod 5,09615 duyc ut te bgh schtotl triel cIOuch deteemioo'd thoc is a leachr absenoce ralculf 4,22 aI olemeoiuy schou anda2.2ai the srcusdareschoulleset TEe figur. Bouch ultered muicotid trachuc abseonee Petition. (Continued trou Page Ont) t i ,00101 iletiiuoia ArrOu il t.1.0 iai) 'hi' ligure' put hetr oursut ai thi" si5Suselm truin theîsa le uit1h Bown'u 'i Areca anod $17.,.lOi trou iolooluioid i gruots l'uocîl h-ssir teucrd tha1 il sco 111 tiulstlc mîth filc $1511 figre aud sone Pcupîr cli flle caiuaigo tort It $1511.liiii estimaii on th Brownl Sîi sii )tlit oeil ,Occocdioli lu îles Ilino tEe Milton iluoiuo 1110 discsseiithe'clusiogOflil aren las \ieh and lîlu Meailirs lit 1ha geoupce peessîli opposition anud ter hout the' proposrd ('l0 or.ihcy istîd foe ar C unai n tEe rise ooee pie- clous yrars ai buta teonts. tsee Bill Prînsîser derisEd te rine as "olacue ing"' Hr sutrd tEe figures shuored racE eeoenay ucboolteiachr uînned an average o isdaynumarkbut of about 19t and higE scEont teacEes aoeraged efil duys off te job. He saîd ibis wuld En considered poonin industr Eere tEen are about 50 more uortitîgdaysuayear. Priestiier thought iEree-and- a-hall day.. woud E accepi' able ini indoste', wEere tEe ouoriber ol uueting doys ocre Priesiiieesuftesicd the tua day a uuiilb sîcb trace oltosord ieachens and uEer public nuptoyers Oas a rega- liion toise and ob1rcled lu leachers beingohletlusaoe Up lhEnr oîch trace days sa bhey coald retire a ltl ale tan ibey iuueualty wuud Sînce a teoobre is loe 2o days sic leave ayear a teacher cuuld accaniolale 200 days geotaiity aoth 1en d ut a 3oyearcareerand titlenid op tabîog 13 dayoui of y car. "Everye is grppling oui tais prubînu tiîs Truster Prîesioer bos ideoltird pari tif the prubîenu thulere are uair factors. Semestnritg and estra periodsbhetpu (loi tac higb school teorl but tEe hcasy luIt shuos ul the elemeniuey sools," Truster Eroîr Ouoea dectared. Hr suggesied legioltior E cbangr.t su sick rosve days can'ihbroacumultaed Hre Il IL wuld he bard t0 gel o chaoge mode. "Tbereeîssnorcol iscrict tu leachers lu oiake sure bey gel tu schîml," be so id. odooo suggesird on poul id suppiy trachErsi * ach arraofdtherregiun bu admitird ibis uîgbl lead il "Perbaps a cm it shouild looE it iBis ubuti peuhîru ulo absesienisuo au t enoseuls u 1 yieoiitues il pruofiably i' e h le able it pp mi t adsis ta fini s Baudour saud. c Bouch ourd over 80per ceo ) f the casesulo seteeso la amogleachrs isduect w siukausshi 1. 'rustre Bill Loosus sai e îoys musti he lud ta gi principals fi) rnourog tcers lu gel bocek os lb juob quickl hi' ubro iEn el la oaiune 'Wereuaeduuriecbn sh aye or do ircolly need grieniterespet andhest e n fuets." Lawsuo saîd. Trustee Tusy Goudyro agreedibherroasoorrilluro cummîllee letidan) sua 1-I/ u3s tha oildhomade weee RirE Guudinmuondeeed. substantial Encease eacb tas ".This cammîttne nbuuld dullar uceCrcial. stadJy mEutE dayn ttaey are off, Trustee Edna Robinont uht idysguteacbueke saîd tic tigures iudicacl riflaed F Iurs dont=pea teactieeabseoieeismbenganitu ta entounueltby eitber. Tbh rnse wbeîpressure ic utuon sbud En setling a god etemeiitary ieacbeen 10 esample foc students by impiement corecuricudum. Einga ictue if beulthlie Trustee Len Auger noied us deciared pay tas goule op su lias ah- seotecisu. Amîd cbucblen Bodnae saiditencummitiee seoeeal trustees suggested sbouldn' tE rrstricted to just 'iis Muy tîncause ibe examting almenteeism bol teacbes ored theeta lime nonytiiing related lac laoue lu spend ail tEnir uuory, inouatiie plans to Eeep " Are ihey really sich oc just toucbers (u tan jo mih OUbe h erZfessoe fo lf r eeaWsenRgo ie takisg duovs uif?" Truster hatched.IRTT CHC OU oftenwZlessoe fo etae elr W trn egnvi- Wednenday morning waa Candy Barton (lefE) uf president Douglas Zelter of Montreul, Mayor Milton. She suid the nese store wan I«junt greati, Annse MacArthur, Mail owner John Tomai and OmaghAt rîglit, Zellers manager Lou Drage (seatedî Zellera District Manager Donald Harris. N ew ly eds vill chats with official giiesto in his office. Standing live in Morocco Es v irs, Cecl Pattersun Siusî'uoll. Manitoba oisitnd C'ongratulations ond gon it1h hr cusins Alma und ishe ta Mr. aod Mes. Lil MorerisTuronerreceitly. tomooodar 'ho ere mor lîrtEday gond uisbrs Lü ried inT'uriic ronlty.The Eo,,iTuchuandRuseunaeyand bîridei's the formrr Nancy Maresic tuheusbl SuoIlîcild, daughterroftiich Grt veiltuîshrs goutiîo Smoillhctd of iuagh sillagr, Gourdon R-obinon, Mes. 'The iiuflgicouperil]b hrvl 'ttîhut and Steuart reoing inOOc Srpieiohr c iioh ait ot uhuu are tu Mtrrohcsch. il roccu paients ai Mitton District uhrret wihlulide, Hoîspital. lorinsin othe arro arr Mes Ni ro rerturiied sor asNgouithîr l Mr lu lier homei'n1 Toronou flt anddlîs. Davild tucie and loulng a iioibs. hulîdy wiiE fali, iDrel Id The fi'r sisr Mirs George Pro- Isoil dîîi ile e riinh Mihc \ iii, tce Mottoo and son Il icîroo hlul' ',lauîî il lirilla have hutl Mr ;iî Mrs Joîho l'irs al ;îLaidlhispostwerk ithi tEe g iligha~ 25 houe purchasrd orluers 'oodice Mles iitî the hom a 1thetLuciie fmitl. ak WCoi oiIC'i l lis agu 'h' elîi ihio lu fiher Mr auid île.. l-rry Pro- cru hioi' coch orlllIi soited iîth IOseoisii lhcicault Mos GecorgerPea- 0 Mr WiliamSautry f !ockTHE LOFT, a momen's Wear boutique in the neon James (front> and regional supervisor Joannî e Obituary Juck Fraser store un Milton Mail, was officiully Finch are ready to serve customers in ths e s a m id I opened with the men's Wecar division of the nmodern store, Mrs. M yme Rddeilcompany onWednesdsy. Manager Teresa îlers Nuic 'uleo ilMasole \un tuhostuse of 'Turonto, ficldîliue I oui psue ndotel'ItsahelMcDowel, . 4 Championi classitird ads aua siliconlv on bhursduv Jiscph and John Cruowe Rie w 151 bring quick results. Place a t liglîs1i hr7[virI r Riddilivec on Milton ludny. tu mh'las thei' uîc of the talc aît tier îile and loe tEe pasi n C'lareneGRii lddrli aod i0sem huit rsîded in the Brce 0 ~ ~ Ku suvvc vhr[m v nNa e a ive view gets.Poeta etîmudîog doauglitr Marlon, lier .1 l o Peeshsteeiao r ie t " d sonoin la, JIlilFcaihersulii, hlch t graodihldiiii Eou and Gaol le daugýlt>in law1 ou vrni ieKorsil' FuseraI Hlomeon W a ts o n a n e w p o st threws o=ieraled 'e 'Kîogý geaodohildrco Jaui, Augosi 21 sas coducîrd Ey bu h eaiyo l'arolsoandtisatofJcksuon lies 'Teo Lewtris, soitb ltIss eo fEu h people suggestedtut C ouel Watson enouragement trou at iiloid st 0 illel"lorida.sonKeocth, iccrotin Esegreeo are appordu t pecia or u h joh Mr Watuon Cunloo oRic Day. zone[lis contenstiono t î laîughlieino lau lliciiî cweli'cir iton. Paît- cumolitters or speciot johs sarord couocîl fil aoy M ayor MacArthur supportr! hy Cent h Ileudginaiu îueoodchilden ea îores eres herorepbnos bEcause of tEir ngutior contribution hie mould mobe soggrsted the commutter w00 Moîleochî and tîrputy Ct f hKm, Iloacer and l1iia Bi lonald luhostor, lewis attitudes. hut thai apperd muud E ngahore a oeey important one and sr Camopell Thumpsuon r of Miton .Iuhîisioo. Eluer BlacElucE, tu E tEe case Tur..doy nîghtl "t doo't tEint wr nerd tEe suruisrd tEai tan rea pur- île Mc(leachiermm a tîsý uodllýs the sîsili Eaui iIcliuwct and (ln ut Milton i uascil cummiliee i thîsb ut Bill 151 pose bEnd tEe study coun couiuilthia il bad passe lba Ja llhock of %iltlîî Riîdecll alsu Veen Biga. Couiicil appoiotrd Coun- as a guidelineor l an1 d il mutter oas lu proolde hy-law lastya apo seuc'imouoiee set uphy ulon'ituke, we cuuchange as gosrrnmntuinOaluon tkrr>gîeuIlrelergrftnt ce go. Anyucontributio1ccu guenco aod suggesi taîîieeoaeaimicieOeOmiul uRl onpý.CuMnCos L0 Ou L l1, thb> sîmupount," be esplitod. uboiisb oirna iounuiis and octe ' "ahshn th eu uo 'Thai's obat tecy oed, troue the asolire potiuy seltung tf o m n w, Mayo AneMcrhrtu ntee-cmew a ffnctiontO thermgoO. PAGE COU NTRY lObAces mi iw eualanan d Kelso LtEak bdOoms, 3 fu batis, large maint our laui rOnu Oil h epa oe Mate an off Beau titut suatter courtry houa 4 beliroos, tamity ronu living oouc with tireptace. 112 3 bedroums 2 battEs, country titohar, maltrot trou dinin9 roum Fînished lasamett withtire place. i 3 acres. $119,000 95 Acres Mostly worklo large barn, ureat building site meto the hlghet points in the area. Large tronfiage. Listed at $1 9Ogt 100 Acras.Good toron bilinst, aitl norkable on Airpuo Road. Askisu $119,000 FOR A CONFIDENTIAL EVALUATION WITHOLIT OBLIGATION, PLEASE CALL ME. DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE 845-4267 OR TORONTO, 368-4121 Involved in accident dies of heart attack Ai6 hyer old Guelpht manu suttocmd a heart altacb and dîrd shorilv aller bc uas in- voiuedîiatocar coison S oo llighay 40i less tbao amire n At CO-OP Fire in dryer utre inoo thegru drvr a oteUied y'aopo icurlu' Si Thucsday ougit mr! 2Fd, tonsofgraOi an uluconi the luiss of thedotir lui, a coumple ut ulays, ucordîog lu0 Asssistant tirpuli Chimi' lir i'îuison ofi Milton l'ire île- Mr l'îulsn sutdtherlire ocuîuurrel 'lbursday nîghi gers un the dcycr hroE douo, ouusîng the dryco lu osebeai. Anoffici alai ihe ('0oP lp aid tfiei dryr has humn cepaurmîl litrons field 'ihucodat aliccon the lire departrîrnt 'us oOiici u i ,uhcash lirelieur rmil Id. nocl ui Iiry Rd,. but thbrho ireurned outituhr a larmer humning uft obrat [ruom bus field. lise (armer. Laiene bbattr nmflecied lu untocu tEe toce depacluimot Ibut hc uoutd bie burning thestraw off, sid Mr Cootouti Memberof uthe ture depaci- metl siayri long enougb 10 entîngutît seserot huaito tulo roîd undler a te okicb lad caugbl tire trou a &tray spark, est uf the Campheiuilîr nirrchungr Fcîday uoenusg. C' Hloward Gouosclis of 175 icoilsille Dr sas pro- ounord dea lit Miltot Dis- rictlimopitdlai IlIum. Peu loy, 45 minutes ultr e bmoi usion uîth Wutetuitu Sport il u40 lburie Dr. Guelph. The Collision uccured shen Mrs, Spark changer! al10 Ibm custbaanil lune uohirh sus ocopird by Me Gunse- tocs cebîcir, ucrdmg lu Mîiltun iIPP Mr. (losetms's 1975 Inter- iatiuonaustabnitrucb receusel $50 in damage whitc Mrs. Sport's 1974 Iluige rmceiumd toli1apses he sous tottiog 10 Mc. (oune li t tbscceeofthe accident ohmn Mr (ltouelin oho bad iîumplatncd of feelîig il]' cutlapsrd and Egngu tortiing C'stable Branti mmmd- îatcty Enga muutb 10 mOutb îmsisc'tlaiion and rontinurd antit a passmng mutorisi ce- lineuld humn Costable Brant Ibmn culrd toc as ambulunce 10 tuE tEe mas 1u Milton Di)strict Houp- itl. Burned children are recovering trigh King of Burlington and hîs two-yrar-otld sister Terra hasiioprusrd sinccibhey oece humrein a trot tire ai t('orul Parhilasi weeh. ta'ugh us tucird un sutis- tact oey condition un Joseph tirat Hospital in Ourlunglos, ,hile' bus sucter i'rr-a us reportedt on gond condition uîib a '.gond nifEt" un the hoco sourd ait Hamilton ilcoccat Hospital. tmigbuand Terra once hunE trappul in a lent lire shortly aftr midnight onAugust16 in l'oral l'arE aI Kithoude, ulong uiih theut' scoro yerculd hrother cser and lrenrd fleur * teOtanc, 14, aisu trou Burlisgtor Bi, ine spart The tie mas casd by a sport trou a smarhy camp- tiresobcb waslelt burnng uceenigbl, accuedung lu Assistant tleputy Ciun Jim Collision ni Mîitos Fure Ilepurturol. Te childeen ocre resced trou the lurr by Norman Le blanc, Hescy's tier, uEo uts sleepng ina campel trc ilîsgodarb ih Mran G[in King and Hennry ,eBlac rrreived mîsot burosîin tEe lire white Mr. L Blanc burard bis baud puffini tEe cidren sut nI the blauinî Do yoo bie somethisg thal you nu losger need? Oeil Il through tbm olasuirieaitsad. Campaign (coatInied finra Fille One) "Town Guncli malles those decisions," said publicity chairman Jim Di115, - and the', must defnd lieli hie TI e commoitice _Be rlu isordinguof the truh Lie iohich wilI E distrl Itd i. Milton by members of te MMoHA nd the figure'icating club. On Uhc subwt Iof the figure skating club, tl was decided ta contact tbis year's preident Eileen McCutcbenn and ank fnr teir Eelp. The cnmmittee, thnught IL had a figure skating representative in Bill Russelt. but IL vias pointed out at Monday's meeting flhat bie wastast year's pedent, and lno longer conoected uith thn club. The main discumion ut the brocbure centred around uording of the etptanation ut l'un figures tLuas decided lu use lu.. figures t0 esplain wbat tbe reat cml t c ebuitding Acm- strong Arena ucoutd bE t"îcs te brocbure list tbe tigure ut $15,000 icc is an estuation tcom the et- gineer's report ot rosI.. 10 bring lbhe structur ai steel- mork up t0 tbe standards ut tbe 1970 National Building Code. This tnctudms $130,000 for repaie murE and $20,000 toc painting and cleaning. Tbeo the brochure ttsts a ligue ut $100,("l toc -.Capital rosits tacecast" 'Ibhis tigure cepresents the cost Ot' replocîng the 000er ($25,000) and instalîng i geâtisg ($715,011 ubîcb counicil tiad preoousty indîcaîrd tL planord todu souetîme ini tbe tuture. TEe original moediog simpty lIsted the figure ot I$250,001), but Cormuter Isecreacy Marty ('oputu Ipoinled out IBure uîttb n seaig inbhe Memocrial Acena addition, sa il uus Januar> finish Fuoderaisiog isesplicited!lt he coupîrîrd by the end ol J4uaruy, atthosgb paycol e deductiuon aod pledgens ma> c exiend beyond ibai dlate. 11011 eigbt cuumîile' mhmbrcs wereat Mnday's meeting They uer li or -Luuglieed, lace lirush. Joe Mct'ooo. Gord Keantz, Gord C'artwrigt, Marty Capota, te Bîi towte. and Jiu lI 'h e oct meeting is Mooday Aug. :1i, ai 7 pun ,îiro'ièd el couud goathesupeecourt aod thenti Iat uould depetd ahi on. uhot moud the judge was riul AI ihai poitt Mayor las MacArthur îiee1ecied i..sa îuh aiîd Boiil Zsodasi andt 1 eE uuuld bcsued. A motion mas carrird 1h01 ded dieected the buildiog in- o opector oa issue a permit o bit the' basis ut lthe plasiier's "This is uootplrely cun- eceptiuon ut Councîllue tion tracîtafi ioo o utactl has Gordonî suilIiu ot sayinglis ola lc sotd allertheueeing gond ploce toc IL, lum just btholbe coontsupportithe sayng iidors'i cuuplNth applicatobrcouseitheioso lîlur hclau.'* tEe cerb hadooi)siterplancontiroaval waesed the Irelopuriol L,'osuniitr Marjucue Powys "Tbis coutldb Enuoiber soggesmd couicittueî caiOlot cyesue TEre us sutbuog 10 arguehaiudidfotit theby- ah, me whe re the carsuitl lw bu hetli a ak hou bhey umil] gel us or splittiog uaroIt StrIles Ave or mEnat tEe louinrittor Glord Kraootz building %ît lobok tube, ' he î1uipped the unty probîru oas satid bhaithie proposai could saur 'su alternative peuple' sour money and in a report by Planning "vou're oui supposer! 10 do irecior Bol) Zsadanyi le Lot ihese days" ad Poiddta h Mayor MacAethur said, -l suud, "co ded t thae Ibms madeoadmuisiof long mitE wrcnousohoue Mr. Zoadunyl aod 00, l'on uwhicb appeurs lu E Ibm il" , co can 'asec naltentive 10igcloclL support t. but tur youc depuetuent lu Mr, Shrdosudltherquestion issue a perm it tor the con- us, shsîtd riait uses E strucin of Iis secviue permitted' ceste hotesaîr upecation. Propier route TEe oses he entres lu in Cuusou tirE D.,y cude a builders suppîs, a suggmsted 1he pruper coule iradesmen's sbup. a old bc lu askth Ibappîtouni abolesole outi asevc 10 apply tocra cezoningf "Il be sbop, a wouebsbop anita issaes arofiulndamus ii uarmhuse, Town gives $250 to steamn show in spul oflputmsst rou, (uouttilortcad Clents sou c couti, ls Miltot suggestmd Ibm showu uas one Counicit cuird lu gise Ibm ofthbEsi ofISOduand Ointario hinuon and antique argurd Ibut busung ut in Peeruers Association a Miltnwas gond forthemtauo grant ofl$25WI "iitk ilisîimportantforithe Assuciatiuon Seoretary town tudoumoe thoitbl as.' Shermood Hume baid be land. i equeslrd Iree' or redud iikouiddon1111re -rates fom rentail ut tEe Lions fie receie support on iait ('tuE lit andl sumitar coin- suore trou t'uuuitlucr taon rsidecatuon toc Ibm duily Porter t arhagc pick-up the Iuo A Motilon luy tousotillor prosudes ai tEe SimounEca ttuss Iouatuutucuuusg a Cunuîor mm Was groni of $250 was approord. opposed themceducederatesuon Cunoillor Gourdon Krusio t emîker requeit: "TEey buse suggested thal Ibm tomns 9ir nuc onds. AillEadu of guinguaithbegranthacuads people busc tEir hands in oue and e ssggesomd buit a porbet. i dotnl thînE Oc linasoil siateurot km shoutld do il," bie objecird. ceqorsird hetore aay frastis "Itdunitbinktlbis goup cossideeed. A inalcia report nreds agruni komig woos is bEng requnulrd but te un i,' Cuniilior RirE Doy gruot is sit rondlmonul aurai suggested, tEe contents of tEe report. z - th w 1 fier cillor Jim Watson La sit on a there s any ng cire e documenta, on or a one

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