Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jan 1976, p. 31

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't,. ., 'f ÀTEAM 0F SNORTING HORSES, a sied loaded ýWth logo and a brlght, Crispi winter day ... these dements were once se common sight on Ontario, brma. Log ecut int lwnber at the local sawmill' '*ovided an on-farm source of building Boomn in Blackbirds flot easilyt'controlled :Olitarlo le esperleseisg a soaring popalaio soplo- tino-o rrerliing lilacliiio huaby-bionm the ilies of seliol it lia nver haines sail Teice as comon ai hanse epgrroses, ibres tines as cosemos as robinos, the red- neseo ilyto ibe la m les n sosili- s6 starin. 'iisllacliiidis cari rejso- the vitliasnles ni pleand poesiso lia osni maoï pnea le-seatchar, il's keas ser w0sateli. - Ir a5 be o lorlar mesaisc- l itsay liane mitantins rrie sales. Bai if yna'ee a irrer, it lias rinenst waîe lg yose cop lilerally eniEtlie prolilese. ~ he massive spreasi ni goenailelds in the red- sa senterisg groonla lan <le nntliera U.S. ansinl lis esdis; gratnss h ilie only uaase ild1ile experts cont seS ,0 the poaoios explosion. mostn.More lieds. More lrvesl roiprils. W illi the iscres in ernp mage ha oe os escale- sis 1e asciesi elle ni lied aars. Along seiib troii- 1n cnlral methodi liave me -propsamis seili more osa litle tioge ofth1e hi- e abot ibese. Tale, mor stae, the case ni the kidpolmsolutin ai pravei teli qaise as- latable. Not edile Several vsars arn, a feonP idoutles "immigrans asked ranissins ftra the Miisiey 1Natural Reosacen 1 irap clihlits t Hollosi Marîli. nbh ni Toron. ne drui- umet aisel lie a seana- n, tliey orgueil. Bol the pla as o lnmed hy as edihi- nty-so a riiiy gap ni Itel Misisry nif Naturel Resourcos dilsit serollose t. Evest haud thie pianssncedd, iiseouln'lliave rntolediena isathers in Kentucky fiie chiches landl. Mole nio mistake, 1he con- troi t lie rederlsg biocîhird, sa a lep prinoiiy in the ogricul.' turol oommunliy. Rffneorcl serins lianiness. A pesticide iliat lias reanîtel irose 16i1 remorel le ovitral, a solution io o problese, euth prahleanis ni lis n. nie tirai signa ni avitroins liandiseorli are unerusiahable. Son oliter eoiing the Ireaird cors, liglit liecomes errollo osd ilies impossibile mer the redng bloclihird, screecli- isg sin tomesi front, t6e cliemical pesicide sn hos hndy. Oeath, sehes t comme, arrives sloseiy, esilo or Ches lianes ni =ethig con- vulsions. Tlieee are ibonselino senali say socieiy has more import- ont ihisgs 10 do ihas nsoer aouot lions se reol undesir- ableanimais. Thers are ihone seho nsnuid soy o poo s peasil the ony tii t lia moter is thol se ri onïr- selves ni il. Bat Ihere are aino ibose seli snull sat, dores the marner ni deoilicoeas so- ihisg? Envirnemesi Ontario says Set guldelises TShis thile Misisiry establislied a cosemitise 10 estlisl guidelises fse the desieabulit ni pesticides sons in use a5 propesel foe the fuure. Represeoiisg naturol- its, science, asd govero- menot, 16e commilire ossess menst erîli ha hased oshoCli R ENT OUR NEW MICROWAVE OVEN SaIv, clvuv and fast, it cvqcc food inmn uts! Rent is for partles or special avntes. Dail rentaI anal lable. FREE home deeronstratins. ~ILTONNMATURAL GAS LTD. t n .,e3e Pop.' â, matrrials for barnls, shieds and homes. Smaller legs were used for cooking and hrating during the long ermnter menthe. Tno phboto, front Ontario Mlinistry of Agriculture andFood, la front the R. R. Sallowa Collection, 1909. By Ted MIktsitol ont. Mi.Aie dFood NwI le gond yme etao i r he sommr a tS pnprr ttoug tvlias% Vegetal lestsa aedcy 1s- orlring dosesA lanli ha rperd tra .li sinrg an liydsoraamandlfune msniie et icserato teelîs proa igetechasalnies ar ons isa ed eadera liyt th otlorag as i epo Vee liy ib e dm pe- de.=ergon ha liepi A h saslir a n geleio ilinil are hl sprnutsg os losgrrmayo ha preed for iberliy the dlece roinu duez. oane niou alm ee pelimcsli rolsl pnel lig assie osf ai eeil oer bat reassirui s re Pee il net test oy uc Treclers seiie es oiallier iyiirtezin, înnr moiseesieg on hs prean- tals moy lie Wse, eanar to dirednd pute ioeirs iate ad spps liins de- e thy retiaidre cofis the wier isPertre.en b vry ol aeaiberbil my i see nurj for oe lsoage dso Ineau ions erosee air Irons 16tci gor 10 ester or i V ert-ly aurce ili oer Hom te olrage nt trahe nsie waolon ibeayb rpne rcso. Thse ost yos raanis j iltay ftnnel riesig le O gag knon as e ylsos. AU plant tisse pradare ibis gos liat anme traita sari an inmaon. applos. pers and ornes prnos rlativsly ltarge qaniios. Eihylene sed chansgeai la lvor, aroma asnd cnlnr iliat se asn!caie eth ~ri MZstiylee content ni tlie stnro otososphere la liepi mer, me prndace seul oi ripest ns fait. Hnmeownes cea reine the riteci oi etliy- lense liy sinrisg tlie higli tliy- leste pradoceoseowy tronm ollier cron, pasiicaiariy tlie !ELECTRIITY lu 1 Sur lusoins Dos't i a Ticksons nsiths F leosnicîse. % Call as sopeert faor t *O eaiq t ONew Circuits % u ddsesasal collets 0 ostidl, Liqisis î FEATHERSIONE SELECTRIC The Datsun 710 Practical driving with a beautif ul feeling ..The Datsun Spirit ... feel if olililerios and humasne pris- Bipehasniog pesticides ibat couse pea to asimeal or lied peithe Mioistry lias as- si tr he resposiliility 10 pronide the tarerr seii ac- cepiolile cosirol methoda. Resrarclins meiliods ibatinl- clude, amorti niliera, sire- ironie sn1sasking denices, la tons undernsny. ,WlenEonomet Ostario oklis taaatrlty ibhis fai le, bon the salea ans ni aitral in ibis provnsce, ierwas maes yrec n o en acis: the eedseg bloih ird is e ni set o pet ai hlres lime asil lis nushers maxit ha cosiroliedu itla so t sonst a livisg crea- turc ai oht limon asil thai clan. trol msoi6e humons. -Coiorini 1076 coiendora ors appeorise everyselere. NORTHI END DATSUN LTD. 610 MARTIN ST. 878-4137 MILTON <Just 600 yds. South Hfwy. 401) SCHOOL BOARD SLA.MS CITIZENS' COMMVJEE Which has Persisted for Two Years in a Rt hponveible Campaign to Liberate the Public School System l'rom the Domination of a Self-serving Burcaucracy. Is respons to criticistinu nf ths rnsilp bit of hich.sonsd- ing social engineering touleil as thie "Values Educoln projrct" Seing îvînily devel- upsil hy the Ontario Mîecxfr'y of Eductoîn tCogeChrr unîlh t'tr Hafton atd Hamilton Roands of Edratof. unf ti- crelibie tolally uondis 0mo05oni ofessue agains the Bec. Ken Camell oeil the HalCon Resaissance CoinmiClee nos reesoly ro- iroudeil Chrougli the ilaltos Board nf SIîcalion isy the liugh-bainded manipatioCns ofthe ivil servnts whorcon- !roi the erducational syxiens sý Haio. Tliese are shodki iacics aimer!daiddscreditingand si- lsxcsg a responsîhle 8001-emeen conserîr coveerrd oitiuens WCIOSE ONLY CRIME IS THAT 0F DARING TO QUESTION TUE OMNI1SCIENCE 0F THE TYRANNIZINO EDU. CATIONAL SVOTEM". saisi Kes Campbll iîn o sulise- quexi sns relasse "This nutairîoas violatios ut non civil righîs as parets ani taupayers makles tise rocli Choi nos 15main theoou childees hedroose verdi, in eaclion t1000e pruiruis. loki le a jolie in0 coparc. sos. IF THAT'S WHAT o-E CAN EXPECT PROM THE PROMOTERS 0F TiHE 'VALUES EDUCATION PROJECT'. THE LAN- GUAGE OF MY FIRST LET- TER 0F PROTEST TO MR. WELLS* WAS TOO MODES- ATE!I h îs is lise cradef y bsarisarie seop Boards nf Eda- cationi taîriion in Ontario. NO WONDER TEAC0EOic GO OUT OiN STRIKE!-'I jIn nhich tMr. Campbelil ru- peesei heSRenaissancere- veov of the suhtie hut sin ciser itnevoflthedestuci:ve phinsnpliy uslrrlyîsg the' 'Valses Edacaln lirnief" wich is inlesîsil lv replace in te pabier sehisols the Couchisu of i c.' huord on flicmra scv:',ui clue of ccc' Iradilîov,,I Juduecij- hr stinln heritage b,", -u- oih fads ulhei..Icccsi:vv movral JUST OFF THE PRESS. TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT Th ccui the aspo h-i h bre ochin the phIlie cd.ou Livo.] ofo 1)tn.hvcuch educaînsil piser and chose children are snnyed fcy the beaC .fh15 pîplen. OcCIOCO IT erus TWOE TOOT C ALLED TOC EOUCATIONAL TUNE." 'iKeniCampbell sourssan siern dovag sn ai hia imie. The sation ehieh forisis Govi bas laioil seul. The Saiie chih leu OIhi honoi pois notir parentson the qui done i sili Cave dose a gond sondeorthwhile menvier" TEMPEST lie Maor ns S. 'i n . 1cvalvle (Vice. Presilen. ltce PrrOessive GIVE RENAISSANCE ITS DAY IN COURT! Is Rienacssafcranvaahentie vole "Cor 1hr civilizrd ccc. Corfsof the sfefI erajorcit and themî:Ir:htr t:Ihe s lecd riiinore<,, Or av the Halio Board vr Elucios decrerd. us Renai ssasce a pack of linsconsirels' Rrad Tempesi and Yoii lie the Judgt. Gîne Tonîposi tu )uur iriends and let ihoîîî bho1e Jury! (304 Pagels, 9",x6", - $5.00 Sogrsio Fricot Order Fromn: RENAISSANCE BOX 100, MILTO.N This ad placed by Coronation Publications, Box 700Ô, Cam bridge isaty vegeioles and rani crops. Bitter flavter Leoty craps sucli as cab- bage anid cesery deinrinrate qwkyb lnh ad yel- loiaerw 'n eianad le e1y. jette. Eiiylene gos, nomn se lnw concenratons, cas loi- liaie sprsallng ni potanos, carrnis and oslnns. fi isas altoa liesn occuseil ni deveiopisg a billes Soaor le noms roi crops sari as carrmin. Ifyn liave ladt aonme oi ihese prolisîsin l eopt and have liesn stnrisg tgsse hlgs eihylese producos seuls ynar vegletables, ton senriso t is sepoatsiy. il aboulal lieife" tngtien the viegle- t sraelite. The Canadian Champion, Wed., January 7, 1976 811 J VEW YZ4R MWISYEÉS Best wlshes to ail for o happy and prosperous 1976 WlPR SpERITy kIS Tiionk you for your support JIN STARK R. 'R. 3, Gereon i.. The Halton Board of Education !II Difers the Folloerîng MILTON JANUARY NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES GSTRATION:a he 0hîgh achosi on Thaeidoy, Janoney B, 1976; 7:-19:30 p.m. CORS PRST NIGHT TIME WK5 FEE INSTR uoM assrce Mon. Jan. 19 700-10-00 10 $22 Oosifrey 6kp:gfor a usail Tues. Jan. 20 7:00-10:00 10 $18 Leanardl .2 REGIS 7:30 - COURSE Auto Mainten (Men and Bookkeeping Orush up Typsrg and Office Shulîs Croative Stitchnry Crochetiro Fitnesi and Recreasion Furnituro Rsf inishino lInrior Design & Oscosonors Macsanse Metalnsnrk and Welding Practical Electicity Smaîl Orgines Spaniash Typion: Beginners Of f Lover Weauing Yoga Meadoss Meadoss O'Neil Jensene Meadoss Rasepley Van Ogtrop Hannessi T.B.A. Bock Sonserton Tues. Jan. 20 7:30-9:30 10 $12 10 $12 10 $12 10 $12 10 $21 10 $12 10 $12 a $25 g $18 10 $20 15 $20 10 $18 10 $12 10 $12 Tues. Jan. 20 Mon. Jan. 19 Mon. Jae. 19 Tues. Jan 20 Tues. Jan. 20 Tues. Jan. 20 Mos. Jan. 19 Mon. Jasn. 19 Mon. Jan 19 Thurs. Jas. 15 Mon. Jas. 10 Thurs. Jas. 10 Mon. Jan. 19 7:30-9:30 7:30-9:30 7:30-9:30 7:00-10:00 7:20-9:30 7:30-9:30 7:00-10:00 7:00-10:00 7:00-10:00 7:30-9:30 7:00-10:00 7:30-9:30 7:30-9:30 SEWING CLASSES GENERAL SEWING: Have you a sewing project you have nos completed? Afraidto sart somethingrnew and differees' Need help in aspecificareas $0 tat ynv roay stretch thoso dollars and erake vlothes for yourseif and your family? Se at your own levl of eprience urder supervisio. Class be 'gins Tuesday January 20, 1976 as the high school. Tie oi course: 7-10 p.m. Fils $5.' Duration 8 weeks. 1lostruveor: C. Langridge. INTRODUCTION TO STRETCH SEWING: This is a tee eek course dealing erith the new knit falics Studentsswili lie sewing wifli ease once they have Isarned the hasic construction techniques required for ehese enfaics. Peolecs miii wsill include T-shirs for ail rvemliers of the faerily, ladies' or childrecu slaclis and $ornef he navfashin garsnnts. Theclassswill beconducted aithe high schoclon Mordave, cnereencing Jaeuary 19, f976. Tsee 7-10 en. Foc: $18.00. Foriseiee iormaion aii632-3663 ** *SAU****i LINED WORK Ail PANTS ie Reg. 114.95 $9.90 PAIR 20% OFF ALL WINT 'ER COATS_ PLAID WORK SHIRTS Reg. 17.50 CLIAKRANCI ICE? $4*49E. ANTI FREEZE Reg. 5.95 A Gai. (IIIRAICE PftICI $5*2 0L BE WATCHING FOR OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SPECUALS MANY UNADVERTISED, IN STORE SPECIALS UNITED CO-OP ERATIVES 0F ONTARIO Broute St. Milton I1S-2301 F Tips on storing vegetables

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