Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jun 1976, p. 6

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m h aailan Champion,. Wad., Jane 9, 1976 Politics rules Ladies' Ieague says husband A camment le requirdinlaregards te the oprtion of Oe HaIlme Ladie' Amateur Sattiali Lague, whch hoddneam only lterat foamapeope tahonsupport Il. rugh spoaorng tae cati aofthir chire, ht ahoe ta parente outue payocn tala mi isih ta partcipai. Somma Britten moi Janet Voiler have ho taon entho- olmoile playera of naifoali for mre Oan ian yeara 0und] fol year, were hocaue cfa procipl, have decdai nt ta pay in Oie ragiomal leage. Theoprolemi at actinhiApril ciOi yearmhea 'Itry- out" practicen taeehing heliihy ail ai litaclate. Jouit ami Snan atteniai ohOie OiaMlten ami Georgetown pracllcam ai nd dai Oey lIi itae Georgetowtantamin an sbohy mre ige. Remlling des a a Miltensfirt yar te supprt a clati feomneflvayamra they fat it pallia te teiltMi ltoan cuach, Mr. Mrray Whstler of fonir eramiag meenhera of Oie Georgetownteamm. A pratamltaa ebnimtte hy Whstler ta Oielague pmaientmsittwasa is opanio tane two plmy- essotianett hoallowtattenplay anytahere bt inltoln. The consitiuti y cnirh tae langue la goveraed ba ne ruiti stplatng n plyer mut pay for Oe tawn tammof hlac cul- danoce. Non lt me go an ta expiain Milaonhau plety f hall player, ifat Mr. Wistler an naieas of June2 ho tea uta ransita aiteopping tenty-far playera (ha la atmo- ed teoliga lenly-five) soei cf conrse fieldsn boateameanad titan anme. On Jane t laogue meeting teck place te seiethe pco- ilem as tamheOi or ntt fme bon ployera cali partiipate an the Georgetemn eam, te payern mre nt allaed ai Oe meeting, ina te Oe presiiento rallaf. At ihis stage of Oe politca" ail te glsia tIt ey tai dosiamemaignaop te pay for te teammtey fat Oey mouid on- jrp playing ta ite mntthey hai nattjeoparizea itlons nbhlty te field n team that-n-ever. At thocusnian of Oe langue meeing a rlng as pan- ni hby n majoct vote fot the townaof eGorgetwccandaMilI- lon mre att allamai te iga playert residitg atide f ther towa bordera. tiaever te emaalaf teas in the langue, Horntiy, Glun Willim ami Hitehourgti Jr. ami Sr. clubs are allameit teuaige playera regarileonaof thece titey lve. At prenant Hiliatiorgit Senior teat asha a Toute ami Brampton ployer ami Oe Otan Williamsn team lu ramorei ta have six prevoanaGeorgetomn tea metateraigitdas a ragular player. Thte lague as fer an the girls are concernmidamoe net ap- puar la have the plyer' intereste t huart amid eets te bo totally mapulutiy i te Milon coach. Na formai mritian ntiehanieenieliverai tcSnancorJaaet advicmg tem the im cnitlionsuunder ohîrti tboy may pay ilatheleague. The langue an ran for yeara taillant n "ployer impat' ule. 1Iwmli te tte nct hat scoof the lague h10 new raiaf o bneitinga, Oe teans, tetataorcoaches? Ceriainly uet Oe ployera. Tis nraling itos a deragatcry ffect te al Milaon ami Georgetown playera for if n girl cannaI mntie a psiioln an Éteo f feir otan titan teamu fin meuns foey milnatt l otiete leplay taebol, evu i naccla tetn la shor playera. 1Iwomm i lte sa enritlen natemunt ram Oe langue penideat, ecplainiag flly the nom rling and tatahat Oe lus- gue hopet te achievemwithibis power ovecltheplayers. Yaam osiocerely, M. C. Viler 834 CatiTrai Milon, Ont Fishing derby matou aiaM,fhell teus, newly amai Oi of Oie Huies Leegm lentt The laies pîmymi tua gamu sagaîmalttHllmae5 Junors, colmpmlag in ie ria -, 1 leai inning Wademiay taelome 19-7 ami hoalag ma in thOe amay gante Somiay. Mltonamjopei teom qulat - îý ý. 0 laidafier oe na ismg Wi- nusday. naniy nasaend Connla MeCoranîck umItei aidPetit South ialhi in hOe flii.mîfo ail foee scrlng an a sngle tiy Shiaron Knale aid a double hy Prlaclila Wamales. Twtaiplesandma olgl ty Hhlmturgh l inte ma- re ddie sore. Ktntales _gava Milton one- rua lamd ofler form, hitiing o tripleandmai ng home an TaM Carneglea osingle. lAnda Chune, atm pitce haiOe tahole gome toc Milton cori the fîffo . niah OifIfohtnlg, bol Hilohourgit lai corei fou rwjusn te iourand a heina 9-5 lui gomng niaOie nevenfo an intali anlag Clîne iradinthOe evonfo, YOU'RE OUTr! wnn tihe clt at home pistease Dundas catcher GM1 and ihat, reuped taiti fi- Fletcher mokas thse tao on Miton'n capim Glenn Turner, trylng to corne mg bust dusrcoe tiy cranch horna with o runanit the Foirgroundn SundaY. Mrray Whistler s "shod- Six wins in a row 26 strikeo uts for Paquette LowviIIe wins three more Lowville Samuel Roy En- larprisec boragbl liteir record lelsi tic mminnanrom miit ne deteals in Oie Halien Paciboli LangueIbis year boalîng Glen tWilliuas Tuecday 00 GeorgaeownFridny i-I and Hnailton Janiorc Sunday 7-2. AItlite Glas, ltehomne tea ohn a2-0 lead inltefirci inn- ing. lte fircl poinsîcrea againsl Loville tlidoyar. but Leoville clermed bnck mt sic rues oinbte second uni oeamorein Othendiut for n 7-2 leni, Thea Glen ccorad Ime ruscin the botlota et Oie leerlt andioeamorein lte f111h belt culdnIncloce lte gup. Rocs Price nnd Murray Daweson bit a doubtle nnd cin- gle eauritfer Loceville mila Dnve Aodarcbah unidascite Hnrrison enrhhtlo sin- glec. Juckt Wbnram, Dnve Yamm and Jacques Pnqnalie ONE SO ' N FNNC at Burn's pond NEW '76CVI The Hallon Region C- o I servaionaAntherity ie hldicong CVCCH, O a fittilaf derby Oaday June 12 utaitetiures Naure$ Arua. The derby 0111 ran rota 73 a.celo 3 p.ta.,adis op ai augo group. Prinos cili bo awarded on foc bsis 1 PLUS PREPc !ARES Por Immdilato Dlivery o fitti ize uni the aa of ilit Rtresitoents and bol dogn 1 AZ S OS L cilbo availale ailthecite. The HRCA leslocting te pond itti raicitowtarot 1iSAý (RÀl 4)I1OD vaayteg la lengftra iht 10 24 inrbo. Regitration i1cM rente baltrtildren unier i2 are free. auras Pond ic on 10 Sid- rond uithIte First Lin, nort- I III ces et Campllville. LISIIII DERBYI!! a The Hlton Raglan Conservation Authority 7'ake a willîli. holding its 2nd annuel Break FISHINO DERBY < Muray ae tha BURWS NATURE AREA 'ý7JHood o À Saturday, June 12, 1976 The nwrcomputers doevery- :0am -30 . lhing bol fint, ohicti maitr :3o.m 30 pm Iheta almoul heman. + + 4 POND WILL BE STOCKED WVITH 8" - 24" Oe tilnyen con say for RAINBOWV TROU? greed: in sresponsitla ter same highlp imagintive PRIZES AWARDED raliealzaina +. . . REFRESHMENTS & HOT DOGO AVAILAnLE Politirians a the ame ail 50c Regitration Fee Clsamund,, 12 Fs,,> ove. They promise 10 holi a brige eve itere Oera0 ne for enore information & directions oel river . . + 878-4131 itee i, tieof beiitek-,Us happiito ptunold dohe,, the levi tba or sit susn Execulive: ee obo cmn dle- gte ail ina reapeoiiilily. sift li Oe bhume, amidltie al tie creli. Vuml i gve mn creilifr- sceohif n a tty lunch ite hm"ryai Muray tasmi Drive- l te oanmt. Steetes Ave., We MUl Otario Lttiry lticeshm au singled le round ot te bt- 110f. Yemm cWla Datvetata pirbeit ep Oie wic, needing relief bellp ram ara Paqualla nbthfo fndt Ymi gave uplfivebhitsand four ruc, olkiti one an cîibngeout liron atlio. Pa- qoalle alloai Ime cens on trea ile an ai 10 cliha- tee Ceulcon tande un ap- pearanra on Oie Loville moeni Fidny, worhîng sic inningo, giviog up four ile and criking oet four. Paquelle rama on in relief anistrarit ouI ightbt atera ia trar înninf 5. fiief np IW0 buts. Georgetown 100h n 1-0 lbai intae firsl inning bitLtom- villa ied il itae feert nd scoea tae winningrn inlatOe eventj Harrison, liundy Nykorati an Mach Buck earb si,îgled imica. Dala Smitti doutleit an OIe King ingidas tom- villaces heule ao igit hil. le tboir home gameaaanst Hamilon, tie Enlerprics Blueberry ice. Proches'v Cream. Slraceherry Soda. Vanilla Sondae Lime Sherbert. C oloors as rch. soS and c reamy as anice r.ream sundaeAnd juSI as lempling. Tiepre tbohee'Soda Foustain' caots froce Arrose. Fashionably sipiai shirts ivn iman pitan elirate tose-os-lones. pal te game oui o rearti Lnrcy Rirtiardson. aarlyscrcng trea tnila Yamm gol Oie in, piteteng lthe irai and focea more in the ic alanga, allemlag sxn tlî, second bera Hamilton t100 ns anmliag Ime an rrocced tie plate. srfoief out seven. Paquete Hlarsnaasetpae rcmeon infthe eventh ogive towvilies 1hb alt tant as the fild a rcml, titing nul led by Harrison oit n triple egitl ballera an malting and twe singles.trueaCr- oaa.,miile bolding Hamilton vebad a inglea un adouble itilecs. and Oie King inglai lwira. Lowville played tuinagten Ririt Kig inubled ith itnc- lad nigh, andiplays la Hrn- gls geîng te Prîre, Deug by Frîday tieoth Oe Pelermo Coveriale, Andercheti and leurnamenl Ontrdny. Soccer Mosquitos swatted tillons tajor mecquilo rap nocere uacontinuai le laeea bening in inlrcity play, manngng only one gai n tem lastliree gumes. Brnampton itat Milon 6-1, Mny 26,taen tielinglon rounred Mlon 8Oc May 20 un Oulfleci ciuloul Milon 5- Thte Milon lance 5plyinf legelter for Oie Iat yuar, and saitaviog Oie nome diff i. mllies ancoantereit by the ons cîer rap teas, nmly inrit et robenien ngainnl luams obicit bave plnyed logefor la proviens yenrn. Tite mosuile eanm as iâ leeing toc playora tram tie bouse lanOne 10f111 Iree va- ranntspots on tae tea In easy-cane Patron-hon poyester and comiorlable cotton hesis. And of course, lealuoing that expert design and tocellent isorîmasship Atroce is world amous (or. Hunnp ic ioda y aod maIe pon seleclion tram lise Soda Foontiln. Vocl l ied il attondabiy dellcloas. MEN'S WEAR LIMITED 202 MAIN ST., MILTON 87OM472 Thum &i, Pl 19 P.n iy mie ttllmh rane Whistler foumd another dott tmmlrda*Wt e4 marna Oe platefolialu firal-aile botientahe mesa mn i tldua elum 1 1-7 margi. -ma lciohOgtattthn mrtO..mf=mht m Katlt ,Lna reMCan--ilcos. SItrpite ti-To tCrn Mst de gond mary Steale, Aattmm C= tgmevie. t iwntt t a.e aOe uie eatt aomirthotni tue bitt tathe atttinning, mm ow Diioha, OiBrotksiDai i UmItm'$aact ut eOionoogtite ae a alsartimg tamimt edOih atmg wit tua Whlileted mpr e-mamlgament, eiher ln te- tht e tlaaati. Uaaàa Boras ement i hOe tlam, ma 'sci bomne game amgmt blauaed a Wloag tit i ergt - tfo hedlneatreos mvno atG"«Wilhlm, or lThuniday ceoirefleli mad mooma! tulce. hlm tesmnmyod h infr-Ht alocmty. Wamaapitchad 1The P- 101u . eeiftl whHiltturgh. H m OifraI flvehthimg. tllaieqi*alrMy mpci l l. eme t Milton wofisfrt :ht M emetuMorUiai iharato lainoiljmyof the year, oitJane M, a8:p3 e 1horfirt a me. ml played a rua- Par. MMHA Executive sets coacheps' date The naw Milton Minoi feeling that cloasficaion need Social laurimeNom- Hochey samou aeculive shuid ho hauom n hockey bars foc hIhOM17a7 mm. 1heldiie ffimt miag Juae lia registratioa; net oamtspop- Atonom lmars wmli he ala- Scicons aew informaiou. ulation. md te try ant for temmm uis A latter from Oie MMHA tg lanalter tiusiness, Duada oey have regliatred. the Ontario MInor Hockey bas sit nt poi Milten focr ltae deaciii for amhlag Asocatin wa rami, out- repaira ta a dramsing rom piaooo for ltae year bas iolng Mhtmoppom;illte m.iniaw whirlt mmm trohun by heu mt tAng. O, ani final Oie propomad mova tram 'A' lIhe leam. mlecllono wll ho made tiy to 'AA' levai l iialtn's AllnlayersnextvyartalllAug.i10 M ilton Health& Fitness Contre« We operate a complete fitness centre for men and women. Our programs are designed to improve your health and give you greater recreational enjoyment. Featuring PERSONAL INSTRUCTION with 4500 sq. fi. of MODERN FACILITIES and EQUIPMENT Trafagar Square 310 Main St. Milton 878-1074 HOURS: 10 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.- 10:00 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEKfi Datsun's New vs.OVW Rabbi F-10 hon ront-wheal drive. Sa do lhey. F10 han oar e indow e oogger. Sa do lhey. F-10 hon radial tires. So do they. F-10 hon o ive-npeed transmission. They dont. F-10 hon on AM/ FM radio. They dont F-10 han bumpor over-ridern. They dont. F-10 hon n hoavy-duty 60 amp battary. They dont. F-10 hon o compatition niaering taheai. They dont. F-10 han tinted glan ail around. They dont. F-10 aino gain bolier gan mileago, with Up t1040 epg. in combined ciiy/highmay driving.* The Datsun F-la han ail thin oxoonhial value an standard oquipmanl. For the Rabbit, you con gaI nome af the mining features as extra cosi options; xomet you cant order ai ail. Bui aven with ail 1his standard aquipnant, the Dainun F-la canin only 54,3601-, or about $200 lana thon the Rabbit." Thore's more to the Dainun extra-value niory, and pour Doinun dealer con tell pou ail about it. Ses hlm noon. i.. lss ,..se ,ccot,,0,,, .q , . . cis e u da t ýc[ a .,,t.e,,. s C .5 . ie uO5sset,,,omm 00' i O i 7WI %~libeg-wseingàpStinNothAneria. NORTH END DATSUN LTD 610 MARTIN ST. 878-4137 MILTON »jeUI Jest 60 yds. Seuil Hwy. 401) ~ il -- "~""~~~' ~' ~...--.-. ,.."-, Arrow: Soda Fountain Delight BURN'~

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