Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 1976, p. 22

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112 The Canadias Champion, Wd, February 25, 1916 Joys found in iveà of BiIlical peopio Chef ~~by helen gdwnJ "M4EMORIES AREE MADE 0F MI18 duhifyudidadm ill ~tiy ta, bang on tothat aid pioner spirit, then 1 thidaisyeun have fun wtih lday's recpes neaof lbegroat intruiteaai taday a, "There a a bnack t baking bread, yaiielherbhave it or you dafl'L" NONSENSE! Bread in mre dependable than acake and lma trouble tban casthlas. Sineci yw knaw tbla afready, but 1 eubear thenscepticu no. AII yai neod ta do in try iltutahave me af the must ewardisU experencet )--àwifil vec bave. Cansyns imagine tbe ecota eaitelfamily wbon teymwalk in and smelibome baked breed? Aday lacemember. PLAIN WHITE BREAD 3 cispe ai mil scaldedi 3 cape ai cld ater a lbap. ail 1/4 cap smgar 1 tbup. si 4-15 cape ai flaar 2 pbgs ofiftst risiag dry ymast 2 tpmgsr Saldmrilis in a 2 qt. saacepan. Remave ramliat and add 2 cape af ater. Mla together and remave oe cap ai iquid ram iio and place in a arm iom. This qid sobatd bi lubemarm and uually la tathlbrigt lemperatare. Ta tecap of lubewarm liquid atb2 tops.e.asagar andastir, lhmn ajiketheUicynt avec thbtap and let stand frt10 minu. Mille ymi are waiing for tlb yeast italerait, add ta lbe pt wihte restaiftiquid the set, sugar, aan, lilortenng or anyaotier fat maybliued). Ataa meaare 14 coi flr aaaoa large miag bam. Do nid ase a meta container, came peape ume a plastic dlabpa, but yu shaud scald iltfiri Wben yat l ready pur bth liquid mixtuires nio a weil ia lbe centre i tlb flur. Mis wel witlt a wmoden sponaa. Ib lwil flurad lande> galbr dugis lagetber ta frm a bas. à baead ldie ugb rigltithe l bon, bt came pepe prefer ta ue a flured bard. Aler yu ave rabbd ailtlb dagIram tlb aides ami. bttam I lebobal, sprisdle die bwl witb flur and knamd mtiilbhedaagb a smat. Ta do tbla yufold dlb oug al way avec ami presa dama wilb lbe eet ai yur b i bmth mS ica lam a qarter lrnand repent. twiLillobe yu abot 5 min. la knead Ilila if yu are epeienced bread maber, if oul abmut10 min. Aller bneading, grase the imside ai lbe bawt witb a lite laI and rab came on lbe tpaiflb daag. Cver ilb a damp lteawet and thonmrap mn ai d Itonelelle sbmet ta km p Oul diedrafts andlabeet, it warm. Ltlrlasatltdaubteoin bat, aobut me aanailoni. Tbea ym bhave a cbice aiabhaping into colla or lonves, or ai pmnciag itifama ami leting il rie agasa. If ym ltlil rise lbe second inyu il yietd sigbliy mre. Afler yon ave sbaped ymur breaif, let il rlae agala antil doubte ami babe at 3M for 4min. fortoave and 20min. for rala. OLD FASHIONED BROWN BREAD) 1 cap rlleif mta 1lcup brama sgar aý cap ofailbran 2 top. Sat 4 bep. aorteniaf 2 cape ai biing naler I cp ai uewarne ater t top, nopr 1spbg ai yeast 7 capelis fflor Mla firaîcla ingrediento lgelberand let stand unti lobe wamciaabonla albaiuri. Do ibislbfame you a motbeds or onnetng.It islavecy important lt ba smiture la neilbr ton bot or lai cat4 Mas in a banlthl aewaron waler, 1 top. aigar and the ymast andilt stand for Il minutes. Pur yosî avec lthe aru miture ami add lbe Itaur al ai once. Pcaoceedi as in lbe plin wie bcond recipe, and baIse a1210 fer 45 min. Tis is a enviar bread andf a iltle awet Debiam uwilb bakbe bmmor iy itel ithbubaler KLONDIKE FRENCIH BREAD Thas bread yna witt find la mucb bovirîbuan e are usei lto tlay iltlit doesbhave lie tucaurdougb tste andasmeil. Yeu cao improvse Iid ecipe and adi yeasltaemabe il bajsler. Alt ymi do is add m2 cap ai blaisg ater.tlatlb mils, 1 tp. sugar anti a iOg. o ast tunthela lbloiwng raipe. Yomwilb avelaoadd more ftoirlno, abut 1 ilis. ap Vu waild prepre tia bread ai yu waiitd aay otber. Witithlb yeast added. t ill Itrisc la a couple oaI baiic. Te metissaila sigbtly different fr te lbKaiibeway as you must mabe il ai lup of saicdaigb stater st cap mils sbarlelangla 2 top atI 2tia cups flour. Mm aigredicato ia tie abave rder, addla isehflair gradmally. LI 40gb risc aerai l ina awarm pi ar,-»thl id days tiicy wuld taise il ltbe wilb hea. t dont recam- vead anytising Ibul draatic, bal il sbtd hbe in a waras place. Kieaif breaif a ic emaraitg ounit cmaotii and sabmy. f yon fid flmuring ycbands damaI machr, ry cabbùing tlm mith maifadi. lbpe dong i isb French bread toron ami p lace on geascd caidie sbeet (thecocakie bmlt can bcspriatilmi ith con mmal if desired). Cal dito dagomilly accuss top and lt rase again, about Iiree baira if il as wacm. ilabe aI 325 for abut 45 min. Wba irawnirsb ils metld baller andf bt waer and cra la t aven for five more minutes. Te RabetoS Aulieey W.M.S. of Ksox Prenhytaclan Cbucch met eaItlb oue ai bMiss Eva Cbtabolm fnrctlb February meeting witb 2 membre auswering tlb rait calti l'her". Tbe preidant elcamed tbe r iàotalaed by a preyec or thue membrei bu- pital, csht-in,ami on mien- ion. Gel-mal carda mre siged bylhemembrta b ount tamembes oaitlbgraap. Eva Cinbolm reprlai savent quitle br Ibe ba MILTON and fDISTRICT HORTICUtTURAL SOCIETY Florîst advîses on seed plantingj Mc. W. t. McNetl, second vice'presidet ofIheUiclMtn and "istrict Hacicuttral ilociety preide ithaI lb i. 16 meeing la Uic Union Hall an Mrin Si. ilbe itcodsced gaccî speaker Hery Goter, ilorist tram Elîbride. Mr. Godter uptaineiftlb isilsit mixture for soisg cceds, depIb of plantag Ibe seed and thebesliti tomue. iome seeds oceif gt and thers shelb hbaded wiIb nemcpepec or plastic. Water eaede A gond Irtilsner tac scedi i 20,20,2o. Ue lubemacin ater but do 001 ve-ater mcd' ,iog,, not01sel lamaîe ouI lb ..lya a cil itI set Iben bacs. Tbcy like the beo, h' sauf. Mca,. C. Clarke IbanbeifM. Goter lar hiseloson slrtig ses and tgion plante. Mrs.G race May thoniscitheUicsaiety toc the service diploma given ber foc 1975. Blarbara ilamelcertcd an Uic basi tp tothIeCer show Marais 10. Tise bas i md taire Uic Millan Mal ai 9 Flaner soa ResaltsofaIthe molbly laer show acre as tolants Class 1, Herilage Day in Canaaoas mon by Jane ilcaysbam. Claaa 2, Bettai Valetine arrange ment iIb wh~a~mite as on by Cîaac 3, att baaging decoaoion o ila cîde nmIrai toateriatc, irnI la Ms. E. Clliag aad second tn Mc. i. May. Closs 5, Foreif ilranchs, icol ta Mc. C. Wcgglcsmarlis, secod la Alan Odenisacisandf Iird ta Mis. E. CalloUt Juiors, Vatenlioc Table Centre aiing rit and dricd merial,fis5Ita ileoda tocbie. second ta Crat Lociie anif Iird la Mary stout. baif bsenied 4t a worh metselln t a ney mth amther wmut unatlng mlib smet e bsnt meeting. Margret Dwbc4a reperted bao pecela ai y pIl balle ad bmen= £%doaa nlonry hIspalain tdia. Worid Vliso received ai emSwlaidailtta mtch were deivered ta Wliindata in Jascary. Ruth Larie reporlad on buspital ami tata' picaevsitislg br tlbmonth, mib Margaret Wilan tahlng lbe nesl maeIb A reprt wmi givea on lbe Brampton Presbylecial anamit meeting beld la Aclbn ta Jansacy.fil as reprted ail aloatiams were met but fr lbe year t976, ailacatious moutabe silghtly hilher. Mrs. Christine Newstead, pre- spsb ttbgrpabaellabat ta betng dome by lbe W.M.S. alles acru Canada ami abruad, and Ita rl » lbe mut aIf lbe<eneral Boaed oa ibons. Te indies ere remlmuded aith lWorld Day aI prayec ta b hld March 5 ai Gre Angilcan Cbureh. Ledies are uhked ta blp wiIlthesnging adin tam lonMarh 5ai 1.15 ai lbe clsrcb for a practice. Joys lafBible Margaret Filamirend e nadrtim oafs itore loai tram Lahe t0, faloned b ya brief cammactacy. ElIet Crnie gave tbe prayer. Margaret Duncsnaid Eve Chishbu gave as inlerestln Bible stady an "Joy" , mîff Margaret Duncanslisting ail tise joye Iaacd la eacb idividueal bIc faIech lady AUl lisataakis owmb about tlb PC leadersbip con- ventimi camiaded me ai an bcident is my tUfe nid ton many ymara ago. Anglican Cbrcb Wamm maere hoding an mmmul meelag in Qoebec City. 1Iwas a delegate ta the conven- AiocÀriviag for thelirittimelan my ife in tebebalifot oict-minprenced ai bina atone in am, tiage ciy-tmate abbanetal seriphe baidi. Arrangementsaibad bn made fram bondai office laTamantofar me tosay aiLavaltUniversity. Fram te train statian t phsone Uic campai. ilcatan?", said lbe Frmncb-Caaadlan accent "We bave n oan reglaered.' tmltead aifqonilioninil fuclher I staonped againsl lbe ide of tlb phone bootb and began la shabe. Ail on- penses ami arrangementso mcm ta bave ben paid by baif office and t bud arriveif for lbe meeting wth oidy SM ila my bag. WbuI ta do! Polting myscl tagethe t decided tu aktaeb bal b hebornemlate a cab ait la Laval, and laite my chnres. Once t Wmi Ibere, murety liey caild ied a ronai for me. "Tise convention ai LavaI Univeriy"1t lad tlb rais driver in my bast Frenchs. "Obay, lady," bie mid almosonlpleadinti t dnI ry tlb langage again i is presenc . Imîide lbe convention hal t insmedlatly mode my aiay toIb reglalcationdecs. Ail Iis lime ltctacg my duitraie lUic a tat waif. "Tbere la no ilcalon regis- bercd" t wac again tld. t suppose Ie lais on my fareeomeau Ibir sym- peIby. t suppose my peIbetic stance braigist outthIe mambrnaitinstincts. "Dont wa'ry, dear, ifwne anI p u yon Sp bacc we'il ied samething lac yaa in Qmbc "Sl:uIt ave no money" 1trliad ta expiain. Agasa lbey cbecbed lbeic lista. As lbey were dalag se t ait dawn amiboonisa ahokarcondtlb roami. "Vole far... Uicheposlera iavitad. Ail pictaren of men. "Ham sîcange," It Ibmght a ivety. "Wbareymurepreseningalthecanvmntion?" tlb "o')Angtrn CiOh*rcis @Women," t repliit. I can sil remcmbr lth ulzzted lookon lber lare an hcouler- red with lierworker. "We'vc sever bail a detegale from lbh Angican Cisaccb befoe" Uey tld me. And then 1saw the siga t1was inlthecommitte montioaitlb Parti Qacisecoisa Anglican Churcis Wamcn bai a laugb an me Uic cul aif lbeweebend. t cant bepl ibtinis my vota may ave cbungcd lbe wbate peitical climale of Qaeisec! iy Fot r f Dine at Newi ~HARROP, F3ILTON~ ~ 8 MASTER GLOSS ALUMINUM SELECTEO ALCAN DEALER * iIDING * SOFFIT 0 EAVESTROUGH *DOORil 0 WINDOWS * AWNINGil aFree Estimatesa *Roosonoblo Pricos PHONE ERROL MacPHEE 878-5337 SUV DIRECT FROM DEALER N rO SALESMAN B ii,/ tsar for Dreas & Casual bobert nan Shoes PM.. 1. WWs. 9.6 Tbou. b Fi. 0-0 80t. "- 878-9877 4Mais St., Milton. AS 10W AS SALE CONTINUES (Att ialis, Cash and Final> i InL ton EXC LUSIVE or1 dh LADIES' WEAR 246 Main St. 878-3961 FREE PARKING REAR 0F STORE MEMBER 0F MILTON DOWNTOWN GROUP5 le Bec ecoa d non searchîng. Eva Cbnbolmu dlonthe s readlng ai Puý dmof aiseclpture perwifnsg ta "Jean' 51B'!h, "Tbe Rsurrection" ami "Te New Lite ln Christ"' - the sumbre ourcbitg ila ucb pessage foc lbe "Jay" aventa thuI occurcod. Tbpreidont thnesdthel nembecs aiba bad conti' inedtaasy ay ta, makiste lbe meeting inchbas ttrenttag mie. Leura Mura bock. With he lb cing ofte useisU amitaclsg te Ir'".endsip Cime and repenting lbebllzpheneb- dtion, a soatllimeas enjoyed mithBlanc etit ami Me Ruas aiiting dlb hosteun SMALL LINE-UFS Ebctroalepacmaison, -Scont-Gaide Waek waa a ." =csnlte = marI rbyl tuy anata Mi. tiis yon, T1 o-a be redy bon tee . iocecred by Canadian cuiddn nthelabannuel noue sarmon-apetethl eusiladts.cborch perade Ooeday. aeuo plata emiaimtar la Cluent'.Pint ani toepSa, Main St, hl lmlcný PROTECT YOUR CARI 0,000 Canadiens yealy.ii II1I TELEHONE IUJSIROOFIIG Am8wEUIUS583 Main Street Est SinlU CallDace Mogliord *COPdFIDENTIAL 8877 * COUR EOUS 8877 * PERSONALIZED Rusp aoi g ta al mokas anaf malins ot carsand trucks '3 11 22O 1 toftim aat Cadet Cleaners ... Canada's largeat dry-cleaning chain, with more then 120 stores, is now right here in Milton et the GRAND OPENING SPECIAL Dorset ParkPaa (Steeles Anue and OnaroStreet) Just look ut thoes svlngelll ESOLAR PRUCE 112 PRICE TROUSERS * :;S( #.48 SUITS *tu #*.95 CLOTrH COATrS *s tW $s.99 SUEDE COATrS îrmK *.98 Offe expires Saturday, March 13, 1976. Maximum discount par custom.rlhou»hold: *6.00 Mors than 700,000 people ln Southem Ontario trust Cadet Cleanere with their clothes. Why? Because ws do a great job and our puIces are consistently fair. What's mors? Our weekly specials. You wIlIr.aIIy appreciate thomn. Every wesk we Meature extra-speclal savings on a different item in your wardrob. Qluallty dry-cleaning ie now affordable in Milton.

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