Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 1976, p. 24

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r. T he Canadian Champire, oud. June S, 1976 Stan and Mary Fay JOYCE50thwedding an [IThe FearlDess ChefJ by helen godwin LEBANON 1liaditDhehosor ta attend a t.ebasese feast inuHlitfax several years ugo. It was nce of ssy lirsit esperiessees in et- ncgastronSnical delsglits. Itwas delius, butl mustadmsit tu a certain distunt oser tise rase Elîbie wiich la vesy similar totSteaks Tartare. St as deicinss asd as isun] i ate tu, much. 1 amn gonsg te save tise steak tartare 1r asotiser day thiogl. Today 1 iii give yen tise recipe for titreof my favorite Lebanese dises. KIRRSE teCoe") 2 cups cracised wmiet <se shredded wseses 1 clove garic usnced 3sons misced t', bs. tas ground lamb 4 Tlup. olive sut sait, pepper and a dasisofn stmeg t csp sivered aimondo Sois tise crucked miet (yen cas gel il lu a iealmi foui ste)-eisn engisater tcuver lfrtO mnes. Drainitand put it tirengi tie meatgrinder atospmiitthe gartic and 2softise uiones. Taise hall ni tise gsousd tamis and mis il witistise aisove mitore. Set aide. Cisnp tise remaiisg unionsani tsate in3 Ttap. of oiù usd11 transparent Add tie restuvf tise tamis. atmondsand spicesand stu-fry foratsout5 mins. Graseano 8nOpspreferasty gasuî wetins-sprsy witD Pain and add hall the firit mixture ta form a crsst ounlise hotinu. Covermwitis tisetamis and almouli miture tissu add thse rest of tise first mixtare to cuver, pressing doms firmty. tprisste witie remaiungTlip. et oùiandeut intn squares. Before iaisig, make sure thse kife goes rigist tirougis. aise nsa 350 degree oves for sisent 45 miss. Garsisis witis parstey suit serve warm. LERANESE RICE t 3 rup piesnians ealth foodnstore) or lmons t csptusng grainurice (risse then sisk iniso wter) 'n csp steakslcisopped smal ý cspisbutter 2 cies iouiton cuises 2 caps bing pwter sait, pepper asd sttsq Saute meat inlutster, sdd usanad stir utit goden. Aste wett dsaised massied rire, str mith s fors gestly ustit rire is coated ilshutter. Add chiches stock asti spires, rng tea gettehboit, towes- huaItt om androverutidose, lt5-20 miss. This cas e retseated in tise oves tie sen dsy. EISGPLANT CASSEROLE t 3 cupolive où 2 ctovms garlir t green pepper 3 cups peeted and dirod eggpast 2 cups zurriisipeeed anddired 2 copu sour rream sitand peppur tante tie 2 arir nloves s ise woitunetit gotden iroms, tises derard parir, reservisp tise ftsvored oit. Ties sdd tise reot ieisgrediests tIsse il Cuver snd simmer over very lowisat for 30 miss. iJsrover asd contnue tuo rou ii to 15 Mine more te redsre me lisipid. Add tisexsr rresm sud mis Serve arm or cote, t1tise il ist cotd. If rntd, sprisntle tisrtopmwtisa ltttte emun juice sud pasmtey Tisu ran lie sren theiscmopedmotisatves oftisesggptant. S 1L.Pacisk DE VON $1.39 BACON7 - -FOR FREEZER ONLY ECONOMY BEEF .. E..........nib, 65- ............ b 9c a dLIlliti lu i meuîuumu 1 1 iniversary iiscing IBEATON Single Sock Sociey.... is there a one-footed sock thief? Tise etes fsmiiy are charter musuleraiof tise Siingle tort S ociety. Wsithfive maleststisheihoseme iave accuessuilaed mver tise yesrs eent isaga ful of single sncbs.,Ose ni n kisid. Periudiiraty tisey sre irougist out and sjs-ead on liseiving rossi rarpet Onestlisisis eveisvented ID. lates1 in parise gantes. Tryiseg ta flnd s maie for ID. istue stripes sud lise red argytes sn murs more diehocut ises matching tien nf-shades nofirn sor dans ista.. At onee ises1 tisugisiS had ID.eaamer. S beegisu everyonee isarck sncks. aster imte isbempadtheID hci ntinm .tIse wastiig maciansd siiempted te dye lisene ail the sasse mise. Tsking as tierinck lmses approuris, 1 tri.d one eekeni teo uravel tise mystecy. Wiere du thsend tecks go' Tisey seem tnausahe il tegeliser iti. IDe asiing marhiste bul neyer couse outin1 pains. le tse martie.gnbbiing up the eaiesosnk? ts lisere same sort of pareerted sousud tie sisgle sorts game ieing ptayed? Are mesusppsetiqg as neefnt.d souk thisel? thouldt me sdvurtise for an ampute.' t mss a mate ciisrestis te sugest the mesnifmie tourne rouid ear nid uncha. Tise uystery rame rilose i eisg sidved nnt long ago. A female friesd tnid me isos sie had discnvered s pair of tot pastykuse. Apprentlty me louis isr stackiugs sud tir uarbsoff ltgether sud as sisnctsed infini tire ntime si ere the starks in pubieic mis sie hada iig homp0inDte pante wer.sonessouidsst ha. tir reacised sp lise pantteg and started tepaît. You guemsed i, out csme litot pastykise. WiID lhisacris. t rammaged t Irmsgistielsesrnt. Junt pes-hapa ID. sncks have rtsng te tometa, etcfrant stetir in tir dryor. NuS use. Were irdsi ofis e ni ngassinge sort suwapsisnp. Aoy catomners' Dy Joyce Beaus ttan Fy couddri a blis aisust Miten sud halie ssld lieslivesi lire foret1 nf is7 yesrs sud bis i ie Msry ws bscu, tbers..Tisyve acli liehe n eresu fram as ha IDhususulipeope sud live lesus ctive pariot d greulis. Sstsrdsy tey celeisnsted 50 yearsof marriel wasa hapydaymiD oser 200 frieuds, ueigisisnrs sus restives cnmiug In S. Paulis United Cisorhintesheu u meSl. fStwsa s re flu rememrng, fnr Iinkisi harts over the peas ansd flu remarkiug a1iDe changes ih Ieir ives sud in th ise ofs Miltes. Sportssand polilltc Stisutue haslbuest use nf actve ivivement te incal sports sud civir alîsirs. lis mas s tomnu rnenliorist- ess mie yeasu159sud t19t sud iteeve lsin 196. As mnaoger sud coacis ot hasehalitandisocey teasubh rersils the day ivç Irsinlouds nf Mitoiss ent t10 Gat dsriug pisy-olls tesuspport tise efors ni me jun hockey tuan. lie courised lise MitonuJuveiti, Ontario Cisampionss in 1947 sud tin 195 mie Hlstes County Osueissit Chamspions. Insbusists 44years Dsringilis tiss eisault s sucresultPismisiug sud liesting Business, S.A. Fsy and Sous Ltd. For 44 yeasc s iss orked frarn Mitteus Mais St., ie sud Bus Enigit iring mie onuy ressstisg iusieses in tomu started isy larnitien 0h11 active in mie isusiness. Stîsubsnmtcised tise pismising iusinss go frarn s croît, t a "d-it-yourseif" trsde. "Tiere areu't ton mauy mes tefI miso csu properiy ips a joint,"ise sys nf tise dsyumises sit mie pipe as iesd sud il asu't just a mater ni tetderisg a joint. liesorised 1 inte 40s tirosgis mie changes f rom coul sud mnnd lucnsces 10 oit sud gas. lies eiped imi mie tsansitionuin mie toifront neptic tanks 10 sewers. Mlarrled 1955 Thuse er. mie dayu misen everyone in tonu ises rves-yose elae. He sud Mary mere married My S, 1926 aI her parents home ou mie corner of trente sud Mill Streets. Mary n mihe osiy daugiter of Jsmes sud Edimi McEzchr-. tse was mie middle ci i musneveu bromiers. Stis famiiy carne rsu Proise Eugtasd snsot12mies lie mass10 yess-s o age. leis tise tsnifHenry sud Evs Fay miso lvel ins Horeisy for ton yesrs ielore settliiuglu Meitonin a iouse miere Miltes Motors nom stands onu Mass StI. Silofatiser worised 51 PL, Roerrtson Co.unetit biss retirement. Sis mass mie of sales fs- P.L. Robertson Co. StiasFay han a sounded persousihy. Sus gond business seste is hoissced mimi a love of music. As a yousg mas he cas remeuhar pisyiug corouet mimtise toms baud sud lter imi mie Lorse trots Baud is Georgetemn. lie rerais me days mirs tir baud mnnid muet soidiero retsruisg front Wos-td Wr Oue. Tisey wouid pay mies. frosu mie Corl St. rsitmsy stalles 10 mie Toms Hlt. Thoemweremihe dayus es mie hand concerts Thsrsdsy nigiseai mie otd houdstaud lu Victoria Paris. From 1926 untîlthme esriy 5su ttau sang iaratne imi St. Part's United Chuocci choir and irlore thtI imi mie choir oniKnoxuPreshytersan Chocch. Later is chiidcen Margaret, Chartes and ttantey joisni mthir lamier lu mie choir. Tise boys mes-e att rnemhessof Stanshait teamo. Fm1iylf ttas descrihosisn ile nf te years an "a hnrne.linig wmrn." Mary mos-sk o four yeas-s prios- 1 isr mas-nage ai th e But Triephone office in Milten. lier famiiy stit ixa hec irst tove anid she detights lu telilg nf ber 12 grauli- chistdres sudonue great- gs-sudrhiid. Mary lus ameuhrofnthme U.C.W. nf St. Psui's United Chureis sud dnesivotutees- hospitai mos-k. Ba155 bomeu Wisen fisst masrue Mary and Stasi ived onu Robert St. Tes yeasaiatestiry moved te Mais St. oves-mi ls-pace of businee sud for mie paît 30 yuars have ttved tsi mie housse Ihuy huit 51 246 Woudmws-d Ave. For a short tus muudu 10n 1929 mie Fays iived ln u sds setetu Stas mnrbud for tir J. F. Cromley Cn. Tiry r.taru.d, te Miltnsud Sisu morisesias, a manasger osflise Crawley Ce.. brancs lires util 1932 miss ir qpoed tes oms hosinss.. S.A. Fay sud tous Ltd., pismhtng, huattsg sud shuet metai. has hees al ite present ,ieluSS5srt 146 Mais Si. siscu Chansonettes attend sl aajscsaals choral workshop soon- sie Sk o tsaspe le bld et meMaWiuUvniw tyeajs. 4, b nd& r e nuevesui. bars.cil lise 1"56e s... Hmaser, aeuees.aaut Wta Ras.d5, Sectnes I2swn Sredl.1 Jini Combart, Joue Fis lsnd choir meanlers Merg Dunsn, Merlan.e Magne.Jantce. Scisyler, Asne ftei, Joua F.x Saris Twitd elisudJeane Usyseard, sceempaiss netlise OmG=te CorlSnS Olaty. Al s 5 isenrsre- sesentig eblin ra osntei miii be sttesdtsg lise cosfen- ence. wbk isnminIelde vaSa- isn vere;s ares et cisucl mues h I. rnd finaletise maseed voremii Pla.ce.e ,0P.o " Jue 6. mi 1ud ersed biy Erie Erims, con- SS'AN AND MARY FAY celubrateti thefr Fiftoeth Wedding Asvrs~ Saturday at St. PauI's United Chus-ch. lhe couple has lived thermsre lfe in Mitons and have three st ns and one daughter. They have fakren an active part in thsegrowth and dzvlpmet of Miltan avur the years. du t taS e .1I.SeedOM Radia -lW amr letinrgsI. a.Ais.e pieas. Wm, plU5 câmOdLfb WANTI T-hose panons Wi.taresedi t inq the Bibis ln the. privecy ai thair own home usingotieir own Bible. No oP. wilioel on yo.s asihee iesone sel b. conducteti by mail. For the. first to eaaons write to: BIBLE C1OMIRO SCOURSE 241 Klnp coeurt Cr, Moine. On"ul. LUTI X4 f*Ladies asions forFai&Wte * *T NTMRATEONAL LONDON.-.IM Wehite & Color Uniforrns * Coro Cstumse Jewllery EXCLUSIVE LADIES AEAR Athough yau may flot rualize it the cut and design of your hairiseas Important as the. eut and design of the ciothes you wear. Few pua- pis are aware that their hair style and their ciathing style go hand- n-hand ta refleet their lits style. Remember that, the next time yau set your hair dons. Visit Char- isma Coiffure and lus aur staff, etperts in bath tut and design, show yas a style specially suited ta vaur lite style. SAVE $5.00 ISAVE $3.00O1 SAVE $2.00 PERManNyWVE'ON HAIR COLOURINGi ON A CUT AND PRMANENT OOassd u COMPLEUE WITH SET BLOW DRY or SET COUPO0. n dVL HUp 1 Reg. $14.00 Reg. $12.00 COPOMAV ID l UNE 1 iCOUPON VALID THRU COUPON VALID TNRU M A T 2- YE9 MAY 12- JUNE 19 1MAY 12 -JUNE 19 vii MILTON MAIL - CAIL 818-5751 THRIFT BOX FR11 FIXIN'fS When you buy a Tbrmfttox at the regular price of $4.25 you get FREE 8 fl.oz. Salad French Files for 3 chick~¶1~tm, MLTON 10701712 Most styles avallable in smoathletthurs or breathîný brushud pisin n varsaus calaurs and combinatians menss semens & chiudrens fram 14 If youlve been waiting until now to buy your ll«shl»xlppies your timing is right on. . ri 1 second yngest o tes boysi. lie sud ibibremier lHarold nf Os-ando FMoris are mie osiy smo of tir lamiiy iving. Sn scisouShr. Stts sud Mary hoth 51- teuded Bruce St.Pubhlic trisoni. Msry ment 10, Martini St. mies il mos igi scisoul. Stas quit sciout an mie age of 14 to hegis mort. ISu1918uise tuas-ni the piurnlg trade frnm E.F. Esri lu Miltes. Ciursdestaiiy, il wmss ite terne biliding t 146 Main St. as hiehouasisi busiseso todsy. lie stayed imi Ms. Esri for tes yuars sud hm ise hett May 4. 1WD lh. max gives lise fniioing citation: "Tiiisato certily mat tise beares-, Mr- ttanley Fsy, hasi eirslumy ernpioy for tise ist teu yesrs sud il gives me pieasure 10 give hirn stestimonisliohmisu 10 risararter and lsithflsitess aimsys prompt sud tisososghiy iouent sud soher -- t mas igsud hy Ms-. Eari. Silo good bisines reputatios han couiuued mroigisoat me yenrs. lie retireit a iem yeas-s go from active participation o inte husinses irisis ns ru hy snteCisarles sud Keimi sud dssgister Mas-aret. A Iird sou Stanley lu Vir-President 1

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