4Tii. Canadian Champion, boton, Ont., Wed., July 31, 1974 Garn Ieads village way I Dundas drubbed Saturday *. 1w THE BIG SWING. Richardsxn Chav OIds bolier Hobby Warwick flnishen a look of concentratiotS as ha tries tx iluex the mouited basebal out of Roary Park ix a Monday avening Mlton Minar T-bull match. Richard- son clubbed out a 35-27 wio ovrr the UAW sponsored crew. Kerr Bested 9 realtors wvin Set lteaity, M/toinm/nt soccrs peewee atry in t/sa Oubvitte bouse teagne, cou/d fi/aid on/y ine playars toc a ganse agont Rare Cadilac ai Dakooad sciiol n ix tiuilla Mnndoy nighl. Besti oi/lonk a 5-t dec/s/on. Soner teonss xoema/ly play w//bh 11playars. t/eaix/ng that an esteaaeai tort was rati/cd t/sa t/st Beatty teaon setted dos/ o a gond ronstructive gansa pttiag p rassura on Rare Cadiiac ironstha start. Play- ing agis h u/iand ua sîspe BsI eaty natntatncd efeciveacon/rnl oni/ha gansa Ai/ct 1/ns/ntas Marh tcoyxor put a good crois pasn itth/bagoutlnsoth, and Allai t/rot scoaad t/sa liet goal go- tog inwtt/ a sttd/ng tacla. T/sts goal gava Bail Baalty morxecouragemeant. O/scar Trayioa corad t/sa second goal rons 20 yards out. t/ast Raalty lad 2-O at/tha haIt, y/aytng wotliiaccuaata yasstxg and gond lcapptxg. Mwnohill P/ay/og doon tha stope in t/sa second hall t/ext Beatty t/ut heavy pressure os Rare Cad/ltac de/anse wom apea- tavcad probteos n nleaing tha /al].t/col Beatty ho/i /saci ]oc payad watt in col- lacttng tha hall, and pans/x. g out /0 t/sa 0/ogo. The de- (coc-witt/sPetea Borland and Andrec Hinsox as tuIt /aciis y/aycd a stassi UAW suff ers 35-27 Ioss Bichardson Cbec Oldi T- uosacssxsascond aid lb/ad bai/es ltub a 3-27 dac/sooct/saslad the al] ho/ / /d sac- awoy rons Oic UAW os- hec Eay oho /agged t/s airot day nighst inotary Park tout. Heavy bitter tocrBtc/,acd- RavVers/racleanad Floyd sonnoas Pool Fay wtt/sa paie Lecoobtsad/foriiomecc and ut triplas, a hmmc rus and a te/p/es each intxhtsa AR tonbs haibt. John Sheidan causa. tan Jackson added a ciubd ou/ a bonsar"axd a par ofdoubltes withCarl and double o/Oh Bobhy Warwick Macton Fldcamp bth ad- connectng foe a pote ol 100 ding doublas. bor0~s.uio t n /n Au/c woxn hr td saciier baa Bisontte nd ienCal Fldcamnp abbad a p Houx/on uddad doubles lu t/se fy and tiiec o 10I/est b.lr ichardso toto/s, icadoo's Warwtck had lagged up. Vers/racla rcea/- Snagged cd t/se hall os t/rît. Gien Hou/tn aond Paul Eay Standings Olchinad l end thaChac BRo/cy1/, Btct/acdsoo's indcre theield. Hou- /4, SW-O OAW- andEt- ston noggedoa pop fyi/ut/h s/ys2. Lowville dropped Atee to dgr tg pi--t Maryhii/in t/se opevcr tý thc Punli/n MnrSOc/t/sai touronsentnnvec Oie weehcxd Lonsoila midgeta otuthOe -4 serns/-i/oilonnia. Mac y bil ployaS lhe I.a tii eamta u2-2 ic but the lacata oeee rcoxlda bata le the smmi-fnata wtii mre tbalibhasnun ha/r cedit. JefMAnlydouhiad in dh cnrwihBad Col//ng ad reMcAaaIy aoch hattigsigles. R/ch King gae p ina bita ah//a(ttttg 0/5e Mary/st(I Agantsl /xoniitp Jali McAxoa/ty, Duve Andarc/sh, Deimoîl Curre and Pc/ar Bu/eaar o/t coxiectad toc hon huogeex it/h Wyatt Evans so/xgixg for o s/nO/a. Andeccheh oeil t/va in- stxgn toc Lnwviiie ont/t ing was eoiad boch /0Ochep/t- cbîxg place. Lowvilli s rpaaiag /0 boni hetieiqd /oaigh/ RWednenday) in the t/cnt ni GfaOtario Rural Soit- IlAscainpuy-offta staady gansa Atee/s5 minutas in Oic sec- iond hall t/ast Beatty ocat ahaad obax Mach Tconn y/chad np a luxe hall in iEstt ut t/sa goal, .a i oigondhait control scored a fine goal. T/sa Rre Cadittac taons clt/ad al, tbis point, and storted tu play a bat/cc ganse, 1w ttiithe iioti iicii t/na gio/ng i ha tocoard t/na bt/cc sup- rport. Rre's lat ccn gcetoIL pass adnide a bceiinkOst thadaiensa, came ixni /n et Beatty goal put axstroxg siol ot o Bruce Bet/asi acii 10 score tha/rfI/et and on/y goal. 1 Fine sp/il 1 The trcd aid bot i/na max t/stBceaty teansoere notto ha on/donc, aid sbncad Iie sprit and stamina. Aller t/va m/suies Andrec DeGront col- lac/ad a tosahal, and wcn/ inx/eoiatltcc/ogto score wtth a /ard siiol Oscar Trayxoe, suilaetxg pro/stems in h/cixg, noced r on //s /st Beatty /al ackhttxa wtii C/ses Chtnson- dies ai centre hall. ptayed a super/sgame, braahng up/tha RaerCadllac otaciis, and gtttng tha hall u0 t/0tha toc- P7/canminues rom thieend ni tha gansa, At/an t/ast broba sn on the rght wixg and wiha bard shot tha goal brepar coutd nol hold, cored goal Wtiitha esception ofltha sice/brak aoay hy Rare Cadilac. t/ast Beaty hadt ai lac//va coiteot o/ t/sawhotc gansa Oulslaadiag The nise boys on the Bent Beatty teaons Do Do/t/alto, Mork and Oscar Trayne, AI- tan t/ast, Aidraso DaGeont. Chis Ciimaxtdies, Andrec Ottsox, Pter Borland and t/roca Bt.p/aydan c ol- Cir/t ooctdtaso c la cd as otloacdisg lame 0/ centra bail cas namad mot va/s- ah/a ployer.t/est RBautys nxt as/gnsisoagoiou/secnd i vloce abstîtaetoianisai / Dahwond Ohoon x akvdte Monday. The t/est Beatty taons bas astaht/nhed on excellant ce- cord /0 data wioniag enacy9 eaoguepane, having scnnd a Parenta ni Oese baysaraej rensinded ihat thhy aemia- siag anme gond bnyhood mensorins uiof ier sns, hyi nul al/end/ng thoua gamnen, Campielvitte t/en/arn cor ed an ay 5-1 victory over Dondon/an Campbellville Son- day ailernoon bah/ad Ohe excellent ptching ni Garnt Mitchell. Duodan wao hepi ofthOe 3coraboard ontil Evan homered oi a man out ia the ninthiring.Dandan col- tac/ad six totalhita irons Mt- Caopbattvitte seniors ocre subjactad lx a mercitcss tronctng by bottons place Mississauga unday ater- asen. The ct/luge teans ti 22-2 ai home. Wayne Emms held the vis/tors score/ens and oas in no trouble the firît /00i- x/ngs. Haeccaabned in the tird and ai/ce bts rensocal Canspbllvila paradedfi/va monea ganratly ineiiecttvc Mil/on Bout Reatty surcea pea waas iciid off the second ha/i ni thair Oubvitta Houxa teagne scason lait Monday w/tii on 0-0 sn ocar M/guet's Upbnlt/ry ai tha Ontarino ciont otue aDeai. diThea cs/ tansptayad a b p for p thea aid taciiling but M/goal dciaxsie errors ]tlJames Baird brak thcnugh on thc lait ing to score a iext clous goal irons 2t yards ont. Ss tockllag Cht C ht.Nsnxtdesî shoinig s/roxg tachuing i iront outha M/guet goal-t drova hmec a gond sbnt /0 xodga/e eReattoca nno a2-0 lesa. ciielliniciudiag four ia Oie1 o/n/h ohen the hurler tarted 10 ire in the esiremne heal.i Onl yonc Camphtlville ope.ed Oie soig the second /ang xhenLsith singted, gailoped to second on Jordan s/gin e, raced /0o/thrd ohen Andrews h/t a oaa bagger then toched hurers 10 tbe mound- inciuding Rimer Dredga. Wude Behur. Doug McLasghltx, Lue/s Faggion and Ray Evans. Uned up Canspballxilla had usad up pitchar Garuet MtchellthOe day bae obawn ha ornt n/ ne inninga /0 leat Dundas . Gary Nicesci cccxl the The tOitd t/att goulta scorcd by 0Oca Tayîoe iromna pcnalttykicki.t/cnt lad 3-0 at/tha ho/ Inxtha second bu/ilt/est Reatty playad a far bt/ca gaineci/b gond passing, irst tisa /acbttsg and nsoc/ng qutchar 10 thea hall, James B/atrd mode two succassiol /seaoatay on t/sa laIt otng Io score and finish h/s bait te/ch. Easy i/me Mlion cotaot/ad haantItra second ha/t -g/ixg goal- keapea t/cca t/st a cary rosy t/ma Bstnmadesonne goid sacas on the iawoc casions s/sots wcre ircd at t/sa Reattoas' goal. Brothers MarkandGOscar Taayne ptayad o gond gansa Juniors batered t/ulinonnd Bumpton atîo cacao urttngtax btts, junerbaseaaitteanss bol/s sxout/soaid fn ion ti lonii oins ai thea xensae otfiitacs. tha MiltonteaonstOitswecii Homaloox Brampton look a asa douiitad and stagtad 4-0 dactsonn tant uxdoy /or Milt/von î/ R ane cccxtxg oh/la/tha Mil/onabays Mcel ocomtxg hrougb ott flttby an denical 4-0 score in tsngle. Bueinglon last Tuasday Jgiit Conne/i uit to/ca e rG len E den tha tonals ogoinn/ Bramppton o/ta Stlva McConx and John Rlanncnm/ng Oicnugh witt/Sski ra tes O/ave Heidarsox ptchad :,. tae Miltonn tous wtbi/ne In II I ed Brampton ita, seven sîrîhe su/n and watiiad ice. A 101tu,12 per cent tocroune B/cii McTrchcbaid Tcrreyin ski calas at/tha G/an Eden axaspit thepîtcbîagebhoran 0/stArco otilharomneef Tuasdoy. They conted to /ectve hhtc year. Aecord/ng /0 HOtoc Bagion Coc- h s servation Au/o y M C C xa scracreasnrer Masx eight wins M/loiCe/chat Club/sas/tiva w/nu, a pair ot tossas and a euinad out ganse t/ ha/r ccc- dit tis seauxn MCI' batRelland 144 to/O8, /00/ ltat/t. Ca/hurie/os B"07- on nd hou/ad Gabvtita B" /02-37. A gansa w//b Toron/o Grecn Montaesoas col/ad a druw due ix darnxss. Agatxs/ Welland G. Turner reste a9,ont ot, t/t/w//c Forres/erwus3 0w/I/sAlas aider 5 /01. R. Saundeex scnred 33 aguins/ St. Kiltso othAles- ander bawling 3/'20. Fores/ar uoredd5M ugo/oui Oahniiie and bans/ad 3/ 14. Alexander bawted 4 /12. E. Stewart and Grant scor- cd 3/ and 10 rmspertiaaty ugo/ouI GrenMalles oh/la Faccen/ar bans/ad 3 / 46and Alexander 1 / 34. MCC hou/a St. Catharines "A" utMi/aunOntario Schuui toc the Deai Suaday ai/ar- ciottcttay, toenuge a noot iiaavsettlptfor net ycar but the tîcrease niiou/d covar t/se /sisc con/sofo opero/ixg Oic tîd/c/dual cas toc ado/t seaanmembesbps witsnow bc$85, a a/sa oit/t0.t/Iodants ara $550aid Juniors $45. Foot/y ratas ara $85 toc the t/cnt mamber, $55 fortocle second mmierand$2 for eaciiadd/t/osai mambar. The maximumsrateaperiansiiy ix t//s."T/se ides la/n ecp tha ratas occ annug/ saoutOi average txdtc/duot con sit/ at/ccd taosti,"Ma. Ha/bac/y l'ht-pttt-t-ofIa sao ccoeha/sp toc/odes oic skit saasoc cae pasonduaGlen Edex Ski Ares patah. The p r/ca foeadnt sta tssns ifor tha /974-75 aessn ns $22 toc e/ght lins fn oc a scoson membarsh/p hoider and $20 foreigt lassons toc a non -sconi menbshhp /snidar.This is o raiue of $2 one taxi yeor. Oh//o ticketa toc Oie ares wil ha iicreaed by 5u cents foe adn/ta, tOc muno0 heing $3.50. Ratesufoe childeen rama/a Oie aame au ast yeaur / $1.25. home on Dannis' a/agie. Vit- in tha iourO. Kaarna hom- lagera h/tiforti/mcaa inte erad anar tha rght i/id lance second trame but were oaly than R/ch Mitchell singlad ahle ta touai oaa cao. aad ment ta aecond hase on Thay addcd 'co more/an the Dradga'u iaçiad. Ha waa thi/rd ohen Dedga iagiad uacriiied t10 Oued Oea acnred and scnced whea Wade Behar on SmiO's s/agie. honsared one Oitaeet fi/aid tance. Evans addad a dauhle 1 taui Campbal/ville tonh a 5-0 home rua ta iead the Duada laad w/it annoier pao rnas batamea. Quigley, Hil, Ar- route foe Missisnaugs and ut- /bnugh ha gava up 10 bta ha hep//bans watt scatteed aid wsnvrixnxy serions troubla. Nicharson gava up a home eun oStca OSmits Ita/in thc gansa and a doubla ho R/ch Mitchell leadiag off in the gansa. Stngles ocre divided amnng At Jordan w/ta 100, Loe/s Faggiox, Kex Moore, Bruce Evans.,lRay Evans, on the M//ton irward ttne in theasecond ha/i, Btiiscorad a Second penalt/y Riiex preasad ainront oni tha/r owx goal M/guet gava away a second penalty. Alan( Bst took theapealty kick andt scred witaastrong shottînto thtop coreothe t Rîn Caroanad John Torouwniiy bath layed gondP daiense witt Chets( Ch/moi/des pnttxng t/rougb /OearlGd . passas lot theD Mgoda sH. Raynaa ytaycd( as nu/standing ganse lx ba vnad Mont Valua/s/c PlayarL ut the gansa.E E/mac Drcdge aid Ed Evans. e Amnsog Missisonuga's 19 h/bta ocra nanan home ruas- threa h/t by sbnrts/np Cbopn and to more by righ/t/eider Patiersex. 1 Hnpeiutty, icali Oic leans, Camplelitle go/ a bud gansa ont of tha/r sys/ens. Their pichngaineie/iva, tac/r 'tttxgasnnt productive id/eie i/a/ding oas bad. Tbey'd piayad an excellent gansa aga/out Dundas on/y oneaday carl/ar. Thea 'g ns ,cmplt/d Canspiiet cilles ragutar seaxon play w//b Miss/e. In foue gansstha vitiagers bad won thrce and tout oie. Campbalv/tla o hoids lb/rd p lace in tac Ratn baseaal/laagna w/lb 12 w/ou aid aigbt bsse o ha scoson. They bava aight ganses lait on the snbaduta. Viltogars play in Gail agoist ha Camsbridge Piratas Saturda yn/gb/ aid w/lt bava Dundas bath in Campballvi/ta Ounday ai- M'sauga 005442205--22 190O C'villea 100O000o00- 2 10 6 Mississonga- Nicharsox aid Lobsiitgce Conspbatrllci/t a-Emmi, Drcdga (3), t/char (5), Mc- Longhlii (6), Faggn (7), 1R. Evans (80) and Mitchell. aoid and Bugle ail b/t Duadaa Twoaench For Oic viflagera R/ch Mit- chell, Elmar Dradge, S/ana Sm/Oh, A] Jordan and Pae Aadrew each h/t/mwooana hag- gars apIece wiOi Dan Hearnu and ade Bahar drvnag thc home rsne. Bil Den/a tan- gied. Baoi pitchara wenare esl o/tii Evansalaloig fine cana aff 13 h/ta altaloual io nsud walh/ag twa mare mhile Mti- cealwaa Ml itsxtaons but tulcchoui ight and walhed four. !Lmison pts Pite Use 6 pitchers Campbellville blasted by Iowly Mississauga 4CAN TRA VEL Corne t the Canada-Russia Hockey Game 10 day tours, departing for Moscow on.. Sept. 27,28, and 29 Cali us for detoilsi1 70 Main St. E., Milton 878-5680 Best soccer pee wees shut out Miguel 8-O FINAL 3 DAYS 0F OUR ANNUAL SUMMER SALE * Suits * Sport coats * Co-ordinates * Slacks *Sport shirts * Sport knits * Neckwear * Beits *Dress shirts * Shorts * Swimwear * Made to measure suits by Rubin Bros. SPECàlI AR mmRC 5OVNG MEN'S WEAR LIMITED 202 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4472 Thurs. &Fr, nill 9p.mn NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNOS - ALL SALES FINAL