Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Aug 1974, p. 10

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10 The Canadien Champioan, MilItan, Ont., Wed., Aagaat 7, 1974 laanp ..an . sas s WATKINS ROUTE EARN $25 lat $50 par we seruicire acr cusnarrerstfor rareo 12 huurc, FuIl lime aal CALL HAMILTON 1-380 2530 Eaperiencrdl CLERK-TYPIST (marrai 011ice rautine ce quirad ry rcarulacluaiae campea inrMilton. Eccaleat saeery and lrrge bara . ls. epiy Boc 352, Thr Cesediar Chempion, Miltan. EGO PACKERS aequiredlforagg gradirg sa lîa. Haursi7e.m. laay . Mardey thraugh Frider. Appiy le: Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. aIF Lira uuaal aI aramptan, TAîralar Churchi a lue. I1 mrile nrmI aI Sîtirs hAe cari, 15Iaaîc ar belIc, a mrry aI clSrae. hoac hrotad.Orone Sus,s Spercer a5u L7e4 9 ea- lat 5 loa a"'iirrc arer carrcuc.lc lealîF seru-ce rn Ha "uc cualy For er ve c marc rk inaur plurrcing denrterrce urocery peraur wrk,chvoir oal il U lîca Letuer Muacacci Ca 'mIt. Guelp Lime. n78 rocs cetrrrbelile VANSA Büteaula Cauraliar rnquicr sales raep fuio partît rreLec eaou t a e eu tL arasae i l r cnrasi ceSTSM carcc8,rqr ove ai7 69 errerrA 1c9i req urnes y8786a9,cM2 I CUSTOM r.cmerhrq. aie68 a5llere Ai ce tat Auca C C ,UTN fice uco Muonager la ue ay rea farp Box lN. 3saTha CarlacaraFn aha tpion 43h,15d oea 0 VARIETY CAM TRAILER ISard Tops, alccsm o mc caler cacrs eau.ppeOý n2a 1nsa a N EW LOW RAi lst and 2î MORTGAC 12% UP TO 90% VAL U -Cerbine laI anc -da.y ail yaar bis -combise deaMa. -Baud a hause Ond Mar-gagan prcent. CAL L: J00 REYNO SERVICE 639-1043 (Ever 527-4557 Ha (9 arn.-S p AkMINISIRY 0F HOUSING S Ontario I-ousing Corporation SUPPLY, INSTALLATION &L MAINTEN- ANCE 0F 20 NEW COIN OPERATED WASHERS & 20 NEW COIN OPERATEO ORYERS FOR: Aleaondria 0.0. :2 Esaex O.H. 2 Achnaalburg O.2 Graueshurst O.H. 3 Anîkakas O.H. o Kesara 0.6. 4 Capreai O.H. 2 Markdaie O.H. 2 Cardinal O.H. 2 Milton O.H. 3 Coccrane oi. 4 miegham oic. a P.C. 55 i74 Tersac mii Fn creiaed for the ah ane until 12.00 nn E .1. Aucuai 22, ilC Sa tn Ontaria Hauaisg Car. poatîca, 101 aiea- Street Wnst, Toronto, Ontaria, MSS 1Pt, cl a the Chîrl Furcha.sise Officier, 1lte hanr, ,rom ahom delails and specillcaaean may be alied olelephane 966-3600, eatession 294, guatisg retereane sumher es ahace. Prapanienta ma bid on ose praject, aegrtupeofprjectsaor aO projeats. The lamnaaor asy lardier rat reansseaily accepted. 76m 15 Tht Liquor Liconse Act FOUND Wakefielu Rd. cirans NOTICE 0F APPLICATION Lîcensîag District No.S TAKE NOTICE thon Elle Mi aakah la of the Toan aI Mil_ tan la, the Regioal Munici- pailla ot Haitta miii make ap- plicetîcnta a Spaciai Meeting af thr Lîquar Board aI Ont. aria ta Fr cr14 eitlhr Sherman Cantre, 1047 Bacns Street EaIt cn Ihe City aI Hamilton in te Rinaaîs Musiaipality af Hailaon Wenaarîh an Aennada the taacth day aI Saplembea, 1974, an the haur et 10.00 aaiaock la the taire- rea frthe issuasce aIea Dînîng Laurge Licance, lac the seale and consumptiort af lîquar ahean taod lsaval lar tha taiIaaiag prmises: Mîka's Rastaurant, 222 Mais St, MItan, Ontaria. lac the flloiamî premiana: M icaes Reataurant 222 Mair Fn. Milten, Onarit Ana cecata ahaîlitanaidean i tFr lcecarirg district may ah. ar:t ta the applicanian, and 1Fr graxirru of objectionir mctîng ctishallb iiadmîvth Mr. e. J. artane (acting) thn ueputy angiatrer aI the masen ciao cistrict, ahase addanas la 55 Lcknshre Baulevard Eat, Tocrta, Ontaria, 505E lAc, eit eat tra deya belare thermeethngetm hich the ap- plicatian c lt Se heerd. OATEDet Milton thisi7th dey M1 Auguat l97i. Elle Minakakîs 222 Mi SI. Miltan, Ontaria Aplilcat For Complete AuCtion Service Chris A. Schoeteo AU CT ION E ER Sîlesat ail laces Scas cerdueted ayheceý li 878-2576 Re Re 31 Miltoa, Ont. Ward Brownridge LîcerdAMhcttareer F urîtuce Sains Phone 878-6730 AppraîsislsAl Types 00E TALK A LOT FOR VOUR BEST PRICE 'ODE" Auctioneeriog ANTIQUES A SPECIALTV Oennai Sains Alao Odeobach Gradugte&siLicessed Auctiaseer n78-2945 MILTON, ONT. Mildon, Ont. Mamber aI tee National Aun- lianrar Assaciatian Eteicai resparaihiiny ta, client-pr- tesiarn-publie. AUCTION SALE 0F PIANO. uNTIQUES, FURNITURE, GLASS AND CHINA, îauCue.OOUNS.S3NANNV GOATS,-.ISC. ETC. ETC. AT HIS REFIDENCE LOCATED ON THE 4IS LINE 0F ESQ. TAF. LOT 24,APPROX.212îMILES EAST OPACTON ANDl1 MILE SOUTH 0F HAN' i. PROM HAY. OS, TAKE 20 SIOEROAD FOR 2 MILES TO cTH LigE, THEN GO NORTH a/ MILE, RIGHT NEXT TO INOIJSMiN QUARRIES far ADRIAAN ARTS Satorday, Aug. 10 at 12 NOON clati. Ref. ganaing tabla, amail china cabinet, micher ara PINS chaiccedaa chest anddrawmer,ilargnpise stragn cupbard, F tabla , 2saidaetablecard rautd calter table, ail mgtchîsg. Singer Ireadir semirg machine, seerai odd chairs, ciathes haaprr, ApychccrciIca tabln ulîF 2 chairs, 2 fliar iemps, maadea araichair, 3 ili traders urhllaernu arachara, maisut anmisg basket, 2 aide tables, Cekvillerrcc. meshatanu. 2 i dr-amer childr-nea cheatta, caah. marc- raSe a rd aInsI, amail childas dauk, merdathe, knlttîag arrîl macicrne, brasai bell, rab2 r-ug air, oscarloy, capper kettian, sic, 878 ccprr boiter.8îilk cas, sonneseller jar-a, lar-ge T. baoa Cuap. crack Italmarmer, 20 osat. garasn cracks and cga, sarrîr 1rar kîldn table asd i chair-s, 4-5 galles cracks, R.R. lasters., 6r, Golden saal tara lanlera, casmail casa iras pela, stan aid calaectabia iro, luliy MItlea.Ihay kres, 3buck sa, 2cress cctsaa, harseashaes, rai8ai 15. .acrlmetaofmadnanrd stenewgoand buggywhnels, 2 tel5147 hrce crama had cultara, maikise Plam, ail S items eIaniy paialedforaornemntsa, ery old tripcamweraicospiate, 2 5cs ro cc ad Fond pumps, batetcb, Cammodare meane radia lgad mse). S aad C Myaa, uery old,M66pc. diasermare, large tic4 Iamîîy Bîble la pealect condition, giesa hase Aladis ali laap, siiuer sae trnnd cr siar, Large andasmall pîclurea arc trimas, chisa masS hasin, butter priat, 2 iight r S Carricol mener catchera, aid brasa matar puap, assoierteet aI Saaboks, etc. etc. ES fhs cul- rEcSaaîqiiatil an jackflrnac aaal c- earila Ciillcualii, tain dam. qanerdr e ofisc. peint, 3Smammy gats. roll miner of braccagmwica 200Oallnrcl tcak cral gaucage datc sae ilcirrack, leaae doubleoccrraishatgur,J303amy rie,22 singleacat 22ccemîeulaanatic. AT ION Onu. CAR-1r68 (heu. stadard V-8, poer teer-isg, brakea. Radia ancd er speakers. Seliig mith r-andmarthy car-ticorte. Terma ara cash. Na resar-ras. Lunch aaiabie. tramn 13 Ocurrt Aucaanr not reapamsibia for accidenta. Seiliig Sy biddiso nuesher. LOS S îiogs) or Milton rnI AUCTIONEER: CHRIS An SCHOUTEN 878-2576 AUICTION SALE Saturday, Aug. lOth 12 0000 <raie or shine) FOR THE ESTATE 0F THE LATE MR. NOBLE KIRK LOC- ATED AT HIS RESIDENCE IN TH1E VILLAGE 0F FREEL. TON, ON THE OLO NO. a HWV. TSRN WEST AT UNITED CHLIRCH ON TO WEST STREET IWATC5S FOR SIGNSI. CONSISTINGO0F: S shel corner abat-flot shelt (ld anal 21" colaur T.V. Ilke nemi. Madern chealartield and chair, paie iannp, cur-ced top leather lrunk, Gilsan aprlght lreaaer, Beach 24" eieclrlc atace, G.E. retrigeratar, sai kitches electrical appiiaacas, miaig bock chair, quantita aI ccraifs, 6 malcning gun slock chahrs igaad shapel, china cabinet mlth glass la ail 3 aidas, i plaeaaaackisg lesascasa, presa back ares chair. 2 aak baak ahelcea, large drap laI diaing rmont aabla, seleclian et piclures and tramas, Vaseline canepart, pinces aI Nippas, Carnîrcai glatas, 2 cary aaad ailvar candeIabraa. 2 cIaar glats canapacîs. chimia aatlea far 12, 2 Habaail Vaseline pleces, aid piakia cruel, 4 pince silcer Ina seruica, Carsical glasis, clear glis atar pilciner, and i gahiets, aaltieg for- R Cammunity plate ailcarmara, Westinghocse arieger washer. cracks asd segiera, Lamyt cacuum cleaner, aimait spoai table, 3 place anti- que refinished bedranm suite Includlsa wash stand, 2 gald wat- che, 2 pect mahagasy bedroormsuite, ddtemps and mirros, nieclrinîad Singer snmiag machine, taIdieg semieg kil, sesail bedran rocker, plane bianket sas. aid kiarban capbaard. mahdgai mriting deak, nid appie panier, tnp et aery nid mril- ing desk, anieclian aI dlean linan, aid baaks, lawn chairs, oa hall table, mniniature scalea, selaclian af gardien tagis, Lasan Master 24" power lama mamer, rakes, shacela, lereis, electric matar and grinder, high naai cheat Iaaded ailh selectian et tend lacis, snea, hammera etc. This sale coasiats aI a gaad saiectian aI antique and modern Na raserun. Euerythiag must besaidlaosefflaastale. Lunch augilabie by church ladies. Eac. ar auctioanae not responaibie far asy accidents. JIM McCARTNEY-AUCTIONEER 689-1778 WATERDOWN 8i AUCTION SALE Wed. eve. Sept. Il at 6 o'clock FOR Mrs. Jean Barnes AT 600 RESIDENCE LOCATES ON 4259 TREMAINE RD. aîIGHT OPPOSITE Na. 2 SIDE ROAD. APPROX. 2 MILES NORTH 0F HAN'. S AND APPROX. i MILES SOUTH-WEST 0F MILTON. FROMMILTON HOSPITAL TAKE DERRV RD. WEST, i MILE, THEN GO SOUTH ON TREMAINE RD. FOR S MILES. Heinlzan cpriaha plana and ataai, la par-t cosdihaon. Square aak diaisg table and i lances. Oak balfet. t cery aine prasaed beckchairs. Fascymal rirrar. 4pe. aiacthniraaern suite, Inci. casila dresser, dresser mith mirrar, cheal ot dramars and double bnd alh maltreas. Double steel bed miah bras calu, haakhaaa dublea ed and dresser, 3 dramer cheal, a liamer labieasd ather adid tables, blande cattenltable milh 2 manchisg and tables, day Set, S dramer pln chant, pine bianket bac, nid aide baard, pie lasa cupbaacd, chrome kit- chast table and 4 chairs, 2 kitchen stanis, id drap lilia table, iausdry hamper, samne odd chairs, maeil mirrar, cheslertieid with 2matchn chair, scllermats.2 -2 gallon a mine harreis, saaer jars, cracks, Schuier, Paris, Ont. 1 gallan lag, samne glass and china, table lampa, paie lamp, Na. 6 Aiaddia amp, na ahade. Olasa ail lamp, linger ail amp, Caiemanm campngilaatnrn.i1smai and 2reguiarharniOatarss. Seoad baoks. Caleman gis iras. APFLIANCdS si MISC.-Mfalt 20" 4-barrer eleclric stace. Kelinalar retrignralar, ather amali aiectric appliancea, Hoaveruvacuum clamer, milh ail attachmeats, quastiay at mise. peint, came cana nuar apaned, Fumwer pats, S li. aiuminum iaddnr, mheciharraa, lama and gardest taais, buadie oftmeidirq rada, are 200and ane 250 galles gas tanks, asd nîher Terras ara cash. Na reseruns. Praparty la said. aivrer mauisg la apî. Oerrer ar Aucainrersaot ceaparaibie tar accidents. Seliig br bld aoabnr. Lurch auoiiabia. AUCTIONEER: CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN 878-2576 MILTON -'0 aNTDT Eq FARM la Millar Cairbeliicrii1 tarea, air, Fause tacd barn. FANTASTIC VIEW! terrie1 1ua North at Mîltan. Home and 66 SMLLrcccdanneu. rn raliia acres. deai tar aiîa Cauaty. creterabir la skidaning etc., 20 acres tee-. oatiraaCarrbellie Cali cati, o parus, 3 tedroama Ma.PerrirnI aîc6)r52931 madern brick bungalom, da or 5sîg) 001 4526 maîkaut Icea basemant, flly acrrîaaî8m1894 braaditamned. autaaatic 100 an ara acreeerrr large machar ard dryna. Immnd- bar,S3beciraarhaunecoriusî lista passesaioa $450. a S beuratan cause la aranear 8745 aftrsagas Milton, reteue far Snptnatber laI n87s-5309. almagla Dgmegams FOR RENT OFFICE 2 stores or offices 420 square lent or second Daac 2,000 aq it., as Maie St. flocentral damalama Mil- an Miltan. 0011 reeadni ta, sait tas ang, Meat and light lai teralt. Lau Rnn. Phone 783-5482 Ph. 878-2326 Toronto CAMPBELLVILLE LIONS HALL Guelph Line, Carnpbnîlviîle eDances *Weddiogs eBaoqoots Aecomeradatiag up foa 154, tola eqaipped'-costrniied lgghbsg, campilee air r-acyniig lilter systea. Fan informatian anc bankleg arrangements pae an el. Ed Evans 854-2273 mAter-Sp.es.-lte.m. BlesSE Puiiy Eqoippad Ultra Modern ROMA HALL 30reSTEELES AVE., MILTON, ONT. Makeyaua 1974 baakinga aaa for DANCES - WEDDINGS - BANOUETS CONuiENTIONS, ETC. *Accommdatians Oc la itt *acaM-fl dance Iloor *Excellnt ber sacilitmes and Amtes *CmttraiIed iightîsg * Modern decar *Fuiiy nquîppad sou systeat *Complete air recycliari Imter systea Fcr tuather informaatione b Mameg ar-ranements PLEASE NOTE CARMELINA SEDITA AILE ACCEPT VOUR RESERVATIONS ATa87-2460, a A.M. TO06 F5. 0007-6507 OR Oit-402 APTER 6 P.M. ttc-Il WANTEO racaory homesa, larms, ar acreagea, Be o laliard andl mat tht vacant hoase, RENTEX WiIl fi11 yaar PaCanC fast andl at na CeaI ar oblilgatian. Maay acrenea anal qualîinald fanants moiting. Ph. 547-7844 B a.m- Pp.m. RENTEX 7ldaysamnek dar detachad bungaloa, 3 dlreltr mita catit daars. Allachad garage. Sîluntudo lag onrlaI. £220 per manIF.> Passessian mua. 15. Cham pion. aak fee syrvMac. PFone 62143 8. a .5 c.a ua 50UTH60F 401 ON 600V NO. $20000 dama. Fertile, ganely roliig 100 acre corner taran, abaut 8c acras maakrd, balance la buaF and Stream. Gaad 2 atacey atucca and stoe hame. Large liing r-ana, disisg rat, hue kit chea, 3 hadranas. Large Mas., Full price esly $140.000. CAMPeELLVIELE AREA a4t,a00. Cosy 3 Sedrata' burgalaw nanties an aMouI 2 pîctuceaque treed acres. Seuerai aulbuildirga. Aneal Ian phasenta or salle crack. Hoe ha bletr campirteir rdrcarated. Large, rat- r kitchat, living ro mith bri1ck tilrepiace. iaandîcte possession. VACATION PROPERTV- aEAVER VALLEY' $3.000 Daman Beautitul uaadnd c acres praperty, îdraiiy ailuatnd negr Euganla Lake, Talisman ahi alapes ord Beaunr aley far year rcua d racrana. Pull tergals prica aniy sî.0t0. 410 Il. traatr3e. HeiIh paraît tan 3 tedcaam huagaltw. COUNTRY' ESTATE CAMPBELL VILLE $130.000. Beautilul air-cn dit iorrd aide split sltagnad as 10 chaîca acres. Thisa x quîsitriy decaratnd hame tatera h edranas, large living r-tom, aith tirepiace. Haaey kitche milS Sutier's paatcy. Faaliy rat w!th log bersiag tirpiaca. Aisa double garage and amal tara. EDEN MIELS AREA $25.000. Laely I acre laI mith ecellent Iroae. Readytaor bulidieg an, this praparty la Figh and dry mdth a nc tringe aI Irans te the anar. Exeenet lacation. WILLIE ESSERY (519) 824-5054dor (416) 854-9963 2O NE bedaaam oPnrn'mna treshia decaraînu, sa baaad- atm, si5t6siS5 per manIa i sciadra Fydat, nia cas- urtinirs and parking, la. mec late aceupercy Mr. ailly Oit-7712. bedateomaepartmens, ocailabie Septeme lat. 878 LARSE O becraam opacîmeel inMiltas a200 pen mardt 1 aeaLETo2baeraa ararîment. Acelinhîn Saplember lat. 285 WANT4ED-ne ar nm people ecartment la Milles S ar $6S AStella Parton Re3StlS..MUni LARDE t ROOM DUPLEX- Eech aparîment il self cartalard misS ettro large Sright cansas, ara tursane, na roof, hec ben mail maie- taiard, sae na iaey tanadlot in dmrtamaarea. ndar miii haid harst mar- tgage. hAkise $5t,t00.00 BUILDING LOT-ail parmita aceilebir Guelph Lise and No. 3 aidnrtad. Building lot, Hay 25 aI Speyade, elsoaeceagen ceailebir. Piaasn caii for mare informetion. Stella Parton 878-6705 FARM ACREAGE WA NTE O Frami10 acces asd upawithaor alFaut buildinea. Fuitable a-r Farces. Par canfidential ard Irant eueiuatiea pirase loge Winnher 845-7540 ar ResîinCe 853-1ppo, E. W. Stone Lial., Reul- for, 61 Lakeshara Rd. WA., Ocaîvlla. For Sale n Fergus Stone houoe, New ciambisg, mlrieg, Han- tuer kitchea cupaaarua, separete d ig atea. Large aae Iant, tracts,' sali Askisg a44,940, Phne: arn-3666 ta 519-843- FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: Mautrice Boaty - 878-6418 - Ros. 451-3341 - Bus. Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR Haîton and Peel Division REALTY AND m INSURANCE LTD. Trafalgar Square 310 Main St. Milton JUST LISTED Darsnt Park ar-na. Tadar style, aide Split an a SsalOa 51. eot. Csasbisatia iing and dising r-ana 12x15, hitches lîcîl, thran badranes. iplace SaIhram. Adtached garage. Appreaimeteip 1 ar ad. LiaI pr-ina a5a,500.00. Callesl Boiiay lardeleits. COUNTRY HOME Situa0da 13acre paernlyS3mileslaaan Milles. 11t2 starny caaslorabie home mith Iling ranm, mallali mail bradiana, diaisg rages, kitchea, thea heur-anas. F iA gas hnatiag. Gar- aea. 1t73 teaces $193.86. Oper ta asler et $79,9W.00. Cail Mike OPEN TO OFFER Caatrciiy lacatnd le Miltan. Camrtabe, tfour heur-ana bona- low. Spaciaas liing rates. mail ta mail br-aadianm, large mad- ara kitchea, faar place bath, fall bantement. P A gas hnolisg. Paes drinnmay. Lisînu et $47,9013.00. Coul 31er Bemey. PARKWAY DRIVE Clase la public and high schanis, parka, etc. Smart, threr heu- r-ana bunalaow. Cambisosian living and diaiag aatar, Lîtcee, tmohbalhranas,lliaihed reoraatlas raaa mith bar 12'x22». Pas- ed dr-ianmay. This hame is la tir-st ciasa coditin. Osarar apas lai aster et ssî,ta.oa. BE SURE And siteahîshome beara yaouby. Large, ranchastyle bunaow mith moey ialeresting letatares. Sart liin rana, separate dmsleg r-ana, larga hitchas, lhree hedr-atac, spaciosa leurîS bedran or den mite esuite boterana. Fisished recreallas mant 1322, iaoedry r-aam, mark grec blel, play rata 18x2t. Fealur-s ncidn: mail temwalibradia, centr-alair cadi haonisg, paunu dricemoy. This hame la inexccellnt canditian and is a atealai et teomoto. Onra apen le anaer. Calu Dan Whrite far deails. DORSET PARK Reducedfor quick sale. Fmaas,lhrmhedram,splttneie home mîth affachru garage. deai liing and dimaig moam, mnil pies- nec hitchea, faur placa tiied halhrana milS vaity, lmsishnd aîily r-aaa 1lcl, paselinu ca, maeil la mail broaglat. Osa- neraopntaalert Se,SOt.0. Cai bas Ccssidy. 23 PGiRES ON ESCARPMENT Opetn la aller. Taateliy remadalird, i hedr-rca Stan pies a sall bars.' Take accostage aI the lmnaciag et Orly a percent as a gaad tirst martagg. 15 SIDE ROAD Onu er construction. i hedraon, O atarey, lraditiaaal custtm aut home fatrmag doublegarage, frplae nd Smash- ranmaso 0scesic acres mIthcaper-tnctpondasite. Hardyt MoteachSanad a causrytare. Liatru et $1000,00W (ail Bec Cassldy. 3 ACRES ON ESCARPMENT Wîth panaramie umna aI Taranta prauluna the aettiag tac ISis rcaiia brick, bi-lecel catch home. Fatures irclude O lire- piacee,dcks,i4aahranaa, Srandiaea thraughaut, plus cas- Irai air caaditlanisg. Lisînu et 5110,000.0. (ail Bec Casaidy. FOR SERVICE & SATISFACTION Coul the 'tBesti Y at 818-4118 Torontoa Lire a2t-4915 Aller haars caIl: draa beat 870e411g Jia Baiiey g78a6506 Bec Caacidy ais-42t4 Mike Ledmith g8g841173 Bob McCuaîg ais-c8e4 Darnei Mucray ara-a744 Dan WAhite a7s 3001 Maabnrsaofthe Oakeile Real Eatate Bard A.LEPAGE1 OIVEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE Mantbnr-aftthe Taranta, Oakville and Brampian Real Esa oaMrda OWNER TRANSFERRED 3 hedranes bochaplit 11/2 balS Iiaig rata dising rata milS patia danra ana encnd hack yard. Kitchen amaS dîrîrg arne, teoclitol lmiel aMliy r-ana ibroadlanaedl Ima cor garage. Gnnd nrîistlng mar-Ige et t permet. dent lisînu aI $61,500.00. 37 ACRES aautifl loahe Iurrrorg white bîrcî or ceaus Gcuc ccrd site. Accîna $60. For coast to coast service reith listings, transfors aod sales Ploaso Phono for frioodly onformation and -Real Estato Service DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE 845-4267 368-4121 atas15 16 TENDE RINI 81 MR lifN T 1 ýi> ý?[ýA[ [STAil 1 V fi RIAL ESTATI 1 /ý AUCHON ýALf 7 18ma IV /8 AMAION SAUS 1 76. TENDERS 1 1 il FOUND ýJ ........... i l . 1

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