Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jun 1976, p. 7

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M erchanits dum ped T he Canadiail Champion, Wed., June 9, 1976 7 in scoring Campbelividte Meqchants loed Young and inexper- giving Up nine runm On 13 bits centre field and esanageda coach Elmer Dredge may be ienced. in eigbt inniofs. Evans atrurk double and single ut tbe plate. Steve Wilson, wbo plays for tbsnbing be issued tbe under- The Merebantu tried star out us batters walbed five RirE Mitchell also doubletl Aclon Roms of lIhe Ontario U stulement ut the year about lirsi bananan Ray Evans on and bit one. Two olber Dun- wbile Behar. Garnet Mitchell Lucrcase Association Junior GereMcDonald. the mound in his foost official duo rons were onearned, on and Dot Hearno all singîrd. 'C" central diviston, is the Asked for bis preseano nlart. Evans wao sot as el- ernens by Steve Smith in the The erchuno play in Oaks- lourtf bigbeol scorer au of ic for tIse 1976 HIlai feclîveab e wusin apre-eu- firstand RirblarTrasb inlthe ville sonight and lb en relure Jane 2. é County Senior Buneball seu- son match againut Oakville, tourtb. tbe match in Campbellville In six games Wilson, wbn v' son afew weehs ugo, Dredge Wade Bebar relieved Sunduy, 2:30 p.mo liyesn oMilton, tied 15 goals sad Dunds wsld se tougher Lawn bowling Evans in the nintb, givitig up Dundîsl30 120 202-11 15 0 and ussisîrd on 17 for 32 twoyenrs on tso ypssssssr C'VlgI_...0-0----0--- I oin s FAIRVIZW CATER glards the plate agaînst an attmpted steal of home byooy lles num- play. Il always pays ta reud Ue Farvitan 14-8 wiUs two oui n Ue second. At Uee rlen aI tbe game before you the botean hall of Ue third second Firview wa start Io0 play. innng when iae ran outi n 7-6. That became Broubville Public OchonthUe final fume. score and Faireiew ~s ls bseball team leareed tfnder the rotes of Ihe 1976 champion. Iut tesson the ard way toroamenl, Ibe final wansid Fairview usowor Tbursdny afleoun wben Ue bo four isnings or 45 minutes, final, defeang Cetl fine pifl coul Uem the NorUs wicever came firo. Wen Gergetown 6-1,v Huton pobi urbol basehaîlthUe 45 minuses was up Ue roms in ththIird lui rbampionsip. score revered la Ibe tas At e end af Ue il Broobvlle ws leading rompîet td nnng nîbor ucse wben itbcume evi Lowvile Poor defensive plays Loovilît midgets otnthUe Thre bad defemsisa in- Lianthount n-O Thui baIle aI the firo-place tams ningn for Lowville otnthUe rounctd Actan 22-6 Wednesday by a score ut 1-3 tan att 10 runs. In oteDune Richrdser la Gien Wiliamns. games. Lonville shtoul on the moosd for Wednesday bol was aflter 2 I 3 innings CouIsou. Colson Tw o Ply rs witb 12 strihenis (Continued feum Page 5) a befre the leagot note Ern King had a1 Ue club and play for MilIon, hla Suet 1. 100 doubts for bol Valier and Britnae Tbo boa gls payed n wble Dunny Sundi fi Étyu ipae ol a e ase Missisauga tat year four ssngles. la differesl he esplasned. Chelo Vllier. Janelos losoani, said bs wife only ptsmsed ta play one more year asntwày, and then seulIeAI dowand rilea famity. WîUs Ilat in mtd she didnltwant O BT la pay for a nw club. bt for mne that had s chance tu win OYXM Ue leaga uetle. Ht sees teIboIM rullng ao discriminuting OPE L ( againt tse Iboa ptyees, while ignoring tht large umbor of ptsyes who switched twsm0 in Ue pas. erni Dort. moach of Ue titorgellen han reign e e Ue decisian. Ht signant anc af tIe players tea loaupe card orler in the seasnn-otw«. lid by Lewis not ta bother W EH U S ending il te Ue loaupe office, A E O S alowdta ly h irls Trt HWY. 25 - 1 MI. NA F A Acton ý8' Sabres m. Wh-ped awntrc Tht Actas Junior Sabres ftrsnIfe are tmhking for a mangerlto m-lae 6" guide whaî wilt probubty be e l r s l tadr.Into Ue lawns firt Junior "B"sftinelc y clano boum next asone. Tve utsv -8o -spetd peons taIse star Tht officiai date for atuIats woattenatsio untendod operutl notificaion from tht Ontario tban nty ottrWhetl 1 7 Hocey Assoiation IGNAI is Homoe raîtot. -Hp tas 1 7 Jane 23 bt Sabre tuan 1,05 etgins. 31 'optional ncretary Bil Campbell bas rotary nowet. Satyt heaed froan OHA offiials lisuîtolatane. Ad a idearata no objections te Use teum ofattaeto. 05 voat rhangisg is status la"B" tolObbot atout is Wbol from 'C" were recived. Home. Bta, crma M. Campbell nidtaIt inand dtlon tf. Dune Branch tf Ue OHA ad- vsd im tplan ice tre for thse areno asif Uetaro will 72~ go B".As a"C " cub Sabres 11728". ptsyed 16 orne prnen.Asu a P 'B" sspad Uere rom la bo21 (RCE INCLUDES 36" OOR : hme gme. 40" MOWER CUTTING ATTACHMEN'f Pope scores Rd uel ihI 6 -spned, A85 balla Mlton Srhwana. wiss and. poootod r«diva nuv Welland iîovrd ivix afis) Cula up in oncr plaele ihla 22liena E. C. single charge. resi DrurySchoo Satuday.fuil poner ith ve DnaryOnhal Saurdacharge. ls 32" tain Ge 0e oeconnectant on ansootln standard. a lmsbttogive Milton a -O tead bol il ras short ived us George P'Suy cored from a *ALSO 20HORSEPOWER free kick la it il bfore Ue MODELS AVAILABLE 1 9 first hall ended. Pope ctoverted a pes no em 'W'HE L Hfib .SE Balle HIssant i me thUe J score, 24O bal Fruy lied il ni lawfl& gardiii tractora allaina for Welland ltaer in Ue haI. BoUs teaos lied gond opportuis e abreah te fest &Fie.iglIy 0LAWN A N dalk ihWelad hitting t" eOf Hi the pas n thecoi_ minusa buthUe score Il L faFer@Sr"@ 8 t nd of Use va teading Uste final !wrous Use sn the boys' mtennial of ailE fine aning. etirs' final vdent shal Furview ad won, despite bing atscored in lwo aI Ibe lbree tnnîngs, Broobville coach Kalby Howden rom- plined she had sot beard af the "completed innisg raIe. Il was lisled on the sheel given 10 eacb tearo bowevee, and Ue decision stood. Fairview scored baorons on the irs îsning and five in the second while Brooville scored atsis of ilsruos in the second. In the boys final the score was hnoted aI Il1 aller one innng bol Fairvîew scored up pitcher McDnmld f rom Oe defunct BueOingles eam.1 Toogbor? The undas team walbed i010 Curpbellvillens home ground Sunday and troooced the Mercbunts 11-1 wiUs McDonald leading Ue wuy. Te veleran hurler scat- tered eigt its in nite inn- inps, triking tut 12 white domnating the fume at Ue plate witb lree bomrfns. McDonald wao on ase fîve imes in al, with a walk and a fielders eboîce. scoriof five rons and drivngin sevet. The balance oaIthebeloa, according 10 rmanager Les Andrews did ntIlouk Ian impressive. bol Uey didnlt oeed l. Two oter veteranso outielder Pat Quigley aho l Iice and scored twicr, and Bob Evans, a plîrber luroed- rigblîielder wilb lwo its played well, but the rernuin- der of the Dundas leam Marjorie King roas the outlone and walbing 100. BotE tsdies' winner uithIe Monday ruon were anearned, set up by nigbtlalwn bowling torna- an error by Evans, wbo ment al Milton Luwn Bowling moved 10 sbortotop for the Club ibis week. nintb. Betly Muncte wan second Louin Faggion was a brîgbt and Peggy Johnson Usird. spot for Curopbollville on %jm j7--W IE S NOWMOB LES IERCIS OLARIS UPPLIES CýOTHING XCELLENT ERVICE TOPOUALITY STOCK YOUR CMLT NTW -RECRA NCNR ive rom n the botoan all ot the Iird inniog lac the ve- tory, Foirview defealed Brank- ville 1-0, M. Z. Bennett 4-1 and Slewartlowo 4-0in thepret- liainary rounds loaudvaoce la the final, while Cenlennial lsel la Stewrltown 4-1, bal baalMartio St.5- andBrank- ville 6-0 i he sea-inal. In the girls' section, Fir- vîew bruI Bennett I0-I, rokvillet6-1 and Cenlennial 3-2 white Broobville braI Blenett 14-I and Slewarllown 6-5 boorle efinal. nsday and Thornborrow enters -6Monday. on started irLwie PalemLF tournament as repluced is by Date MiltolaistnIaîl Loaue will Excunuling froro Hamoilton in nfinisbed have un opportunily la seethIeir firs al pa ut3o t pr 8and onme whal calibre of bal il playsSuL t.The 16-learo entIstsrts 1 l hen Tbornborrow BP play ut 10 arn, Ual. and Il arn, triple and in Use Palermo Tournûmenî Sutday. .Lownitle luturday and Sunduy ut The Hatan FushaI Les- leroonhbit Palerme Park. gPt ta wetl reprtnentd wstb Tboroborraw monts Siros loral turon froro Lownille. Hornby und Palerentered Hornby ptayn ils final fumne apairol Port Doyen aI 11:30 ar.. uI., white Lowvilte will mtta jsvenlet tam frro Toronto at 1p.ro Palermeo ptsys Orante Legaon aI0:30 JiR ril Tht sean finu garnenare YORK cOPIWNmffUste O1 CVCC Heo $3159" PLUS PREP. CHARt'Es HIGU EST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE The *oney you save ut Box .... mulI bo yoor omni JUNE ACTION SThe Fantastic BAZ MOTORS where after sales serviceu s topo BA MTOS TD ystern -E / it r WESTOCK A COMPLETE Power.Year-tound versn- CH M AL * tllity. And Io. rost. mat's H M C L S theoWbno1 Hotse A-t0I PLUS - 4-spaodegas-pottod EVERYTHING IN POOL 10HPlawnttatot. EUP ET e-"' Standard 36"tioson. Q IM N ni0 tadf-saonr tires. pardy ACCESSORIES dtuw bat bitrb moto OnQualsfoseAnd ResoIn To HoIp Yoa 1)1417 SAUIE We featuro ,e on aCHLORINE TwentdytoAR NESON in$4995 Pound POlSWep Poil AUMTIC PUO CLEANEI 00LEAF SIIIMMERS WATER MAINTENANCE ÀO PO LYE LNE ýDARC NQUIPMErýTGENTRE jr PLASTIC y5ARD mmd - - e esstJ-11M, aFLOAT 811878-8121 Pool Water Tested ""fREE" McDonld and MrCaon; Evans (l-1), Bebur (9) and Saoderoon 0Ib e leudiog sorer svjlb 25 goals and 13 assss n right gaumes. BE iU E * E IN THE LIONS CLUB PARADE SATURDAY, JUNE 12/76 TESI OUR SPECIAL PRICES ARE STILL IN EFFECT ON ATW EVERV DA Y OF-THE-VWEEKu * 20 PIECES--62 * 15 PIECES- -Sulu * 9 PlECES ~300O1 "The Best Chicken on lWO Legs" FOR FAST PICK-UP -- CALL AHISAD 360 Stulou Av@..0et w. 25, MOus 0878-8123 I . n'Mo sa-,"no-'-.s'ano~.'--- van. u.'---" ."-' '-o--r-- ' .'" Fairview double winner Timne runs out on Brookville brns neivale D.], es air Mind tree Mltg WE ALSO CARRY *HONEYWELL AIR CLEANERS *MANV MORE HOME COMIFORT SVSTEMS sOIL là ELECTRIC FORCED AIR HEATING *SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION BEAT THE STAGGERING HEAT THIS SUMMER e FREE ESTIMATES *NO OBLIGATION ii Il 1 :j 1 1 l vve h;Z f,,,t com'e, fist SNO -POLF 40!%Ts OUTBOAR 4UPPLIES 1 A 1 .MOTORCY LI .YAMAH -MNDA eccESSORIES

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