Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 1976, p. 20

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20 The Canadian Champion, Wed., August la, 1976 Waste disposai ... "We muggest tise raglue's solii 'ouste system lhr vcoîewrdl aootiouously with respect ta new technologies and justuas impartantly, mith respect f0 the developosent of lang-term marksets sehici wvoutd uttilue a mach higiser percentige of tihe refuse titan da curent markets." Close tagether Tise report prepared isy M.M. Ditton Consultanits recommenin one major franufer station locuted ut or near tise Ouisville-Burlissgton border. iii ia recommendei tit tise recovery plant ie ut tise samne site.) tinder questiunlng, engin- eering consultant Wutiy Wellu toîd regintl councti tisaI onlY tae triangle site mon iseing recommendei and ltaI wau iseing dose on un ecanomic conniderution. Ha agread tisai otisers migist hae needed in tise norts, bsut tiey wosdlie less econo- micut andi more upt toisa pro- videi fe tise conveniece of resitients living in lise nr- tisere portion of tise regioo. Tise southere transter sta- tion old hae tocated nar tise resoure recovery plant, tise Tise report suggentn Georgetoswn as ao altate site tor a traotler station. The butky documeot tabled for lte firsi tison ast woeek sumies tisai white suitaista marktl for refuse deriveti fuel do est exist ut titis time, reseurehees in theo finld ne opistic tisut tisey will f md mariseta la tise ner future. titould tise regian decîda on installing a plant ioday, il wosdd taise tuse 1 ns'l years before il wosdd hae opera- tiosul. IN LIVING COLOR Color inhbirds la prodoced in 100 muys: hy pigmenta (a substance tisaI croes colon, orsy the pisicalutru..r of lise feaihars. Tise two main. tye of fneento%- e me- duce the varioushlucsand itrowns througs ratio. Yel- toms, greens, and violais. TtsÏare no blioc pigments on leatisers. Blues anti irride- scent colors areihe reull of fisc leaiher structure ioin hioafioo mils ottiar pigments. The coloration of a hird is iooctiooal in concealment, recognit ion, coorlsitip aoti olisar social aclivilies. OURRÉDES WIT Recognized for qualil 1 wonlti lnce te, taise tite oppnrtuity-te congruiulate yan anti merynne mis an lieresi io Thse Champion se tise amartin Ihis popor han won in tise 1976 Botter Newn- popor Competitioms. Il gives me greut pleasure ta ses Tha Canadiuo Champion recaive recogntion for Boni woises forI Smlley column wins column ni isomorouo obsservatioms on Cana- dian hife appears in tisis asti more titan 135 otiser meeisty nemspapers, mas hanoorai isY tise Canadiao Commonity Nemspopars Association Saturtay for tise hast coloms in a eely newspapr. He was tise firit recipieni of tise George Catiogan Amarti. Tisa presentation mas matie ai tise CCNA convention in Hatlifax. Mr. Ssoîry is seati of tise Eogtisis tepart- mnct of Mitiland high scisoolý He mas lise prisoner of mur camp tioring Wortd Wur Il. Bill Smiley hagan its colomn whan hae wspoisiio tise palier in Wtartast. Etiitors of oliser Ontario weaisly popeis hagao to repri il, and in 196f diistribustion was tasenovue!r isy the Toronto Telegram Syndicate. Il is nom dintrihuiei isy 'tse Argyle Syndicate of Toronto. MILTON FIRE HALL wan a buisy place lant week as chiîdren from local summer playgrounds took luron viniting flhc lire station. Sliowing thse childreo lrom Robert Baldwin playground aroued last Tucsday aflernoon werc Firefighlcr Bob Kerr (lefi) and Assistant Depuly Fire Chief Jim Coulson ten ueîform above). The men aeswered s flurry of questions lrom the curjoun youngslers-eclearing Up common mnisconceplions about fise local lire hall je thse ptocesn. The insfluenîce of popular T. V. Shows sudb an "Emergetîcy' wan appareet in maey of lthe questions asked regarding traesport and lIse life of a "lireman. le lad, sorise of the childree expressed surprise whee lhey learned Ihal nol aIl firelightern live je aI thé lire statioe-and how the "volutileer force" ie Miltoe luetons. 15r 1 A Mb y sefuture. Yournnlincerly, Dr. Franks A. Phtibrois. Memiser of Parlamett, Halton. award meeisty Wsarton Echu publisher of the

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