Tise Canladiean Champion, Milton, Ont., Word., August 7, 1974 7 Don't Pay A Poli Timo Saîery For A Part Tisne Job Oov*rioad 345 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suilte 314 Osamber of Commerce Buildinsg Oekvsiloe 845-6663 EARL G. BLACK Creme Actan t-a3 Main St., Miton Phoe tto -to4 Gordon and Lomax Chertnrod Accesntents 70 Mein St., Milton 878-7251 ALUMINUM Windows & Doors G, ASS en-t E F615 ST-ORE FRONTS W-J- KUSKI LIM II ES 32c Siocges AZo 078 94as KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Sottît- Fecie. Winjosensl Dosns, Amn ing., Cenrsetn-t Poh Encosues Reiîingo, Eaestrnaghing Federal Indostries of Canada Font et Fensyihn St. 845-0318 Jack Reeves ALUMINUM IN- STAL LATIONS Free Estimates CALL 854-9817 CeoCraI syatems ial led by tcenoed techol- cien- Materiat and la- ber guerantoed. Phone 878-6032 Fer ostlnatos en- tro- formeatlen dit DAN ARBIC TV ANTENNAS Cotoor Heedo Cor VHF and UHP, Rotors end Tomeru FREE ESTIMATES SterOing $190.00 Acton 853-0111 dantgtt George C. Jackson Rog. Roprosentetico Milton Direct Lino 639-5916 Eoonlsgs 078-250 Hils Bookkeepieg& lecomne Tao Service lEst. in Milton sinon 1t65) ona M.!. s W. Ail phases et hoeenping tes business en-t individtoels -Peyroii -Acceents Rocceblo insensoe Tes -Finenciel Staemoîts -Typing ~phote Cepylttg Coul 818-9162 f Dale Vorgason Masonry Patios- Stonwor Filt-paces Fris Estinsates CALL Caîl 818-6311 AttrdO 6 . dt Additions Rcnoatlens Roc Rnns Neose s ROT GALLOWAY R.R. i Mettar BS-2424 dattf Deep Stea M Extraction & l Carpe. Cloasnn mn hed mest t-ncnnsmonstd isy cet-pot menotectuet-ns. Thn oltimae on location cleneng mnthos. Thn dit-t is eotrectod that is thn dlittot-nont- 878-3969 Tll 9 p.m. sin.-oet Duracleanl DURACLEAN CARPET &UPHOLSTERY SERVICE 878-6194 'tiii 10 pe. DRAPERY BROADLOOM *Rosidenslal TIndustrial TirCommerci Redy made Draes is stock For Custom Soevic CALLO878-2067 FOR HOME APPOINIMENT 228 Min St.- Mlton Ontario. PON E: 078-2067 TH5E BEST FOR LESS FLOOR COVERINGS Anmstrong Vlnyi S A.F. Vinyi CARP FIS BY Cene nana Osn CARPET-CEOAMIC TILE Miton's lat-gt and mesif censtr. n oentn 340OMain St. Milton 878-3435 Free oasing a et r ot re CENTRAL CITV BROADLOOM Ropaîrs liitt an-t t-day, mati go WalIsteelteonAi mek qeerantood. Foee nstmacs, Phonoe 878-2020 BLAKELOCK CARTAGE ton Homo -OO0c-ApcrOnsont tor Ligiso IndusOt-i or Comensrcial Dolilooris ton Piano Moving and Disnsant-ing for CesrtesServitceand Loso Rates Coîl 818-5222 CARTAGE & MOVINS o MO VINO Apartotont-Hesso-Offiso 'CARTAGE GsoneaiConteact Persol Soloory Disposet Set-vice Froc Estinsetes Fest Cour- ous Sorvice CALL 1378-3351 We Coter to * Prties 0Lenchons o Benquets » Wesdlings Anitetsro homne iseo One-t, Rosis an-t Pestrios DEW DROP IN CAL LMRSý WAYN E 878-9229 or 878-5111 SPRECAST UNIT STEPS Replaceoid StOpS insieiiod in lest Cathea Concrete Rosiorelisns LI. ssoteeniin St., Milto- 878-6853 4651l ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLIES *irScotlo Tanks *Weil Tiges Ti Oison Ceonoto Prodeots *Plestic Semoer Pipe *PpeoSServico 853-1529 HALTON MASONRV BLOCK LAVINO CONCRETE CLAUDE 878-6397 PAUL 878-9101 osmetf NEW CONCRCTE WORII Welis, Stens- Beo oo ms, FoStingsao t-on t-ors nýS nsaotittos , cet-act- o CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS LTD. KEN BAlLET 878-6853 Holton HuIs Controcting *Eecaneting .Gnedlng *Snptlc: Bcd e Cencrote Wonk ACTOnS 853-1582 darmst PACON I Dead Stock Remnoval LiMiTED OfOsiore disciot Cetfre ccd Hanses. Poeo L4t6i 692 4-toi Btn6,aak Lic. No- 299C71 European Dressmaker Fer prorsneied styling and portfit CatIl Lyda Dcys 878-3234 i Safety Driving Sehool D.D.T. Lc. Insti-ectens Manoal & Auoenatlc I oa Centrais * Pli0 lnsoncd *Frocs Rickop -Air Cendltioed 877-7792 McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITES *COMMERCIAL OFARMS & rOMES *ELECTOIC HEATINC I NSTALLATIONS 66 Chettes S,. Milton i 878-9513-877-5795 0.F EXCAVATING I GENERL BULDN CONTRACTOR *Rnmsstllng *Ail cet ions Frennbueprints mth con--i OcRes DE W SO 878-3534 Richard's Workohop And Cottage Care Homn cottage rnpalrs end maintnnanoe 854-2100 dit MILTONCo i,;aEVICE -OFFICES . INDUSTIRES CREATIVE MEMORIALS [TO. t90 Oterio St . S. Ph. 87t 6522, Toronto 826-1363 PHON E 878-4111 or 826-1223 NADALIN Elecîric Co. [Id 313Bon Lr nReaMilon. TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPnONE NOiMBERS Town Dor endo Troasuero InsetorsofeBuildings, PI emh.t-tg, Trehos Planning Sit-nctst- Ccrrmit-inn f Adiesmmi Tomn Suenncrt Roonnaîlon Ottîco 78-12i1 -s,3,-t& 5 Toront-os862 1868 WorksSGarae- Nipissing Rod. NîgOt CalIs Werd i-Trafalgar WarsO 2Miutes Wer4 3-Nasseamy 878eg Firs141 07 Compintn J4nnsitoiService Fîn Choifs Ot-ue 07 9251 878-6388 hooEner Fît-n 07 6922 Eoeaatng-Trnnchîng MODERNIZE Hael-tge-San- YOUR KITCHEN Gravl an TopSoit Lot-es hnip oe cplen OSr-eoenTopou yoroenot-en fnon ffctîcîcnd- Nal bae.t- unoleatng pro tunisho-t 127-910 78-832 atnt- Oer-tmeo- cebbinets. 827-910 878-832 Asi t-en e troc brochuet- et FARM BUILDING Soce Rocf endtOoer 70 Mai SOtreetE. Milten. -SONS EVENINOS PLEASE 8825 WoterdoWn 689-1086 8823 GorengE. Harris. COTRCT CUSTOM COMBININO I MITNIM AND PLOWING 854-2681 Aftr 9 P-M. Customs Ptomiog Tillage & Pîaotiog Phono DENNIS MORDUE 519-647-2500 dtf Custons Pîomieg aod Coltivatiogi Snsath iog, Med Cottiog Cal I 878-5483 MrMKERSIE i Ai Pa No Job Ton Big or T00 Soci- 878-3291 GENE RAL CONTRACTOR Eoperinncn4. Oct-y dietsi- tiai. Aisie to tae cre et ct-t hosusciso- mcds. Eoceett CALL ROGER 878-5492 4m55 DryWoII and Toping FREE ESTIMATES JDE SEELEN MI LTON 878-3337 & GARDEN SERVICE Lantscping So-t-itus *SoslSuppîîou *Lamn Mein- in roen nd0Abe Oton Swîmm-ng Poos Commoret-a l, in-testr-eI cr2 Rosîdnniai Joe Wilson 33ý4Mcîr St. W. 878-9070 RAINBOW LA N OSCA PING Wn eitrtn a Compleîn Lcrulscpneeicen& Maintenan-e Work Sonslînq Snnolung Fnteî-q Pat"o Plcrt-t-r Fntt-lîcot COMME RCIAL -1NSuSTnIAL RESIOENSuA C 878-2097 or 878-2741 47 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE 878-5511 moirs tfn mn1 !rom Suinoco MASON FUELS Sot-oit-g Heissit Coonty. Hoen Heeting Oit-s, Desot-ir Sînsot- FeoIT-,Fat-m & Indes P.0. Bec ses, Ockieiti. 845-7973 di BP Canada Ltd. Agent GEORGE B. THORNEORROW Hoend FSEstm Fel Oit,. DisI Sos 24 hoee rtnet- Service Fernce Ct-enîeg 07806530 Hoose of Spectacles 218OMaîr Stroct Tons. & Woed.es Th-Ir. toFI-les Sct 10 3 EXAMINATIoNS ARR0H50E S 878-5923 H. CLERK MATHER Disptting Optioins Weeis-tes p o 10 -nm Weekends, 10cam tee6p *ri or On eppointmont Oeeîîst-s Ro's promEut- t-t-t-et 6007T-IAFAIUGAA ROAD BROt-TASNIA ROnD AT 0V R UMOUI Arthur A. johosori 015 MILTON-214 Main SI. 87803673 By Appoinsmont dmtt BRONZE MEMORIALS Sincrity -Sennico - Satistaction AL'S MARtNE & SERVICE CENTRE 202Maic St. N.. Actoo,Ont. Rnpairc bo Johrsot and Een ruen« Parts IL accnssory Werranly oork on O.M.C. ProMects. 853-1682 E enngc &WeokenM ocemgtf PANTN B n- HOUSE PAINTING Inteonsn Estonien Rnasonebin Raens Atwood Painting & Decorating Co. 827-3366 Sereino the Milton At-na GIL VANSOELEN PAINTI NG CONTRACTOR INTEROIOR EOTERIOR Caîl Nom ion Fro OutîntatOs Q78-6137 HOME RFNOVATIONS (ALL PHASES) FREE ESTIMATES 8-theses Roof ng con 853 2055 Scott 853-0342 NEEO A NEW 000F? Froe Estimates Qialîty Shingins an-Sto DAN ARBIC Acton 853-0111 -tamngtt ERNCO RUBBER LIMITED 305 Stonios Milton. Ant-eqeip Ht-3raciio Hosos and RnesasloFtsings. B, F. Goeeshch V Boits an-t Rueiot Shnotîngs, Cosceoet Boiting and Boittestesors. Hoes atnd Fîttînes ton Air Dii Stoam- Phono 878-4228 sMofg lm os t-t-n Mirern Sewîng Machines SALES-SERVICE R ENTAL HELEN'S - PHONE 878-861 ART NOOK Milton Fab rîc Centre anSt. Roekmoos 12 Martin St-t-n Art-tSepplîns sereices an-t Rnpirs o Open Aftrnoons ail eakosot somns machines or Sy appoîntmont Phono Onueso 5 417 dpmtt Pîooîering & Stocco Ail Trpessof Steeco Nom Ple,- Rnpet-rs. Co ce Cellings Al it-ct-s Plastes o . Coul Celiet J. O. Corrne Pîomnbing RepairS - 24 Heur Service 878-2452 dt O5BROCru R ES -PUBLICATIONS *-eUSINESS FOOMS oAEDDING STATIONERT A Corinnîn Dnsign etnd Protie ton Soteuvicn 878-2341 - , tlos Prîoîîog & Pobîîohîngg -,- Co. Ld GENERAL RADIATOR SERVC 305 Otoot-osAe-Mtto *eeoing *Oclning *Re. pairing * Radiears 4-bocter Ceri -GagOs Tanks Cars - Trucks - Tractons Heey Estuipent Drire-in Service Phone 878-5154~ ACTO N Terminal Marohooso redsircîl & Ssestîc Steneon Ronron- Stonago Pick eo & Doliuoon-Mooicgo BOOKERASE SERVICB Phoneo 853-2320 Acton Soc 2041 Tonost-o sonf WATER THE WAY IT SHOULO BE WATER REFINERS A Oievesion et t-t Helton Coert-y CIRE In-stallatiorn& o1LOMVESTMort-Sy RorteI Rote Bus. 844-9781 lHveings & weekeoridsî Teem t-eScm. Dcil BUS SCHEDULE MIL TONes-t TORONTO vMilon, t-Iem., lois5 *83p , lo-,07pm IA, Milon, 10 00e.,,,. 6 35 *. m3 7 30 m MILTON -nd InCHENE Le 6 350pri Ar MUt-c,, 7T05a e , 10is a,,, 230 p. o -8t15am GALTarfl KITCHENER MI LTON ared HAM L TON mMIL TON and GUFEL PH A, MUnon c2 30 p S. alyno,,cop Selendat. Urda, oininay o Satenday crir MILTON U PHOL STE RItNG Havo yocn terntueo Necu ttiiy ne-epheists-o-tiro fin. nicnettsmon. Hondrno-s of fiet- teOt-cs frot-s nhiois te chooso. Frocs Estims - Ne obligation. 878-09 on- MILTON MOBILE TRUCK WASH TRUCK ANS MACHINEOT CLE AN iNO READONAOLE RATE 878-5692 svéirmming pools Eari Eeotîey 078-9401 RYDER'tS WEEO CONTROL and FERTILIZING Goeromerol Liceoceci 054 2135ot 878-6968 Ct BOB'S WELDING Mobile Weîdîng Milten, Ont. 878-4987 i ZEMAN WELL ORILLING Instal'iation et Pomps CACC COCLECT 1-823-1032D7 * Ra.it-gs-nusmn & Oetaen *Gates * Ome Dsivders CTH EA CONCRETiE RESTORATIONS 110 Aiino Ei Foole 750 Mortin St. 878 6853 - I 1/ il rGTeSL 264ManSi. E. Mit-tot -4452 Bl8 2879 GENERALSOMMER HOORO B - - iTOR Monclayl12NeoootoS530 pm. Tes-tay-Wenensday- Tslt---oa y-Fr dlay -iONEST JOHNNY Eveonngs Remnodels Anything Tons-tey rttorsay 6.30 Iot9pns. ynset-t Application Caens il Bac dPlestot- Repairte Citcy sns Coit-ing tnstat-t-o--any I Lions Ct-eh Cmnitu ae-askocboet eer specici 0Ce21r2 tiss.Tons-tcy&ILTOesday 7-9p.m. ostic Spray Sater-tey Ct-cced ittting-issi-toeoOtsl-t os mi m KITCHEN PLANNI7NG ý II&ýalla li