12 Ti e C"ldln Coqplos. Wed.. Jonaory 7, 1976 CLEM ENTS Motors of Milton January Clearance 10% Off Ail Used Cars Check Our Already Low Prices, Then Deduct 10 Percent 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK 4 spod. radial tirs. eocallent condiion. Lic. DAR282. $1795 1975 HORNET 2 DOOR Big cll1dere009100. 4tomatic. power brakes, radio. white ials.o.il coor. Fnishd in sobrsiFed .!th a or- trastng itterlor. 000117 sharp. soniltioday. Lic No 100702. $38999 1975 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT V.ooooomonatic, power brae, radion. oiner, ln brand new condilon,o1lybee1,dnIoCn 1,Omlls. Lic.No.JEF31S. $4899 1972 PLYMOUTH PURY 4 DOOR V-O. automnatlc, power seritto. braSes, radio FiniNod ln trquoise 01100 matching interlor. Lic. No. A7F972. $2395 1969 FORD GALAXIE 4 DOOR V_8 automatlc, power sering, brae, radio. Nice co0041 lion . Lic. No. DRZ035. $1095 1974 GREMLIN X Big o clindor nogin. atomatic. radio. reor imiow defng- qer. tlnished in bluC metallic oit5 a matching bcket seai iterior. Lic. No. HOX688. S3295 1974 HORNET 2 DOOR O cy 1inder standard. Finished inhite ith contrasting tino tone sot9gree n inrior. Lic. No. B00001. $2795 1973 COMET 4 DOOR 6Ocoviider auonmtic. radio inishemin ,medium Sion 01100 natohino nterior. Lb .No. 000405. $2495 1973 AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM STATION WAGON Vit auomatio. also loedd ith noias. inloding air condi- timing. Finisheddin colos. oo ordoaled 7elew,.modgrain paieling. ts a haty. Lic. No. 0S550. 1972 HORNET 2 DOOR 0071104r auoomatic. power brako, radio. Flnished 1, in o tore burgandv ond 0101elwmu ontrasting neror. Low 011.099 and lnnOceptlonai onditon. Lic. No. DRZ98. $2195 MANY MORE UNADVERTISED AUTO- MOBILES ON OUR LOT. Offer Expires on Sat. Jan. l7th CL EMEN TS MOTO OS MILTON DISTRICT > HOSPITAL -j ~ D AMERICAN BRONTE ST. JUST NORTH 0F HOSPITAL 878-2328 "Mr59 Public Notice, Aother trodo mark 00111 occompay aur Dstlngulohod Achlovement Award. One thht 00111 double the value of our lready good deals. Inernational Wrronty Com- pany LimltCd lias appointed Gallînger Motors Llmted os their exclusive ropre- l00tative for Mltoni and district. This Is a GREAT PLUS for thie sed cor buyer. International Warranty lo no strangor ta the buylng public. ONE YEAR OR 12,000 MILE POWER TRAIN WARRANTY 070W ovllable only from Galllnger MAotors lenflie Milton orea. Don't gomble onîtO your gold In 176. Go wt h Gallînger Aotors on your eexf new or sed cr purcflase. GALLI NG ER MOTORS LIMIED M ILTON PLAZA e M ILTON 1913 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 DOOR SEDAN 350 V-O auoroatIc.0power eqipped. radio. tInIshed In Burgunds. Mtaiiic. beigeClotint enor. 10', a 0000v. local on9 0010r and only drIoee 33.89 mlCos. Lc. 000-S9. $2995 1914 MONTE CARLO LANDAU V-O auoatic, toly equIppad. FInished le cordovon moroce, mtchlng omiivelboket séat 1040,1r. Lic. No. HPC975 a b.aotItoi automobile, MUsO bS. . $4695 1973 VENTURA 4 DOOR SEDAN 6 cylinder auomnailc power ,ta.rlng end brakes, radio. FInishsd In 5000.0 biue. matching cIadb intorion. Lic. No. OJ R936. -$2395 1971 1UICK CENTURION 4 DOOR HARDTOP V8 automnatic. power equipped. loniodinfi automolo air con- dltonlng. PInshed le Dark Green hOtOlllc, Back cviltop and matohing Inerior. Lic. No. 001-397. WILL SELL AS I. $1655 1971 OODGE COLT 2 DOOR 4 Speed, radio, rot proot. se mlCeage. If vo're thicking con.micl besure to sC0thIsone. Lic. No. 8000-90)4. $1295 1975 CORVETTE COUPE 4speCd transmission. toiiy loadCd. Finished n brgondy muS aoblack iother dCiOOC inC0ir. Only drloon 128W miles. Lic. No. JHP-599. i ý $8795 1975 MARQUIS BROUGHAM 1913 VENTURA 4 DOOR2 DOOR COUPE Sandard power eqipped car. 00Iven apptoxlmbtClv 18.0089 V- O qonrp.,01 rin g, r ad ico. H01 7 ,9o-ia mile,. Poplar coicr comblnatiinn. mie.004000dr1COYOOY.Li. o HP27 Lic. 10737.$2995 1975 BOBCAT 3 DOOR 00100 40000 $000p, styled steei mOn., driven lsn thon 89 Imiles . Lic. K05910. 1974 MARQUIS BROUGHAM 00105100,00 eqipmeiti. atom&tic air condlioling AM/ FOM ami tape svstem. Lc. ABN118 1974 COMET GI 302-Vo, 3 speed 01000 mooniod trasmision. Lic. H0X342. 1973 CHRYSIER NEW YORKER BROUGHAM 4 DOOR Wthalmoeveery option. ComC in and liokS hs SCOtIl 007. Lic. AEFOO4. 1913 MONTEGO BROUGHAM 2 DOOR HARDTOP 003500the usua peier eq.iipmonf. One onr. Lic. 051500 1973 MONTEGO MX 4 DOOR Usu41 peplor quipmnnt. Aooher one OinnCO car. Lbc. AP803. 1972 MERCURY BROUGHAM 4 DOOR TOe mlengn 1, oniy 43,800e 0cr is right. Lic. BUPad. 1972 VEGA HATCHBACK With 0uo0omoii and radio. 14.01 seoond cr or for te tirst cr boer. Lic. 0016.47. 1972 OLDS CUTLASS 4 DOOR Se and drioe li, outomobie. Fiet iner for this car. Lic. FFL117. 1967 RAMBLER 2 DOOR HARDTOP 001960s.inder ototic and radio. Ti, 18 an obone &veC- ne0 car for the year. Lic. DL377. OFFER EXPIRES .IANUARY 15 176 ANOTHER PLUS HAS BEEN ADOSO ON OUR USEO CARS THROUGH INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY. ONE YEAR OR 12,00 MILES ON POWER TRAIN. NO DEDUCTIBLE 100 PER CENT PAIO ON CLAIMS! " METEOR e MONTEGO *COUGAR " CAPRI e BOBCAT *LINCOLN " COMET e MERCURY MARQUIS - Ford Trucks 878- Streetsoilie 826-1434 3-2883 Toronto 925-0887 1973 BUICK APOLLO 2 DOOR COUPE c7inder o00omtic. 0001r sborieg.broke,. do. Flîhodý n igt bluC ifO coofrosting Interior. A 1be aoo0- mobile, LIKE BRAND NEW, oniy 1.89 miles. Lic. No. 505155. $3195 1972 FORD GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR HARDTOP V-O atomatic. power ofeerino ami brakes,.rado. Lic. No. -DOLlOl. 8e158 soid as 1$. price 01008 $1295 1913 BUICK CENTURY 4 DOOR SEDAN 350 V-O 0uoOntti0. 0power ,fonring. roiios. radin. Finishod ln Siior Blue ' maîchino 01010 nterior. 0Wh0ineols, mheel cvr.Eocelentlcondition. Lic. No. DTN9O3. $2995 1973 PLYMOUTHl OUSTER :2 DOOR HARDTOP 318 Vitautomolc. con sole. poer sleering, rakes. radiais on Rolv mOes. Fin ished in suebrst yeiiom inilO matchinO 1buokel sot nterior and oompiete wi00 back 080100 stlipCs. its o beooly, soC il 0040v. Lic. No. A0N774. $2975 1972 FORD 'h6 TON PICK-UP 6cylinder sandard, radio. 0.0711 dotysuspension. Lic. No. D-16034.$2295 1974 FORD F-100 %~ TON PICK-UP 30 Vit nginstandard transmission, heavy dul ss pension, J. W. C. mirrors, Camper sheil. FinishCd In copper bronze, compieteiv rncotnditioneddand ready lo go. TOisIsa oeonrloin miionge onhile. Lic. No. AM377. $3665 Use ou00Cononnient GMAC Time Povotent Plon 7 388 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-2355 VALUED PACKED c USED CARS TRAFALGAR MOTORS- 409 MAIN MILTON878-23( Money Saving New-Year Specials 1975 LTD BROUGHAM 2 Docr Hardtcp V-C euoCniOic, fully equippOd. Inclod iraiicr Oowing package. Fin Ib n DOrE k ReMtel beauiifui white oInYl Ini rior r!chased from uoand iocoly ownmd. 10w mlo»ge automobileC and ruiy la8InC New Condiion. Lic. No. JKH-202. Wise $2.802- 00W ON SAVE $300 197À MAVERICK 2 DOOR Ecocomicol 6 cylînder, ooiomallc, radiCmoieall fouil whl o 0000. FPIihed ln stiadCwhrown, ton Interlor. Ti one omner. 1010 mIleagCaoOmobile ln0ecelClent condit 1 974 PINTO 3 DOOR RUNABOUT 4 C0l11040F.23W c c 050150. aooomatlc, radio. F1011108 White0 Melliclthil conirosing interior. Lool miieage 0010Cr. Lic. No. 457. 008 ,99.05-0001 0007 $2.205. SAVE $200 1974 ELITE 2 DOOR HAROTOF V.8 aut0matic. 000801 sO..nlng. brakeC, radio.,0White0 whenl covnrs. Finished n beaoiifo mOite metalilo milS oinyltlopanditrlm. LocaIoneown.,on4and .braminew lion. Lic. No. H0X928. 008, 84,005.-Nom 0017 84,793. SAVE $200 1975 PlINTO STATION WAGON Economical 4 cylimiler 2300 cc engin., aonoai, radio. rock, dualraoing mlrrors plus many extra. Filnlshed ln0 blon mith matching interlor. Has Non driven only 1i 0711005v 8 Ford .f Canada eoon00ioC. Lic. No. JND179.1 13,005.-Nom 0017 s3.795. SAVE $200 1975 GRAN TORINO 4 DOOR VO, aotomatic, power steerlng, braSe,, radio. FJishe white with 5100 oinyl roof and matchîng Inierio. Tlis !sa "nrloin mloge automobile 0h00 0105315onewo 5vus INo. 00Y941. ITO A SEAUTY. 008,84,05-00w 001714 SA VE 5200 1975 FORD F-100 PICK UP V-8 Outomotlo. 0power ofeering, brake,, heipvy suspension, step bomper, Junior 01080 coasi mir Finlshed ln Arcîlo 0white mith ooeirasiog lterior. onhýlinho, broome avaîlable throogh the gooerni sponsornd S.W.E.EFP. program. Ha bon drion less 4,000ie, ,los and 051drives like Srand OCin. Carrie balance of Fond's New marranty. Lic. No. M013127. 84,705.-Nom 0017 eeSÉ $300 1975 ECONOLINE E50 SUPER VAN 78 _asiomallo, 0power siCcrmng, brake, heaoY4 shesith cJnirastin Casterir iso leos hon4. ileA carrie baionceot Frds New Velile mrronty. Lic. S 13163. 0081 $5.5-oQi~c505 1975 LTD 4 DOOR SEDAN VO a01011,Otic, pers steeriltg. braSes, radio. Finih ebory black with mthing iteviorveoryprsclgio- 1 an,,ioiiid comes co,0leteR0ith factory air c iîîîg (,1v 000e, Low mlean.ge andc..îs od and ser b s. ,See lhis beooty today. Lic. No. HOY874. Was 4,91 Nom 00iv 14005. SAVE $300 19741 GRAN TORINO 4 0000 SEDAN V-8 aulonnallo. power seeritig, Ssake. radio. Finishe Coppor Mtollc, tan viymrol atnd rmtching tan i5150 Ecelent condition. Lic. No. KC B249. Was 1.05-Oo $3.005- SAVE $30 1973 METEOR RIDEAU -513011 2 00011 HAROTOF v Aitovtc, power sten, gbraksF.radio. F nsci ind bitecontrastingoîvilrooiand m1,01hin itei0. oweran in vCry nice condiion. Lic. No. 500E913. *585.Nm VÉ ~ ~0~È$200 1973 GRAN TORINO 2 DOOR NAROTOP 321 V- autoetlc, poser siesrlng, bMokas.radio. Fielsh meadîse blue, matcblng vtes.i roof and blInt r9lor.V mll, mOsai covers. Loos mliaa9. Lic. No. HCP331. 12iRs.-Pdem 001 ft"v'È $100 Sal prlc«exepirea6p.m. Sardoy. .iaeoars.17.1971. 'I -6 a-mm 1 1975 FORD F 100 PICK-UP Onilffl n Iolur, knltityoInç jsi, Va eutomnatic, radio. OnIYil,1.» mviles LUc. 03278 $4195 I1975 FORD F 150 PICK-UP" Sus lncoCior, VIO uoiatIci - Oniy 8000 miles. Lic. D3604 $41965 i 69 BRO0UGHAM 4 00,orsliver bics mIiý rnotcIfig Intelor, 400cYd., va automeatic, -1~ condItIonIng, oo0% 0I powr steerIng. poulme bruik.,, radio, wblto waliis0 WiieW disca. Law milooges Mny sorsfitires. Lic. 00U283. $4895 1974 COUGAR XR7 2 Door hardlop, dorit brown iding with ion Inirior, Va iiic. automatîc, power sle.ringj Ss . power broke,, radio, vînili Irnd roo. Lic. 140X069. )NLV smp9 1974 MUSTANG 2 PLUS 2 23W0 cc enin., automoatIc,, AM/ PM radio, gray wIiir, metchînig Intrior. Lic., DRUP9. $2995 - ires, 1974 MERCURY MARQUIS 'hl$ 8 4 00cr. Lic. HPL54. lion.' $4196 1973 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 Door. V-. Lic. ORT198. $2395 1973 VEGA STATION WAGON edI ne0.owner. Lic. CPZO3. Ioe $2595 1973 PINTO STATION WAGON On. oner. Lic. DTT136- $2195 1973 PONTIAC ASTRA 2 00cr. Lic. DNL-219. Nut, $2195 Goid 1972 TOR INO condi- STATION WAGON Air condIlIonîno. Lic,. DRT70.- $2495 1971 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 00cr. Lic. DRTOOl. $1395 rooi 1970 FORD CUSTOM 500 dork 4 Door. Lic. 9WXOO. 100 $1095 008, THESE AND MANY OTI4ER LOWER PRICED USED CARS TO CHoosE FROM -CAR001TRU03K005NTAIJ nd in 45 MAiN ST. N. MTON ;a one s. 9991.30. is Lic. BRAMPTON O 1471458395 84,495. 1977 OLDS Geta eoyois, A or. htp. i Gineno. 1Albe Wstnrn cor' originel 40000 duly rrloed 1in Onorlo Ononlobno iiros. 1, 175 . ooded eceOpt air.' .Thisjcrtiflodcou ell 53-100. . mmnoî OOeg287794 m1han19 171 FORDGALAXIE500,25100r es the hardioo, aiitomatic, powenr W. rakel and teering. Good condition. 8,500or b005000Cr. F50one 570-2120 ieekdays or t5191 856-9862 eno, sor 1974 CUTLASS, power steering, 0an1 braks, radio and 000 clv 21,039.2357 Arctic l100e COUGAR 78, 4 spoud, esand .Certified. 077-2313 atter O p. 0.0M- 29m737-2406 1967 GRANDE Parisienne. os i, Set offer, cheap, 078.7371. ton .010 canmper cap, e collant condition, con bn e a t t neMowoeiliService 011i in Centre, 50700 or 0011 8533317. 100, 2000020-7102 -icd1%9 1,0 VOLKSWAGEN WeIphi8l0 camper 01110 pop-Up top 00d 0514 .room lant. SIeR à in camper and tCO. more ln lete. very goodonodition. 98. '5261. 29m137-2242 1972 CHEVROLET Nova, 4 051 ln, door. poinr teerinc. radio, 6 terlor. oyI, OtomatlO, 50,0110 mle,. m Only $1900 or elf 00er. *54.2214 29m37-2330 1970 CHEVELLE S.S. 3%, mono extres. Fho0e 078-9104. 1073 PONTIAC LE MANS, 2 51057 hardio. 350 Ot1,l1,tic, power steer,1,00and brakes, nlîgOl 31,000mil, g5,0001 cnditiOnc One A15011, $2,000 or best Wos 2PM37-2280 1974 500010 CARLO. 25002 barrel, 1001r seering. power brokes,. olyl 10087100ornd SioCl bookats. sînyl hait roof' Excllent conditilon. Asking 84100. No ofeaonable hed In . 2m39-2231 Whie 0% GALAXIE 00. reialo, 302 1. 0008.1ongins. marcoo ie, hiock jInierlor. 0004 condltioh._ 8110.8-8547. 29rm27-22371 1972 PLYMOUTH Fury 1, 00*ar st00inO, 00ower bras«. Inl 6. 004 dcondition,.sanià. Con 00 ~ean an.lme. cuit 878-9400. 2M037 , 29088-30 1 ýlý v[HICUS ilO 1 29 výH!Cilb F ý 1 i