Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jan 1976, p. 28

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RiPait RiunI A delermiaed rffart la bea raad lawardsa oresponsibte lis: lte greslesl scbîesemeal ai Legislture. accardiag la ne, LiteraI MPP tor l-alloonarlie Ina recenalinerview Rec lte p coviace's maie la eut opel colitscit or lundis g fac munici mentis and achavi itoards ocrî Ileed liints therfeaI isf ciai dallars itl ilallan bas le taxpayeraîaa leepHe Oledith, us lromitheprovince taregion gasrmrsawoud maiteil municipal rouanoils, butlieoees lbiag far the raîrpoyer. "Ha'll pampaer and be'll ie able laS. braite n Ual:>l ara' be bas b:t taup - God lac bot Reed taurd te corove vie and laindlird and tenantle gaual legînlalias lie aaled lte L o -S soccevaflin ta ameding Il legisiatua la gain protectioa f lard as udtl as for lte teonant Coumeing on aithetmssibit rica lcini 1976, Rerd s o-asnt aarsmus t ave althe - I oaa: la see lte gavers Titrîr bas ber:: eauugb gaud 1r arily f urernrnl su far la bel cao awonit Il miii last art:: o-c and Il agree alilh ttc Coîuorrsalivesi issueaor uiiilDavisesecs te iisfavar andconoctac a td 10 appas:' .. lucb tabedorai" lls sairutralingfVn.t're ir bu tIru sec su munit ltaI tas la: Oakville indlustrial A leutr b: Rcgiunal il atitrlir has beaugit ai struogil ua)rded refunt trami t e Oabsls and Dias1tr1ic Chamber il Cîo-terce. Erîbseti paîictd aut ta bis Ilie tal lte Chamabers nif t-omeet lta iii::, scerid I adamanl ltai regioaali cancil sol delrlp an Il lodasteit Ili i ,elopo-vol i)rparlmiiiil Esîbstîn han svii agaînsi bialt Ar:eloint ntce il a lirsi pratutad irs, years ag. Thes colas tintr t1 g,ler fie osI ni setitg ap surît a depart- ment isac, expeasive and ot îîreded. tiec shorts indusltry wiicame tu Haitoa. ere if titere ta no deparîmeaien cnaragtagtlieuindtri He tiitrnIa: if gowunît> il etoesaue anultr liag depo ttiettin tiihe hurea.ucrti i Ilapst sta A lelier Irîl -On E, L Harimell oi tbe Oakisllr Cibamber ai commerce reputed dlai mode hy Eribses and sapped bîpa for bis sltend un lte issue. VYu are quite correctlin slatag litI lte Cabumtr ai Commerce:is cinuiag ils eft t luhase lte Regin tsi- fil ls obligation la lte lait payer o aililu as laid oui ta nîi 151. Tbe sale psrpase af lthe Province gisîag itis pavier t0 lte tiegin, is te realtaatitn litai ithaul praper deî'elopmenl of lte Regiua. the barndesnt ite las' payer aill iterne usitear- ableand flw raio of econflmic dreialpminilo esideolial su dîsprapîîrlîanaie ltai the resîdents xui ruiler anduly. Titere rsas ln ag reasnng, îlot if lte Itegio finnot atitain a proper res 'deniul tecnoanic rotin, tbrrr, o il be grustr unemplao ,eat or. alr naaiirly leanier transpot- a lias castut bni ut eai 51:1 and Regiati, plus direst relief and sellare turbhavea nîo lime staird ltaI anecasumîr derclop-rît deparimnta ta lte be-ail and etîdaîl ni ail lu as and empiiymnenl pro- blett-s, tîuener vcs bare sloled ltai il is one af lte mai ouis miat te Regios bus la ibis ed," site ex- plaiaed. "Therrscod parogropit ut yorlelicr issery tadîcalînee oI lte i trnis meoniteîog stcktaoin, eleriectireprcset atvs ls îo udge lte pro- gros, , ohiscitdrporl :ýr I ' , .m -fr- i, ' o tur,, arr: lie sacrerent of such a departmentlist ite expansin ofaar pesent commercial and industriel establishmsents and, especial- ly, teit .iaing temo n aur orea. Newa business itrougit intouid be considered atednuty 'iteir responsilitty I'To stale bollbiis alo lte lime ta start sci a pro- Sdse le restrainta, la la te fadt tiat me have iteen iryiog for oeail IWO Cears ta bave ReglooDi Govecomeni asssme titelir 4 respoairbility. ltai itey s temai"ys bong on te a JULIAN REPli casIt aIl be done in tbree monlttu. I wostA lite Ilîme la apply lte eoeegy and tbe Iiny bitiof talent ta lte sebeme af Ibingo," bie ex- ploined. As a celaiively nem combottant an lte boillefieid af te tegisialune, Ileed s ormez- ed aI the entent goveroiment ptays in lte day la day Ivso e. Reprosentiog naotiat0Ion, Reed findo bio-sel mt lte addition al pcablemns oI lte greeslboîl and Niagara Esrarpment Coim- missionO ontp ai lte regular prnblemrs o-ilb o-bîci an MPP bas ta deal. "I boaile eare giveneiding offices lu tetp lte rarte of lte routine ciding pro- blemo"ý' bie said. Rep mas queolioned about lte difficul- ties in lte transitint ai a prinale cîiien la a public figure. 'Toi e po clse s atyt 1fn aet "lmasc l tia el.Ifnv ael te creful la protecl samte priracy and indivtduality," b e omo-ered. hamber presses development la itoceascrocp. a staff Of la da everylthing possible la aoar ltree people itacdly pssisl tbe lospayer la redscc -o-s a bsreacracy uniron bis burden. Prîvale enter' rasragdta dosabylthe prise ismweil a-ace tbatil is ecled cepresenlolives. necessacy la spand maney 'Wc spcet'ely trust ltaI -isely la getlane eun ilmîtîlqicty come la someltiag ltaI somte eiecled aIze ltaI mtelter lte cepresentatines ignare," site iion perates o antsnor o-rale ipecly taxes, lte moey s la camte tramt lte Hallan -Tamn nremo o-tîl callerl ,payer Ilt is Ibecefare lte Chitsmas trees an Manday, cled represestalives' dsty Jan. 12. ross brancier * EWELLERY *CLOCKS *FINE GIFIS 220 mais SI., Milton, L878-6341 - -j J. De, CURRIE PLUMBING eRESIDENTIAL e COMMERCIAL eINDUSTRIAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS 24 HOUR SERVICE 878-2452 Eves ttougi itebas bien sn te bosse sipce lhe Sepeie eleciion. bie sill doests't comsider bimselt o potiicion. -'I cavte lte politicn la lthe poIiclas:s-tnyo- jectv n laglomebo ccampliobed. Reed ban becs appoitld a membion of tbe select governiment commilîce an htydro in Ontario and be sees ibisoappoinmtatas a maor oppoclanily la mabte acotribuion la, an estremely crocial question. Reed says Ontaria Hydro bas gaI itself in a pmsition and il daesnlt bawowtao-l gel Hie dlaims Ontario Hydro witI have la chtange is ways or il o-ilt bove a neriaus de- Irimental effect an tbe praviace's ecanamy. $20 iionp Ho claimed ltaI aaleso Ibere ore major canges, Ontaria Hydra mutl ceqaice $20 bl- lion avlec lte nesl la ycars lac capitlt ce- quiremeols. ."Wr cunit allaw lbem tai go çborging shead al lte sain cale, or lte per persan debt lac bydra in Ontario o-tti be op ta $3,10 for esccy man, womao aod citild aithIe etod ai 1l ycars," be claimeal. Reed sees a defiaile oecd Loal ite ber- ramiof reqairementa fac Ontaria Hydra. Ne clsims Ibere oresa series ai idess tbsI Oat- ariobas la lookt aI and tuoai aseciaasly. 'As aur epoîf y resarces camte ta mare and mare af s premiam, oc standard of living o-I declîne os me spand s higber par- cenlafeaofaaerincamneaonitbotheaoppar- lanîly la deat mt il is enormaas, Faits ta camleeagripsi '.frusrîîag iîg iopaitioand watobiof lte Miaisler af tbe nviraîment tait la camte la grips o-îtb tbe prablemrs and jusl wring bis bonds.' Recd sans thte gavorameoll sbotd tie tcaiig aI alleroale sources of energy and eacaarooiog marc researchin ltat field. He said vecy ltIlle investigation talae so- ]ar eoeegy o-as birio caadarted on Ontario. Hie ciaimed tbe pravnce soald be loing, ai wind generatin planta an o-eil as salon esergy and taiia lte exsiia lecitaaiagy sad spptying il. Amang lthe ideas Reed is advoociaf dur'- i0f te meetings of lte setecta cammittce lis an desat ioul ud encourage industriel cansamners of itydra la bore ltete ama gev- eroliaf plants. Titis, be says. casld retîrse Onaria Hy- dra liofthe aced la praside for surit a rupid grathin georralial piont expansians. -Tiere are nîanv reportsa 1 of -atses inlbe ruraI areas ANSWERINI SERVICE OCONFIDENTIAL COTEOUI Caoiveth sPE Il ONALiZ1E I m-, aale Lias, Bufiaul ~88-2020O r.J lx BELL BROS. LTD. FI IEMEIAILE FUEL SIL IELIWIYT MME CONFORT SERVICE 878-6380 BILL'S AUTO BODY COLLISIONE ' FREE PICK-UP ave ueas proeit piods e pointst Ieedeal itaed on ioer tlieoune dur ng pe.=peiadn Tii, a= o, cosdZ dop Iffroopril goctcsl hi plants. Duclng lte peat ded lte im wasld bie drawlng troin twOptaria ifydra grid sysiemn and durna off peat periade il would pump energy lntor te gcid. Under ltai sysiem tite consumer wasld pay for mit il drete finram lte syoiem but wotd ite ceimitarsed foc wit il pompe bock lit lte ysiemi. In failte mieler wosld ite ruaning itacitoardo miten lte ptant woo feedingotlietyrgcd Tite glanerai elfeci af lio mood ite ta lawer lte projected needo fac capital tesp ment. to Reed's opinion, milions of dofors coutl be saved by conirolliof lte pelait; ose oi bydro in lte province. Titis sa anc of a nomber of posoiiiliim lte select commiitee io pursoing ai lte car- rent lime. Ilones nociteaper Tite MPP aila tends la loit tawards lte basic but imaipotive type ofaichaeme ta bcbng about offordable itossing in lte pro- vince. Reed acboledgen ltai ODRAP and alter tleeai and provincial scitemes bave helped boyers getlit homes itut i itasolt donc anytbing ta lamer li cmit of tbe bouses. Reed identifies municipal servicing as lte bey la csliing cois in a bosse. He soya lte idca ai zero con off mont ite espînced. If itis confldt be dose ta subdivisions, il mlgbl be possible ta reduce or eliminate lte need lac 010cm semers. Land nal suitable for agriculture sbould be comsidered for itossing and o-sys and me-tain sbould be faondi la service lte Iota o-jîboul itoving la develap expansive muni- ciplla secvicing, lie fIl. Assterity ahtend Turnin o lae leconomy, lte mairie MPP soya bie ases five preily ounlere years oitead. "Jobnmwill became moreand more vatuable in lte province. Il's 1on early ta suras tbe impocI of usemptoymeal in Hol- "I se inflation declinisg and tbe dollor becaming woclb more. Uoemplaymet o-ilt be lac lens o pcoblem il me accept contrats, but il me oaI grasit for lte bros g logo- angI a me crosbing in-and il tit ail- * THE HALTON BOARDO0F EDUCATION SOCIAL SCIENCES PROGRAM COUNCIL * milpresevllthe asos meeeinvaopen ta th public Wodsosday, Jaosary 14, 1976, 7:0 P.M. Wiest Educalin Centre, Genmood Scoun 2468 Gtpnmood Duive, Burtington ror mov se aled bo otatea MrGeorge Centrl aAdministration Building, 205 Guelph ýFtee ~tftni For Service, Fustaae Expert Paint Jobs e..a. - Collision-M arred? 7.30Osos. - 5.30 p.. Wednesdsy -~~O9.0P.m. â_fE !5j Tow Truckt Service ] 878-2721 88-321 Bq Tite Canadien Citamploei Wald., janarp 7.17 Spending big issue in '75 Rookie'MPP Reed reviews -his, first hectic mnonths of work 1111W il AMC Buver Protection Plan e Economy -six cyltader engl " Satety: Stable Ride IDS lit, Comfart & Styling -W. back them better because we buiîd them botter 1 FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM *CONTINENTALS * COMETS *MONARCH *MONTEGOS *BOBCATS *12 PA$SONGER -COURIER PICK-UPS CLUB WAGON F-100 PICK-UPS *F-500 - 14' VAN *7 F7016' VAN EQUIPPEI2 WITH à à ELEC. TAILGATE ECONOLINE SaineCars WINDOW VAN Air Conditioeed For a Day! a Week ! a Month! la Vear! for pur mton Drap in and Check aur Econamy Rates.. *SPECIAL WEEKENdO RATES *i Buy one at the regularprice of '1.55 411 fr tCO nai, 1-0 BE ELIGIBLE, CLIP TI-IS COUPONA AND IAKE TO ANY KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN TAKE HOME STORE T HIS 2 FOR 1 THRIFTY DINNER COUPON ENTITLES SOU Tf A FREE iHRIO TVDINNER 5 WHEN S OU D Y ATHRIFTY DINNER AT THE REGU.LAD PRElE 0F $1.5 THIS SPECIAL OFFFR EXPIRES S i I %Nt ARt 25. Mer&Cr. OPIEN Mcik n~ ILTN 130 it2

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